You’re My Wonderwall

Chapter 53


The light in the bathroom was too dark, and the only light was the moonlight coming in from the window. The two can only record this scene with the touch of their bodies, with hands, ears, every inch of his body, and... legs.

Lu Yan could even smell the lingering, unspeakable smell in the air.

The space is limited, so Xiao Heng didn't rush to wash at his place in the end.

After Xiao Heng left, Lu Yan stepped on the ground with one leg and almost lost his footing when he got off the pool. He turned on the switch of the rain shower and looked down to find that the inner thigh was worn red.

The water is obviously cold.

Lu Yan tossed his hair, no matter how hot it felt everywhere.

Lu Yan washed it with cold water for a long time before he could manage to lower the unbearably hot temperature. Wiping her hair, she opened the door and went out.

There was no one in the room, Xiao Heng drenched a little longer than him.

Lu Yan bent down and picked up the mobile phone on the ground, and walked towards the bed while wiping his hair. The screen of the mobile phone was still showing the interface of the producer XH.

He clicked in, and there were already many comments in the comment area.

1L: Brother's boyfriend, please support me.

2L: Genius programmer, this game is worth recommending. By the way, we sincerely invite everyone to listen to the songs of the Spades band, the Spades band will bring you a carnival of heavy metal and hard rock, and you can listen to it on all major music apps.

3L: ... Upstairs, what about your dignity, didn't you tell him not to give him eyes!

Although the members of the underground band withdrew from the group, after all they have been brothers for many years, they still received a lot of praise in the comment area.

Lu Yan swiped his fingers twice, and then scrolled down. Apart from this band of sailors, there are really many passerby players.

Xiao Heng took a shower, opened the door and came in, and saw Lu Yan lying on the bed playing with his mobile phone.

He walked over and motioned him to move inside.

"..." Lu Yan turned over to make room for him, "You don't sleep if you have a bed."

Xiao Heng was refreshed after taking a bath, and Lu Yan breathed the smell of shower gel. The bed was too small, and the two of them were almost close to each other. Xiao Heng's chin rested on his shoulder, and his hair occasionally rubbed against his face, causing him to panic.

"looking at what?"

Lu Yan leaned over to watch the phone screen with him: "Read the comments, do you want to listen?"

Xiao Heng raised his chin, expressing his casualness.

When Lu Yan reads the comments, he will habitually add oil and vinegar. It was just a simple "it's quite fun", but he can interpret it into a 300-word rainbow fart: "When I first saw this game, I was fascinated by it." Fascinating, unique gameplay, brand-new experience, the programmer is really amazing... "

Xiao Heng didn't really have much interest in player comments, but when Lu Yan read it in his ear, it felt good. Maybe it was because the pride in the words of this person in his arms was almost overflowing, until Lu Yan read a comment for almost half a minute. I didn't finish reading.

He couldn't help but interrupted: "That's enough."

Lu Yan: "Don't bother me, I haven't finished reading."

Xiao Heng paused for two seconds and said, "Didn't you know that the longest comment can't exceed 100 characters?"


The second half of the rainbow fart in Lu Yan's mouth was forcefully stopped, and he was a little stiff.

After Xiao Heng finished speaking and saw his reaction, he couldn't help lowering his head, and laughed for a long time.

Lu Yan dropped the phone and bit him hard on the shoulder: "Damn it, you didn't say it earlier."

"Hiss—are you a dog?"

Xiao Heng was lying on his side, his upper body seemed to be undressed, from this angle Lu Yan could clearly see the marks on the man's neck that he had made. This young master is full of dignity everywhere.

After a while.

Xiao Heng asked again: "Does your leg hurt?"

"...It's okay, just talk when you talk, can you stop touching."

"Daddy rub it for you."

Lu Yan didn't say anything at first, but the next second his scalp was numb and he almost exploded: "Fuck! Where are you rubbing!"

Xiao Heng let him go temporarily, and moved his hand down a little.

"Why do you have such long legs?" Xiao Heng squinted his eyes and gestured. After he finished speaking, he was kicked, like a beast after eating and drinking, let go of its prey, completely let go, and pinched Lu Yan again. Knuckles in his fingers, he said casually, "...and the hands too."

Lu Yan: "Believe it or not, I will give you a slap."

The conversation died down for a moment.

Lu Yan blinked, facing the darkness before going to sleep, thinking of the inconvenience after the power outage: "What about your computer, isn't the next project starting soon? Go to an Internet cafe to do it?"


"The power was cut off at both ends for three days. I don't know when it will be repaired this time."

Talking about this, Lu Yan called him again: "You really seem to be here to participate in Metamorphosis. The copywriting is probably the devil in the eyes of some nightclub elf parents..." Lu Yan thought this was very interesting, and asked with his hand as a microphone, "Master City, what's your comment?"

Xiao Heng slowly pushed down Lu Yan's hand and grabbed it into his hand.

"This small broken house of less than 20 square meters... If you want to talk about what you are not satisfied with, you can talk about it in three days," Xiao Heng said, "but it's not too bad to have you here."

The dark night was extremely quiet, except for the chirping of cicadas outside the window, the sound of the wind, and the sound of people passing by on the road not far away at night, breaking wine bottles and throwing stones, only the sound of the two people's extremely clear and gradually steady breathing remained.

Lu Yan even had Xiao Heng's words in his dream: But with you here, it's not too bad.

The next day, the sky suddenly appeared, and the sun came in through the window one by one.

The electrical box in the building had indeed been repaired for several days. Fortunately, Lu Yan was busy recording songs during the day. A few new songs were almost recorded, and the song "Light" was left unrecorded. He brought the finished score, I ran to the recording studio for several days.

The Big Stomach King poster was implemented very quickly. The next day, photos of Xiao Heng carrying ten catties of rice could already be seen at major stations.

On the third day, Lu Yan set off for the station as usual, and while waiting for the bus, he caught a glimpse of a young man on his right with a somewhat familiar picture on his mobile phone screen.

He crushed the lozenge in his mouth, took a closer look, and confirmed that it was one of the protagonists of the giant poster behind him—the new game launched by a certain talented programmer.

Just as he was about to chat with someone, someone shouted, "7th Road is here—"

The crowd swarmed to the side of the road.

When he arrived at the recording studio, even the sound mixer was huddled in a chair and playing this game. Only then did Lu Yan realize that Xiao Heng's game was really popular when the Big Eater advertisements were hanging all over the stations in Xiacheng District.

The sound mixer is a foreigner with blond hair and blue eyes. He put his legs on the mixer and hummed along with the song in the earphones. He hummed no more than half a sentence. He said: "F**K!"

This is the first time they have cooperated with this recording studio.

There is only one reason for the cooperation, which is high cost performance, and in layman's terms, it is cheap.

The tuner's Chinese is very confusing, and Lu Yan's English is not very good. He has almost forgotten the words he memorized in the college entrance examination back then, and Xu Ye basically acts as the translator.

It's just that Xu Ye has a temporary business today, so he can't spare time.

Lu Yan put down the file bag and could only communicate with Parker himself.

As soon as he entered the door, he greeted in his broken English: "Hello, this is..." He wanted to say that this is the score, but the word score was obviously out of line, so Lu Yan finally said, "you look you know."

Although Lu Yan's English level is not very good, but he does not show his shortcomings, he has a feeling of "what I read is correct", and chatted with the tuner for a while about the style of the song.

Li Zhenhe and Da Pao arrived later. When they opened the door and came in, they saw their lead singer sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, waved to the tuner, raised his chin and said, "Do you know?"

The tuner looked puzzled.

Know what.

What Know.

As human beings who speak the same language as Lu Yan, Li Zhen and Da Pao couldn't make out what they were talking about after listening for a long time.

What kind of scene is this playing the piano against the cow

Li Zhen was amazed: "Come on, don't talk about it, get someone else, you can't understand it when it gets dark."

Lu Yan glanced at him.

Li Zhen: "Don't look at me that way, you're such a nonsense English. I can't do it anyway. I have been out of school for many years, and my major is not suitable. What I study is..." Li Zhen stopped at this point .

Cannon put down the piano and asked curiously, "What did Brother Zhen learn?"

Lu Yan put down his legs, his legs looked particularly long against the low sofa: "Nurse."

"My mother said at the time that there was a shortage of male nurses, and it was hard to find a nurse!" Li Zhen rubbed his nose and changed the subject, "Go to Da Pao, you just finished the college entrance examination, so you should remember a few words."

Da Pao was very frank: "Me, my level is not as good as my elder brother."

Lu Yan: "..."

"Then what should we do?" Li Zhen had a headache, a thought suddenly flashed through his mind, he hesitated for a while and then said, "...Actually, there is another candidate?"

When Xiao Heng received the call, he was in the Internet cafe. The first thing his boyfriend said when he came up was: "How is your English?"

Xiao Heng didn't know what he wanted to say, dragged the mouse and said, "It's okay, what's the matter."

"That's right," Lu Yan dragged the tuner over and said, "I'll introduce you to a friend, his name is Parker, Parker, say hi."

The tuner Parker leaned over to the receiver and shouted: "Hi!"

Xiao Heng: "..."

Xiao Heng's English level is really good. He traveled around the country and abroad since he was a child, and he took international classes. Even Zhai Zhuangzhi, who didn't listen to any classes, had to pass the English test once. In their circle of uneducated rich second-generation circles, English is the only thing they can do well.

He chatted with Parker a few words, and he almost figured out the ins and outs.

Lu Yan couldn't understand what they were talking about at all, but it didn't prevent him from hearing his name.


After Xiao Heng finished relaying Lu Yan's production requirements, Parker repeatedly nodded to show that he understood, and returned the phone to Lu Yan. Lu Yan took it, leaned against the door of the recording studio and asked, "What do you say about me?"

On the day of the phone call, it was the noisy sound of the Internet cafe. A few students were talking in the black room, shouting "Kai Da" at the top of their voices. In the hustle and bustle, only by listening carefully can you hear Xiao Heng's crisp and decisive keyboard sound.

Then the man replied equally decisively: "He said your English is bad."

Lu Yan: "..."

Xiao Heng said again: "I said your English is pretty bad."

Lu Yan wanted to scold someone, but he looked back at Parker in the recording studio, who was doing the preparatory work, and the cannon was on his back, ready to be called at any time, and he took two steps outside: "Fuck, what's wrong, I had a good chat with him just now All right."

Xiao Heng clicked the mouse: "Well, happy. He said he didn't understand why you can continue to chat."

Who can't talk to whom!

Lu Yan felt that this was the reason they couldn't continue talking.

In the recording studio, Parker called him after finishing his preparations.

Lu Yan didn't have time to talk to him, and was about to hang up, but Xiao Heng changed the subject and asked him: "Which song will you record today?"

"There's only one song left," Lu Yan said, "Light."

Lu Yan leaned against the wall.

He has actually sung this song many times in countless rehearsals. But after saying this name, the picture that comes to mind is only the one that was sung after the fourth anniversary concert.

There was a clicking sound from Xiao Heng's end when he pressed the lighter, and then he said casually: "This song is well recorded."

Lu Yan subconsciously asked: "What?"

"Isn't it a love song for Dad?"


Lu Yan could almost picture Xiao Heng talking casually after bowing his head and lighting a cigarette.

Parker is still urging.

Lu Yan didn't talk any more and hung up the phone.

The recording of this song was not smooth. The higher the requirements, the more time it would take to detail the details. Cannon’s light guitar part was recorded more than a dozen times, and the rhythm and lead vocals were all played by him alone.

Lu Yan sat next to Parker, wearing monitor headphones, and was in charge of calling a stop, or announcing a restart after listening to the recording.

Although Da Pao obeyed his elder brother's advice, he still had his own ideas before the recording, and had to re-record after finishing a recording.

Lu Yan has always been adhering to the principle of speaking when he has an idea, and not using his hands if he can move his mouth, so the three of them quarreled while recording.


"Why do it all over again, brother, I played it perfectly this time just now!"

"Perfect fart, this paragraph is wrong."


Lu Yan took off the monitor earphones: "You fucking come over and listen to it yourself?"


"Come again."


It was already night when everything was recorded.

Parker hit the play button, and the complete guitar melody came out of the stereo.

Several people slumped quietly on the sofa in a row, Cannon let out a long sigh of satisfaction.

Parker didn't know the lyrics of this song, but the melody was very familiar after listening to it all day, and he couldn't help humming along with it as soon as the voice was released.

When he hummed, Lu Yan, the lead singer, also felt a little itchy in his throat.

-I am in a wilderness / across mountains and seas to your side.

As soon as Lu Yan's voice came out, Parker immediately stopped his messy humming - although he still couldn't understand every word Lu Yan said, this was undoubtedly the smoothest communication between them.

After the last note was played, Parker couldn't help giving them a thumbs up.

Lu Yan leaned back with his hands spread out, and his arms were casually placed on both sides, just to circle Da Pao and Li Zhen from left to right. He moved his fingers and patted Li Zhen's shoulder: "Let's go?"

Li Zhenzheng was looking down at his phone. He grabbed Lu Yan's elbow and said, "Fuck!"

"What the hell?" Lu Yan put his legs on another chair in front of him, "Will you go or not?"

Li Zhen didn't have the time to worry about whether to leave or not, he almost jumped up from his seat: "Competition! There will be a band competition in a while, do you know?"

Cannon: "What game?"

Lu Yan didn't pay much attention to it. There are a lot of underground bands in the downtown area. Usually, when he has nothing to do, he always holds some competitions, such as the drummer league that Li Zhen participates in every year.

"No, this is official—" Li Zhen handed over the phone.

Lu Yan saw it clearly this time, and he sat up straight suddenly.

The picture shows a large-scale talent show for a band, tentatively titled "The New Year of the Band", and the champion team will be managed by the band's manager. The promotional posters were very detailed. Besides the registration items, there were several heavyweights, especially the woman in the red dress in the middle of the station.

Band manager: Ge Yunping.

Da Pao's face was almost pasted on the phone, blocking the screen tightly, and Lu Yan could only see his yellow hair.

Da Pao exclaimed: "I'll go, Ge Yunping!"

Li Zhen nodded: "The traffic is legendary, and all the singers he brings are first-line."

Lu Yan: "Where did the link come from?"

Li Zhen blurted out: "Ah, in the group."

After Li Zhen finished speaking, he thought something was wrong.

Lu Yan had already pushed Da Pao's golden head away, clicked Back, and retreated into a group chat.

It was a band group chat with a very long and special name called "Lu Yan and dogs are not allowed inside".

Lu Yan: "..."

Li Zhen laughed three times: "It's none of my business, this group was built by Spades."

Lu Yan threw the phone back.

Cannon's head squeezed over again: "Brother, shall we sign up? Auditions will start next month."

Li Zhen began to tremble involuntarily: "Yes, report or not? The opportunity is rare."

There are very few band shows in China, and even the term "band" has never been considered mainstream. "Underground" is the soil that nourishes them. They waited too long for the "opportunity". Not only them, every musician who saw the promotional poster was in a bad mood.