You’re My Glory

Chapter 14


The next day was Double Eleven, which was a riot, but Qiao Jingjing had no choice but to watch the video of herself playing Bull Demon.

Yu Tu actually recorded it, and transferred it to the computer to analyze what she did right and what went wrong. "The commonly used support heroes are actually those few, with different skills, but if you learn one well, your awareness will be in place."

Then I watched a few videos of professional players using the Bull Demon.

Qiao Jingjing felt bitter in her heart. Singles' Day was a great time. It's okay to be single. It's okay to study. It's okay to learn a handsome hero.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Yu Tu said that he would leave early today.

"I have a party with colleagues from the unit at night."

"I think you have a lot of parties." It seemed that she, a female star, had no social connection at all.

Yu Tu didn't feel relieved, "Isn't it a normal frequency? And celebrate the theme of Singles' Day."

"… "

Yu Tu "coughed", "Said he wanted to ask me something about work."

"… go."

Yu Tu did not forget to instruct him, "You can train Zhang Fei's assistants yourself."

Qiao Jingjing was a little depressed. Going to play by yourself with homework

Boredom followed him to the door, thinking that he could go to a lively party, but he had to squat alone, which was a bit pitiful: "If only I could play with you."

After speaking, I realized that something was amiss, even if she was not Qiao Jingjing, it would not be appropriate to follow Yu Tu.

I was annoyed that I didn't speak without thinking, but I heard Yu Tu say: "I will take your words, do you dare to go?"

Qiao Jingjing was stunned for a moment, but saw the annoyance of the slip of the tongue flashing across his face.

Looking at each other awkwardly, she hurriedly sent Yu Tu away: "Have fun, bye bye."

The same is a party, this party is much more comfortable on the road. Everyone touched the cups, and colleague Xiao Hu said with emotion: "This year is the same as last year."

Dameng said: "Next year will not be this year. Yu Tu went to an investment bank. In the world of flowers, can he still be as pure as us?"

"Isn't that there is one less person to insert cornel?"

"It's a lot worse, Laoguan."

Yu Tu was taken aback, "What happened to Laoguan?"

The old Guan Da Ming Guan Zai, the doctor who came back from the United States, is the chief designer of the same model of Yu Tu. Yu Tu became the deputy chief designer at such a young age, and he was promoted among them.

"Sister-in-law divorced him."

"How could it be?" Lao Guan and his wife are famously affectionate, otherwise they would not have given up their high salary to come back from the United States with him.

"Why not, as soon as you leave, his life has doubled, his overtime hours have become longer, and he can't see anyone every day. Can my sister-in-law be angry?"

Yu Tu frowned: "What are the others doing? Two people came before I went on vacation."

Dameng said: "What's the use of people, you don't understand it best? Besides, Lao Guan's arrogant temperament, who else can you admire besides you? If you are not satisfied, you can only do it yourself.

Yu Tu silently picked up a cigarette from the table.

"Don't talk nonsense, you guys." Another colleague said, "Lao Guan has already taken care of his sister-in-law, and he's showing off his love breakfast to me today."

"That's right, Da Meng, you are purely jealous of a bachelor."

Dameng let out a "bah", and everyone cheered again. Xiao Hu remembered: "By the way, Lao Yu, I have a question to discuss with you. I think it inspires me a bit."

Before Yu Tu could speak, Da Meng said, "Hey, you two, don't forget to keep it secret, and don't talk about technology outside."

"I can't talk to Lao Yu about foreign technology? Otherwise, what will I tell him in the future? The housing prices in Lujiazui?"

The two quarreled there, and Yu Tu's eyes dimmed slightly. Their industry has a strict confidentiality system, and they can't mention specific technical things outside the unit. After he leaves, he will probably only get some clues from the news magazines.

He leaned back in his chair, lowered his head and lit a cigarette.

At eight o'clock, my colleagues decided to indulge completely and sing a song. Yu Tu was a little lost in interest, so he said hello and left first.

The place where they made an appointment today is in Ganghui, and below it is Metro Line 1.

The subway station was as crowded as ever.

This is an amazing city. Go south to Xinzhuang and change to Line 5, you will arrive at Zhuanqiao Aerospace City, and go north to People's Square and change to Line 2, you will arrive at Lujiazui Financial Center.

In the opposite direction, one is lonely and one is prosperous.

Like a fork in life.

One after another subway came and went, and in the crowd, Yu Tu stood for a long time.

Qiao Jingjing is playing games at home.

She didn't feel anything about Singles' Day at first, but when she thought that Yu Tu was eating and drinking with her friends at the moment, she could only play games by herself, and she suddenly felt a burst of sadness of being a bachelor.

But I don't know if it's because all the masters have gone to the festival or the bachelors can't get enough of it. Her Wang Zhaojun is actually Kerry, and she has an excellent record in several consecutive games.

So after taking a screenshot of the mosaic, I posted it on Weibo, and most people praised and praised the goddess.

But there are also special ones.

Like this one-

Xiaojiao wife Dudu: My goddess is so beautiful, so rich and so thin, but I can only play games on Singles Day... I am not beautiful and fat and rich, but I have a husband ╮(╯▽╰)╭

… this must be pro-fans.

Qiao Jingjing, who was so thin and so beautiful, started another round in frustration, but Yu Tu actually called in when the team battle was escalating. Qiao Jingjing immediately rejected the call ruthlessly, and waited until the game was over before returning.

Once connected, Yu Tu said, "Are you playing Wang Zhaojun again?"

"... You still have surveillance?"

"Just looked it up," there seemed to be a smile, and then asked, "Would you like to go out to play?"

Qiao Jingjing was taken aback and stood up, "Where are you?"


Qiao Jingjing happily ran downstairs.

Yu Tu saw that she was fully armed again, but even her hair was full of joy, and she felt a little relieved in addition to being funny.

Qiao Jingjing asked excitedly, "Why are you back? Is your meeting place nearby?"

Yu Tu also wanted to ask himself this question.

"Almost." Yu Tu said, "I'm not interested in them going to sing."

"Oh~ where are we going then?"

Yu Tu thought for a while, "Watching a movie?"

There is a cinema on the basement level of a nearby mall. The two walked over, checking some movies on their mobile phones as they walked.

"This?" Yu Tu pointed to a literary romance, which girls should like to watch.

Qiao Jingjing glanced, "No, did you do it on purpose? Everyone knows that I don't get along with the heroine."

Yu Tu: "...I don't know much about your circle."

Yu Tu watched it again, for safety's sake, he chose a pure man's movie, "What about this?"

"Oh, this should be pretty good. But the hero just broke up with his girlfriend, and his girlfriend is my good friend." No matter how good the movie is, you can't betray your best friend.

Yu Tu: "… "

He put the phone in her, "You choose."

Qiao Jingjing was already familiar with Tu's mobile phone, so she swiped up and down, "Let's watch a cartoon, only the aisle location... Fingerprints."

She had quickly selected a seat, stopped and held her mobile phone to ask Yu Tu to pay with her fingerprints, but she forgot that she could return the mobile phone directly to Yu Tu.

Yu Tu didn't even take it, just lowered his head and tapped lightly on the phone she was holding.

For a moment, Qiao Jingjing felt as if she had been pressed lightly like this anywhere, and her heart palpitated for a while, she raised her head, and happened to look into Yu Tu's deep eyes.

It seemed like a long time, maybe just a moment, before Yu Tu got his phone back.

He looked at the time, "We have to go quickly, there are fifteen minutes left."

The two did not speak any more, and walked quietly to the cinema together. After entering the mall, Yu Tu suddenly said, "Let's go separately."

Qiao Jingjing was taken aback.

"Don't look back, someone is following us."

Then he hurried past her. After a while, Qiao Jingjing received the ticket QR code sent by him on WeChat.

Yu Tu: You get the ticket and go first.

Jingjing: It seems that you can get two in one take. How did you get in

Yu Tu: I'll tell you when I get to the theater.

Qiao Jingjing felt that it was a bit exciting for her to watch a movie. She took the tickets first, put one of the tickets on an empty table according to Yu Tu's instructions, and then went in first. It's like a spy film she's ever made!

After entering the auditorium, I sat down on the edge of the aisle, the lights went out, and advertisements began to appear on the big screen. The seat beside her was always empty, Qiao Jingjing was a little anxious, wouldn't the ticket be taken away by someone else

She took out her mobile phone and lowered her hair to WeChat. Before it was sent, her vision suddenly dimmed. A figure appeared beside her, in total darkness, the man leaned over and asked in a low voice, "Is there anyone here? I picked up a movie ticket on the table."