You Sound Sleepy

Chapter 27


On the way back after dinner, Lin Mian stared at the street scene outside the car window for a while.

Outside the window, the phoenix trees in late autumn were bleak, and no one was looking at the scenery, so she silently turned her gaze back.

After coming out of the restaurant, Que Qingyan received a call. At this time, he was talking with a Bluetooth headset. Lin Mian sat upright, consciously not disturbing him, and out of curiosity, listened to a few words.

Most of the time it is the caller who is talking. Que Qingyan spoke occasionally, and the content of the conversation involved terminology in the professional field. Lin Mian couldn't understand it, so he could only understand it literally, and focused more on the sound.

Que Qingyan's voice was calm and pleasant, and when he was not suppressing his smile, it had a cold texture, like mint soaked in a glass of crushed ice.

He's been really busy lately.

Lin Mian summed it up in a trance in his mind, listening to it, he felt a little... sleepy.

For so long, Lin Mian has a deep understanding of her sleep dependence.

She doesn't get sleepy every word she says to Que Qingyan, it's just that once he doesn't speak to herself, she gets sleepy very, very easily after a long time.

Lin Mian felt that his brain, which had been sober and excited for several days, began to stumble, and his sleepiness was overwhelming. Before he yawned, his eyes were already covered with a layer of moisture.

Lin Mian turned her head, tapped her forehead against the cold car window, and took a deep breath.

Finally, I can have a chance to be alone, can't sleep, can't sleep, can't sleep.

She originally wanted to wait for Que Qingyan to finish the phone call before finding something to chat with him.

Lin Mian was so sleepy that it was inappropriate to cover her ears, and it was not good to find headphones to listen to music at this time. Whatever she did, she might be misunderstood by Que Qingyan. She thought he was noisy on the phone...

After a while, Lin Mian closed his eyes and pressed his forehead against the car window, bracing himself, and decided to do something to divert his attention.

"...You can apply for submission," the other party confirmed a few words anxiously, while Que Qingyan's voice was calm, "If the evidence is resubmitted, I will revise the defense outline based on the existing evidence."

Que Qingyan's voice was very deep, and Lin Mian acted as a humanoid repeater, repeating his words in a lower, more inaudible voice.

"Don't send it to me. I need you to bring all the original evidence for the court session next week."

It seems that I am not sleepy anymore.

Lin Mian continued in a low voice vaguely: "Bring all the original evidence..."

"I will submit the appraisal application tomorrow."

" submit together."

The car stopped slowly before the red light, and Que Qingyan just hung up the phone.

He took off his earphones and glanced sideways. Lin Mian, who was sitting in the co-pilot, shrank himself into the corner by the window at some point, turned his back, his forehead was slightly touching the glass window, his long black hair was scattered behind his neck obediently, revealing some white tips of his ears Come.

Que Qingyan looked away, turned on the temperature of the car's air conditioner, and asked, "Are you sleepy?"

There was no sound of the phone, and the car was very quiet, and Lin Mian could clearly hear Lin Mian replying, "Are you sleepy?"

Que Qingyan paused slightly.

Lin Mian's consciousness wandered between half-awake, and he heard him calmly say: "I may be busy next week, and I may not be able to see me in the apartment."

Not long after, Lin Mian repeated the reading: "You may not be able to see me..."

"..." Que Qingyan said with a smile this time, after a pause, "you can call me."

Lin Mian subconsciously said, "You can call me."

After speaking, I finally realized that something was wrong.

He seemed to be talking to himself. Lin Mian's drowsiness dissipated immediately. She opened her eyes, turned around to look at Que Qingyan, quickly recalled the conversation just now in her mind, and explained stutteringly: "I, I was just now..."

When the red light ended, Que Qingyan tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, and then said, "What time will you be free?"

Seeing that Lin Mian was at a loss, his expression remained unchanged, and his voice lowered: "Didn't you tell me to call you?"

"..." Lin Mian didn't slow down, and blushed reflexively, "I'm always... free."

After speaking, Lin Mian rubbed his face to recall hard.

Why did he suddenly call her

When Que Qing said he was busy, he was so busy that he couldn't see anyone. In the next few days, Lin Mian didn't see him in the apartment again.

In the workshop, Lin Mian put down the pressure-sensitive pen, dialed the number on the phone and thought about it for five minutes, but still didn't bother Que Qingyan, but just sent Xu Zhu a WeChat message.

After a while, Xu Zhu replied: [My boss has been busy with the court recently, so I have nowhere to find someone. What, you have something to do with him again?]

Lin Mian said bluntly: [I want to send flowers.]

In the next few minutes, Xu Zhu responded with a long series of question marks in shock and swiped the screen.

The florist who delivered the flower express hadn't delivered the flowers to the owner for three days in a row. On the third day, the florist had no choice but to call Lin Mian, the customer, worried: "Miss Lin , the Mr. Que you want to send flowers to is not at home, and he can't get through the phone."

This is a big customer who has booked business for three months, and the flower delivery staff is very dedicated: "Why don't I come over later, and when will Mr. Que usually come back?"

"No need," Lin Mian thanked, and suggested, "Then please go down two floors and send the flowers to the eighth floor."

The flower delivery boy was pleasantly surprised: "It turns out that Mr. Que moved to live on the eighth floor?"

Lin Mian said sadly, "No, I live on the eighth floor."

Flower delivery person: "..."

Flowers can't be delivered, but love letters can still be stuffed.

To show his sincerity in chasing people, even though he knew that Que Qingyan was not in the apartment these few days, Lin Mian still took the elevator to the tenth floor without hesitation, and took the re-polished, deleted and revised love letter with him—

Quietly stuffed it in.

The envelope of the love letter is very thin and can be easily slipped through the crack of the door.

After stuffing the love letters, Lin Mian thought, she used to write dozens of love letters, if she stuffs them at a rate of seven or eight every day, when Que Qingyan comes back from a hurry, she can almost finish stuffing them all.

So far, the love letters she has stuffed are all love letters in the usual sense, the content is flattering compliments and love words, and there is nothing special.

But she left a most important love letter, and wanted to write it to Que Qingyan in person.

In that letter, she wrote about her mental journey from meeting Que Qingyan to seeing her again many years later, full of girlish thoughts.

Lin Mianxin said that he probably didn't know... She actually wanted to chase him a long time ago.

In the early morning of the next day, the flower delivery man delivered the flowers to the eighth floor as usual.

For several days in a row, Lin Mian received the flowers he sent, and two new vases were added to the dining room table in the living room, and there were no extra vases for arranging flowers.

The flowers I ordered by myself, I have to offer them up crying. She held the bouquet in her arms and thought for a while, then came to the workshop, emptied out a pen holder, and temporarily put the flowers in the pen holder.

The time to send the flowers was eight o'clock in the morning. At this time in the past, Mr. Mu Mian, who had been working on the manuscript all night, had not long fallen asleep.

Lin Mian was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes at the moment. He rubbed his eyes while moving into the bedroom, kicked off the slippers beside the bed, and silently buried himself in the soft blanket again.

Not long after it was buried, it was vibrated by the buzzing of the mobile phone thrown in the corner.

"..." Lin Mian struggled for a few seconds, grabbed the quilt with difficulty and stretched out his hand, fumbled for a while at the head of the bed, then picked it up, "Hello?"

Hearing her soft nasal voice, Bai Jiayi asked, "Mian Bao, are you still sleeping?"

"Um… "

Bai Jiayi knew that no one could stop her when she was trapped, and she would definitely hang up the phone, so she hurriedly said, "Don't hang up first, don't hang up first."

Lin Mian pulled the pillow off his face little by little: "What's wrong?"

"Mian Bao, do you have time tonight?" Miss Bai sounded in a good mood, "Will you accompany me to the Chen Banquet Club?"


"Catch rape."

It was Young Master Shen who was married to Bai Jiayi.

Two months ago, Bai Jiayi and Shen Gongzi got married because of the marriage of the two families. Shen Gongzi was very romantic, and he didn't restrain himself at all after marriage. Bai Jiayi just got angry and came back during the honeymoon. After returning to China, Bai Jiayi had a divorce for a period of time, and was grounded by Bai's father because of this.

Bai Jiayi insisted on getting a divorce, and hired a private detective to find out the truth about Mr. Shen, but the scumbag in China really covered it up too well, and the detective could only inquire about some gossip, but couldn't get any evidence.

I heard that Mr. Shen is having a party with his cronies at the private club tonight. No matter whether he can catch the adulterer or not, Bai Jiayi will definitely go there.

After hearing this, Lin Mian was almost awake. After thinking about it, he said solemnly, "Don't worry, I will definitely take the best photos for you." After speaking, he added in a low voice, "High-definition and uncensored."

Bai Jiayi: "..."

That night, Lin Mian accompanied Bai Jiayi to the Chenyan Club.

The club is a private membership system. Miss Bai used to have fun and was also a member of the club. Along the way, the two of them entered the interior and went upstairs without any hindrance.

The personal information of the members is kept absolutely confidential here. The waiters refused to reveal Mr. Shen's box. Once Bai Jiayi got angry, he searched the boxes one by one, but nothing could stop him.

The waiter nodded and bowed, wanted to stop but didn't dare to stop, and persuaded with an apologetic smile: "Miss Bai, you'd better stop looking, if you keep looking like this, the security will come to chase people away..."

Just as he was talking, Bai Jiayi pushed open a box, paused, and went in directly.

Lin Mian glanced at the sound, and from the outside, the black glass door that was being pushed open was dimly lit, and the charming colorful lights flickered, followed by the sound of diverse music.

In the past, she hardly came to such romantic places, but she was no stranger to such occasions, and she still knew what to see after entering the door.

Lin Mian hesitated for a moment, and followed in.

In the private room, Mr. Shen had a party with his friends tonight, invited a few sexy and enchanting women to dance by the wine pool, and even invited a starlet to accompany him. He never expected that his newlywed wife would come to make trouble.

Bai Jiayi originally wanted to catch a traitor as evidence, but after seeing Mr. Shen with the little star in his arms, he still couldn't hold back his temper. The scene that followed was chaotic, and finally the waiter came in with a group of security guards and forced a stop.

Lin Mian had just left the club when he received the call.

Bai Jiayi went to pick up the car, Mr. Shen came out with the crying little star in his arms, and only saw Lin Mian at the door.

"Are you Lin Mian?" Mr. Shen bowed his head to comfort the little star, approached him and said, "I remember that you were present at the engagement banquet between Jiajia and me."

Mr. Shen looked at Lin Mian and said in his heart, he looks very pure and harmless, but he was not ambiguous at all when he was sidetracked just now.

Lin Mian didn't pay attention to him at first, she looked down at the caller ID, and her eyes lit up little by little.

The call was from Que Qingyan.

Before the other party spoke further, Lin Mian quickly raised his eyes to glance at Mr. Shen, frowned obviously, showing a look of disgust, and moved away from him with his mobile phone.

Mr. Shen: "..." Is he so scary

This was the first time Que Qingyan called her.

Hearing a deep and sweet "Hello" in his ears, Lin Mian's ears became hot uncontrollably, and the little springbok, who had been silent for a few days, began to jump up and down, calling him in a low voice, "Que Qingyan."

On the other end of the phone, Que Qingyan closed the file, squeezed the space between her eyebrows, got up to pour coffee, and asked in response, "Have you eaten yet?"

"I ate it." Lin Mian had saved up words for a few days to tell him, rubbed her phone with her fingertips, and said frankly, "When you were away, I... stuffed something under your door."

Que Qingyan put the coffee cup on the table, and smiled with closed eyes: "What's in it?"

"Love letter." After a moment's pause, Lin Mian blushed and emphasized, "The love letter from Pursuer No. 1."

Que Qingyan hadn't had time to read the love letter that Lin Mian sent to the puppet bear before. He lived in the hotel these days and never went back to the apartment.

Que Qingyan asked casually, "Is there anything else stuffed?"

Lin Mian shook his head: "Not anymore."

She was embarrassed to say that she still wanted to stuff it in, but the gap in the door was so small that nothing else could be stuffed in except the envelope.

I don't know if it's because of the phone, Que Qingyan's voice sounded lower than usual, with a hazy hoarse ending. Lin Mian looked at the time, it was almost ten o'clock in the evening, he must be very tired because he has been busy until now.

So Lin Mian struggled and struggled again and again, holding back his conscience: "I'm a little sleepy..."

"I want to sleep—" you.

"Got it."

Lin Mian was still apologizing for the lie she told, so she heard Que Qingyan calmly ask: "Listen to my voice, are you so sleepy?"

"...ah?" Lin Mian came to his senses and quickly explained, "No, I are too tired." Her face gradually burned up, not wanting him to misunderstand, so she added, "You just give me a call." I won't be sleepy on the phone call at night."

Que Qingyan was slightly taken aback. He actually knew that she was meant to be teasing, but he didn't expect her to be so blunt, and she had to explain clearly even though she was shy about talking about love.

Before hanging up the phone, Lin Mian hesitated for a moment, and Qi Qiran asked, "Can I hang up after five seconds?"

Before Que Qingyan could speak, Lin Mian shamelessly assumed that he had acquiesced.

The next second, there was a very small Microsoft voice on the other end of the phone.

With a red face, Lin Mian gently kissed the phone.

Early the next morning, what happened at the club last night made the tabloid news.

The news was a big gimmick, and one line of headlines was extremely obvious: "Unfortunate marriage of a wealthy family, the young son of the Shen Group embraces the club and gets drunk".

The attached photo is a candid photo taken at the entrance of the club, and there are three people in the photo.

Mr. Shen, Little Star... and Lin Mian.

Earlier in the club, Mr. Shen was afraid that Bai Jiayi would sue the elders of the Shen family afterwards, so he never fought back. Several buttons of his shirt were torn off, and his hair was messy. A little red star.

After the little star came out of the club, he was crying like a pear blossom and raining. Although he was wearing sunglasses when taking the sneak shot, he was recognized.

And Lin Mian at the side... Lin Mian had just finished talking on the phone with Que Qingyan at that time, and his face was flushed, making people daydream.

Left, hug, right, hug.

Lin Mian clutched the mouse: "..."