You’re So Arrogant

Chapter 14


The next day, Ye Wen woke up in Xie Shuo's arms.

The breath on the man's body was clean, like the warm sun in spring, and there was a feeling of peace of mind. She raised her eyelids, looked at them in a daze, and was unable to close them again.

Her mind was still confused, she subconsciously treated him as a pillow, and rubbed her arms against him.

Xie Shuo was "woke up" by her.

So in the next second, her arm was ruthlessly taken away again.

Ye Wen was completely awake, after experiencing the last time, she was able to calmly deal with her behavior of rolling towards him when she fell asleep, calmly propped up the bed and sat up.

Anyway, it's her husband, so it's not illegal to hug her.

"Morning." She touched the remote control on the bedside table and opened the floor-to-ceiling curtains.

The morning sun diffused in, translucent and clear, dripping all over the floor.

Ye Wen stretched his waist, raised his chin, and placed his entire face in the sunlight. His fair skin was bathed in sunlight, and it was as transparent as jade. Thinking of the plan she made last night, she said to Xie Shuo, "The weather is so nice today, shall we go to the garden and sit down later? I'll read to you."

Xie Shuo remained unresponsive as usual, groped out of bed and went to the bathroom.

Ye Wen didn't expect to be able to do it overnight, he lifted the quilt, got up and changed his clothes.


The two got up late today, and it was nearly ten o'clock after breakfast.

Ye Wen took out the notes he wrote last night, and just about to implement the first step of the plan, the old man suddenly fell ill.

Elderly people at this age are most prone to emergencies. The housekeeper hastily invited a private doctor over, and Ye Wen also hurried up and down, and it was not until the afternoon that he breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, before she breathed a sigh of relief, Xiang Quan called again, informing her to come over, saying that "Pharmacist" was in a hurry, and there was a meeting to confirm all the tasks and procedures.

Ye Wen was dizzy and had no choice but to leave Xie Shuo aside for the time being and hurried to the studio.

The others arrived earlier than her, so they did a sound test first. She is the designated main vocalist, so she doesn't need a sound test, but she still has to attend the meeting.

There are too many things to arrange, and this meeting has been open until night.

During the intermission, everyone gathered around to eat takeaway food, gossip and amuse in full swing, Ye Wen looked at this scene, and suddenly felt a sense of unreality—one side is Xie’s luxurious and wealthy life, and the other side is the normal overtime work of social animals, it’s too fragmented.

"Boss, didn't you say that Xuanmeng went back on its word and failed to negotiate, why did you suddenly sign it again?" Someone asked suddenly.

"It must be because of our boss' courage!" Another person followed suit.

Xiang Quan didn't speak, but glanced at Ye Wen with complicated eyes.

"How did I hear that it was because of Sister Familiar?" A girl in charge of publicity blurted out.

Ye Wen was suddenly named, and subconsciously looked at Shi Shuangshuang.

Feeling guilty, Shi Shuangshuang immediately leaned over and whispered: "I didn't say it, I didn't go out and spread it."

"Really?" asked another.

Ye Wen smiled slightly: "Aren't you afraid of being deducted from performance if you randomly grab the boss's credit?"

Thinking of Xiang Quan's stingy character design, everyone felt lingering fear, and said "I was wrong and I didn't say anything", laughing and bringing the topic to the past.

At half past eight, the meeting ends.

Shi Shuangshuang wanted to sort out the documents and asked Ye Wen to wait for him. Ye Wen went to the bathroom first to solve the bladder problem.

As soon as I walked to the door of the women's toilet, I heard the sound of splashing water and the whispering of two girls—

"Hey, Ye Wen really got caught up in the unspoken rules?"

"It's probably true. I heard that Mr. Lu of Xuanmeng had that kind of meaning for her. If something hadn't happened, why would Xuanmeng suddenly agree to sign the contract? And appoint her as the main partner?"

"Unexpectedly, she would agree..."

"What's so strange? With her conditions, isn't it normal to climb up with her thighs in her arms? Xuanmeng has a film and television department, and Xie is behind it. Maybe one day she will directly enter the entertainment circle..."

"Shh, keep your voice down, let's not talk about—"

Before the words fell, the two girls turned around and bumped into Ye Wen head-on.


Both of them froze, their expressions brilliant.

Ye Wen's eyes were light: "Why don't I know what you said?"

The two girls looked at each other nervously, their faces turning pale and white.

Ye Wen actually didn't know them very well, he only vaguely remembered the two interns that Xiang Quan recruited, and he couldn't even remember their names.

On weekdays, except for dubbing, she doesn't have much contact with other people in the studio.

"Who did these rumors come from?" Ye Wen asked again.

After a few seconds of silence, one of the girls with ponytails explained stutteringly: "Yes... I heard it in an anonymous live broadcast group..."

Ye Wen frowned, "Anonymous group, it's hard to check."

—Who is so idle to slander her

Ye Wen raised his eyes and looked at the two people with pale faces: "Can't you apologize?"

"I'm sorry." The two apologized and fled with their heads down.

Ye Wen didn't bother with them any more, and went into the bathroom, this kind of private gossip, if you really have to worry about it, you can't care about it.


Next to the bathroom, there is a small room exclusively for smoking. After going to the bathroom, Ye Wen suddenly ran into Xiang Quan again.

He was leaning against the door of the small room, with a cigarette between his fingers, shrouded in the smoke, looking rather sad and vicissitudes.

Ye Wen felt strange, greeted casually, and was about to leave, but Xiang Quan stopped her.

"I have something to talk to you about, just a few minutes."

His expression was a little dignified, as if something major had happened, which made Ye Wen's heart flutter.

"What's wrong?" Ye Wen approached.

Xiang Quan put the lit cigarette in his hand back and said, "Xuan Meng said that he wants to cooperate with us for a long time..."

Ye Wen wondered: Isn't this a good thing, why do you still put on a sad face

Xiang Quan looked at her with complicated eyes, hesitated to speak for a moment, and suddenly asked: "Tell the truth, did you... promise something to Lu Hong?"

Ye Wen: "..."

Ye Ming was convinced.

Even if he thinks so, it's no wonder other people gossip.

Xiang Quan has been in the dubbing circle for many years, and he is considered an old man in the dubbing circle. Ye Wen knew him when he was in college. Although he is a bit of a stingy person, and sometimes a mother-in-law, but he is actually a nice person, he doesn't have any pretensions, and he takes good care of his subordinates on weekdays. It is said that he is stingy because his ex-girlfriend disliked him for being poor, so he cheated on him and ran away with others. He was greatly stimulated, and since then he has worked hard, obsessed with making money.

Part of the reason why Ye Ming agreed to sign in his studio was that he was easy to get along with and wouldn't restrict her too much. After hearing his words, Ye Wen was very speechless, and said quietly: "When did you become so gossip?"

She brushed her hair back, raised her chin slightly, and had a noble and glamorous expression on her face: "Xuanmeng agreed to cooperate entirely because of my personal ability, and it has nothing to do with Lu Hong. He is not worthy of my eyes." .”

Xiang Quan felt relieved when he heard this, and just about to say something, he suddenly heard her say: "Thinking too much can make you grow old quickly, pay attention to your hairline."

Xiang Quan: "..."

"If there is nothing else, I'll go home first, bye~"

After Ye Wen finished speaking, he turned around quickly, walked away with his head held high and his chest held high.

Xiang Quan was speechless for a while, and when he came back to his senses, he really couldn't help touching his hairline worriedly.


"Are you going home directly now? Or go shopping around?" Shi Shuangshuang asked after coming out of the studio.

Under the night, with the lights flickering, Ye Wen glanced at his phone and said, "Don't go shopping, just go home."

Shi Shuangshuang shook her head with emotion: "I found that since you got married, you seem to have become a good wife and loving mother in ancient times. You don't leave the door without leaving the door. After finally coming out, you always think about going home early."

Ye Wen looked up and smiled shyly: "I am thinking about my dear husband."

Shi Shuangshuang stroked the goosebumps on her arms, and asked again: "There is a new dessert shop in front, do you really want to go?"

Ye Wen glanced at her up and down: "I remember you swore you would lose weight a while ago, right?"

Shi Shuangshuang is confident: "We need to do things like losing weight gradually. I've just made a calculation and I've been doing it for five days."

Ye Wen: "..."

All right, as long as you are happy.

In the end, Ye Wen was dragged by Shi Shuangshuang to buy a cup of milk tea.

The newly opened shop tastes pretty good, Ye Wen took a couple of sips from the straw, his drooping long eyelashes trembled like butterflies.

Shi Shuangshuang looked at her, and suddenly said: "You show your affection in front of me every day, it's so late, why don't you see your relatives and husband come to pick you up?"

Ye Wen raised his head: "He doesn't have time, so he sent his family's driver over, and he will be there soon."

The last time I went out, Ye Wen thought it was troublesome and took a taxi back by himself. After the old man knew about it, he was afraid that it would be unsafe for her to be alone, so he asked her to call the driver to pick him up.

—In all fairness, although Xie Shuo had a bad temper, the old man and Xie Baiyan treated her really well.

While talking, a Maybach stopped on the side of the road ahead.

"Here, it's in front." Ye Wen pointed with his eyes, and walked over with a cup of milk tea.

The tall driver got out of the car, opened the door for her, and called out respectfully, "Ma'am."

Shi Shuangshuang was dumbfounded.

Ye Wen turned around and asked, "Are you going back now? Shall I give you a ride?"

Shi Shuangshuang suppressed the excitement in her heart and nodded.

Woooooo... This is the closest she has ever been to a wealthy family!

After getting in the car, Shi Shuangshuang was heartbroken for a while, remembered something, leaned into Ye Wen's ear, and whispered: "By the way, I think they seem to suspect that you signed "The Medicine Master" with Lu Hongcai, do you want to make your husband's name public? identity, spread a rumor?"

Thinking of the gossip he heard in the bathroom earlier, Ye Wen paused, and said calmly, "Let's talk about it."


Back home, Ye Wen asked the housekeeper about the situation of the old man, and learned that he had already rested, so he didn't bother him.

When she was about to go upstairs, the butler suddenly handed her a courier package, saying that someone had sent it to Xie Shuo.

Ye Wen took it and looked at it. It was sent from abroad, and the sender's name was a bit vague, so I couldn't see it clearly.

She went upstairs with the package, walked into the bedroom, and saw Xie Shuo fumbling in the cloakroom, as if she wanted to pack up her clothes and take a shower.

"Someone sent you a courier." Ye Wen said in the past.

Xie Shuo stopped and asked casually, "Who sent it?"

"I don't know, do you need to take it apart for you?"

Xie Shuo gave a light "hmm".

Ye Wen found a knife and opened the package.

Inside is an exquisitely packaged gift box, tied with a light purple ribbon for a bow, it can be seen that a lot of thought has been put into it.

There was an envelope with a light blue sky background inserted horizontally, without a seal.

Inside the envelope was a greeting card folded in half, with small dried purple flowers sandwiched in it, with a faint fragrance.

Ye Wen took out the greeting card and opened it.

A few words of wedding blessings came into view, and the handwriting was beautiful.

Signed: Mu Qing

Ye Wen raised his head, with a puzzled tone: "Who is Mu Qing?"

The author has something to say: Xiao Xie's answer will determine whether he can sleep tonight.

PS: Blindness will be fine, there will also be chasing wives and crematoriums, running with the ball... probably not~

The weather is so cold, please comment and nutrient solution^_^

-Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-01-18 23:43:34~2020-01-19 23:49:40~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: three thousand and one;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: the little daughter-in-law is 272 1;

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: it’s crazy~ 50 bottles; hahaha 2 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!