You Sound Sleepy

Chapter 33


Fortunately, in the following time, Que Qingyan didn't tease Lin Mian with what he said in the bedroom, nor did he read the love letters in the pink envelopes, but just picked out a book to read.

The book is the legal provisions of the Anglo-American legal system, and it is the original untranslated text. Lin Mian lasted for a few minutes and fell asleep.

Que Qingyan put down his book and got up, turned off the half-brewed coffee machine, closed the curtains of the French windows in the living room, leaned over the back of the sofa and took a look in the dim light.

Lin Mian didn't have any little cravings when she was sleeping, and she slept very well. The warm orange eye mask covered the upper half of her face, only revealing the part below the tip of the nose, her lips were bright red, making her skin whiter.

Que Qingyan glanced down at the side of her fair face, recalling what it would look like when she blushed.

In the past few days, Lin Mian asked him for a goodnight kiss, came to him to take a nap, and asked for a photoshoot... When he really responded, she shrank back as soon as she saw it was good.

Que Qingyan originally thought it was a sign of Lin Mian's clinging to him and being intimate with him, but after analyzing it now, it may be a worry about gains and losses in an unstable state.

Like a little hamster storing grain for the winter, it can't help but repeatedly check whether there is any corn in the granary for the winter.

Lin Mian is still not used to him chasing her. Or it can be said that subconsciously, she still doesn't believe that he is chasing her, and she always feels that she is still the one who takes more initiative, so she checks it every now and then, and only after getting his initiative, she adapts a little again.

The phone on the table vibrated with a buzzing sound, Que Qingyan walked back to the table, picked up the phone, went into the master bedroom, and answered the call.

"I only found out today when I was having afternoon tea with someone. I heard that you were chasing someone?" Que Min was surprised, and Chi asked, "Is it Mianmian? Didn't you say that you are already together?"

"Yes." Que Min knew that Que Qingyan didn't like others to inquire about his personal affairs, especially in terms of relationships, but he didn't expect that this time he not only responded, but also calmly added, "I haven't caught up yet."

"Mianbao, since Que Qingyan said he wanted to chase you, then let him chase you." Bai Jiayi served as Lin Mian's military adviser, "Let's make a difference, and finally let him chase you when we have a chance, so don't respond well Too proactive."

When Bai Jiayi said this, he was thinking about the gossip he had heard in the past few days.

Somebody in the circle of celebrities spread the word that Que Shao was just chasing someone casually. In fact, he could have chased him a long time ago, but the other party was too pretentious and played hard to get. That's why he hasn't caught up yet.

There are also rumors that Que Shao didn't care about chasing people, at most a few days of heat, not for long.

The bad-tempered Miss Bai gasped for breath, immediately called and continued: "You have liked Que Qingyan for so long, and now it is hard for him to chase you. Of course, the later you promise, the better."

Bai Jia thought in his heart, if Que Qingyan was really passionate about Mianbao for a few days, and he would stop chasing after half of it by then, he would be mentally prepared to promise that night. If Que Qingyan is serious about pursuing... Mianbao liked him for so many years before, so what's wrong with agreeing to him a few days late

When she received the call, Lin Mian was planning to go out for dinner. Que Qingyan asked her last week if she was free this weekend, and we will have dinner together tonight.

Lin Mian turned off the computer, listened to the phone and walked out of the work room, thinking for a long time: "If I drag him on purpose, what if he really stops chasing me?" After a pause, she added in a low voice, "I I know what it's like to not respond when you're chasing someone..."

Lin Mian didn't want to suffer for himself, but also let the other party experience this kind of discomfort.

Bai Jiayi's heart suddenly softened when he heard it.

The Lin family was defeated, but Lin Mian was pampered by Lin's mother since she was a child. Although she didn't develop a spoiled character who couldn't bear hardships, at least she didn't suffer any major setbacks. This is the first time that he has chased someone regardless of pain and consequences like before.

Now that years of longing has finally been answered, and it is too late for ecstasy, how can it be possible to hold it

Bai Jiayi said distressedly: "Mianbao, you promise him now."

"I think about it too," she wished she could agree to Que Qing immediately. Lin Mian's voice was lower this time, with a bit of sincere melancholy, "But Que Qing said, don't let me agree to him so quickly."

For no reason, Miss Bai, who showed her affectionate face: "..."

Bai Jiayi was furious. If she had known that this was a flirting game between two people, she would not have made this call to seek guilt.

On the other side, Que Min was finishing shopping with a few wives, and found a private teahouse for afternoon tea.

While the waiter was serving desserts, someone asked casually, "I heard that Qingyan is chasing someone recently?"

"Is there?" The person on the side said, "I should have caught up with you long ago."

Those present who had watched the news knew that the other party was Lin Mian, and some didn't, but their attitudes were the same when gossiping in private, and they all felt that Que Shao's pursuit was just a formality, how could he fail to catch up. So this time when I mentioned it to Que Min face to face, I also wanted to confirm the meaning of the gossip.

"I haven't caught up yet," Que Min put down his teacup, smiling, "How can it be so easy? The little girl hasn't agreed yet, and she's still far away from catching up."

"He really likes it." Before that, Que Min had exchanged words with Que Qingyan, sighed and said, "Yesterday, I told me that I booked a seat at the revolving restaurant tonight and wanted to invite the little girl. I don’t know if people agree or not.”

A few or two sentences define Que Qingyan as a persistent pursuer, or a bitter image of chasing love but not getting it.

A few people didn't expect the fact to be like this. After hearing the words, they looked at each other, and after a while, someone forced a smile and said, "That's it."

Gossip abounded that night, saying that the young master of the Que family fell into it for a little girl, and even booked a seat on the observation deck of the revolving restaurant in the city center, but the other party just didn't come.

The Que family is well-known, and Que Shao is young and promising, and there are people who really don't like both. Someone sighed: "It's really cruel."

At the same time, after the cruel client finished talking on the phone with Bai Jiayi, when he went downstairs, Que Qingyan was already waiting downstairs in the apartment.

Lin Mian thought about it with his heart beating, and said in his heart that this was the first time he really invited her to dinner alone.

Because of the great significance, Lin Mian deliberately read it for a while longer, planning to draw drafts after dinner and return to the apartment, and find a time to bind these scattered drafts into a book and keep them as a souvenir.

After taking a second look, Lin Mian realized that Que Qingyan was dressed very formally today.

He was wearing a suit and leather shoes, the tailoring and matching design made his figure taller and taller, and he also... wore a tie. Que Qingyan opened the co-driver's door for Lin Mian, seeing her in a daze, lowered her eyes and asked, "What's wrong?"

The car in front of him is not the one that Que Qingyan drove before, the paint is very new, as if he just picked it up not long ago. Lin Mian sat in and raised his eyes to find the topic: "Did you change the car?"

Que Qingyan supported the back of the chair behind Lin Mian, leaned down to help her fasten her seat belt, responded, and asked casually, "Do you like it?"

"..." With a short distance away, Lin Mian had long forgotten what he asked just now, and it took him a while to look away from his face, "I like it."

Whether you like cars or people...

It was the first formal meal for the two of them, and Lin Mian silently said calm down three times before going out, thinking to himself that he must act more naturally. After all, she has rich experience in the theory of love, and her emotions cannot always be carried away by Que Qingyan, she can't blush, she can't stutter, otherwise she looks like...

But at the next moment, Que Qingyan did not back out after helping her fasten the seat belt. Instead, he glanced at her flickering eyes and asked calmly:

"Why don't you like me?" After a pause, he suppressed his smile and explained in a low voice, "I'm just wearing a seat belt." With permission, I will not do anything disrespectful to you."

Lin Mian was still digesting the last sentence, and Que Qingyan added: "I am to you—"

Guangfeng Jiyue's Que Qingyan pondered for a moment, used the words "intentional misconduct", and continued with a smile: "But I can still restrain myself now, so don't worry too much."

With his words, Lin Mian uncontrollably thought of the last time Que Qingyan buckled up his seat belt and kissed him, and played the words "bad intentions" several times in his mind...

Soon, Lin Mian blushed so hard that she couldn't say a word, she just responded.

Taking advantage of Que Qingyan's opening of the driver's door, Lin Mian slammed her head on the window glass, and said in embarrassment that she could hardly hold back! !

The revolving restaurant is located on the top floor of the hotel in the city center, and the location with the best view only accepts one reservation per night. The restaurant is surrounded by translucent floor-to-ceiling windows, and you can see the night scene of the busy traffic, and the lights of the China World Trade Center are half hidden in the night.

The waiter came over with the wine list, but just as Lin Mian was about to decline politely, he heard Que Qing say, "If you want to drink, you can have a little wine, don't worry about me."

He didn't speak very clearly, but Lin Mian heard the subtext.

Even if she was drunk, Que Qingyan would not do anything deviant to her.

"No," Lin Mian's ears gradually warmed up, and he confessed with difficulty, "I don't drink well... I'm afraid I might do something to you when I get drunk."

Que Qingyan said "um" indifferently, looked up at her, and asked calmly, "What are you doing?"

The waiter who was still holding the wine list selectively pretended to be deaf.

"Do… "

Teacher Mu Mian circulated countless small theaters where girls can't talk, and thought, what else can I do...

Still in front of others, Lin Mian didn't want to show the waiter blush, so she pretended to be calm and quickly ordered a bottle of red wine before her face burned.

The lights in the restaurant were very dim, so that guests could see the night view outside the window clearly. When Lin Mian found out that something was wrong, there were very few people around.

Soon, the guests at the last table left, and no new guests came in to eat in the restaurant.

"Mr. Que has reserved all the seats for tonight." The waiter brought over the wine, bowed and handed over a gift box, and smiled, "This is a small gift from our restaurant. I wish you a pleasant meal."

Que Qingyan reserved all the seats.

He formally booked the restaurant, put on a suit, and invited her over for a meal.

Lin Mian's heart was beating like a drum, and he thought very hopelessly, so being this feeling.

"Que Qingyan." After thinking for a moment, Lin Mian gently put down the fork, raised his eyes and asked in a low voice, "When will you promise me?"

Listening to the tone, there is also some grievance.

"..." Que Qingyan laughed, "I was chasing you, why did I agree to you?"

"I want to accept it now, okay?" Lin Mian didn't want to mention the hard work of chasing someone, for fear that he would think she was reselling the old score, so he just thought about it, "Anyway, in the end..." She will definitely accept him.

In the middle of speaking, Que Qingyan's cell phone vibrated suddenly, indicating that a text message had been received.

Que Qingyan didn't look at the phone, but Lin Mian stopped talking and said no more.

She had used a lot of courage to say that just now.

Lin Mian's self-esteem and upbringing have always told her that some words are inappropriate for a girl, but she just can't hold back in front of Que Qingyan.

Bai Jiayi also said that Lin Mian and Que Qingyan have a big psychological age difference. In terms of relationship, Lin Mian's thinking is much simpler and more straightforward. The other party is pursuing her now, and she also likes him, so being together is a matter of course.

Lin Mian blushed and thought about it, if they are really together... there are many things they can do.

The conversation was interrupted, and Lin Mian didn't mention it again during the next meal time.

After dinner, Que Qingyan drove Lin Mian back to the apartment.

The elevator stopped on the eighth floor, and the latter walked towards the door three times at a time. When the door opened halfway, it suddenly occurred to him that he hadn't said good night yet.

As soon as Lin Mian turned her head, she found that Que Qingyan had stepped out of the elevator and was walking straight in front of her.

His expression was indifferent, his eyes were deep, his long eyebrows were rarely frowned, and he looked at her with lowered eyes.

"..." Looking at his handsome facial features, Lin Mian felt a little nervous for no reason, "You..."

"I never took it for granted that you agreed to my pursuit." Que Qingyan supported the doorknob behind Lin Mian and pressed down to look at her. With a slow voice, he paused for a moment, and said, "I don't want others to think that my chasing you is just a formality, an emotional charity."

Lin Mian was stunned.

"I'm pursuing you very formally, and you have every right to refuse me." She drank some wine tonight, her eyes were red, and she listened slowly when people spoke. Que Qingyan slowed down his speech, with a smile on his face, "Of course, from a selfish point of view, I hope you can accept me in the future."

After speaking, Que Qingyan didn't wait for Lin Mian's reaction. In fact, he still had some things to say, but she was like this now, and if he stayed for a while, he couldn't restrain himself no matter how much he controlled himself.

He opened the door for Lin Mian, took a step back and let her in: "Go to bed early."

The next moment, someone grabbed the sleeve of his shirt.

Lin Mian pursed her lips and said, "You... wait a minute."

A few minutes later, Lin Mian opened the door again and came out, holding a piece of paper and handing it to Que Qingyan.

This was drawn by Lin Mian when Lin Mian went to listen to his trial last time, and it was him on the paper.

Que Qingyan glanced at it, and there was a whole column of small characters beside it, full of the words "can't sleep".

"..." No wonder he didn't see her fall asleep during the trial. Que Qingyan laughed, "What is this?"

"This is an IOU." Lin Mian replied with a serious expression, "When I was chasing you, you encouraged me..." She blushed a little when she thought of something, "But I don't have any other gifts for you right now. , I will send you an IOU first, and I will make it up later."

Que Qingyan looked at it carefully for a while, put it away, and asked calmly, "Do you want to return the gift?"

return gift...

Lin Mian drank some wine, and now his mind is full of charming thoughts. When he heard that he wanted to return the gift, he couldn't help but think of something else.

A goodnight kiss, a hug, even a kiss on the forehead, is...

Lin Mian didn't think about it, so his hand was pulled up, and the cool and square object was placed in the palm of his hand.

It's a car key.

Today he drives a new car...

Que Qingyan looked down at Lin Mian, caressed the soft skin of her palm with his slender fingertips inadvertently, paused for a moment, and then let go.

Lin Mian heard him say: "Send luxury car keys, revolving restaurant reservations, camping in the suburbs with fireworks..."

This is what she said when she was chasing him.

Que Qingyan smiled calmly: "Let me do all of these."

"You don't have to..." After digesting for a while, Lin Mian's sluggish brain finally calmed down. The feeling of soreness in her heart was mixed with other emotions, and what she wanted to say was swallowed back, and changed to, "I'm going out to sign a sale in two days, can you..."

Lin Mian's heart was beating violently, and she was still holding Que Qingyan's sleeve lightly.

In the past, before she did such things, she had to carefully ask his permission, but today she suddenly didn't want to ask.

After thinking about what he wanted to do, Lin Mian closed his eyes and let go of Que Qingyan's cuff.

He wore a tie today.

The next moment, Lin Mian made up his mind, stretched out his hand to pull down the other party's tie, and took advantage of the opportunity to stand on tiptoe.

He took the initiative to kiss the corner of his lips.