You Sound Sleepy

Chapter 18


This is not the first time Lin Mian wants to invite Que Qingyan to dinner.

Nine years ago, Lin Xiaomian studied "One Hundred Practical Skills of Chasing Girls" for nearly a week, took out the pocket money he had been saving, and secretly ordered a candlelight dinner in the city center behind Lin's father and mother. .

The restaurant is located near Chang'an Avenue. Looking out from the window, you can just enjoy the snow scene of Chang'an Avenue. Lin Mian has even pre-booked the violinist's repertoire. The violin music is accompanied by candlelight snow scenes, and the atmosphere is just right for romance.

Bai Jiayi was very puzzled by Lin Mian's reference materials: "Why is it a hundred practical skills for chasing girls?"

Lin Mian turned on the hands-free phone, and while sorting out the love letters, said frankly: "Because I didn't find the book about chasing boys."

After finishing speaking, the little girl silently added a sentence in her heart.

Although Que Qingyan is not considered a boy, he should be a man...

Chasing a girl is chasing, and chasing a man is also chasing. In the past two weeks, Lin Mian has been particularly attached to Lin's mother, and has never missed every afternoon tea party of the rich ladies.

Mrs. Que would occasionally come to have afternoon tea, and one or two times, Lin Mian could see Que Qingyan who came to pick her up.

He usually leaves when he picks up someone. Last time, Lin Mian waited outside the teahouse, just in time to meet the man who just got off the bus.

Although Que Qingyan returned to China on vacation this time, there were still a lot of things to do abroad, and he was still talking on the phone when he got off the car.

"Quinn, I'm going crazy here, when will you come back to help me?" Cheng Ze, who is far away in the UK, has been struggling with the case for several days, selling coffee while making coffee, "I'm lonely here, turn over The data hand is almost bleeding out."

"..." Que Qingyan closed the car door, and said concisely, "In two days."

"Are you really coming back?" Cheng Ze just said casually, this time he was really surprised, "How long have you been back now, why don't you stay in China for a few more days?"

But Cheng Ze thinks about it, Que Qingyan just stays in Que's house for a while after returning to China, and then goes out to meet a few friends, he has no home or room, and there is no tender place in the country to be attached to.

After hanging up the phone, Que Qingyan noticed the little girl not far away.

It should be the daughter of the Lin family. I met him in the back garden of Lin's house before. At that time, the little girl pulled the railing of the balcony on the second floor and said a few words to him.

When Lin Mian saw him, she was so nervous that she buried her chin in the warm yellow scarf and looked for something to talk about: "Are you here to pick up someone again? I was going to get you an umbrella last time, but I brought it back When you disappeared, did you go back with the snow?"

The little girl had red lips, white teeth, and black eyes, and asked him softly, "Is it cold?"

Que Qingyan looked down at her, paused for a moment, and replied, "It's not cold."

He has such a nice voice. Lin Mian wanted to ask him about the meal, but he ended up asking, "Then will you come to pick him up next time?"

The little girl looked so expectant, Que Qingyan was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "Yes."

Then ask him about dinner next time.

In the next few days, Lin Mian's heart of a lively girl had no place to rest, so Wen Siquan wrote a stack of love letters, counting dozens of them, and put them in a flat box, planning to borrow them for dinner. Give Que Qingyan some time.

After booking a restaurant, the little girl entertained herself in the mirror and practiced the invitation several times.

But what Lin Mian didn't expect was that it would be a year after Mrs. Que came to have afternoon tea next time. At that time, Que Qingyan had already finished her vacation and had already flown back to England.

She couldn't ask this sentence.

Que Qingyan promised to return the gift, so naturally he would not break his promise. Lin Mian faltered for a long while, then made an inch of it: "Can I have French food?"

"..." He paused slightly when he heard the words, "French food?"

Lin Mian looked at him anxiously: "Can't you?"

Suddenly feel aggrieved, it is no longer a candlelight dinner...

Que Qingyan glanced at his watch, it was not time for dinner, and it was still in time to reserve a table at the restaurant.

"No, no," he lowered his eyes and began to dial the phone. His voice was low and pleasant, and he said, "It takes three or four hours to eat a French meal. If you have no other plans for the evening, we can eat it."

"I'll make a reservation." He asked her with dark eyes, "Are you free?"

How could there be no time.

Lin Mian wished he could stay with him for a while longer.

She pretended to be thinking for a moment with a reserved face, flashed through her mind the reminder from the editor not long ago, and replied sincerely: "I'm free tonight."

The restaurant Que Qingyan ordered is not far away. The owner of the restaurant was familiar with Que Qingyan, and when he heard that Que Shao was going to bring someone to eat, he specially called and told them to make a seat with the best view in advance.

The French restaurant is elegantly decorated, the lights are dim, the red velvet and golden seats are soft, and the enamel porcelain vases on the dining table are decorated with clusters of pink roses.

The background music is soothing violin music, and the atmosphere is ambiguous just right.

The waiter brought the menu, Que Qingyan glanced at it, then handed it to Lin Mian, giving her the right to choose.

Under the dim light, the finger bones on the dark satin menu are slender and well-proportioned, and the shape of a watch is exposed under the sleeve of the shirt.

It was the one she gave.

She gave him a present, and he put it on out of courtesy.

Lin Mian almost lost control when he took the menu, so he closed his eyes and whispered, "Thank you."

Years of long-cherished wishes were fulfilled, Lin Mian quietly tested the temperature on his face with the back of his fingers by ordering food, and the little springbok in his heart began to jump again.

There is a reason why she decided to give Que Qingyan the watch just now instead of giving him the previous love letter.

Que Qingyan was used to storms, if she suddenly confessed to him directly, not only would he reject her quietly, but he might even ignore her in the future.

Now that she is not his student, it is even more difficult to find a reason to approach him.

Therefore, Mr. Mu Mian summed up his many years of experience in the comic love field: chasing people should be subtle, and you should do it little by little.

Cultivating a relationship requires getting better gradually, not too much...

Let's start with eating together...

Lin Mian's heart was sour and sweet, and she said, anyway, it's been so long, so it's not bad to wait.

After thinking about it, he lit a piece of wax for his miserable self.

After ordering, Que Qingyan nodded to the waiter: "Please replace all the wine on this table with fruit juice."


"No need..." Lin Mian said hurriedly, "I can drink."

Que Qingyan still remembered the last time she didn't drink, and raised her eyes to look at her: "Can I drink?"

"... yes. You..." Lin Mian's eyes flickered slightly, and he faltered before explaining for a while, "I dare to drink when you are in front of me."

She would rather drink alcohol than juice.

She didn't want... he treated himself like a child.

The meaning of this sentence is unclear, and there is even a bit of intimacy.

Que Qingyan couldn't fail to hear the intimacy inside.

Over the years, Que Qingyan has heard many love words spoken to him intentionally or unintentionally, some are explicit and some are ambiguous, but he ignores them and never responds.

He has already passed the youthful and emotional adolescence, and he treats emotions rationally rather than emotionally, with a secret way of avoiding taboos. For people and things that he knows have no results, he usually takes the initiative to cut off the signs at the budding stage.

Que Qingyan's eyes fell on Lin Mian's guilty face, he paused for two seconds, and without saying anything, he replied to the waiter: "Then serve as usual."

As soon as the pre-dinner wine was served, Que Min called.

Que Qingyan glanced at the phone, but didn't pick it up immediately, and asked casually, "Can I answer the phone?"

Lin Mian was stunned.

He said he would return the gift to her, and he took her feelings into consideration from the beginning to the end.

"..." Lin Mian blushed unbearably, "Yes, of course it's okay."

On the other side, after Que Min finished coaxing her daughter to sleep, another phone call came: "You hung up on me before you said a few words, is it the little girl next to you?"

The teasing in the other party's words couldn't be suppressed: "How about it, have you asked? Will the little girl come with you this weekend? If you are together, I can let you know in advance," the second half of the sentence is a joke, "Have someone prepare a couple's room."

Lin Mian was still sipping champagne, Que Qingyan looked away, and asked in a calm voice: "Cheng Ze asked you to ask me, probably because he wants me to take someone there?"

"Cheng Ze doesn't want you to bring someone there. He still has to do business with his niece, but I didn't sell him favors. I wasted my time trying to find a matchmaker for his niece." Que Min couldn't hold back, and smiled, "You bring If you go alone, it will just make his niece give up, and save him from bothering me to find you in the future."

Que Min wanted to say something, but suddenly heard the faint sound of music: "Are you outside now? Having dinner with someone?"

Que Qingyan responded.

"Little..." Que Min originally wanted to talk about a little girl, but instead she asked with a smile, "Little girlfriend?"

Que Qingyan let her guess and didn't give Que Min a chance to gossip, and said in a steady tone, "It's nothing, I'll hang up first."

Que Min understands Que Qingyan, the progress of his relationship with other people will not be controlled by others, Cheng Ze wants to match his niece to him, if he doesn't like it, there will be no use for a hundred Que Mins to say matchmaking. Que Min can't do it, and neither can Que's father and Que's mother.

But this time he took the initiative to bring people to the club for vacation, on the one hand to reject Cheng Ze and his niece, on the other hand...

I don't know if there is any other meaning.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Mian on the opposite side put down his wine glass and asked hesitantly, "Do you have anything else to do tonight?"

She was so overjoyed just now, she just felt that the three or four hours of the two of them alone was like a dream, and she forgot to ask Que Qingyan if she was free to eat French dinner with her tonight...

"It's nothing." The waiter served creamy mushroom soup, Que Qingyan glanced at her and asked, "Do you want to borrow wine soup?"

Lin Mian made up his mind today to make him feel like he can drink, so he whispered, "I can drink."

What she originally thought was that with so many French dishes and a little wine, she wouldn't get drunk.

However, Lin Mian still overestimated his drinking capacity.

The champagne before the meal, the red wine served after the meal, plus the sweet white wine... Before she could drink the after-dinner wine, she already felt hot and dizzy.

Que Qing said that he was going to drive, and he hadn't had a drink since the meal. He looked at Lin Mian, whose face was already turning red, and called the waiter, "Add a hangover soup."

As usual, there is no hangover soup on the menu in restaurants, but this one in front of me was specially ordered by the boss... The waiter bowed and asked the kitchen to make it.

Fortunately, the alcohol content was not very high, Lin Mian was not too drunk, and his reason was still there, but he instinctively felt that his reaction was a little slow.

She put down her wine glass and stared at Que Qingyan for a long while, her almond eyes were wet and she looked a little confused.

Que Qingyan noticed her gaze: "What's wrong?"

Lin Mian spoke suddenly and called him in a low voice, "Professor Que."

She stared at him in silence for a long time, paused, as if she had suddenly decided something, took a deep breath and said—

"Can you not order hangover soup?" Lin Mian's voice was soft, with some reluctance, "I'm not drunk." She lowered her head to get the wine glass again, and said, "I can still recognize who you are..."

Que Qingyan's eyes fell on Lin Mian's hand slowly moving towards the wine glass.

The last time she drank herself a glass of wine at Jing Zhaoyin, her expression when she was half drunk was the same as now.

Que Qingyan removed the wine glass one step ahead of her, put it in her hand, and said calmly, "Let's eat the food first."

"..." Lin Mian reluctantly but obediently withdrew his hand slowly, and began to move his knife and fork.

In front of Lin Mian was a dish of beef stew in red wine. She played back his phrase "eat the vegetables first" in her head, and looked down at the dishes for a long time on the porcelain plate.



After a while, she pokes the rosemary that adorns the meal with a silver fork.

Before Que Qingyan could react, Lin Mian bit Rosemary into his mouth.


Before she tasted it, Lin Mian felt warm fingers lift her chin. She raised her eyes and saw that Que Qingyan was leaning over across the dining table and stopped her gently.

The tender green leaf buds of rosemary exposed a portion of Lin Mian's lips, against the bright red and moist lips, the tone was bright and attractive.

Lin Mian chewed, frowned slightly, and came to a conclusion, and said softly: "It's bitter..."

Of course it is bitter.

Que Qingyan really didn't expect that she would eat rosemary for decoration when she was drunk. He clasped her chin, brushed his thumb over her lower lip, stared at her with his dark eyes, and said in a low voice, "Spit it out first."

Lin Mian stared at him blankly, as if he didn't understand.

Que Qingyan paused, then changed his tone: "Spit it out?"

The voice was gentle and gentle, with a hint of coaxing.

No matter how dull Lin Mian was, the tips of his ears gradually turned red, and he obediently pressed the bitter weed out of his mouth with his tongue.

Just when his fingertips were still touching her lower lip, Lin Mian didn't forget to take advantage when he was drunk, and the tip of his tongue tentatively rubbed against his finger.

There was a bit of heat in the fingertips, Que Qingyan's expression was obviously paused, but before he could respond, he heard her muttering boldly: "Sweet..."

There was still a soft and waxy touch on the hands, and Lin Mian's voice sounded like a baby.

Que Qing said: "..."

At one o'clock in the middle of the night, Lin Mian was lying on the bed in the bedroom of his apartment, completely sober.

She first recalled the matter of delivering the watch to Que Qingyan in the afternoon, then recalled the matter of her getting drunk at dinner and taking advantage of her, and then recalled the matter of him sending her back.

Lin Mian was silent for a while in the dark, slowly lifted the quilt, slowly turned on the lights, and slowly turned on the phone.

There is no message from Que Qingyan in the phone.

He sent her back after she got drunk on French food, except...

Lin Mian sent a message to Bai Jiayi: [Jiajia, I gave Que Qingyan your last couple watch this afternoon.]

Bai Jiayi was also staying up all night, stopped watching half of the movie, and quickly called back with an uncontrollably excited voice: "Mianbao, did you succeed in your confession?"

of course not…

"I thought you guys kissed and hugged, but it turned out to be just licking your fingers???" Bai Jiayi was disappointed and couldn't believe it, "You have confessed like this, and you are still drunk to show Que Qingyan, why hasn't he said anything?" ? Can't he not be a human being?"

"I didn't intend to confess," Lin Mian said in a dazed, soft voice, "I also planned to chase people around and catch big fish with a long line..."

Bai Jiayi was also at a loss: "You gave him the watch, why are you still calling it a confession?"

Lin Mian explained: "I dismantled the couple watch and gave it to me again." When talking about her guilty conscience, she couldn't keep her voice low, "I didn't tell him it was a couple watch."

"Did you give me the watch box too?"


Bai Jiayi was silent for a moment, and said, "Mianbao, wait for me."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Mian received a text message from Bai Jiayi.

There are two attached photos of the newsletter.

One picture is the watch box of a couple's watch, a line of small German characters in the corner is circled by a bold red pen.

The other picture is the official advertising picture of the couple watch. The name of this advertising series is translated into Chinese and German, which is exactly the same as the words on the box—

Ich will dich.

"want you."

Lin Mian: "..."

Lin Mian was dying: [He might not understand German...]

Five minutes later, Bai Jiayi kindly explained the confusion: [I searched, and one year Que Qingyan published a paper on "Die Zeit".]

Bai Jiayi: [German magazine.]

Bai Jiayi: [The author and translator are both him.]

Lin Mian stuffed the phone back under the carpet, slowly climbed onto the bed, and slowly wrapped the quilt tightly.

The five words I had been holding back for a long time finally couldn't hold back:

ah ah ah...