You Sound Sleepy

Chapter 19


In the early morning of the next day, when Lin Mian received a call from the editor, the horror movie in front of him happened to be playing the ending song.

At this time in the past, Teacher Mu Mian was still in the sleep recovery period, but this morning the editor called and was picked up without even ringing twice. The editor looked at the time and asked in amazement, "Teacher, why did you get up so early today?"

Lin Mian was curled up in the quilt at the moment, leaning against the head of the bed wrapped in the quilt. She poked her chin out from under the quilt, turned off the TV, and retracted her head back under the quilt again: "I didn't fall asleep last night."

Although the voice was muffled, it sounded unusually sober.

"Teacher, you haven't slept all night?" Some time ago, Mr. Mu Mian was in a bottleneck period in his creation, and it was common for him to stay up late every three days. The editor thought of his ruthless urging for the manuscript two days ago, and suddenly felt guilty, and softened his tone, "Are you still drawing the manuscript? There is no rush for the new issue, and it can be handed in at the beginning of next month..."

"No." The dedicated teacher Mu Mian replied slowly, "I'm learning German."


The editor gritted his teeth and fell silent for a moment. His voice went straight to the topic gently: "Teacher, we want to have a column interview for you in the next issue of the magazine. I would like to ask when are you free next week?"

"Teacher, if you are free, I will bring two assistants over to do an interview and take a group photo." In public, Teacher Mu Mian has never shown his real face before. The editor added, "It's Dai masks."

A phone call from the editor finally woke up Lin Mian from a half-awake state of stupor. After hanging up the phone, she struggled for a while holding the corner of the quilt, and then got up from the bed.

After washing up, Lin Mian went to the kitchen to cook porridge. Taking advantage of the spare time of cooking porridge, she put her head on the glass door of the kitchen and closed her eyes for a while, before the perception of her nerve endings gradually returned to reality.

she last night...

With a blushing face, Lin Mian recalled the scene where he took advantage of Que Qingyan by borrowing wine, and then thought of the German translation on the watch box, and felt like smashing the glass with his head.

If you look at the two things separately, you can still explain that the words on the watch box were a misunderstanding, but she had just delivered the watch, then turned her head and licked his finger while eating French food.

want... want... you...

In this way, to make Que Qingyan feel that the words on the watch box are just a coincidence, it is simply an insult to his cognition.

However, Lin Mian blushed, but her heart was open.

It was already an indisputable fact that she had something wrong with Que Qingyan, but the two incidents yesterday... only made the accusation more solid.

Lin Mian leaned against the glass door and continued to recall. When he sent her back last night, he seemed to have said something.

At that time, Lin Mian was so drunk that his eyes were wet and red. In order to prevent Que Qingyan from treating herself like a child, she drank alcohol in front of her face. Unexpectedly, after being drunk, she was clingier than a child, and she still grabbed his shirt cuff when she got out of the elevator door.

Even though she was drunk, subconsciously she was afraid that the other party would get angry, so she didn't clenched her sleeves too tightly.

Que Qingyan's sleeve was clenched all the way, and when the other party opened the door of the apartment, he was also touching the key with one hand, and the other hand was still pulling him slightly, showing no intention of letting go.

Lin Mian was still looking for the key in a half-dream, half-seriously, when the man called her: "Lin Mian."

She turned around and looked up at him, Que Qingyan bent over, picked out the key from a pile of sundries in her hand, and then opened the door of the apartment in front of her.

There was a gap in the door. He didn't push the door, but put the key back in her hand, glanced over, and asked calmly, "Do you want me to come in with you?"

The meaning of asking this is to let Lin Mian let go.

No matter how self-cultivated and magnanimous Que Qingyan was, he never asked himself to such an extent. Lin Mian was drunk late at night, or in front of him, an adult of the opposite sex, no matter whether it was unintentional or intentional, it was a kind of provocation.

But when the words reached Lin Mian's ears and passed through the nerves paralyzed by alcohol, they were translated into an ordinary question without subtext.

So Lin Mian let go of his hand, blinked and looked at the person, and was silent for a while before answering.

The tips of her ears were red, her voice was extremely weak, but she said calmly: "I thought about it..."


Que Qingyan's voice sounded after a few seconds, calm and low, and said: "When you wake up tomorrow morning, come up and find me."

Lin Mian's head was still pressed against the glass kitchen door, and she slowly closed her eyes and squatted down.

she all...

Finally recalling Que Qingyan's words, Lin Mian didn't even drink the porridge, but poured himself three cups of water to cool down, without delay, went upstairs tremblingly with a thumping heart.

She said before that she wanted to chase people in a curve, and counting what she has done these days, it is simply out of line.

Before Que Qingyan opened the door, Lin Mian had already thought about it in his heart and scolded himself twice.

Be devious and reserved, keep your breath...

Can't hold back, can't catch up with people...

Not long after, the door was opened.

Lin Mian's eyes slowly moved up from the man's fingers holding the doorknob, and met his dark and deep eyes.

"..." Lin Mian swallowed all the words he had considered, and whispered for a long time, "Professor Que..."

"I'm sorry, I was drunk last night. To you," Lin Mian said with difficulty, his ears turned red and he said weakly, "I did something to you...don't take it to heart, I'm not..."

Judging from the tone of these words, it seemed that he had really done something outrageous to him.

Que Qing said "hmm" and asked casually, "What did you do?"

Lin Mianmo.

How should she answer this...

Lin Mian was so ashamed that she wanted to crawl into the ground in front of Que Qingyan, unable to control her face that gradually heated up and became hot, she held back and said, "I didn't mean to..." She originally wanted to say that she didn't want to occupy him on purpose. It was cheap, but I really didn't want to lie to him again, so I swallowed the second half of the sentence.

Everyone knew about her little thoughts, if she didn't mean it, who would she believe

After a pause, Lin Mian changed the subject: "I got drunk and didn't pay the bill for dinner yesterday, so... I owe you a meal." Her heart tightened, and she said, "No, or when you are free, I ask you again."

Que Qingyan stared at her with downcast eyes for a few seconds, pinched the center of her brows with her fingers, and finally smiled.

She was so ashamed that she still had the strength to stretch out her claws and scratch him again.

After Lin Mian finished speaking with unwavering determination, the other party fell silent.

She was terrified, regretful, and said to herself that she had told herself thousands of times to hold her breath, but when she saw him, she couldn't help it, and she became addicted.

It's no wonder that he can agree to such an insatiable move.

Just as he was thinking, the other party spoke.

"Exactly," Que Qingyan replied calmly, "I'm free today."

Que Min didn't expect that Que Qingyan would actually bring him here.

The private club was built on the mountainside in the suburbs, surrounded by the red and yellow autumn scenery of the mountains. The interior decoration of the club is extravagant, and the control is strict. No matter whether they are wealthy gentry or celebrities, no one who comes to vacation can use their mobile phones.

Que Min didn't have his cell phone with him, so he didn't receive the message in advance. He knew that he was playing snooker with Cheng Ze in the billiards room when he came.

The black ball went into the hole, Cheng Ze handed the cue to the woman in the purple dress, went to the small bar to pour a glass of wine, raised his glass and said with a smile: "Quinn's golf skills are much better than mine, if he is here, you It's not me who complains."

Que Min also put down his cue, and replied with a smile, "When did I blame you? It's just that I lost two games. Don't tell me how stingy I am."

"Uncle won't let anyone play ball." Cheng Yishan who was sitting by the bar put down her glass, with an elegant demeanor, and said coquettishly to help Que Min, "If I were Sister Min, I wouldn't want to play with you either."

My niece has been infatuated with Que Qingyan for a long time, and she does everything possible to make a good impression, so it is normal to please Que Min.

Que Min didn't say anything.

When Cheng Ze wanted to connect with his niece through Que Min, she went to get to know this Miss Cheng. The latter had a messy private life when she was studying in the United States, but she kept it clean after returning to China. Que Min When I saw her for the first time, I didn't think it was very pleasant.

But last time the little girl was...

Hearing this, Cheng Ze didn't care. He hugged the woman in the purple skirt beside him, and teased meaningfully: "Quinn doesn't let anyone play. You'll know when he comes."

Cheng Yishan ignored him and asked Que Min: "Sister Min, when will Young Master Que come?"

Que Min smiled, but didn't answer.

Yesterday Que Min asked Que Qingyan about bringing someone here on the sidelines, but the other party didn't say a word, didn't say anything for sure, and didn't say no.

After Cheng Ze finished drinking, he held the wine glass. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that the waiter pushed the door in, and there were people behind him.

"Quinn!" Cheng Ze immediately stood up and greeted with a smile, "We just started chatting about you. The last time we met was in March, right? I've been back for a month, and I've asked you so many times that I can't come out once. Wait a minute—" "

In the middle of speaking, Cheng Ze saw the person brought behind Que Qingyan, and suddenly stopped talking in shock.

Que Qingyan responded, but before he could speak, Que Min also saw Lin Mian following him. Her eyes flicked between the two of them, watching the excitement was no big deal, she smiled and said warmly: "Little girl, do you remember me? I saw you at the banquet last time, and I wanted to tell you two things." In a word, Qingyan took you to the garden in the end."

This is for the other people present to hear.

When Cheng Ze saw the situation in front of him, he almost understood it.

He helped his niece to match up as a favor, and it was not easy to make it too obvious. Now that the Lord has brought his female companions, it is even more difficult for him to say anything.

Cheng Ze asked along, "Who is this?"

Being mentioned in person, Lin Mian looked up at Que Qingyan, and just about to answer, he heard him answer for her: "Friend."

Lin Mian had seen several people in the billiard room, and obediently added, "My name is Lin Mian."

Just two hours ago, she said she would invite Que Qingyan to dinner, and he agreed.

Before coming, Lin Mian knew that he happened to have dinner with his friends today.

"It's just a few friends I know. It won't be like the last dinner together." Que Qingyan asked her, "You don't need a treat, it's my compensation. Want to go?"

For a while, she invited him to dinner and now he invited him, Lin Mian was a little confused by the quilt.

In fact, Que Qingyan had already coaxed her about the dinner party last time, and the matter had turned around. Now that he said he wanted to make up, she...

Lin Mian turned her face away, her ears blushed, and said shamelessly, of course she wanted to.

In the billiards room, several people had their own thoughts, and the smile on Cheng Yishan's face couldn't be maintained no matter what.

"..." Cheng Yishan looked Lin Mian up and down, and asked kindly and familiarly, "Mianmian, I didn't expect to see you here again. How is Auntie Ruan? I heard that Auntie Ruan usually has to take care of company affairs. Very little, very hard, right?"

Lin Mian followed the sound and saw that the woman in front of her was sitting on the sofa chair, her posture was slim and she looked very familiar.

It was the woman I saw at Mrs. Que's birthday party last time. She was...

He even approached Que Qingyan.

Que Qingyan said before that today's visitors are all acquaintances.

Then this person...

From the beginning to now, Cheng Ze hasn't said a few words to Cheng Yishan. Of course, Lin Mian will not regard her as someone brought by Cheng Ze.

Lin Mian looked away, pursed her lips slightly, and did not answer.

Que Qingyan glanced at Cheng Yishan calmly, then glanced at the time, turned his face to look at Lin Mian, and took the words: "It's still a while before we leave the meal." He gave her a level access card and paused , said, "There are other entertainment rooms here, do you want me to show you around?"

Lin Mian stroked the smooth magnetic card in his hand and struggled for a moment.

"It's okay to go shopping after dinner." Cheng Ze interrupted with a smile, "Just now I was talking about snooker with Que Min, Quinn, you've come all the time, don't you want to play a shot?"

Que Qingyan glanced at him.

Cheng Ze understood what he meant, put his arms around the waist of the woman in the purple dress and smiled, not to join in the fun.

Que Min watched from the side, knowing that Lin Mian had misunderstood.

In fact, Que Qingyan brought the little girl to have a face-to-face meeting with her, in order to let the little girl understand the meaning of his circle.

Que Min thought in his heart that a love scene is like a vanity fair, and Que Qing said that he has always been judged and appraised in everything he does. He will not accompany young people to play the game of falling in love today and breaking up tomorrow.

Que Min couldn't be sure how much Que Qingyan was thinking about bringing the little girl here this time, but at least he could guess that he was accepting the little girl into his circle.

Que Min was not willing to be misunderstood by the little girl. Just as he was about to speak, Lin Mian raised his hand and gently pulled Que Qingyan's sleeve.

Lin Mian looked up at Yingjun's profile, and said softly, "Snoke..."

Que Qingyan looked back at her.

"Can I play a game with you?" Lin Mian whispered, "If..."

She paused: "If I win, can I... ask you for a chip?"

When playing with Bai Jiayi before, Lin Mian played snooker.

But she is only at an upper-middle level, and she can't play well, but she is better than Bai Jiayi.


When the first red ball went into the hole, Lin Mian got up with the cue and glanced at Que Qingyan in front of him, his heart beating faster.

But she wanted to gamble.

Lin Mianxin said that he usually leads students to write papers and do projects at school, and also accepts lawsuits and filings for court hearings, so he probably doesn't have much time for these side things...

The little girl offered to play snooker with Que Qingyan, and Cheng Ze really wanted to watch the excitement.

Cheng Ze has spent so many years in various entertainments, among other things, he still plays snooker very well, and he can be regarded as a semi-professional.

But when it comes to playing skills, Que Qingyan is much better than him. When the two of them worked together at the London-based Linklaters law firm, they would play snooker when they were busy with cases, even though Que Qingyan hadn't played for a long time...

"What if the little girl cries after losing?" The more she thought about it, the more interesting it became, Cheng Ze tilted his head and teased Que Min, "Does Quinn still have to coax people on the spot?"

Que Min helped me to remember the points, and reminded him, "If he coaxes people on the spot, your niece should cry."

At the table, Lin Mian missed a goal and replaced it with Que Qingyan.

She curled her fingers in annoyance, and turned her head to look at him.

Que Qingyan leaned over to test the rod indifferently, the contours of his eyebrows and eyes drooped into sparse shadows in the light, and the high-quality high-quality shirts set off the texture of his forearms. , indescribably beautiful.

Lin Mian looked dazed, and suddenly thought of it.

Que Qingyan agreed without asking her what chips she wanted.

Is he...

According to the angle of this shot, the black ball will be pocketed in the next moment, scoring seven points.

Give the chance to Quinn, and the little girl basically has no chance to play again.

Cheng Ze watched the show with joy.

Que Qingyan moved his wrist, and with a clean shot, the black ball was hit in the mouth of the pocket—

next to.

Cheng Ze choked his throat with a sip of wine.

Que Qingyan missed a shot and just happened to hit the ball not far from the mouth of the pocket.

The next ball was replaced by Lin Mian.

The angle of the last ball was adjusted well, and she hit the ball with ease.

"..." Cheng Ze was dumbfounded, "Don't tell me Quinn is feeding the ball?"

Facts have proved that Cheng Ze's guess is correct.

In the next few shots, whether it was a matter of angle or strength, Que Qingyan's balls would always land in the right place steadily.

… a spot that just happens to make the next shot easy to score.

Que Min's heart was like a mirror, and he was happy to watch a good show, so he asked Cheng Ze: "Quinn is much better at football than you

"… real."

"Quinn doesn't let people play?"

Cheng Ze put down his cup, with a look of being struck by lightning: "It's fake."

The red ball has been played and only the last black ball remains.

The next shot was Que Qingyan.

Lin Mian looked at Que Qingyan without blinking.

Sensing her gaze, Que Qingyan raised his wrist to put fine powder on the tip of the club, and glanced at her inadvertently before taking off the swing.

Hearing his low voice, she asked with a suppressed smile, "What chips do you want?"

"..." Lin Mian looked at him for a few seconds, then whispered, "Are you..."

Before asking, Que Qing said the next second.

The ball thumped down.

The white ball goes into the bag.


It was probably the first time Cheng Ze had seen someone make such concessions. He was dazed for a long time, and while drinking, he muttered, "I'm going to be blinded by this kind of blindness."