You’re My Glory

Chapter 17


When Qiao Jingjing and Sister Ling arrived at the agreed place, they discovered that it was not only them, but also the rumored tentative actor and his manager.

Director Li's assistant is apologetic: "Beijing is in a hurry and I have to go back at night, so I made an appointment. You don't mind."

It's nothing to worry about, just chat with everyone.

Director Li was very friendly, everyone drank tea together, and didn't talk too much about the movie. These famous directors have their own way of observing people, and sometimes you can inadvertently decide whether you will succeed or not with one sentence and one action.

We chatted casually for more than half an hour, and when we talked about some popular things, the actor's agent suddenly said, "Jingjing, the game you endorsed, we are also playing it, it's really popular, it's just that the seniors are not ranked. Go, take us when."

The room was silent for a while, and Sister Ling's eyes were about to burst into flames.

No one from Director Li's side said anything. Qiao Jingjing said, "What rank are you?"

The agent said, "I'm only platinum."

Qiao Jingjing said calmly: "I'm a high rank, it will make it more difficult to take you. Give me your phone and I'll play a game for you."

Qiao Jingjing, Wang Zhaojun and Kerry were in the audience and won the winning mvp.

When he finally left, Director Li smiled kindly, "Both young people are good, but Jingjing." He suddenly named Qiao Jingjing.

"This role is very suitable for you, just one point, you are too thin, probably need to gain a little weight."

Sister Ling's eyes suddenly lit up.

After Qiao Jingjing left, Yu Tu cleaned the dust off the projector again, and then there was nothing else to do. He returned to the living room and began to think about why he promised Qiao Jingjing to wait for her, but the focus seemed to be how Qiao Jingjing could rest assured that he was alone at her house

Zhai Liang sent a message, "Why? No one is seen all day long."

He replied, "Housekeeping."

Zhai Liang: "???You're not at home."

He turned on the computer and concentrated on reading the work materials for a while. After an hour, he received a call from Qiao Jingjing.

"Yu Tu has good news for you."

"Have you got the role?"

"It's almost, but the most important thing is~ Director Li said~" Qiao Jingjing's tone was beautiful, Yu Tu thought that the director gave her some kind of approval, and he was listening carefully when he heard the announcement happily.

"He said I was too skinny!"

Yu Tu: "… "

"You're still at my house, come down, let's go grab a meal."

When Yu Tu arrived at the underground garage, Xiao Zhu waved to him in a nanny car. He walked over to get into the car, and Qiao Jingjing said, "Today, Sister Ling's husband's birthday, she's going back first, we'll go to her house to grab some food and give her a surprise."

Yu Tu: "...Are you sure it's a surprise?"

When she arrived at Sister Ling's house, Sister Ling opened the door and saw Qiao Jingjing, she had a look of how haunted you are, but as soon as Qiao Jingjing presented the TF family necklace, she smiled happily.

A Guo came over with his daughter in his arms and said unconvinced, "Mr. Qiao, it's my birthday."

Qiao Jingjing said rationally, "If I give it to your wife, I will save you money. Isn't it the same as giving it to you? If you really don't like it, you can take it to the store and exchange it for you."

A Guo: "..."

Sister Ling saw Yu Tu long ago, her eyes lit up for a long time, "Is this Teacher Yu?"

"Just call me Yu Tu." Yu Tu said apologetically, "I'm not ready to come here empty-handed, sorry."

"No, no, just come over, Jingjing didn't let me over before." Sister Ling couldn't help but complain.

A few people came to the house and greeted them and sat down. Sister Ling endured it for a while, and then leaned over and asked, "Mr. Yu, are you interested in coming to our circle to play, now the circle is most lacking in your age group, it's completely different to debut. Night."

Qiao Jingjing really wanted to roll her eyes, she knew it would be like this.

It was hard to get rid of her thoughts. Sister Ling said, "I think it's better to call Xiao Zhu Dandan and the others to have a fun. They are all from the studio. Do you mind, Teacher Yu?"

Of course Yu Tu had no objection, and Qiao Jingjing also nodded.

When a few young people from the studio came, the scene immediately became lively. Sister Ling simply ordered another hot pot, and everyone ate the hot pot together.

The young people in the studio have never seen Yu Tu, but they have been curious for a long time, and they secretly looked at it with laughter. Sister Ling coughed and reminded them to pay attention to their images.

Qiao Jingjing said calmly, "It's okay, Teacher Yu was used to this kind of scene when he was in junior high and high school."

Teacher Yu: "... Junior high school?"

Qiao Jingjing said, "My junior high school is also your alumnus. In the third year of junior high school, the two middle schools will merge. You are in class 1, and I am in class 14."

Yu Tu was a little surprised.

Qiao Jingjing took the opportunity to grab a spoonful of his hot beef.

"Hey Jingjing, your school doesn't arrange classes based on grades, right?" Sister Ling teased.

"You have watched too many idol dramas." Qiao Jingjing glared at her, "My grades in junior high school are also good, otherwise, how could I have been admitted to the same high school as Teacher Yu, only to be overwhelmed by the IQ of a person like Teacher Yu who hates it in high school. already."

The disgusting Teacher Yu silently scalded a spoonful of new beef.

Xiao Zhu immediately supported the boss: "It's okay, Jingjing, didn't you always claim to rely on your beauty and figure... Hey, why do you eat so much meat."

"Let her eat, Director Li asked." Sister Ling explained, and then remembering what happened to the director in the afternoon, she couldn't help but complained to everyone.

"Do you think it's weird? I haven't seen this kind of idiot before. Duan Wu's face changed at that time."

Duan Wu is the actor that Director Li met today. He is slightly less popular than Qiao Jingjing, but his acting skills are quite good.

Qiao Jingjing said, "Later Duan Wu sent me a WeChat message saying that his company had already made a decision to change his manager next year."

"It's time to change and delay him." Sister Ling said, if she understood, "It turns out that this is the case, big companies are troublesome, is this idiot trying to push his next artist? I can't care about Duan Wu, it's really ugly to eat. How come these people just don't understand, if they fuck you, she will be able to get in?"

"Never mind, I'm the mvp anyway." Qiao Jingjing said proudly to Tu, "I didn't embarrass you, Teacher Yu."

A Guo was quite disappointed, "I was your teacher too, why did you join another teacher so easily?"

"No, no," he didn't eat the hot pot, put down his chopsticks, "Mr. Yu, let's go solo."

"Kai Kai Kai." Qiao Jingjing encouraged by the side, "Mr. Yu, don't be merciful just because he is a birthday star."

On the road follow the flow of good.

After three rounds, Ah Guo put down his phone and said with internal injuries, "Eat hot pot."

He wants to make up.

After eating hot pot, everyone drinks and drinks and plays games. Young people in the studio play in the restaurant. In the living room, Qiao Jingjing played with Sister Ling's daughter on the sofa while listening to Ah Guo and Yu Tu chatting on the other side of the sofa.

They first chatted about games for a while, then they talked about the stocks of game companies, and then the topic was brought to Hong Kong and US stocks.

Just listened to Yu Tu's answer: "Go to Zhongxing next month."

"Investment bank, no wonder."

Qiao Jingjing was startled.

The two chatted for a while, A Guo was pulled over to play Texas, Yu Tu declined the invitation, took a glass of wine and walked to the balcony.

The city below is brightly lit.

Qiao Jingjing returned Little Loli to Sister Ling, walked over to him, and looked at him sideways, "Are you really planning to go to an investment bank?"


"In high school, I always admired you." Qiao Jingjing suddenly said.

Yu Tu looked at her.

Qiao Jingjing looked calm: "Because you have always scored full marks in mathematics and physics, I thought at that time that this classmate would probably become a very good scientist in the future, and I would feel very honored in that case."

"...As your classmate." Qiao Jingjing hurriedly added.

Yu Tu smiled, "I'm probably going to disappoint you."

"No, investment banks are also very good." Qiao Jingjing said in a very light tone, not letting herself show a regretful expression, "I think you will be very good at anything you do."

In this industry, I am afraid that Mr. Su will not be as powerful. This thought suddenly flashed in Yu Tu's mind, and then he was stunned, and he couldn't help but sigh.

How could you think of comparing yourself with others.

Yu Tu took a sip of wine and suddenly said, "Someone once said I was selfish."

Qiao Jingjing looked at him with question marks in her eyes.

"Obviously he has the ability to make his family live a better life, but he selfishly sacrifices his family for his so-called ideal."

Qiao Jingjing frowned, "You should tell him, 'I'm sorry, I only have this ability'."

Yu Tu frowned slightly.

Qiao Jingjing said, "You think, if you can't do well in every aspect like you are now, you can only do well in the same way? In fact, according to the public standards, you are also very good, right? Will someone call you selfish? That person? Saying you are selfish is just because you have too many types of abilities and you are too good, but how can you blame you because you are good?"

Qiao Jingjing finished speaking in one breath, thought for a while, and nodded, "I think my logic is valid."

Yu Tu smiled suddenly.

He felt just sick. Those two words just now, he said deliberately. Six or seven years ago, someone did say that to him. He used to disapprove, but sometimes he was confused.

He wondered inexplicably what Qiao Jingjing would think.

In the end, her answer was so... crooked

"Isn't it right?" Qiao Jingjing tilted her head to look at him.


Yu Tu looked away from her face, and suddenly there was a word in his heart that he didn't know where he had seen it before. You are so beautiful, everything is right.

Qiao Jingjing said with some emotion, "I didn't expect that one day we would be able to talk about this."

Yu Tu said: "It's even more strange that I teach you to play games."

"You lied." Qiao Jingjing took his words back to him, then remembered and asked, "You said when you will go to an investment bank next month?"

"About the middle."

"That can teach me until the game?"

"Yes." Yu Tu replied succinctly and forcefully.

Qiao Jingjing felt a little happy.

The breeze blew her hair genially, and she was lying on the balcony railing, thinking happily, are they friends now