You’re My Glory

Chapter 52: (15) Base visit


Time flies, four years in the blink of an eye.

One day, Qiao Jingjing, who was filming in Hengdian, received a call from Yu Tu from where she was on a business trip.

Yu Tu said on the other end of the phone, "I went to the cafeteria to eat at noon today. The two little girls in front of me belonged to other institutions. I heard them discussing me."

Qiao Jingjing hummed, "You are a fan now, are you looking for me to show off?"

Yu Tu was appointed as one of the deputy chief designers of the first asteroid probe shortly before their wedding, and was appointed as the chief designer of the Soshen planetary probe the year before last. As one of the youngest chief engineers in the aerospace field, There are also many young admirers.

"Why would I ask you to show off my fans." Yu Tu smiled, "I heard a little girl say that she was disillusioned with me."

Qiao Jingjing was suddenly curious: "What have you done, why did people become disillusioned?"

"She said: 'Today I met President Yu outside the conference room. I didn't expect that President Yu, who looked so academic, turned out to be a female star on his mobile phone desktop'."

Qiao Jingjing: "..."

Yu Tu sighed and said, "Fortunately, she doesn't have much contact with me, otherwise she would find out that I still change the photos of this female star once a week."

Qiao Jingjing laughed out loud: "These two little girls must be very attentive in their studies and never pay attention to gossip. Did you explain it later?"

Later, after the two little girls had finished shopping, they were stunned when they looked back, and they were extremely embarrassed. Yu Tu originally nodded his head and passed it, but he changed his mind after eating, feeling that his image could not be damaged.

"I saw them at the door after dinner. I walked over to them and said, 'My phone's desktop is my wife'."

"Mr. Yu, you are so naive." Qiao Jingjing couldn't help laughing on the phone.

"But I don't think they don't believe it." The naive President Yu said, "So do you want to prove it for me?"

"How do you prove this, post on Weibo?" Qiao Jingjing couldn't help laughing.

"That's not necessary, but maybe you can come to my class and watch a rocket launch by the way? Isn't your drama almost finished?"

"Ah?" Qiao Jingjing was stunned, then quickly responded, "Can I go? Are you at the rocket launch base? I'm going! Where are you, can you tell me now?"

He was amused by her series of questions, and explained, "You can come. This time, a family visit is organized in the courtyard."

"I'm in Hainan, Wenchang Launch Center."

Seeing how the rocket launch can be done by the way, obviously it is by looking at Mr. Yu →_→

Half a month later, Hainan.

Qiao Jingjing arrived in Hainan two days later than the original time. There was no other way. Due to the bad weather, she couldn't shoot the location, and the filming time was two days late. As soon as the plane landed at Haikou Meilan Airport, she sent Yu Tu a WeChat message.

"I got off the plane."

And then sent another message to the family group of this visit. "I'm in Hainan, sorry for being two days late."

There are a total of ten places for family visits organized by the aerospace department, mainly for the family members of Soshen researchers. 80x where Yu Tu is located has won three places as a research and development unit, and the other seven family members are from all over the world. research institute.

The logistics staff in charge of the event set up a WeChat group for the family members so that they can contact each other. However, the astronauts were not pulled into the group. After all, the launch mission was imminent, and it was not good for them to be disturbed by too many chat records.

The group responded quickly.

"My granddaughter called me in the morning to ask if I had signed in, come here soon." This is Professor Zhao, wife of Academician Xiao, the chief scientist of Soshen.

"It's not too late, never miss the launch." This is Brother Wang, a male family member from Tianjin.

Qiao Jingjing replied to them one by one, then put away her phone and went to pick up the luggage with Sister Zhu Ling and the others.

It is more than an hour's drive from Meilan Airport to Wenchang. Sister Che Ziling had already made arrangements and got into the car. Qiao Jingjing took out her cell phone, but Yu Tu still did not reply, most likely at work. On the contrary, there were several more posts in the group, most of them welcomed her, except for one.

"It's good to come two days later. It's not interesting. I feel like I'm here to help with the laundry."

Qiao Jingjing was slightly surprised. She knew the person who was speaking. It was Xiao Li, the wife of Xiao Hu, a colleague of Yu Tutong's research institute. We had met several times during dinner parties over the years. In my impression, she was a shy and reserved girl, but this sentence was rather resentful. smell.

However, after all, there are staff members and other family members in this group, it seems inappropriate to say this.

Sure enough, after she finished speaking, she froze for a while, and it took a few minutes for the staff to come out to smooth things out.

"When the mission is over, there must be time for everyone and their families to have a good time. Teacher Qiao, don't you really need us to pick them up at the airport?"

Qiao Jingjing replied, "I was just picking up my luggage. Don't bother you, I'll have someone deliver it. Please pick me up when you arrive at the gate of the base."

Staff: "That's for sure."

The driver drove the car to a remote door of the Wenchang launch base according to the navigation given by the staff. The door is already in front of you, the car starts to slow down, and Xiao Zhu, who is sitting in the passenger seat, suddenly "wow", "Jingjing, Teacher Yu is here to pick you up!"

"Hey, why is he free?" Qiao Jingjing opened the car window in surprise, and she saw Yu Tu's tall and straight figure at the entrance of the base. He saw them now, too, and walked towards them.

The car stopped, Qiao Jingjing jumped out of the car impatiently, hugged Yu Tu who was walking in front of the car, "Why are you here? Are you busy today?"

Yu Tu caught her, "Just in time."

Sister Ling couldn't see from behind, she coughed, reminding her that the soldiers guarding the gate of the base were watching.

Yu Tu smiled and thanked Sister Ling and Xiao Zhu: "Sister Ling, Xiao Zhu, please trouble you."

Sister Ling said, "No trouble, we also come to Hainan for vacation."

Xiao Zhu nodded again and again: "Jingjing said to reimburse us."

Qiao Jingjing said in disgust, "When did you stop getting reimbursed for your travel?"

Xiao Zhu immediately gave a rainbow fart: "Long live the boss, a hundred years of friendship."

Yu Tu laughed, "Xiao Zhu is getting more and more lively."

Sister Ling explained their arrangements, "A Guo has already arrived in Sanya with her child and Xiao Zhu's mother. We played in Sanya for a few days and came to watch the launch. I saw that the official news was announced yesterday, and it said that the launch was on Saturday night, right? This time, your launch has attracted a lot of attention, it seems that CCTV has live broadcasts."

Xiaozhu said: "I just can't watch it in the launch site like Jingjing."

"It's also good to have a few viewing spots in the town." Yu Tu recommended a few places.

Sister Ling said, "Can you watch it in the hotel?"

"it should be OK."

"That's good. I'll confirm with the hotel then. Okay, let's go." She hurried to meet her husband and children.

Qiao Jingjing waved them off.

After Sister Ling and Xiao Zhu left, Yu Tu dragged her suitcase and took Qiao Jingjing to the door for security check. Because the space base is classified, it is stationed by soldiers. Qiao Jingjing handed her ID card to the soldier at the security check, while Yu Tu registered it on the visitor registration book.

After checking the ID card, the soldier brother returned it to Qiao Jingjing. Before Yu Tu finished registering, the younger brother looked at her several times, and finally blushed and couldn't help but say, "Miss Qiao, I have watched her since I was a child. Your TV series grew up."

Qiao Jingjing: "…Thank you."

Worried bro.

Yu Tu smiled disgracefully beside him, Qiao Jingjing kicked him secretly, Yu Tu bowed his head to register and took a well-trained walk to dodge. :"Thanks for your support."

The little brother blushed even more, and waved his hand naively: "No, no."

Qiao Jingjing: "..."

Oh~ little brother, how can you find a girlfriend in the future

Qiao Jingjing, who was hit, followed Yu Tu through the security check, but soon became fresh again. Because she found out that Yu Tu actually drove a convertible electric car to pick her up.

It is the kind of tourist electric car that can take more than a dozen people in tourist attractions!

It feels kinda cool.

Qiao Jingjing immediately climbed into the front passenger seat, "Why did you get such a car to pick me up?"

"Whatever you borrow is what you borrow." Yu Tu carried her suitcase to the back row, sat in the driver's seat and took out a big straw hat that had been prepared a long time ago, "Sunscreen for you."

Teacher Yu must be the straight man with the strongest learning ability in the world. Qiao Jingjing put the straw hat on her head with satisfaction and urged him, "Let's go, the tour guide will drive."

The sightseeing car is driving leisurely on the wide Coconut Grove Avenue. With the blue sky and white clouds above her head, the gentle sea breeze blowing, and the green coconut trees as far as her eyes can see, Qiao Jingjing leaned back comfortably on the back of the chair, feeling that the exhaustion of playing for the past few days was swept away, and her whole body and mind were relaxed.

"It's like a tourist attraction here."

"This base has both tourism and scientific and educational functions."

"Guide tour guide, you are very derelict, and you didn't introduce me."

"Oh." Tour guide Yu replied and began to memorize the information, "Wenchang Space Launch Site is one of the four major launch sites in my country, and the only low-latitude launch site..."

Qiao Jingjing: "...I read this on Baidu Encyclopedia!"

Yu Tu: "The cafeteria is very delicious."

Qiao Jingjing: "What else?"

Yu Tu: "I'm going to send Soshen into space here."

He stared at the car driving in front of him, with a faint smile on his lips and a confident look on his brows, Qiao Jingjing looked at him with pride in her heart, "Okay, then this is my favorite launch site. It's gone!"

She pointed to the huge steel building standing in the distance and asked, "Is that a launch tower?"

"It is the launch tower of Changwu, and the other is Changqi."

"What are those two tall white buildings?"

"Final assembly test workshop."

In the midst of her chattering questions, the sightseeing car turned a corner and drove into a narrower road. The coconut groves on both sides seemed to be a little denser, quiet and deep. Qiao Jingjing became quiet and asked him after a while, "Where are you here? Is there any monitoring?"

The sightseeing car suddenly slowed down and slowly stopped on the side of the road.

Qiao Jingjing turned her head suspiciously, "Why stop... um..."

Her lips were suddenly blocked, Yu Tu leaned over, clasped her straw hat with one hand, pressed her hand with the other, and kissed her deeply and tenderly.

She struggled not too hard, "What are you doing?"

Yu Tu took the time to answer her, his voice was a little hoarse, "Isn't that what you meant by asking if there is surveillance?"

... that's a little bit, but how did you get it so quickly? !

Qiao Jingjing asked confusedly, "Is that there?"

"Of course there is." Chief Master Yu said, "Our secret unit."

Qiao Jingjing glared at him, then pulled hard in his smiling eyes, and took the initiative to kiss back.

Anyway, keep it a secret... Then what are you afraid of? !