You’re My Glory

Chapter 51: (14) WEDDING


The place to register for the wedding is at the Youth League Committee Office.

As soon as he went to work the next day, Yu Tu appeared in front of the office of the Youth League Committee. The person in charge of the registration was a forty-year-old eldest sister who happened to know Yu Tu and was surprised to see him, "Little? What are you doing here?"

Yu Tu greeted and said, "I'm here to sign up for the mass wedding."

The eldest sister was silent for a while.

Who is Yu Tu's girlfriend since that basketball game? Who does not know in the entire Eighth Academy? He signed up for a mass wedding

"Less than." Big sister thought over and over again, and asked in a heavy tone, "You... have changed your girlfriend?"

Yu Tu: "...I didn't change it."

"Oh." The eldest sister nodded calmly, her thoughtful expression stayed on her face for at least three minutes, and then slowly handed him a registration form.

After registering, he walked out of the academy, and Yu Tu received a call from Professor Zhang. "Come to my office."

In the office, Yu Tu sat down, Professor Zhang also thought about it again and again, and said, "Well, are you..."

Yu Tu said, "No change."

Professor Zhang was taken aback: "What?"

Yu Tu said solemnly, "I didn't change my girlfriend."

Only then did Professor Zhang react, and he couldn't help laughing and laughing, "Who asked you this, can someone from the department you want to change call me?"

When interrupted by him, Professor Zhang also got straight to the point, "I just wanted to ask you, are you struggling financially? If you have any difficulties, your wife and I can help."

"Thank you teacher and mistress, but there is no problem. Jingjing and I just wanted to make the wedding simpler."

"Then Xiao Qiao agreed?"

"She brought it up."

Professor Zhang couldn't help but be surprised, "What did she propose?"

"Well," Yu Tuxiao, "she has always been… rather naughty."

Yu Tu remembered that he asked her later last night, what if someone kept looking for her to take pictures with her at the unit wedding

She seemed to have thought about it for a long time, and said happily: "Then we will run after the ceremony. If we have our own wedding, we can't run."

The tone was full of anticipation.

"But she thought it was a bit simple." Yu Tu smiled, "She thought it would be done in the courtyard, so she didn't have to worry about the media, but it's definitely impossible. So we discussed it last night. If it can't be kept secret, then maybe It will have an impact on other colleagues, so we will not participate. I also asked the Youth League Committee of the college just now. "

Professor Zhang was interested. "There is no problem with keeping secrets before the wedding. We are the best at keeping secrets. I will say hello. I have been the witness for the past two years. They will give me this face. You can also ask for it at the wedding. It will only come out when it is held." Professor Zhang said that he had already started to help them make plans.

"But if the secret is leaked midway, what are you going to do?"

"Let's see when it was leaked." Afterwards last night they were really talking nonsense a lot, and Yu Tu said solemnly, "If it's earlier, we'll change to another way, if it's only leaked during the wedding, we'll run away immediately and wait. Teacher, you have finished hosting, find another place for us to host the second session."

Professor Zhang was stunned: "Are you holding a wedding or fighting a guerrilla? It's just nonsense."

Isn't this just Miss Qiao's nonsense

Yu Tu couldn't help laughing.

Only then did Professor Zhang realize that he was being ripped off. He couldn't help being angry and funny. Looking at his proud disciple who was now in high spirits, he also sighed in his heart. "I'm very happy that you finally have to complete the big event in your life. Xiao Qiao is a good girl and treats people well."

Yu Tu put away his smile and said solemnly, "I will."

In March, the weather is sunny and spring flowers are blooming.

Early in the morning, a new five-star hotel in the suburbs put up a "Love Aerospace" sign. Today, 20 newlyweds from Shanghai Aerospace Group will hold their wedding here.

At nine o'clock in the morning, in the romantic and festive lounge, the newlyweds were putting on makeup and styling under the arrangements of the wedding volunteers, waiting to attend the ten o'clock wedding on the lawn.

In the hustle and bustle, probably only the innermost hall, a newlywed couple in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows was particularly quiet. They sat with their backs to the hall, facing the grass outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, drinking tea leisurely, looking at their mobile phones, and chatting together most of the time.

The young volunteer Xiao Li glanced at them several times, couldn't help but ran over and said shyly, "Mr. Yu, Miss Qiao, if you need anything, you can call me."

"Okay." The bride smiled politely at her through the thin veil.

Xiao Li felt a little dazzling. Her white wedding dress was made of unknown material, and her whole body seemed to glow under the sunlight.

"But we're all done." The bride whispered, "I woke up very early today, and I just took a lot of wedding photos outside. After our parents come back from the showroom, we'll go out and take some pictures. "

The group wedding was very thoughtfully arranged by the aerospace group. Relatives and friends were picked up to watch the air show early in the morning, and they would not arrive at the hotel until about 9:30.

"They should be coming soon." Xiao Li looked at her and lowered her voice unconsciously, "We only learned today that you are also attending the wedding, which is really shocking. Don't worry, all our staff will keep it a secret. ."

"Thank you, sorry for your troubles." This time it was the handsome groom who thanked her.

"You're welcome, it should be." Xiao Li quickly waved his hand and asked with concern, "Did no one notice you when you came in just now?"

"We sneaked in through that door." The bride pointed to a door that was farther away. "They are busy with makeup, and they won't pay attention to others when they get married."

Xiao Li thought that it might not be, after all you are so good-looking. "You didn't participate in the rehearsal. How will you go later? How about the process? Do you want to tell you again?"

"No need, I remembered it all. I have a lot of experience in this area, and I will bring you to President Yu." The bride smiled slyly.

The groom then smiled and said to her, "I have bds, don't worry."

Emma, if she hadn't been an astronaut too, this dog food would have been incomprehensible, and Xiao Li's face was blushed by the two of them.

"Then I'll be busy with other things. There is a group of make-up artists who haven't come yet." After she finished speaking, she hurried away.

The atmosphere in the hall has gradually become anxious, and the makeup artist of the four brides has never appeared. They and the groom kept staring at the door.

A volunteer ran into the hall panting, and anxiously ran to the person in charge of the wedding: "The phone just got through, and the car that the group of makeup artists was in collided with another car."

The person in charge was taken aback: "Are you all right?"

"It's okay, but they're all injured, so they won't be able to come."

While the person in charge was relieved, he became anxious again. There were four makeup artists missing all of a sudden. How could he be so busy. The place where they held the wedding was in the suburbs again, and it was too late to find it temporarily.

She made a prompt decision, "Xiao Huang, go and ask the hotel if there is anything you can do."

The volunteer who just reported the letter ran out immediately. The person in charge clapped his palms, attracting the attention of everyone in the hall.

"There is one thing. The group of makeup artists we made an appointment with suddenly can't come. Now we are short of four makeup artists. I want to ask, does anyone in our volunteers know how to wear makeup? Does the bride know how to do it herself?"

The volunteers looked at each other in dismay, and the brides suddenly became anxious.

"I don't usually wear makeup."

"Even if the level of makeup is very poor, how can you compare with a makeup artist?"

They almost cried with grievances, who doesn't want to be especially beautiful when they get married.

The person in charge was also anxious: "Are the other makeup artists in time?"

A make-up artist said embarrassedly: "We must be too late for makeup and styling."

Xiao Li stood aside, also helpless, anxious, she caught a glimpse of the handsome groom in the corner suddenly standing up, nodding to her.

She didn't have time to think, and ran over immediately.

In front of them, the bride smiled brightly at her and said, "Are you short of makeup artists? My team is upstairs."