You’re So Arrogant

Chapter 65


The air stagnates for a few seconds, and a fire burns to the top of the head.

Ye Wen's mind went blank, his ears were buzzing, and Jiu Jin woke up most of it in an instant—

How could she forget, he has regained his sight! ! !

After a short period of stiffness, she snatched the skirt from his hand, covered her chest in a concealed manner, and glared: "Why don't you go out!"

Under the light, her face was so red that she could almost bleed, and even her neck was completely red.

Xie Shuo stood still, his eyes wandered from top to bottom, and his eyes became darker.

Seeing him like this, Ye Wen felt hot all over his body, put his legs together, arched his toes in shame, and said angrily: "You still watch!"

Clutching her skirt tightly, she took two steps back, but her body was unstable, she staggered and almost fell.

Xie Shuo reached out his hand in time to support her.

Ye Wen became more and more nervous, and raised her hand in front of him, but he grabbed his waist and tied it in his arms.

She raised her head, just as she wanted him to let go, her lips were sealed, and the warm breath came down overwhelmingly.

In the confusion, she involuntarily let go of her hands, and her dress fell to the ground and covered her insteps.

He pressed her waist, locked her in his arms, and kissed her eagerly and forcefully.

The lips and teeth were filled with the smell of alcohol, and it was impossible to tell whose it belonged to.

The light and shadow flickered in front of his eyes, and the temperature rose rapidly. Ye Wen's legs became weak, and he gradually couldn't support it. He could only raise his hand, and his slender fingers clung to his arm.

The two were so close that the buttons of his shirt and the belt around his waist hurt her. She couldn't help but want to step back, but she couldn't match his strength.

After a long time, his lips finally left.

She was able to breathe, and she was soft in his arms, panting slightly, the corners of her eyes sparkling.

Xie Shuo lowered his head, looked at her slightly swollen lips, his eyes darkened, and seemed to want to continue.

Ye Wen saw the desire in his eyes, her heart skipped a beat, and she hurried to push him: "You let me take a bath first..."

Strictly speaking, the two of them only had that one time, and they had sex after drinking, and now they suddenly come again, so it is inevitable that they will be a little nervous.

Xie Shuo lightly held the corner of his lips, and kissed her ear: "Well, take a bath first."

Ye Wen: "..."

Why did these words come out of his mouth, as if he was saying to wash up and wait for him

She didn't mean it at all! ! !

Naturally, Xie Shuo didn't care if she meant it that way or not, he let go of his hand, looked at her with unsatisfactory eyes, turned and went out, and closed the door.

Ye Wen's face became redder, his whole body became limp, and he sat by the bathtub.

The hotness on her cheeks never faded, she raised her hand, covering her face in embarrassment, she must never take off her clothes casually again in the future!

After calming down for a while, she got up and took off her makeup in front of the mirror before going to take a shower.

There was the sound of water in the bathroom, and the mist quickly diffused. The hot water sprinkled from the top of the head and slid over every inch of skin along the neck.

After washing, being steamed by the water mist, Ye Wen's mind gradually became confused again, and the spirit of alcohol came back to his head.

After taking a shower, she casually put on her nightgown, forgot to blow dry her hair, and walked out in a daze with her slippers on.

Back in the bedroom, I found that Xie Shuo had already put on his nightgown and sat on the bedside - he went to the next room to take a shower.

Ye Wen stamped his feet two steps away from the bed, inexplicably a little nervous, and curled up his fingers hanging on the sides of his legs.

Although she was still drunk, she probably could have predicted that there might be some things she couldn't escape tonight, so she was coaxed by him to go home with him who made her feel confused.

Xie Shuo raised his eyes, looked at her, and finally landed on her wet hair.

He was not in a hurry to do anything to her, he lifted the quilt and got out of bed, brought the hair dryer over, led her to sit on the bedside, and began to blow-dry her hair.

The light and shadow in the room moved lightly, and the slender fingers shuttled through the long hair, gentle and patient.

The room is quiet, except for the sound of the hair dryer, which is very clear.

The warm air was drying my scalp, making me drowsy. Ye Wen sat on the head of the bed, his eyelids drooped uncontrollably, and his head dropped.

Xie Shuo pulled her hair to one side, revealing her clean neck and shoulders, her skin was delicate, dazzlingly white under the lamp.

After turning off the hair dryer, he stared at the back of her neck, couldn't help lowering his head, and kissed her lightly, with a faint fragrance on his lips.

Ye Wen didn't feel anything, he leaned softly in front of him, his eyes narrowed slightly, his mind was in a daze, as if he was about to fall asleep.

With this state, Xie Shuo couldn't continue, so he could only help her lie down on the bed, get up and put the hair dryer back to its original place.

When he came back, Ye Wen had already wrapped himself in the quilt and fell asleep, his black hair was piled up between the pillows, revealing half of his delicate and slender face, and the blush on his cheeks from drunkenness had not faded.

Xie Shuo got on the bed from the other side, put his palms on her pillow, looked at her for a moment, lowered his head and kissed her on the lips, turned off the light and lay down.

The future is long, so don't rush for this moment.


The moonlight was clear in front of the window, and the tree shadows swayed gently with the wind. He closed his eyes and was about to fall asleep when there was a rustle in the bed, and a soft body rolled into his arms.

Ye Wen snuggled up to him and put his hands on him habitually.

The warm, fragrant and soft jade was in his arms, which was especially obvious in the darkness. Xie Shuo opened his eyes again, and the thought that had been suppressed just now came up again.

He turned his head, and his lips just brushed against her forehead.

Ye Wen shrank into his arms, and his breath sprayed on his neck, a thin layer, like mist.

Xie Shuo pressed against her ear, lingered for a moment, then suddenly turned over, propped himself on top of her, and lowered his head to kiss.

In the silence of the night, Ye Wen felt his lips and teeth being pushed apart, and the breath was familiar, like the first snow in winter...

She opened her eyes in a daze, and through the moonlight outside the window, she vaguely saw the man's stern chin, and above that was a pair of deep eyes, the bottom of which was filled with emotions.

The lips moved from the lower jaw to the neck, and she was forced to raise her face, her black hair was disheveled.

The straps of the nightdress slipped off, and the shoulders were slightly cold, and were soon covered by warmth.

The night is getting deeper and deeper, outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, the bright moon is hidden among the flower branches, the stream is bright and clear, flowing like spring water.

The air in the room gradually became suffocating, the slight noise was intermittent, a hand stretched out from the quilt, and the sound of breathing finally turned into whimpering...

The clouds gather and the rain rests, and everything returns to calm.

The corners of Ye Wen's eyes were flushed, and his temples were full of sweat. In the confusion of his thoughts, there were vaguely soft kisses on his ears, once and for all, gentle and comforting.

At three o'clock in the morning, the sky was still dark, and the sound of water was heard again in the bathroom.

Outside the window, the moon shadow swayed slightly.


After a night of groggy, when I woke up, the sky was already bright, and the spring sun was shining into the French windows, clear and transparent.

Ye Wen opened his eyes and lay down on the bed. After a while, he finally came to his senses.

After a hangover, her head hurt a little, she raised her hand to press her head, and propped herself up on the bed to try to sit up, but when she hooked herself up, she suddenly fell back.

All over the body, the bones seemed to be falling apart, limp and weak, especially the legs, which could not be used at all.

She let herself go, lay down for a while, and turned her head to look at her side.

There was still no one by the pillow, and there was still some residual warmth in the empty quilt. The room was also empty, and no other sounds could be heard.

... She seems to have experienced the neglect of "lifting up her pants and not seeing anyone" again.

A nameless anger surged into her heart, she grabbed the pillow he had slept on, and without thinking about it, she slammed it down hard.

I didn't grasp the strength well, the pillow rebounded and fell to the ground, and even jumped twice.

Just at this moment, the door was pushed open, and a tall figure appeared at the door.

Ye Wen: "..."

Xie Shuo: "..."

Xie Shuo walked in slowly, picked up the pillow on the carpet, looked up at her with a puzzled expression: "What's wrong?"

He changed into home clothes, looked at Wen Wenruya, Ye Wen was stunned for a moment, and looked away in embarrassment.

Xie Shuo walked to the edge of the bed and sat down, hugging her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder, and pressing his face close to her.

Ye Wen raised his eyes to look at him, and asked out of nowhere: "Don't you have to go to the company today?"

Xie Shuo hugged her and kissed her ear: "Today I will stay with you at home."

Thinking of what happened last time, Ye Wen still felt a little uncomfortable, pursed his lips for a moment, and said, "Then why didn't you know to stay with me at home last time?"

There are some things that she would rather tell him clearly than keep it in her heart and come out to stab herself from time to time.

Xie Shuo was taken aback. At that time, he was in a hurry to leave because of the company's business, and he didn't take it too seriously afterwards. She didn't expect that after such a long time, she still remembered this incident.

"It's fine if you don't see someone, and you don't even care about it afterwards..." Ye Wen stretched out his index finger and poked his heart hard, "Scumbag!"

Xie Shuo grabbed her finger, looked at her for a long time, and whispered, "I'm sorry."

Not only for this matter, but also for all kinds of things in the past.

Unexpectedly, he could still hear these three words from his mouth in his lifetime. Ye Wen was a little flattered, raised his hand and scratched his chin, and smiled with curved lips: "For the sake of your sincerity, I will reluctantly forgive you Bar."

Xie Shuo lowered his eyes, caught a glimpse of the red mark on her collarbone, her throat rolled, and couldn't help but kiss her again.

Ye Wen was forced to lean back, with a slender neck, and with his hands on his sides, he pulled the quilt out of its folds.

The sunlight is light, reflecting the smooth profile, and the skin is as white as snow.

Her waist was already sore and weak, and after being kissed by him, she quickly fell back on the pillow, her eyelashes trembling slightly.

The picture of last night flashed through her mind, seeing that the atmosphere was getting worse, Ye Wen hurriedly turned her head to avoid it, in her current state, if she did it again, she would really kneel down.

Xie Shuo was pushed away by her, without any further force, he asked softly, "Should I go downstairs for breakfast or should I bring it to you?"

Ye Wen lifted the quilt and said, "Go downstairs and eat."

After breakfast, Xie Shuo went to work in the study, accompanied by Ye Wen, leaning on his shoulder to play with his mobile phone.

The spring day was sunny and warm, she raised her eyes inadvertently, glanced around, and suddenly found that something was missing.

"Where's Yinyin?" She turned her head and asked.

Xie Shuo raised his eyes and said, "Sent to upgrade."

"Upgrade?" Hearing this, Ye Wen immediately became interested, "Can I still upgrade? Will she become very smart after upgrading?"

Xie Shuo put the laptop on the table next to him, and said calmly, "It depends on the final effect."

He turned sideways, put his arms around her, and lowered his head to ask, "Shall I ask someone to move the things in the apartment back?"

Ye Wen wanted to say "yes", but when he saw his stern and serious face, he stopped talking.

She raised her eyebrows and deliberately made things difficult for him: "It's not impossible, first you can say something nice to coax me."

Xie Shuo looked into her bright eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his lips: "What do you want to hear?"

The author has something to say: Something happened to the three-dimensional element, and it broke down a bit, so I didn’t fix the article until now, I’m very sorry~

I don’t know if I can update it on time tomorrow. I will try my best. The main text has entered the countdown to the end. If you don’t want to wait, you can choose to fatten up the cutie. Thank you~

PS: Here is a little sweet article for everyone, followed by "The New Year is Sweet and You Are Wild", if you are interested, you can search it with your fingers~


The first time Yan Sa saw Duan Weiheng, she thought about how to take off his shirt. Tangtang, the deputy director of Internet video, has never seen any man before, but he just couldn't resist Duan Weiheng.

Mr. Yan squinted his eyes and said greedily, "Xiao Duan's children's shoes are kind of cute, I want to chase after them."

As long as you have a thick skin, there are no children who are not good at coaxing.

Yan Sa admits that she is called a ghost.

"I don't want to be on camera", "I'm not interested", "I don't accept your invitation", any attack will fail, Mr. Yan understood the difficulty of conquering Nianxia in just a few days.

"Forget it, I can't move anymore and give up."

Duan Weiheng stretched out his hand and shook her head, with a lingering voice at the end: "Coward."

Yan Sa was taken aback, her heart beating uncontrollably.

God! She seems to be doing it again! !

[Famous Video Director X Liangcheng Dude]

She is the heroine of cool articles in the workplace, and the treasure in his heart

#Afterwards, every day and night, he will put away all his sharpness and leave his tenderness to her#

[Sibling Love] After breaking the standard, love can actually be very sweet