You’re My Wonderwall

Chapter 76


Lu Yan has never played the piano like this before.

After the initial discomfort, I only felt that my fingers seemed to fly a little bit.

Xiao Heng's breath hit his ears, and Lu Yan's last memory of this night was the man's warm fingers and a few melodies.

Party A's online drama is a fantasy theme. Lu Yan couldn't find it after searching for several days. The main reason is that the style of the songs he usually writes is too different.

The first version submitted was also typed back directly.

Lu Yan suddenly had an inspiration that night, he moved his finger, and signaled Xiao Heng to change the string: "Press this one."

Xiao Heng moved over.

After Lu Yan played a few melodies, he leaned over and wrote on the paper again.

Xiao Heng played for a long time. He didn't know what he was playing, so he was a little curious. He looked down at the person in his arms and asked, "What is it called... a chord?"

"Well," Lu Yan said, "You are in good condition. You can follow the big horizontal press. Haven't you learned it before?"


Xiao Heng added: "I wasn't interested at the time."

When Zhai Zhuangzhi was learning guitar, Xiao Heng didn't even care about it.

Zhai Zhuangzhi had persuaded him at the beginning: "Boss, you really don't want to learn? You are a magic tool for picking up girls. Who doesn't like the appearance of a handsome guy holding a guitar and singing love songs? Which man doesn't have a guitar dream in his heart?"

Xiao Heng gave him one word at the beginning: Get lost.

Thinking of this, Xiao Heng stared at the stud on Lu Yan's ear and said, "To be honest, I regret it a bit."

Lu Yan was still changing the song, didn't pay attention to it, and asked casually, "...what do you regret?"

Xiao Heng: "I regret that I didn't follow along, otherwise I would still be able to make a wife now." If I followed up for a while, maybe I could have a reunion bomb.

Lu Yan stopped writing, and jokingly said, "Didn't you get drunk if you didn't learn?"

Xiao Heng didn't answer, but asked, "Have you finished writing the song?"

Lu Yan: "It's still a bit short, the rest will be changed tomorrow."

Hearing this, Xiao Heng let go of the hand that was on his wrist, and went down: "Then do something else."


He unbuckled the belt buckle on Lu Yan's waist.

Lu Yan will have an official performance tomorrow.

Xiao Heng didn't do it too hard that night, when Lu Yan grabbed the bed sheet and said "get off" with red eyes, he stopped.

The next day, Lu Yan got up very early.

The first thing he does after taking a shower is not to put on his clothes, but to cover his hickey in front of the mirror.

When I was almost done packing, I remembered to pick out some earrings to wear before going out.

He wanted to find the earrings that Sister Lan gave him last time. Before he left, he rummaged through the jewelry table for a long time. In the end, he didn't find the earrings, but he found a lip ring instead.

Lu Yan pinched the small, semi-circular one, thinking about when he bought it.

He had put on lip nails a long time ago, but it was really inconvenient later on.

The main reason is that I got tired of looking at it, so I bought a fake one to wear after it grew well.

"What time is it?" Xiao Heng was awakened by the sound of him turning over things, and asked in a hoarse voice.

"Eight o'clock," Lu Yan pinched it and put it on his lower lip, " you have something to do this morning?"

Xiao Heng: "Well, I have to go to the studio. The previous project encountered some technical problems."

The fake lip ring worn by Lu Yan can be simply buckled on.

After putting it on, Lu Yan said to the mirror, "Your after-sales service is good."

Xiao Heng didn't speak this time.

He sat up and looked at Lu Yan through the mirror in front of him.

The lip ring is simple in shape, made of metal, and a thin circle is stuck on the side of his lips. Since it is a campus commercial performance, the style should not be too exaggerated. Lu Yan's clothes today are the same as usual, but his whole person looks more sinister after his hair grows longer than before.

Xiao Heng's heart skipped a beat when he saw it, and called him: "Come here."

Lu Yan touched the lip ring and walked over: "I haven't worn it for a while, won't it be too strange to wear it like this..."

Xiao Heng: "Come closer, I can't see clearly."

Lu Yanxin said that it was close enough, so he could only bend down to get closer.

"Still can't see clearly."


"Tsk, come closer."

"You're playing with me."

Just as Lu Yan finished speaking, Xiao Heng blocked her with his lips.

When Xiao Heng pressed it, apart from his warm lips, he also touched a piece of cold metal ring.

The experience of kissing with a lip ring is new.

Occasionally, Xiao Heng's movements were heavy, and the metal ring would press his lips tightly, making it a little painful.

At the end of the kiss, Xiao Heng didn't feel too sexual, and simply took a bite on the lip ring, and said back: " looks good, but it's too much of a hindrance."

Lu Yan touched his lower lip with his fingertips, and the temperature was hot. You don't need to look to know that it is already too popular.

The color didn't fade when he got off the car to school.

Li Zhen and the others had finished auditioning on the stage, and they were playing with their teammates' instruments.

Li Zhen said with Xu Ye's bass on his back: "Hey, I haven't seen you wearing this ring for a long time. It's you... you still put on makeup? It's agreed that everyone will not clean up, and face the music circle with the most simple appearance." Flowers of the future—you wear lip rings! You wear lipstick!"

"Not painted."

"You liar!"

"My boyfriend bit me," Lu Yan said, "If you're envious, you can also find a boyfriend to bite you."

Li Zhen: "..."

Cannon: "..."

Xu Ye: "..."

Li Zhen: "Can you kick this guy out of the band, let's change the lead singer, I can't take it anymore."

The few of them often change instruments to play, and they can play a little bit of basically any instrument in the band. The current lineup on stage is the lead singer of Cannon, Xu Ye on guitar, and Li Zhenbass.

Lu Yan glanced at it, and after taking the stage, he sat down in front of the drum set and asked, "How do you play?"

When Lu Yan said this, he was spinning Li Zhen's drum stick in his hand. His drum playing skills were average, but his drum stick spinning skills were better than Li Zhen's.

Cannon suggested: "Walk with the silver bullet?"

Xu Ye showed no mercy: "No, your English pronunciation is not accurate."

Cannon: "..."

When it comes to English pronunciation, Li Zhen is also surprised: "You said that you, Big Brother Lu, are the ones who sit behind you and play with the stick. Your English level is the same as shit, but your pronunciation is quite standard."

Lu Yan: "What's the matter, why are you still attacking personally—"

The last few people combined an old song to make sure that there was nothing wrong with the equipment and volume.

Campus performances start on time at ten o'clock in the morning.

Since the commissioning of the equipment, the square has been completely surrounded.

When Group V officially performed, it caused quite a stir.

Compared with ordinary audiences, the world of music students is obviously much crazier.

It was the first time that Lu Yan encountered such a situation where the atmosphere of the scene would spontaneously ignite without him needing to warm up the scene.


They crowded around the square, screaming almost throughout the campus.

Lu Yan held the microphone and sang to the climax, turning around while singing. During the turning, he bent down, and the whole world seemed to be their voices.

It really sounded like a bird.

beyond the light.

cross the air

Across layers of crowds.

Float to the vast sky.

"The last song," Lu Yan said against the wind, "is a new song created by our band on the show, Silver Bullet."

It is estimated that many of these students have watched the show.

As soon as the silver bullet prelude came out, they began to sing in unison: "Run!"

Lu Yan's eyes skipped the sunny, rebellious, or maverick faces.

At the end of his singing, he simply turned the microphone around and pointed it at the audience.

From the front to the back, the sound waves with uneven layers rushed over layer by layer—

Lu Yan was about to turn the microphone back when he heard the last sentence changed by the students:

"You will see the sun! (You will see the sun)"

Lu Yan was stunned.

Almost forgot what to say next.

It wasn't until Li Zhenduo knocked twice to remind him that he took the microphone back, smiled and said thank you to the crowd.

On the way back, Li Zhen couldn't help scrolling through the band's Weibo.

After the band competition, Li Zhen took care of the official blog of the V group, and usually maintained interaction with fans, posted songs, and posted photos. Although the popularity of the band has dropped, it is still much better than before when they had to work several jobs to support the band.

Li Zhen said while brushing: "Everyone praised us for our good performance... Hahahaha, the vast crowd finally saw my fans of Li Zhen. I want to treasure this rainbow fart."

Lu Yan got into the car: "That's all you can do."

"Man, learning to be content is very important," Li Zhen brushed for a while, then raised his head and asked, "Shall we take a group photo?"

Lu Yan had no objection.

The four of them squeezed into the car and took a photo. Li Zhen smirked, Xu Ye made a pair of scissors, Cannon pretended to be cool, and Lu Yan sat by the side like the boss and asked, "Are you ready?"

The screen freezes.

When editing Weibo, it was difficult.

"Thanks to the Royal Academy of Music de Price?"

"The performance of Group V blows up the campus?"


discussion room.

Lu Yan bit her throat lozenge and said, "Just use the last sentence."—You will see the sun.

Li Zhen: "Hey, that's fine, that's a good sentence."

Weibo sent successfully.

When Lu Yan arrived in District 7, Xiao Heng hadn't returned yet.

Before he went upstairs, he turned to Sister Lan's house and sat there for a while, helping to pack a few express boxes.

Sister Lan asked, "Are you still streaming? I saw you when I logged into my account last time."

Lu Yan said: "I signed a live broadcast contract, but it hasn't expired yet."

"It's good," Sister Lan said, "Singing is easy. I used to do food and broadcasting, and I had to vomit after eating."

Sister Lan's voice was indeed hoarse, but Lu Yan always thought she was smoking too much.

Sister Lan: "Okay, thank you, I'll do the rest." Sister Lan pointed to his jacket pocket and said, "What's the vibration? Is your phone ringing?"

Lu Yan took it out and found that it was a group call.

Not long after Li Zhen arrived home, he interacted with the new comments after posting, and then planned to cut out the Weibo, and when he cut the Weibo, he accidentally saw the list of private letters, and there was a very familiar sign.

Li Zhen followed the sign and clicked in.

Make sure you're not mistaken.

Lu Yan answered the phone, and the first thing he heard was Li Zhenzhen's eardrum-shattering scream: "Ah!"

Li Zhen: "Sound, Sound Wave, Sound Wave Music Festival sent us a private message! We are invited to participate!"

Lu Yan originally thought that he had brushed some earth-shattering rainbow fart, until the word "sound wave" came out.

Da Pao was also shocked: "Brother Zhen, are you sure you read it right?"

Leaning against the wall, Lu Yan said casually, "Yeah, isn't it their automatic reply when you pay attention to others?"

Xu Ye has not been in the circle for a long time, and he doesn't know much about this aspect. He asked, "Is this noise... very powerful?"

In the past four years, their band has also been to some small music festivals.

But those music festivals don't have much money, and it's a miracle that they can be successfully held. They can't afford much appearance fee. In the past, they were all just for fun.

But the sound is different. In the many music festivals held in various cities, the sound can be said to have an unshakable status. Many famous singers and well-known bands in the music world will attend.

"It's not only amazing," Li Zhenguang couldn't help but think of the logo on the background cloth of the music festival, and said enthusiastically, "'s the dream of many musicians when they were young. Brother Zhen, when I first played drums, Dreaming every night is a stage for sound.”

Li Zhen also posted a screenshot in the group.

The private message list is indeed an official invitation letter—

Da Pao still couldn't believe it: "...could it be a fake number?"

Lu Yan followed their official blog and said, "It should be true."

Cannon: "So I'm dreaming?"

Lu Yan: "Do you want my brother to punch you a few times?"


While speaking, Lu Yan pulled down the screenshot.

The invitation was signed by several sponsors.

In a bunch of entertainment and catering companies, there is a record company mixed in.

Sponsors of the festival: xx Entertainment, xx Company, Yinlang Records.