You’re My Glory

Chapter 41: (4) The adventures of the entertainment trio


On the map navigation, a line from Hongqiao Airport to Lujiazui has turned red.

Da Mao put down his **, a little anxious: "Why is it blocked like this, it is even more blocked than Beijing."

"It hit the rush hour on Friday night." The driver Xiaolan opened the window and lit a cigarette, "Don't lose it, it seems that they are going to Qiao Jingjing's house, in Lujiazui."

"Mostly, Qiao Jingjing has an event tomorrow. Hey, it's also a coincidence. I missed the target, but I caught Qiao Jingjing. It will be released on April 1, and it will be on the hot search for three days."

"Is this man her boyfriend?" Adou came up from the back seat.

"Mostly, he's handsome, he's definitely not a staff member. He looks pretty rich, Mercedes-Benz commercial car, hey, these female stars."

After being blocked for ten minutes, the car slowly started, and Xiao Lan followed and suddenly said, "Something's wrong, why did you get off the Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway and go to the outer ring? This is not going to Lujiazui."

"Wherever he goes, keep up with him."

When the target vehicle drove into a somewhat old community outside the outer ring, the Yuji trio were a little confused.

"This... community is definitely not Qiao Jingjing's house, but a man's house?"

"It doesn't look like it. It's all outside the outer ring. He drives a Mercedes-Benz."

Adou pouted, "I was just about to say, this car seems to belong to Qiao Jingjing, and I've seen it a few times. Don't hesitate, take a photo, wait for them to get out of the car to find out where they live, and see if they can find a place to take pictures of the interior. "

As a result, the car in front did not move for a long time after the car stopped, and the picture in the ** was still.

This time, the three of them smoked together, "What are you doing in the car?"

"What are you talking about, we couldn't take pictures because of the tree blocking it."

Single young people are irritable.

Adou said, "I'll get out of the car and step on the terrain first."

Finally, after a full cigarette, Qiao Jingjing got out of the car wearing a mask, empty-handed, and her steps were very excited. The tall man followed behind with her bag.

Da Mao was very satisfied as a photographer who pursued his pursuit, and commented while taking pictures: "This guy is very tall, I feel like he is 185 upwards, and his profile is handsome and his nose is high. This long-legged man is a newcomer?"

Xiaolan has a different opinion: "I don't see it. People in the entertainment industry can live here? It's inconvenient, and renting is also on Huaihai Road in Xintiandi."

He said and called Adou's phone, "They got off the bus."

Soon Adou came over with a house number. He always had a way, pretending to be a courier, delivering water, delivering food, etc., and following up on the elevator, he could see which floors he lived on. Xiao Lan was very satisfied when she saw the news, "Live on the third floor, it's good to shoot."

This old community building is very close, so it is better to shoot, they quickly found a good position on the opposite corridor. It's a pity that the curtains are drawn, only the living room curtain has a gap, and only the TV wall can be seen.

As an entertainment reporter, why are you afraid of pulling the curtains? The three of them are not anxious at all, and they comment on other people's houses, "Is the location here is not good, this guy doesn't seem to be rich?"

"The curtains in the room are drawn, what else can we photograph today?"

"Wait a minute, the previous picture of getting off the car and entering the building together is enough. Let's see if we can take a picture of coming out of the corridor together later."

As a result, when it was more than eight o'clock, the man went downstairs alone and took out a pink suitcase from the trunk of the car.

Xiaolan was so excited that she burst into tears, "Quick shot, quick shot, real hammer, Qiao Jingjing's suitcase, she actually lives here tonight."

The three of them were so excited that they could barely explain it as going to a friend's house to play, but now they have all their suitcases in the middle of the night.

Full of excitement, they took shifts to guard at night. At six or seven o'clock the next day, they photographed Qiao Jingjing's team rushing over.

"Everyone in the team knows that, and they all came here to pick her up."

After another hour or so, everyone came down, including Qiao Jingjing's boyfriend. The trio filmed everything and drove them to the event.

It’s not easy to take pictures in crowded places, and the backstage of the event can’t be mixed in. Fortunately, the handsome guy didn’t go to the backstage, so he and Qiao Jingjing and the others were separated from the underground garage, and the trio simply followed him.

He found a cafe to sit and read, and they sat down in front of another cafe opposite.

Adou said, "Today is the event of xx diamonds. Qiao Jingjing is the spokesperson. This brand is very expensive."

"The price of the same thing is several times the price, why do women like to buy it?"

"You said this buddy, can you afford this brand of diamonds for Qiao Jingjing?"

"Most of them can't afford it. This guy has to thank us in return. Now that they are playing an underground affair, and we help him expose it, Qiao Jingjing can't admit it?"

"I'm not sure, Qiao Jingjing didn't recognize it when he looked back, maybe he split up to avoid suspicion, or not."

"That's fine, stop the loss for this buddy, and we are also doing good things."

After being poor for a while, Xiao Lan pushed Adou Da Mao, "Look."

The two followed his gaze and saw a stylishly dressed girl holding a mobile phone to chat with Qiao Jingjing's boyfriend, and then quickly left with a disappointed look on her face. Qiao Jingjing's boyfriend continued reading calmly, as if he was used to it.

Adou: "... This guy is not easy."

At eleven o'clock, the man got up and left the cafe. The trio quickly followed, but it was Qiao Jingjing's activities that started. Qiao Jingjing was on stage cooperating with the organizers, and he stood in the crowd watching. Qiao Jingjing on the stage was dazzling, and the men in the crowd were tall and straight, and they were equally eye-catching. Da Mao didn't know if he was preconceived or not, but when he saw it, he felt a little bit like each other.

The trio secretly filmed a lot of material. Next, we followed lunch, and later, followed back to the old community.

The three returned to their old positions to squat and shoot.

Xiaolan said, "Go back here, this is the period of love."

Detective Adou said, "I knew they were coming back in the morning because I didn't see the pink suitcase."

Da Mao said, "Don't be noisy."

He looked a little fascinated by the picture in the camera.

In fact, the picture is almost still.

It was a very small study, and the room was full of books. The window was open, and the curtains fluttered slightly in the wind. The man sat behind the desk and wrote something, while Qiao Jingjing sat on the opposite small sofa, hugging her knees and reading something like a script.

After more than ten minutes of such a scene, Qiao Jingjing put down the script in her hand and ran over to the desk to watch him write. The man raised his head, said something, and then kissed her across the desk.

Da Mao's hand holding the ** trembled, and a heart that had seen all kinds of shyness all the year round actually felt a little sour and sweet.

He felt so innocent.

After the two left the study, they didn't take any more pictures. But the trio were very satisfied, and they followed them to the airport the next morning, which was a very smooth and successful completion of a follow-up candid photo.

Da Mao was a little reluctant to part with it, "I'll cut them a little bit more beautifully, with romantic little music, so I can't be lewd."

"It has to be cut better, it can't be a black family, after two days I think it's true love, Qiao Jingjing is quite rare."

Adou said: "I have an idea, let's dig up this man's background and identity? Looking back at the first wave of romance, everyone must be curious about what this man does. Let's have a second period with a big boyfriend. Revealing the secret, isn't all the hot spots in such a week ours?"

Xiaolan slapped her thigh, "I see, I'll just do it."

The trio did what they said, and immediately returned to the original community. They found a small hotel nearby to stay, and planned to follow the target to the work unit on Monday.

It was bright, and the target got up early for a run.

Xiao Lan commented: "It's good to have healthy living habits. But he also got up too early. Fortunately, we came early."

Target buys pancakes.

Adou liked: "This handsome guy lives a very simple life, similar to us."

Goal finally went to work.

Then the entertainment trio saw him walk in...

Shanghai Institute of Aerospace Technology.

The entertainment trio was a little surprised: "Doing scientific research?"

Adou said suddenly, "Yes, I have inquired before. It seems that the community where he lives is all from the Aerospace Research Institute, no wonder it is so close to the research institute."

Xiaolan was worried: "Secret unit, we can't get in, so we can only take pictures outside."

"I originally wanted to get in there and ask."

The three of them drove around the research institute, took some random photos, but in the end they didn't give up and parked the car on the road opposite the side door.

"It's definitely impossible to get in. I'll see if the material is enough to make a second issue."

As he was talking, someone knocked on the car window, Xiaolan opened the window, and there were two middle-aged men of medium build outside the car, the fatter man smiled and asked, "Master, I want to ask something, this neighborhood... "

Before he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly fell on the cock in the hands of Da Mao in the passenger seat, and his face changed suddenly. His eyes were gouged out around the three of them, and he took out his certificate and shook it in front of Xiaolan.

"National Security Bureau, please come with us."

A few days later, Yu Tu was called from the laboratory to the director's office.

Academician Zhang was also there, along with two strangers, one old and one young.

Yu Tu brought it to the door, and the director introduced it straight to the point, "Yu Tu, these two are staff members of the Security Bureau. If you have something to ask you, you must answer it truthfully."

Yu Tu was slightly startled, then nodded calmly, "Okay."

"Please take a seat." The two investigators were very kind. "Don't be nervous, just ask you a few questions."

Yu Tu nodded.

The young detective asked, "Who were you with last Friday to Sunday?"

Something flashed in Yu Tu's mind, but he answered without hesitation: "My girlfriend."

The two investigators looked at each other with a strange expression. Academician Zhang and Hu Suo were surprised.

The young investigator asked again, "What's your girlfriend's name?"

Yu Tu paused slightly this time, "Qiao Jingjing."

Academician Zhang coughed suddenly and adjusted his sitting posture. The two investigators looked at him and Hu Suo. The two leaders were sitting upright and calm, as if they were not surprised at all.

On the contrary, it was the young investigator with a hint of excitement on his face, "Is that the star Qiao Jingjing?"


"She has been at your house for the past three days?"

"During the period, she went out to participate in a promotion event for a diamond brand, and I was with her."

The older investigator suddenly said, "Then you didn't find anyone following you?"

Not at all...

Yu Tu suddenly had a trace of guesswork in his heart, and felt a little weird again.

However, the investigator's next words confirmed his conjecture, "According to their account, they followed you for three days and followed you out of the unit on Monday morning to take a lot of video footage."

The investigator took a sip of water and said lightly, "Then he was caught as a spy."

Yu Tu suddenly wanted to laugh and asked as seriously as possible, "Then what will they do?"

"Since the facts they explained are consistent with what you said, let's collect evidence and make sure that there are no problems and education will be released, but we have confiscated the video data."

The older investigator warned earnestly, "Young people should not lose their heads when they fall in love. So many confidentiality lessons are for nothing? There is no vigilance at all."

Yu Tu was taught, "We will pay attention in the future."

"We will also educate them and let them know how to behave. Can they walk around and take pictures at the door of the secret unit?"

The two investigators left after they finished slaughtering, and sent them to the door. As soon as the door was closed, the room suddenly fell into silence.

Academician Zhang took a few sips of tea and stood up with a teacup in his hand, "I'll go to work first."

Then the old man walked away humming a song.

Hu Suo was silent for a long time and said, "This is a good thing, but it's better to keep a low profile, and don't make too much publicity. Of course, this is a natural thing, and you don't need to hide it."

Yu Tu nodded, "I understand."

Hu Suo: "Okay, let's do something."

Yu Tu closed the door and left, and before he could go far, he vaguely heard Hu Suo humming a song in the office, and it was the same song as Academician Zhang...

When Qiao Jingjing received a call from Yu Tu, Sister Ling happened to be visiting the class.

After hanging up the phone, Qiao Jingjing's expression was... indescribable.

Sister Ling waved in front of her, "What's wrong with you?"

Qiao Jingjing said, "When I returned to Shanghai last Friday, the road to Lujiazui was too congested. Did Yu Tu let me go to his house to play? Later, I didn't bother to bother, so I stayed at his house."

Sister Ling: "Oh."


Qiao Jingjing: "On the way, Teacher Yu said that I felt someone was following me. I said that it doesn't matter, just film it."

As soon as Sister Ling clapped her hands, she was actually a little excited, "It was really filmed? Let you be so blatant, what should we do? Do we have to admit it when it is exploded? Or do we not admit it or deny it?"

"It shouldn't explode, right?" Qiao Jingjing's expression became even more indescribable.

"Ah? Why?"

"They were caught as spies."

A week later, Sister Ling received an unfamiliar phone call, and the other party was very grateful on the phone, "Thank you Teacher Qiao's boyfriend for helping us clarify this matter. So far, we will never break the news, and we will never shoot it in the future."

Sister Ling held back her laughter and coped with it, and when she hung up the phone, she couldn't hold back any longer, laying down on the table and laughing.

Later, I don't know how to spread it. In the entertainment industry, Qiao Jingjing's boyfriend has become the mysterious Mr. Unbeatable. Who else doesn't know? The people from xx entertainment record went to shoot, they were all caught by the security bureau!