You’re My Wonderwall

Chapter 22


Xiao Heng was sleeping when Lu Yan knocked on the door. He almost turned upside down now. He fell asleep after returning from late work at night. He didn't even intend to pay attention to him, but the person who knocked on the door was really determined.

After knocking for two minutes, Xiao Heng finally sat up from the bed: "Who?"

Lu Yan said: "The all-powerful star of tomorrow."

"… do not know."

Lu Yan stood at the door for a while, and the door opened.

"Well, there is something."

Xiao Heng had an expression of "Get out of here after you finish speaking": "Where is the star of tomorrow?"

However, Lu Yan said: "It's a long story."

Xiao Heng refused to communicate and directly slammed the door.

Lu Yan put his hand against the door, and squeezed in through the crack: "What kind of temper are you?"

Xiao Heng stepped on his slippers and walked into the house, went to bed, covered the quilt and went back to sleep.

"This thing is like this. Fourteen years ago, there was a young man who had a dream that he had always had..."

Speaking of dreams, Lu Yan moved his eyes away from the gray quilt on Xiao Heng's bed, and took a look around the room where Xiao Heng lived.

The room is still pretty empty.

It was the same as what Lu Yan saw last time. There were not many home appliances, TV, computer, and nothing except the things he bought before.

Lu Yan walked to Xiao Heng's bedside, and continued in a tone of describing the top ten moving figures of the year: "But he failed. The huge blow brought to him by the failure made him lose hope and pursuit of life for a while."

"He once wanted to give up on himself, but he still relied on his own strength to get up."

"For more than ten years, he has been exercising justice in the public, engaged in the financial industry, and maintaining the peace and stability of the social and economic system. After hearing this, you should have heard who the protagonist of the story is. Yes, he is our Viagra."

"But one failure can't stop Viagra from pursuing his dreams—today, fourteen years later, he finds that as long as he has a dream in his heart, any place can become a stage to realize his dreams."

Xiao Heng didn't know what Lu Yan wanted to do.

But he wants to kill.

Lu Yan felt that the more he talked, the more he looked like Scar, especially the moment when he finally said "Should we help justice together".

Lu Yan thought in his heart, is this too much like a pyramid scheme

Doesn't seem sincere enough

Lu Yan couldn't continue to think about it, because the young master stretched out a hand from under the quilt, and that hand grabbed him fiercely and dragged him directly onto the bed.

Xiao Heng was so sleepy that he lost his mind.

I just want the voice in my ear to disappear.

He didn't realize what he had done at all. He put one hand next to Lu Yan's ear, pressed him under him, and then slowly opened his eyelids and said, "...shut up."

too close.



And the lock of hair hanging around his neck.

Xiao Heng also just took a shower, his body smelled of shower gel, his hair was not dried, and it was a bit cold when rubbed against his neck.

"You're fucking sick!" Lu Yan regained his senses and scolded, trying to break free but couldn't.

"Who is sick?" Xiao Heng opened his eyelids a little more, and he sneered, "What did you say when you came here to help justice and chase fugitives? Your brain was caught by the door?"

While speaking, the four eyes met.

Xiao Heng also recovered a little bit.

This posture is indescribably ambiguous, the tips of their noses almost collide.

The neckline of Lu Yan's clothes was torn apart during the fight just now. Because he often ran outside and was tanned by the hot summer sun, his skin was not white. clavicle.

Eyebrow nails are hard and cold.

His short-cut hair grew again, and Xiao Heng suddenly thought of the weird long-haired man standing on the speaker in that poster.

"One hundred thousand." Lu Yan said suddenly.

Xiao Heng didn't know what the sudden 100,000 meant.


"The reward for the fugitive is 100,000."

Xiao Heng, who was still sharply mocking "Your brain is trapped by the door", fell silent.

In the face of reality, it is easy for people to bow their heads.

The young master is no exception.

What's more, the young master is no longer that young master, he is very poor and destitute now.

After a while, Xiao Heng asked, "What's your team's plan?"

Ten p.m.

Team 63 successfully held its first meeting.

The meeting place is at Lu Yan's house.

The team members are tentatively determined to be: Lu Yan, Xiao Heng, Viagra, Zhang Xiaohui.

The doors and windows of Lu Yan's room were tightly closed, the curtains were tightly drawn, and the lights were not turned on. The room was so dark that you could barely see your fingers, except for the faint light from the broken computer on the table that often lost its temper.

The whole meeting was filled with a strong atmosphere of underground workers, and those who didn't know it thought it was some kind of undercover meeting.

However, underground worker No. 1 Lu Yan sat and waited for a long time, not knowing what Viagra was up to: "What are you doing, Viagra?"

Viagra said: "I picked up a projector from the garbage dump! It's still quite new. I'll fix it and see if it works."

To make room for the equipment brought by Viagra, Lu Yan could only take the guitar off the wall and put it on his lap.

The young master who was forced to bow his head to reality sat next to him.

"This is the surveillance record I got from Trust-Mart, please take a look."

The projector was indeed still working. Viagra was connected to the computer, and the monitoring records were projected on the wall. The picture slowly emerged, and the room finally became a little brighter.

Xiao Heng reluctantly opened his eyes.

But instead of looking at the surveillance, he noticed the electric guitar in Lu Yan's hand.

See the letter at the beginning of the piano label.

Zhai Zhuangzhi played in a band for a while before. Although his purpose was not pure, when he bought a piano, he sent a bunch of pictures asking him which one was handsome. Red or blue? Which is cooler?"

Each price is over ten thousand.

Lu Yan saw him look over: "Is there something on my face?"

Xiao Heng: "Your piano..."

Lu Yan put his hands on the strings: "What about my piano?"

"You play so badly," Xiao Heng said, "to buy such an expensive piano?"

A singing one.

He has practiced piano skills for many years.

Life is tight, but the piano is quite expensive.


Lu Yan choked: "None of your business?"

Viagra pointed at them: "Be serious, the two comrades don't whisper to each other."

Surveillance video is not clear.

A piece of gray.

If you move twice, it will freeze.

Viagra said with a serious expression: "Everyone carefully observe the suspect's characteristics, and don't let go of any details. Let's trace his criminal motives, trace the root cause, why, and why did he take the risk to appear at Trust-Mart to buy orange juice? We Strive to complete the portrait of the crime."

After Viagra finished speaking, he took out a few bottles of orange juice from the plastic bag beside him: "I'll pass out the orange juice, and each of you has a bottle. Think about this issue carefully."

Zhang Xiaohui happened to receive a police movie recently, playing a small character who will soon die. After listening to it, he immediately stood up and saluted: "Yes, Sir Wei."

Viagra: "Xiaohui, tell me, have you discovered anything?"

Zhang Xiaohui: "First of all, I found out that he is a man."

Viagra: "Yes, this is a very critical feature."

Xiao Heng: "..."

Lu Yan: "..."

Lu Yan took the bottle of orange juice in his hand, unscrewed the cap and took a sip, thinking that it might be a wrong decision to join this team, and there was a reason why Viagra was not admitted to the police academy.

The meeting lasted more than an hour in total.

In less than ten minutes, Xiao Heng tilted his head and fell asleep.

At first, Lu Yan thought it was because he couldn't hold on, and wanted to wake him up.

"Don't call me."

Xiao Heng half-opened his eyes and said, "It doesn't matter whether you listen or not."


Xiao Heng taunted again: "Just like them, it's useless to study all night."

Xiao Heng spoke in a low voice, almost close to his ear.

Although the words were harsh, they were not heard by anyone other than him.

While he was speaking, Viagra was researching where the orange juice was produced: "Do you think it's possible that this is the hometown of fugitives? He must have a special attachment to this place."

Zhang Xiaohui echoed: "It makes sense!"

It really doesn't make sense.

According to Xiao Heng's temper, he should leave immediately.

Lu Yan wanted to ask: Then are you still here

However, Xiao Heng had already closed his eyes.

Although Viagra is unreliable, wasting an hour of blind research, especially Zhang Xiaohui was still blindly agreeing inside, the whole meeting looked like a play. But Viagra was very serious when he did it, and it gave people the same feeling as when he was drunk on the rooftop a while ago and said "Brother was admitted to the police academy" when he was drunk.

Obviously in their thirties.

Lu Yan sighed, probably found the reason why Xiao Heng was still sitting here.

Viagra re-watched the surveillance video for countless times. The power cord of the computer was next to his feet. When he turned around, he accidentally stepped on that cord. He hurriedly let go of his foot and was caught by the messy cord... Both the projector and the computer went out.

The room was completely dark.

I can't see my fingers.

Viagra said awkwardly: "Dr. Yan, there is nothing in your computer. It's important. Forget what you saved..."

Lu Yan looked at him and said, "Yes, the song I just wrote today."

Viagra scratched his head, really embarrassed: "What should I do, can I get it back?"

It must be impossible to get it back.

Lu Yan's computer crashed so many times before, and he knows the piss of this arrangement software.


Lu Yan walked over in the dark while waiting for the computer to restart, afraid that Viagra would think too much, so he continued: "I just wrote a little bit, within a few seconds, just edit it again later..."

As he said this, the computer turned on.

Lu Yan clicked on the arrangement software. The first operation he usually does after turning on the computer is not to connect to the Internet but to open the software. It has become a habit for many years, and he knows that there must be a blank space...

However, there are several sound tracks on the screen.


He saved it

When did you save it? ?

The garbled characters that Xiao Heng typed on the keyboard that day flashed through Lu Yan's mind.

The power outage interrupted the meeting, and Viagra realized that he had taken up too much rest time for everyone, so he took Zhang Xiaohui downstairs: "This is the end of today's meeting. After I investigate further, I will assign tasks to you."

Lu Yan said: "Okay, hard work, brother, go to bed early."

Viagra: "Don't work hard, serve the people!"

Everyone left, only Xiao Heng remained.

Xiao Heng was lying on his sofa and sleeping just like when he came that day.

The projector brought by Viagra has not been turned off yet, the light of the projector is reflected on the wall, and then returns to Xiao Heng, his whole body is shrouded in the misty blue of the projector.

"Hello." Lu Yan called him.

No response.

"Did you change my software that day?"

Still no response.

"You... know how to program?"

Xiao Heng moved, and he buried his face deeper.

When Lu Yan was thinking that he would only react if he kicked this person out, Xiao Heng opened his mouth, his voice hoarse and hoarse: "Yes."

Then he said: "What era is your broken software, the code is written like shit."

Lu Yan stared at the strand of hair on top of his head and thought:

These words are obviously not mocking him, but it still makes people angry

"You are the only one who is good," Lu Yan said, "When did you learn programming? Self-taught?"

Xiao Heng scratched his hair and sat up.

Maybe it was just waking up, his eyes were a little empty.

The question that Lu Yan asked casually seemed to make it difficult for him to answer. The young master who just arrogantly said "the code is written like shit" was silent for a while: "I played it before."

Lu Yan said, "You have quite a wide range of hobbies."


Xiao Heng chewed these two words twice in his mouth.

With his back turned to him, Lu Yan bent down to pack the projector that Viagra brought over.

When he was almost ready, he turned around and stretched out his hand to Xiao Heng: "Give me the piano."

Xiao Heng picked up the electric guitar on the ground and handed it to him. When he handed it over, he saw a flyer on the table, which said "We are recruiting apprentices in dessert shops, experience is preferred".

If you count all the miscellaneous jobs that Lu Yan has done in the past few years, he can publish a book called "The Years I Worked", and the industry can span multiple fields.

Xiao Heng looked at the flyer, recalled the part-time job as a substitute class before, and was deeply surprised: "What else haven't you done?"

Lu Yan said, "I will not do anything illegal."

"Dessert, can you make it?"

"I can."

Xiao Heng sneered again: "How do you pass the interview like this?"

Lu Yan shot back: "Maybe because I'm handsome and I have an ID card."


In order to make full use of the limited resources in this room, the position of hanging the piano is relatively high.

Lu Yan was still holding the projector in one hand, so he could only hang the piano back with one hand.

Xiao Heng was about to turn around and go back to the house, but saw that the piano in Lu Yan's hand was shaking and almost fell down.

Lu Yan recalled that moment afterwards.

He was completely dumbfounded.

Can't hold it.

He should put down what's in the other hand.

But he didn't have time to react.

Can't move.

I could only watch helplessly as the piano slipped from my hand little by little.

One second before falling—a hand stretched out from behind.

Xiao Heng stood behind him and held his wrist.

Xiao Heng was half a head taller than him, looked down at him, and said impatiently, "Why are you in a daze?"

While speaking, his gaze shifted from the top of Lu Yan's head to the wrist that was being held down by him.

Lu Yan has very thin wrists.

It was full of bones when he pressed it, and it was stuck in his palm.

He was holding the black tattoo he had seen that night, half asleep and half awake.




This time it counted.

It is seven corners.

Xiao Heng pressed his hand and hung up the piano.

Xiao Heng clicked his tongue again, and patted him on the top of the head: "Come back to your senses. Are you stupid?"

Lu Yan: " are stupid."

Xiao Heng's eyes hung on Lu Yan's wrist: "You can't lift anything, what strength do you have, are you a little girl?"


Xiao Heng casually recalled: "That day in the corridor, you seemed to lie down as soon as you pressed it."


"The door is right there," Lu Yan pointed to the door frame, "Get out of here."

Lu Yan stood in front of the blank wall, the piano was hanging above his head, and when he heard the phone ringing, Xiao Heng had already left.

It was Li Zhen who called.

Li Zhen: "What are you doing? It took me a long time to answer the phone."

Lu Yan didn't look at the piano again, and said, "I was just... packing my things."

Li Zhen laughed again: "I tell you good news, Lao Lu!"

Lu Yan motioned him to continue.

Li Zhen spoke in a hurry, sounding very excited, so excited that he couldn't speak clearly: "I went to the air-raid shelter today to find a guitarist, the technical thief is good, you are absolutely satisfied after reading it! You can't pick any thorns! Then After the solo, the whole air-raid shelter went crazy, even the spades came to rob people, you know, I'll go, that scene is like robbing money... "

The members of Spades are fixed, and they haven't changed over the years.

It's rare for them to be willing to upset the current balance to attract a new player, especially if there is no shortage of guitar players.

Lu Yan asked: "Did you get the spade?"

Li Zhen: "No."

Lu Yan asked again: "Then you snatched it?"

Li Zhen: "...not at all."

"Is this good news?" Lu Yan clicked his tongue, and felt as if his tone of voice had been assimilated by someone.

Li Zhen: "If we didn't get the spades, it's good news. At least we have a target, right?"

"But that person is quite strange," Li Zhen smacked his lips, thinking back, "It seems that he came here to find someone, and he left without joining any band in the end."

Even if Li Zhen talked about the mysterious guitarist as a flower, Lu Yan had never heard it live, so he couldn't appreciate his excitement, so he just took it as a small episode and passed the chat after the chat.

The two chatted and chatted and then developed in other directions. Li Zhen said: "I have to go to a class reunion in a few days. It's annoying and I don't want to go. Now the class reunion is too realistic. It's just a show off. I can imagine what those grandchildren will say."

Speaking of this, Li Zhen choked his voice and changed his voice: "Hey Li Zhen, ouch, why are you still making music~"

Lu Yan laughed twice.

Lu Yan said for him: "I'm still working on it, why, do you have an opinion?"

Li Zhen also smiled: "That's right, I'm still doing it, what's the matter?"

"What were your former classmates like? I haven't seen you attend a class reunion in the past few years." Li Zhen said again.

Lu Yan didn't speak.

After a few seconds, he said vaguely, "That's it."

Chatted for a while and hung up the phone.

Li Zhen listened to the busy tone on the phone, and thought that the two had known each other for so many years, and he didn't seem to know anything about Lu Yan's past.

In the past, when the four members of the band were eating, drinking and chatting, they would always mention "Nian Yong": How was I before. After Jiang Yaoming was drunk, he always liked to talk about how the little girls in the school were crazy about him when he was in high school, and how he got tattoos on his neck to fight against the class teacher...

But Lu Yan was not.

He never mentioned "I used to".

That kind of feeling is like burying the past ten years of myself, moving forward desperately, leaving the "before" behind.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Yan sat on the bed for a few minutes.

Then he soaked the bucket of noodles as usual, washed the pot after eating, and went to bed at about the same time, and he even fell asleep quickly.

Just had a dream.

In the dream, he returned to Jizhou.

There are reed groups all over the mountains and plains in Jizhou, which looks like a sea from a distance.

I don't know where the voice came from, and the voice repeated the same sentence over and over: "I'm going to be admitted to C University, Department of Music."



Then in a dizzy turn, the surrounding scenery gradually began to distort. He closed his eyes and kept falling until his back touched a hard bed board—he fell on a bed.

There was an envelope under the pillow on the back of his head, which contained the tuition fees he had saved for two years and a one-way ticket to Xiamen City.

The reeds slowly faded to a shocking black, and the reed leaves were like the palms of blackened monsters with sharp claws.

Countless hands reached out to him.

Lu Yan woke up in the middle of the night with cold sweat all over his back.

After that meeting, Viagra was out for two days to get news. On the third night, Viagra rented a black van and showed up on Lu Yan's way from get off work.

Lu Yan's job at the dessert shop is progressing well.

The boss was fascinated by Lu Yan's appearance at first: "Have you done this before?"

Lu Yan stood there, frankly: "I have relevant work experience."

In the end, when he officially went to work, the boss found out that Lu Yan's so-called relevant experience was selling cut cakes before.

"Dessert, catering industry, does cutting cakes count as boss?"


But Lu Yan had a good attitude and was willing to learn, which was a good match for his eyes. The boss finally accepted this apprentice dumbfounded: "From today on, you should study hard."

On the way to get off work, the black van kept honking beside him.

Then the window was lowered, Viagra's head poked out: "Yan, I found someone!"

"I still have to go wild. Damn, what crime portraits are mentioned in the book, it's better if I call a few more brothers to come quickly."

Viagra said, and handed the phone to Lu Yan: "Brother Yan, look at the photo, is it this person?"

Lu Yan took it, and there were a few candid photos on his phone.

Judging from the body shape, clothes, and the state of the whole person, it is almost the same as that in the surveillance.

Viagra's usual job is to find people everywhere. Although the method is different from traditional investigations, he has developed his own system over the years-hard search. Even if a person dies, the ashes will be dug out for you if you dig three feet into the ground.

Lu Yan: "It's pretty similar."

Viagra: "Go! You go to contact Brother Xiao, we will squat him at night!"

Xiao Heng is still on duty in the Internet cafe.

He had already smoked three cigarettes, because the red-haired head in front of him was crying and screaming in front of him.

Zhai Zhuangzhi grabbed the front desk and said, "Boss, what kind of life are you living now!"

"Are you participating in Metamorphosis!"

"The building you live in is a dangerous building! A dangerous building! What if it rains one day and collapses!"

"You go live with me, what do you eat here, Grandma Li takes out, what are these things?"


The more Zhai Zhuangzhi talked, the more he felt suffocated. He searched for a while before finding this place. When I came in, I was stunned when I saw the environment of the Internet cafe. On the left hand side of the door, there were elementary school students playing games with barely enough mouse. It was so broken and unimaginable.

Zhai Zhuangzhi wailed at the end: "Boss!"

Xiao Heng said: "What are you arguing about, are you annoying?"

Zhai Zhuangzhi was very excited and climbed up the front desk, trying to drag him out: "If you are a brother, follow me!"


Someone is calling the network administrator.

The few high school students who asked if they were safe have come here for self-study every now and then since the time they came here.

One of them shouted: "Network administrator, the computer is dead!"

Xiao Heng: "Turn off and on again."

"Can't turn it off!"

Xiao Heng stood up and interrupted Zhai Zhuangzhi: "Wait a minute."

Lu Yan walked to the door of the black Internet cafe, opened the black curtain, and when he entered, he saw a dazzling red-haired man with a wild posture, one foot on the front desk, and his buttocks pouted.

"What are you looking at!"

"Red hair, looking for Xiao Heng?" Lu Yan remembered him, he was there the first two times he met the young master.

Zhai Zhuangzhi withdrew his foot: "Who are you calling Hongmao!"

Zhai Zhuangzhi was not familiar with Lu Yan, and Lu Yan looked like the residents of the downtown area he saw along the way. He didn't feel close, and felt an inexplicable sense of distance.

Zhai Zhuangzhi thought about it and glanced sideways at Lu Yan. The man next to him looked like a gangster. He was very social. Of course, this statement is not very objective, after all, you can't find such good looks among gangsters...

Lu Yan leaned against the front desk and squinted at him: "What are you looking at?"

Zhai Zhuangzhi: "... I didn't look at you!"

After a while, Zhai Zhuangzhi couldn't help asking again: "Our boss, how are you doing recently?"

Lu Yan thought for a while and said, "It's pretty miserable."

Zhai Zhuangzhi choked up: "Then, can you persuade him for me? Our boss never loved his mother or father since he was a child, and only had money left, and now he doesn't even have any money..."

The two talked while watching Xiao Heng repair the computer.

Xiao Heng sat on the seat of the high school student and found that there was no response to any buttons.

No ordinary crash.

"What did you do just now?"

The high school student blushed and hesitated to speak.

Xiao Heng was impatient: "What are you doing?"

Then the high school student said with a red neck, "I, I was browsing a sex education website just now!"

Xiao Heng: "..."

Lu Yan: "..."

The last yellow net said it quite nicely.

Lu Yan watched Xiao Heng put his hands on the keyboard, the speed was so fast.

Lu Yan thought,

Does he have more fingers than others

Lu Yan found that Zhai Zhuangzhi, who was nagging endlessly, shut his mouth quietly when Xiao Heng was typing on the keyboard.

A few minutes later.

The computer returned to the interface before it crashed, and the sex education pictures were placed on the computer screen, which had a strong impact.

Network management is really hard to do.

Forget about repairing the computer, how many times will you have to experience this kind of stimulation in one night after repairing the yellow pictures that fill the screen.

There was no fluctuation in Xiao Heng's eyes, he pressed the cigarette into the ashtray beside him, and returned the seat to the high school student.

"What are you doing here?" Xiao Heng walked over and said to Lu Yan.

Lu Yan said succinctly: "There is action at night."

Xiao Heng was surprised.

Unexpectedly, after so many days, Viagra still hasn't given up, his eyelids lowered, and he asked again: "Do you have a clue?"


After Lu Yan finished, he felt that the conversation between the two of them sounded like some kind of underground organization meeting offline.

Zhai Zhuangzhi looked at them with wrong eyes.

Zhai Zhuangzhi: "What are you going to do???"

Before going out, Lu Yan lifted the black curtain and turned around, saying in a heroic tone, "Save the world."

Xiao Heng just got off work at one o'clock, took the cigarettes and lighter, and walked out: "Well, save the world."

Zhai Zhuangzhi looked psychedelic.

This world must be a crazy ball!

Xiao Heng lifted the black curtain, paused before going out, and called him: "The third child." In their small group of second-generation ancestors, Zhai Zhuangzhi was the youngest and ranked third.

"That old bastard hasn't reached the point where he can handle me," Xiao Heng said, taking a deep breath, "It's me... It's my own problem, okay, you go back."

Zhai Zhuangzhi asked him, what did Xiao Qishan say that made him so upset

In fact, I don't have much impression of Xiao Heng that day.

What did you say

Cursing and cursing are just those few sentences.

He had no expectations for Xiao Qishan and that so-called mother, he just...

Xiao Heng waved his hand again, without looking back, he said, "Let's go."

Zhai Zhuangzhi stood where he was, with the vulgar and loud voices from the Internet cafe next to his ears.

But he passed through these sounds, through the black curtain, as if he saw Xiao Heng a few years ago—the boy who spent high school typing codes in the computer room.

In the past few years, Xiao Heng had played too much with them, and he had forgotten that Xiao Heng was different from the rich second generation who had nothing else to do except eating, drinking and having fun, and it was different from then on.

On the way back to District Seven.

Lu Yan walked a bit longer than Xiao Heng, and was squatting on the side of the street waiting for him: "Your red-haired brother is not bad, you have chased him here."

"What did he tell you?"

"Oh, he asked me to persuade you."

The expected answer.

Xiao Heng was silent for a while and said, "Don't worry about him."

It's like who cares about it.

"I didn't intend to persuade you either," Lu Yan threw the stone in his hand and said with a smile, "Am I free?"

The stone hit the iron pole opposite.

There was a "bang".

Lu Yan got up and said, "You are an adult, you can make a decision and tell yourself."

Lu Yan is undoubtedly a mature and calm person. The kind of maturity that has been experienced in society, no matter how playful he is or how many mentally retarded things he usually does, he can't hide it.

They are obviously about the same age.

Most were still taking classes on college campuses, and he was making a living by guarding a band that was on the verge of breaking up.

Ten p.m.

Team 63 gathered at the gate of District Seven and held a second meeting.

Several people got into the minivan rented by Viagra one by one. It was windy at night. Lu Yan wore a thin sweater with a hood, put his hands in his pockets, and got into the car with his head down. It's a bit of a "mission".

The van started slowly and struggled on the bumpy road.

Viagra printed out the files and photos of the suspect and sent them to them: "Wang Qiang, male, committed several fraud cases in Jizhou before, 43 years old, had two marriages..."

The car ran over a section of gravel road, and people swayed left and right with the car.

Lu Yan flipped through the files, paused for two seconds at the word 'Jizhou', and then moved away calmly: "It's so detailed, he the third district?" That's really close.

The black van drove for a while, and finally hid in the street opposite the third district.

Viagra: "Remember, the action slogan of our 63rd team is, hold fast and fight! We will watch him tonight! Watch him to death!"

The entire three districts are brightly lit.

A low-key van was parked at the gate of the third district, and there was a person lying obscenely on the window of the van, holding a telescope in his hand, facing the gate of the third district.

Viagra looked at it and felt that something was wrong: "...wait a minute, why are there so many people?"

Zhang Xiaohui asked nervously: "What's the matter? Are there many people on the other side?"

Although the attraction of 100,000 is very attractive, Lu Yan is able to restrain his desire for money: "Can you beat it? If not, let's withdraw."

Xiao Heng sneered: "What else do you do besides running?"

"..." Lu Yan said, "I'm called knowing current affairs, you know nothing."

In this tense and exciting atmosphere, suddenly two hands knocked on their car window.


"Hurry up and go!"

The car window was lowered, and the man outside the window was wearing a uniform with the word "traffic police" on it.

The traffic policeman said again: "You can't park here! I want to get a ticket!"

Viagra: "..."

Lu Yan: "..."

Xiao Heng: "..."

Several people get off.

However, the scene after getting off the car left Team 63 dumbfounded.

The bushes at the gate of the third district were crowded with people! At a glance, there may be dozens of human heads, and those dozens of human heads are quietly dormant in the bushes. They fasten their utensils to their waists, and the kitchen knives and axes reflect the cold light in the night.

—Those were all down town enthusiastic people.

Viagra: "Let me tell you, there are a lot of people."

Zhang Xiaohui: "Many."

Lu Yan shook his head: "That's too much."

Xiao Heng was as venomous as ever: "Are you acting in the animal world?"

Isn't it the animal world

This is the siege.

Lu Yan looked at the head and felt a headache. He never thought that a reward of 100,000 yuan would be so attractive to the residents of the lower city.

"Give way, please make way." Lu Yan bent down and pulled Xiao Heng to squeeze into the group of people.

"Someone is here," said a voice.

Lu Yan lowered his head, facing a familiar face with a familiar scar.


Scar: "Why the hell am I you kid."

Lu Yan also felt strange: "Aren't you also engaged in fraud business when catching fraudsters, aren't you afraid to catch yourself?"

Scar said angrily: "Know yourself and know your enemy! You have never cheated before, do you understand the heart of a scammer? Do you know how he feels when he buys orange juice!"

Lu Yan: "..."

At this time, someone shouted, "Come out! Come out!"

As soon as the words fell, dozens of people in the bushes rushed out at lightning speed.

Viagra rushed to the front. Years of experience in debt collection gave him strong legs. He was not afraid of obstacles and walked like flying. He ran wildly on the road with a burning dream.

The rest of the people followed behind him.

"What are you doing in a daze?" Lu Yan pushed Xiao Heng, "Even if one hundred thousand is divided by one hundred people, you can still divide it into one thousand. Run!"

Xiao Heng: "..."

He was dragged forward by Lu Yan.

In the ear is the hot night wind with a summer breath, and the footsteps of dozens of people running in unison.

Go through several alleys, turn into another community, and then turn out in a swarm.

A spectacle appeared on a street in the lower city.

The fugitive Wang Mou, who was wanted by the police throughout the city, accidentally showed up when he was buying orange juice at a Trust-Mart supermarket, and was blocked by more than 50 enthusiastic citizens at the gate of the community and chased him for eight streets.

This battle can literally be recorded in the history books of the city.

Xiao Heng has lived for more than 20 years. Before he came to the Seventh District, he never thought that there are people in this world. There are such a group of people living such a dramatic, enthusiastic and difficult life.

He set his eyes on the weeds on the side of the road that were struggling to squeeze out between the cracks in the cobblestone road.

That grass is exactly the same as Lu Yan.