You’re So Arrogant

Chapter 21


Xie Shuo's cold lasted for about a week.

Because of this, Xie Baiyan, who was originally on a business trip, rushed back early.

Afraid that he would blame him for not taking good care of others, Ye Wen restrained his usual arrogance and acted extraordinarily gentle and docile, and even lowered his voice by a few decibels.

Fortunately, Xie Baiyan was reasonable, and he didn't take his anger out on her. He only asked about Xie Shuo's physical condition, and his attitude was kind.

Ye Wen took this opportunity to ask him for Xie Shuo's medical record, and studied it carefully.

A week later, Xie Shuo finally recovered.

Ye Wen was exhausted, heaved a sigh of relief, and was about to make up for the lack of sleep in the past few days, when Xiang Quan suddenly called again and asked her if she would like to try to record the theme song of the anime.

Ye Yan can sing, and Xiang Quan knows it. In addition to dubbing the radio dramas that the studio received before, she also took over the theme song.

To be honest, Xiang Quan thinks she can sing very well, and can control high and low notes, unlike him, who only knows how to dub, and once she reaches the level of singing, she plummets.

However, she has always been a Buddhist person. She is in her early twenties, and she seems to have the heart of a forty-year-old. She can do everything, but she doesn't care much about it.

She is serious about her work, and she is never ambiguous in arranging her to do things, but it always makes people feel that she lacks a little ambition.

"Before that, a singer was already appointed there, but there was a sudden change, and now the project is in a hurry, so I mentioned it to them, and I want you to try it. The lyrics and music have already been composed, and you can sing it. "

Ye Wen thought for a while and asked, "Can I usually practice singing at home?"

Xiang Quan didn't understand why she became so "family-loving" after she got married, and said, "It's ok, just record in the studio after training."

It didn't take much time to record the songs, Ye Wen hesitated and said, "Then I'll try."

Xiang Quan said: "Okay, come to the recording studio first this afternoon and try out the sound."

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Wen greeted Xie Shuo and hurried out the door.

After staying at home for so long, finally breathing fresh air, Ye Wen felt a little flustered.

She leisurely looked at the bustling street scene outside the car window, and couldn't help thinking about when she could fool Xie Shuo out to go shopping with her.


When we arrived at the recording studio, Xiang Quan and related staff were already waiting there.

Xuanmeng's theme song is Lu Chuan, a well-known songwriter in the industry. It is said that he has a bad temper and is notoriously picky.

As soon as Ye Wen entered the control room, he saw a middle-aged man in a brown shirt sitting on a stool in the back. He looked about forty years old and had a handsome appearance. He was holding a paper document in his hand, frowning, looking at Feel very irritable.


Xiang Quan paused his work, led Ye Wen to him, and introduced, "This is Teacher Lu Chuan."

Lu Chuan raised his head, and a delicate and bright face appeared in his sight.

Ye Wen smiled politely: "Mr. Lu, hello."

"You are Ye Ming?"

Lu Chuan glanced at her up and down, and there was an obvious meaning in his eyes—"Which back door is this vase stuffed in? Don't ruin my work."

"Since you're here, let's audition!"

Impatient with Ye Ming's politeness, he dusted off the paper in his hand and signaled her to start the sound audition.

Ye Wen didn't even think about getting close to him, so she turned around and went to the microphone in the recording studio, and put on her earphones.

Soon, Lu Chuan started playing the song demo.

The theme song is called "Mountain Ghost Fu", which originated from Qu Yuan's "Mountain Ghost".

The starting tone is very low at the beginning, and there is a long-lasting humming in the middle, the tone is high, and it cannot be interrupted.

This song is indeed a bit difficult, no wonder Lu Chuan is not optimistic about her.

Ye Wen listened carefully twice, and opened his mouth with full energy.

At the beginning, Lu Chuan was still careless, but when he reached the second sentence, his eyes moved slightly and he raised his head.

The gentle female voice came to my ears, with a rare ethereal simplicity, and the emotions in the lyrics and music were well grasped.

Lu Chuan's expression gradually became more focused.

In the audition stage, naturally one cannot expect a perfect performance. In the middle and late stage, Ye Wen stumbled a little.

When she finished the audition, Lu Chuan looked at her and suddenly asked, "Have you ever studied vocal music?"

Ye Wen was stunned for a moment, and replied: "I have studied on and off for a year."

In those years, in order to compete with Ye Yuannian, Xia Jin asked her to learn more than this.

Lu Chuan: "Why didn't you learn it later?"

Ye Wen smiled slightly: "It wasn't this major at first, but I just learned casually because of my interest, and it happened that I had something to do at home, so I was delayed."

Lu Chuan stared at her for a moment and said, "It's a pity."

Ye Ming didn't answer any more, waiting for him to announce the result.

Lu Chuan got up and said: "I'll give you the demo, you go back and practice..." After a pause, "Can you practice in three days?"

Ye Wen thought for a while and said, "It should be possible."

Lu Chuandao: "Then three days later, I will officially come to record."

Xiang Quan didn't expect it to be so smooth. After he came out of the recording studio, he said in a low voice: "Lu Chuan really has a bad temper. When you went in just now, I sweated for you, for fear that something might happen again."

Ye Wen smiled: "Are you afraid that if I can't sing well, I will be scolded and cry by him?"

Xiang Quan said: "Don't laugh, there are people who have been scolded and cried by him."

Ye Wen laughed even more happily: "Then I am not very good?"

Xiang Quan followed suit with a smile, and suddenly said, "Are you really going to terminate the contract?"

Ye Wen nodded.

The elevator door opened, and the two entered together.

A few days ago, Ye Wen formally asked Xiang Quan to terminate the contract. When he went out this afternoon, besides the audition, he mainly wanted to talk about it.

There were only the two of them in the elevator, Xiang Quan paused, and looked at her sideways: "Because of the marriage?"

Ye Wen was silent for a while, then smiled and said, "It's sort of."

Thinking of the ring and luxury car she showed off that night, Xiang Quan could also understand that after marrying into a wealthy family, he would have no worries about food and clothing, so he would no longer have to work so hard to go out early and return late to the recording studio.

It's just that it was originally signed for three years, but now it's only been one year, and he's about to run away, and it's inevitable that he will feel a little sad about losing the head of the family in the future.

When the elevator reached the first floor, Ye Wen came out. Seeing that he had been silent, he raised his eyebrows: "Why are you so sad? I won't go bankrupt without the studio."

Xiang Quan pinched his brows pretending to be sad: "Isn't this missing a cash cow!"

Ye Wenbai glanced at him: "It's almost done, you, you squeezed me for a year, don't you think it's not enough?"

Xiang Quan finally couldn't help laughing.

Ye Wen said again: "Besides, I just want to terminate the contract, and the investment I talked about earlier still counts. If there is a good role and I have time, I will take it occasionally."

Xiang Quan stopped feeling emotional, nodded and said: "Okay, we will make an appointment in two days to sign the termination contract, and then we will make a final cooperation plan with Xuanmeng."

The two had already walked outside the business park, and Xiang Quan's phone vibrated twice in his pocket.

He took it out and looked, and frowned: "I have something urgent to deal with, so I'm leaving first, and we'll talk about it in detail another day."

"Well, bye~"

Xiang Quan hurried away, Ye Wen also took out his mobile phone from his bag, and checked the time, it was past four o'clock, which was quite early.

There was a tempting scent in the air. She followed the scent and saw a candied chestnut shop not far away. She couldn't help but move her index finger, walked over quickly, and bought a bag of freshly baked candied chestnuts.

After buying chestnuts, she turned around and planned to stop a car by the side of the road.

The driver at home is not here today, and she is too lazy to drive by herself, so she can only take a taxi.

Suddenly, a familiar figure came into view, Ye Wen held the paper bag, and was stunned.

... Xie Yuran

She was a little uncertain, and looked carefully with her eyes wide open.

The man was tall and thin, wearing a black sweater, a hat and a mask. When Ye Wen saw him, he had just taken off the mask on his face and was waving to stop the car.

Under the brim of the hat, handsome eyebrows and eyes, like a young man who has not been involved in the world.

— It is indeed Xie Yuran.


What is he doing here

Still making such a sneaky look

When he was wondering, Xie Yuran had already stopped a taxi, opened the door and got up.

Probably because there are too many scripts for novels, Ye Wen looked at his back, and a terrible thought suddenly flashed in his mind: Xie Shuo's car accident could not be planned by him, could it

After Xie Shuo's accident, he is the most likely person in charge of the Xie family. In other words, he is the biggest beneficiary and has every motive to do it.

Ye Wen was startled by her own thoughts, she hesitated for two seconds, then quickly walked to the side of the road and stopped the car.

The car door slammed shut.

"Master, please follow the car in front."

The driver looked at her from the rearview mirror with a strange expression, as if he suspected that she was trying to do something illegal.

In desperation, Ye Wen nonsense: "The one in front is my best friend's boyfriend, I suspect he cheated, I want to check."

Hearing this explanation, the driver finally started the car and followed.

Ten minutes later, Xie Yuran got off the car in front of a coffee shop and hurried through the glass door.

Ye Wen got out of the car, and when she walked into the coffee shop, Xie Yuran was nowhere to be seen, as if everything just now was her hallucination.

She searched around but couldn't find anyone, so she could only turn around and leave.


On the way back, Ye Wen carefully sorted out the two major events that happened in the Xie family last year——

One was Xie Shuo's car accident, and the other was the death of Xie Shuo's mother when she went out to sea.

According to what Ye Ming heard, her mother-in-law, whom she had never met, had an accident in January. At that time, Xie Baiyan had just announced his resignation as the chairman of the board and officially handed over the power to Xie Shuo. Living in retirement, it didn't take long for Xie Shuo's mother to have an accident.

There is one thing that Ye Wen can't figure out here. Xie Baiyan and his wife have never had any rumors of disagreement outside, and they have never had any bloody farce of cheating on an illegitimate child. It stands to reason that the relationship between the husband and wife should be fine, so why does the wife go out to sea for fun? Xie Baiyan, who is her husband, is not accompanied

Could it be that there are some ulterior rich secrets hidden in it? Or, their love and harmony are just appearances

But no matter what, Xie Baiyan wouldn't be so stupid as to team up with an outsider to harm his own son, right

Ye Wen thought about it for a long time, but couldn't figure it out, threw a fried chestnut into his mouth to suppress his shock, and then went to think about Xie Shuo's car accident.

Xie Shuo had a car accident in May last year, when he just got off the plane, on the way back to Xie's house, he was hit by a drunk driver. However, the driver was more seriously injured and died shortly after being sent to the hospital.

Generally speaking, only those close to him would know about Xie Shuo's itinerary. If there was something tricky hidden in this car accident, then Xie Yuran would be very suspicious.


Back home, Ye Wen went into the bedroom with fried chestnuts in his arms, just in time to bump into Xie Shuo coming out of the bathroom.

She greeted her casually, and asked briskly, "I bought sugar-fried chestnuts outside. It tastes pretty good. Would you like to try it?"

Xie Shuo felt that sometimes she was like a child, interested in everything, and she could be happy for a long time after eating snacks.

He didn't return her, and went on his own.

Ye Wen was not annoyed, she put the paper bag on the side cabinet and walked to the bed.

There was a light beige home skirt thrown on the bed, which she had changed before she went out. She was in a hurry and forgot to put it away.

She picked up the skirt and originally planned to go to the cloakroom. She glanced at someone in the room who had almost zero sense of presence. She didn't bother to bother, so she changed directly by the bed.

He couldn't see anyway, so there was nothing to hide.

Ye Wen took off his shirt and trousers, and quickly changed his clothes. Hearing the rustling noises in the room, Xie Shuo "looked" at her, and suddenly frowned and asked, "What are you doing?"

Ye Wen was surprised that he cared about her, a little surprised, put away the changed clothes and trousers, and said very calmly: "Change clothes!"

Xie Shuo: "..."

After packing up her clothes, she went to the bathroom to wash her hands, took the fried chestnuts again, and sat down beside him.

"You really don't want to eat it?" She deliberately shook the paper bag in front of his nose, "It's very fragrant."

The sweet smell spread out, Xie Shuo kept a straight face, still unmoved.

Ye Wen took out a chestnut from the bag, peeled it, and handed it to his mouth: "Try it, I brought it back from outside."

Xie Shuo was indifferent for a second, and finally opened his mouth.

"How is it? Isn't it good? It's just a little cold, and it doesn't taste as good when it's just out of the oven."

Ye Wen smiled and peeled another one for herself.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, the sun is setting in the evening, and the sky is burning with a gorgeous sunset glow, reflecting the mountains and vegetation with a layer of brilliance.

Ye Fan recalled the encounter with Xie Yuran earlier, and asked hesitantly, "I want to ask you something, are you and your brother... on good terms?"

Xie Shuo turned to face her, with deep eyes, as if he was searching for something: "Why do you suddenly want to ask this?"

"Nothing, just a little curious, just ask."

Ye Wen wanted to tell him about meeting Xie Yuran today, but she was afraid that he would feel that he was trying to sow discord. After all, to him, Xie Yuran was his younger brother who grew up with him, and she was just an outsider.

"I heard that he was fostered by your family when he was very young. You two should be very close, right?" Ye Wen tried his best to carefully consider his words.

Unexpectedly, in the next second, Xie Shuo directly punctured her: "What are you thinking?"

Ye Wen panicked and tried to play dumb: "Ah? I didn't think about anything..."

Xie Shuo showed an expression of "I'm blind, not stupid", and said, "I've had someone investigate the car accident and it has nothing to do with him. If you're suspicious of him, find out the evidence."

"..." Ye Wen didn't expect him to figure out the little things in her heart so easily, and immediately choked. But yes, if he didn't have this bit of brain, he wouldn't be able to sit in that position at the beginning.

The Xie family has a great career, and Xie Baiyan will not raise his only son to be a fool.

"What are you worrying about?" Xie Shuo asked again.

Ye Wen murmured in a low voice: "Didn't I care about you? Anyway, we are also husband and wife..."

Xie Shuo was silent for two seconds, turned his face away, and said calmly, "You don't need to worry about these things."

If you don't worry, don't worry, who cares!

Ye Ming was displeased with his tone, and forcefully stuffed a chestnut in his hand into his mouth.

Xie Shuo was caught off guard and frowned.

Ye Wen raised his chin: "The last two are gone, if you don't eat, you will lose them."


The stuffing was stuffed, and Xie Shuo had nothing to do with her, so he could only eat it with a cold face.

After he finished eating, Ye Wen looked at him, took advantage of his unpreparedness, and stuffed the last one into his mouth.

After that, no matter how ugly his face was, he quickly moved to a corner of the sofa: "It's gone! I'll give you the last one!"

Xie Shuo "stared" at her side, his face was livid, as if he wanted to get angry but could only bear it.

In the end, he ate the chestnuts in his mouth.

He was unhappy, but Ye Wen was in a happy mood, raising his eyebrows triumphantly at him. After being married for so long, Ye Wen has almost figured out his temperament. Although he is a little moody, but after all, he is the heir raised by the family, and his basic self-cultivation is still there. Even if he gets angry again, he will not do anything to her.

Ye Wen leaned sideways on the sofa, picked up the phone to unlock it, and draped his long thin white legs casually.

She originally wanted to look up Xie Yuran's relevant information on the Internet, but instead of finding any useful information, she was attracted by a freshly baked melon from the entertainment industry on Weibo's hot search, and began to eat melon with relish.

She shut up so much, the whole room became extremely quiet in an instant.

Because of the cold, Xie Shuo didn't sleep much in the past few nights, and his energy was a little weak, so he leaned on the sofa and squinted for a while.

When he opened his eyes, there was still silence all around. He "looked" aside, but couldn't see anything. He listened carefully, but he didn't hear anything.

He wasn't sure if Ye Wen was still there, but he didn't want to call her. He struggled with himself for a few seconds, and then he tried to reach out and grope around.

Eating melons is the most time-consuming thing. Ye Wen was so fascinated by the gossip that he didn't notice Xie Shuo's movements at all.

She was leaning lazily on the sofa, her skirt was rubbed to the bottom of her legs, revealing her slender and fair body.

Thus, Xie Shuo's groping touched her thigh.

The tentacles are smooth and delicate.

Xie Shuo was taken aback.

Ye Wen was also taken aback.

She raised her head and didn't react for a moment, she asked in a daze, "Why are you touching my leg?"

Xie Shuo: "..."

The air froze for a second.

Xie Shuo withdrew his hand expressionlessly, as if nothing happened, got up and walked out of the bedroom.

Ye Wen:? ?

Did you touch my leg? Why are you still so confident

The author has something to say: Xiaoye: last time I touched my chest, this time I touched my legs, where do you want to touch next time? [smile.jpg]

Xiao Xie: Silence.jpg

Today's fat stamp is here, can you little cuties move your fingers to bookmark the author's column? O(∩_∩)O~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-01-26 23:09:51~2020-01-27 23:25:18~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 Baji Doudou;

Thanks to the little angel who cast the landmine: the little daughter-in-law is 272, pear blossom? 1;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 12 bottles of Jingru; 10 bottles of Guchenyue and Huiyue; 5 bottles of 23914626; 1 bottle of Wen Wen Ah, Tian の Jiu Jiu, Lan Yu;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!