You’re So Arrogant

Chapter 62


"Mr. Wen, hello."

Ye Wen's voice fell, and there was no response from the side of the screen for a long while.

She couldn't help being surprised, she poked her probe forward, and called again: "Mr. Wen?"

Still no response.


Ye Wen became more and more certain of the guess in his heart, supported the cushion, slowly straightened up, and wanted to go around the screen to have a look.

Probably sensing her movements, there was finally a response from the other side of the screen: "Ms. Ye, hello."

— It was a very young voice, but it was not Xie Shuo.

Ye Wen was taken aback: Did she guess wrong

"You are Mr. Wen?"

The young voice asked without answering: "Ms. Ye should have read the contract. I wonder if Ms. Ye has any concerns?"

His non-answer revived Ye Ming's doubts that had just dissipated. After thinking for a while, he said, "There is nothing wrong with the terms of the contract, but I want to see Mr. Wen himself first."

The young man paused for a moment and said, "Is this important to Miss Ye?"

Ye Wen looked at the shadow on the screen and spoke softly: "It's natural. Mr. Wen said he wanted to ask me to be his personal assistant. I have to meet with him first before considering whether to take the job. Otherwise, if I sign the contract Finding it inappropriate is bad for both parties.”

There was silence again on the other side of the screen.

After a long while, the vague shadow moved, and the young man finally came out from behind the screen. He was wearing a suit and leather shoes. It was a strange face that Ye Wen had never seen before.

He walked to Ye Wen and sat down, and smiled slightly: "Does Miss Ye have any other requests?"

Ye Wen couldn't help but carefully glanced over the screen, wondering if there was someone hiding behind it, but he could only see a blur.

She turned her gaze back and looked at the man in front of her: "So Mr. Wen is so young?"

The young man didn't admit it or deny it. He just put the contract in duplicate on the coffee table and pushed her towards her: "If Ms. Ye has no objections, you might as well sign the contract now."

In the lower right corner of the contract, Party A's name has been signed in sharp handwriting.

Ye Wen had seen Xie Shuo's signature before, and it was a bit similar to this one, but there was no comparison, so he couldn't confirm it for the time being.

Seeing her staring at the contract, the young man reminded softly: "Miss Ye?"

Urging so urgently, and still concealing it, there must be something tricky - more importantly, the man in front of him clearly did not show liking for her voice, as if he was just taking money to do something.

Ye Wen raised his eyes, bent his lips, and showed a sly smile: "If you are Mr. Wen, I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't sign this contract."

The young man was slightly stunned: "Why?"

Ye Wen pretended to be regretful and said: "That's right, I'm already married, and my husband is usually very strict, and doesn't like me having too much contact with young people of the opposite sex in private."

The young man obviously didn't expect such a problem. He was stunned for a few seconds before he thought about it and said, "Please rest assured, Ms. Ye. During the contract period, Ms. Ye only needs to be responsible for the reading work, and there is no need for close contact. What you worry about It will never happen."

Ye Wen smiled: "Mr. Wen was joking, since he is a personal assistant, contact is unavoidable anyway." She paused, picked up the bag next to her, "I'm very sorry, I can't sign this contract, thank you Your tea."

Seeing her getting up and about to leave, the young man's face changed slightly, and he quickly stopped her: "Miss Ye, wait a moment."

Ye Wen stopped and turned his head.

The young man hesitated for a long time before saying: "Actually, I am Mr. Wen's personal lawyer. It is not convenient for Mr. Wen to come here now, so I will discuss it with Ms. Ye."

Ye Wen curled the corners of his lips: "What if I say, I must see him?"

The young man showed embarrassment, but he was afraid that she would leave with her bag, so he could only say: "Miss Ye, please wait a moment, I'll call and ask."

After he finished speaking, he got up and walked behind the screen, picking up his mobile phone and making a call while walking.

Ye Wen sat back again, gently pinching the white porcelain teacup with slender fingers, as pure as jade.

She suddenly had an idea, took out her cell phone from her bag, and took this opportunity to call Xie Shuo.

I thought it would be on the phone, but unexpectedly, I got through.

Ye Wen was taken aback for a second, and began to feel a little uncertain. After looking at the screen, he said, "Hey, where are you now?"

Xie Shuo's answer was very short: "Is there something wrong?"

Ye Wen hesitated for a moment, and tentatively asked: "I don't have work this afternoon, how about going to see you?"

As soon as the words fell, a bell sounded faintly from the other end: "Mr. Xie..."

Hearing this sound, Ye Wen suddenly realized that he could completely tell Zhong Fu to handle this matter, and he didn't need to come forward himself.

"It's inconvenient to be in a meeting." Xie Shuo paused and said.

Can you still answer her phone during a meeting

Ye Wen rested his elbows on the table, raised the corners of his lips, and said in a nonsense tone: "Well, since you are so busy, I won't look for you anymore."

Just as she was about to hang up, Xie Shuo said, "Where are you? I'll ask the driver to pick you up."

The corners of Ye Wen's lips became deeper and deeper: "The opportunity has been missed, so I won't go."

Before he could speak, she asked again: "By the way, do you still remember that strange person I told you about yesterday? The one who paid a high price for me to be his personal assistant to study for him. I'm negotiating a contract with him today. Do you think I should sign it?"

Xie Shuo seemed to be thinking about how to answer, and after a pause, he said calmly: "If the conditions are right, I can sign."

This answer made Ye Wen even more suspicious. With his temper in the past, he probably wouldn't want her to be someone's personal assistant.

She tapped the table with her finger and said dissatisfiedly, "Don't you ask who the other party is?"

Xie Shuo asked kindly, "Who?"

Ye Wen deliberately said: "I haven't seen the above, I guess it should be because I am old and have too much money to burn, otherwise why would I be so boring?"

There was an eerie silence on the phone.

Ye Wen's tone suddenly added exaggerated panic: "He won't have any abnormal habits?"

Xie Shuo was silent for two seconds, and finally said, "If you're worried, I'll have someone check it out for you."

Ye Wen pursed his lips and smiled: "No need, you go to the meeting, I won't bother you anymore."

She hung up the phone and waited for a while before the young man came back from behind the screen.

"Mr. Wen is in England now. If Miss Ye must see him, I can arrange for Miss Ye to go there."

The UK, the place where Xie Shuo is going on a business trip, is also in the UK.

At this moment, Ye Wen was almost certain that this "Mr. Wen" was Xie Shuo.

Thanks to him for coming up with such a childish and boring trick.

She raised the corners of her lips, flipped through the contract casually, picked up the pen and put it down again, and said with a cold air: "The UK is so far away, I still won't go."

The young man probably didn't expect her to be so difficult to deal with. In a hurry, he simply said: "Actually, Mr. Wen is not considered a young man of the opposite sex, so Miss Ye's previous worries are completely unnecessary."

Not counting young people of the opposite sex

Ye Wen couldn't help laughing, glanced at him, and finally let go: "Then wait until we meet before signing the contract."

If it's really Xie Shuo, then she can play with him as much as she can, since she's been free recently anyway.

Taking a step back, if she guessed wrong, it would be fine to take this job. With a daily salary of 10,000, no matter what, she won't lose money.

The young man looked at her, as if he wanted to persuade her to sign the contract first, but he swallowed the words at the end.

That night, Xie Shuo didn't come to pick her up for dinner because his business trip was ahead of schedule and he was leaving tonight.

Ye Wen was not angry either, he packed his luggage when he got home, went to bed early, and was going to see Mr. Wen the next day.


The next day, "Mr. Wen" specially sent someone to pick her up, and it turned out to be a private jet.

— Xie Shuo is not sure, but it is true that he is rich.

Thousands of miles of sky, endless blue sky, working for so long, this is the first time Ye Wen has been treated like this, and he couldn't help feeling a little bit of anticipation.

It happened to be dusk when we arrived on an island in England.

The setting sun on the sea melts gold, and the rays of the sun meander along with the waves, and half of the island is shrouded in the golden afterglow.

Mr. Wen stayed in the largest hotel on the island. After entering the hotel, his assistant took Ye Wen directly to his room. It was empty and there was no one there.

"Mr. Wen has something to do, and he may not be able to come back until later. Ms. Ye, please wait a moment."

Ye Wen didn't know if he really had something to do or if he was procrastinating on purpose, so he glanced at his luggage and said with a smile, "I'll go book a room first."

The assistant's original idea was to let her live here directly. Hearing what she said, he had no choice but to hurry up and book the room next door for her.

After booking the room, Ye Wen put the luggage there, and went back to Mr. Wen's room to wait for him.

She sat alone on the balcony, watching the sunset and seascape in the distance, took out her mobile phone to take a few photos, and sent them to Moments.

Soon, she received a lot of comments and praises, and everyone asked her where she played.

When the setting sun was halfway down, there was the sound of the door opening behind him, and Ye Wen turned his head when he heard the sound.

A familiar figure appeared in sight, with broad shoulders, narrow waist and long legs, every inch of it made people's heart throb.

— She guessed right.

Ye Wen got up, took a few steps forward, leaned against the floor-to-ceiling window, folded his arms around his chest, and looked at him with a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Wen."

The word "old" is extra forceful.

Xie Shuo didn't feel guilty about being ripped apart. He glanced at her, took off his coat calmly, and threw it on the sofa. Under the white shirt, the muscle lines were faintly visible.

Ye Wen walked into the house from the balcony, with the afterglow of the setting sun on her body, on the tea table in front of the sofa, there were two contracts, which were the ones she hadn't signed yet.

"Since you are not Mr. Wen, then there is no need to sign this contract." Seeing that he did not respond, Ye Wen bent down and picked up the contract, as if to leave.

Xie Shuo suddenly reached out, grabbed her wrist, and pulled her to the side.

Ye Wen almost sat on his lap, struggled, and raised his head: "What are you doing?"

Xie Shuo passed her arm around her back, held her tightly in his arms, and lowered his head, "Didn't you say that you sign when you see someone?"

The legs of the two were close together, and their postures were ambiguous. Ye Wen could almost clearly feel the texture under his shirt, and the ears were slightly warm. He raised his eyes and glared at him: "It's Mr. Wen I want to see, not you."

Xie Shuo's hands did not loosen, and he looked at her with deep eyes.

Ye Wen bent his lips and deliberately provoked him: "Why, do you want to admit that you are an old man in his fifties or sixties?"

Xie Shuo picked up the signature pen next to the contract, stuffed it into her hand, and wrapped her hand with his big palm.

"you… "

Ye Wen didn't say a single word, but his eyes were suddenly covered by his other hand. He hugged her tightly from behind, and his warm breath blew past his ears: "What?"

Two simple words, coming out of his mouth, have a different meaning.

The deep voice shook the eardrums, and the vision was blocked. Ye Wen only felt his neck go numb, and he couldn't help being bewitched.

But in a daze for a moment, she had already signed the contract with his hands wrapped around her.

The palm moved away, and the light in front of the eyes regained.

Ye Wen looked at his name on the contract and was dumbfounded.

... ? ?

What kind of show operation is this? ! !

The author has something to say: Xiao Xie is playing tricks_(:з」∠)_

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-03-13 02:16:42~2020-03-14 06:01:32~

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: Rujingluohai, Shilin, and little daughter-in-law are 272 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: Ying Shiyi, 3 bottles of Fanfan, Gugu; 37075457, 2 bottles of Mosquito Pig and Mosquito Pig;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!