You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness

Chapter 16


In the end, Meng Zhengrong didn't bother to say anything to Xu Wish, so he simply didn't reply. Seeing her smiling expression made her tooth hurt.

As for making a wish, she also felt very relaxed when she didn't receive any more news from Meng Zhengrong, and started to listen to gossip from her colleagues.

"One time when I was interviewing, I happened to meet Mr. Meng. At that time, I thought Mr. Meng was very serious." Li Yan is a newcomer in the finance department. She has a lively and outgoing personality, and she can chat a few words with Wishing, " Make a wish, is Mr. Meng so serious in private?"

At the beginning, everyone didn't know what to call Xu Wish. A few honest colleagues called her Mrs. Meng directly. Xu Wish corrected her several times, and finally everyone agreed to call her by her name. Now she can call her by her name very easily.

As soon as Li Yan said this, everyone looked to make a wish, and even Sister Zhou couldn't hide her curiosity.

Make a wish and think about it, "It's not serious, but it won't be too active."

It is what ordinary people look like, and what Meng Zhengrong looks like.

Seeing that the wish did not exclude the mention of Meng Zhengrong, everyone started chatting one after another, "Isn't Mr. Meng chasing you? Mr. Meng's relationship should be very romantic, right?"

Meng Zhengrong is a veritable president. As for whether he is domineering or not, he can only make a wish to know. Falling in love with a handsome and rich president is a girlish heart.

This question really stumped Wishing, she didn't know the way the original owner and Meng Zhengrong got along, but what was known was that the two should not have known each other at all before they got married.

Wishing to think about it carefully, he replied: "Actually, we are married, you all know this, so we can't talk about who is chasing who."

The colleagues in the finance department did not expect that wishing would be so upright. Although they knew that they were married, isn't everyone like this? Even so, they would find ways to show a normal romantic love in front of outsiders.

Li Yan is the best at activating the atmosphere, she rested her chin on one hand and sighed: "I dream of becoming a young lady and marrying someone else."

Ordinary people can use the word "marriage" to get married. Anyway, as far as she understands, marriage is usually only used by two wealthy families.

Wishing was amused.

Other colleagues echoed.

"I've always thought that you are as beautiful as wishing, even if it's a marriage, maybe Mr. Meng secretly likes you, and then..." A female colleague wearing black-rimmed glasses spoke up. In the mind of this female colleague, Meng Zhengrong has been secretly in love with making a wish for many years, trying every means to get close to making a wish, and using marriage as an excuse to stay with her for the rest of her life...

This brain hole is so big that it breaks through the sky.

But it seems that the more unrealistic it is, the easier it is to be yearned for by people. At least a few female colleagues were moved by this imaginary plot.

Wishing didn't bother to explain, anyway, she just didn't believe that Meng Zhengrong had any feelings for her.

Although she said that she hadn't experienced any relationship in her previous life, she watched the emperor's many so-called true love relationships. Whether a man likes a woman can be seen from his eyes. She has studied the emperor's eyes for many years, although It's not necessary to have a good relationship with the concubines, but at least it is necessary to find out who the emperor's favorite is recently.

The way Meng Zhengrong looked at her had nothing to do with liking her.

But she didn't expect his affection either.

For Meng Zhengrong, she is his wife in name, so he will give her more patience than other women and respect her, but it is too early and too far to talk about liking and love.

For her, he is her husband in name. It just so happens that she has accepted the fate of the original owner, and she has never thought of committing a serious death, so she quite likes such a peaceful life. As for liking and love, this Whether she has it or not is the same thing.

All in all, the two of them are more like the maintainers of each other, yes, the maintainers of this marriage, a relationship that is more stable than a cooperative relationship.

Regarding this cognition, making a wish can see through it better than anyone else.

It was Friday, and Meng Zhengrong came to the finance department as soon as he got off work. Even though he came here almost every day after work these days to make wishes, his arrival still made the colleagues in the finance department tremble with fear for a long time.

In the past, the president couldn't come to the finance department a few times a year. These days, he can see him every day. Other departments are envious and jealous, but only they know what it's like to see the big boss every day.

"Aren't you done yet?" Meng Zhengrong came to the door of the wishing office. Although the door was not closed, he stood politely and knocked on the door.

Wishing looked up from a pile of documents, and seeing that it was past five o'clock, she tidied up the table in an orderly manner, and replied, "Just wait for me, it will be over soon."

She doesn't think she is stupid, plus the original owner's physical instincts are still there, it's not difficult for her to look at these materials, and even though she didn't take care of the finances in name before, the people in charge of this in the palace are all flattering She, so she is no stranger to accounting.

After making a wish and packing up, he followed Meng Zhengrong and prepared to leave. Before leaving, Meng Zhengrong said goodbye to his colleagues in the finance department: "You guys also go home early and have a good weekend. Your health is more important than work."

Sometimes it is like this, knowing that the boss is just talking about it, but hearing these words, I still feel a lot better physically and mentally.

After they left, several colleagues from the finance department sat together to discuss—

"By the way, I don't know if it's because I work with Wishing, but now I feel that Wishing has better conditions than Mr. Meng..."

"Yes, yes, yes! I feel the same way! I don't have any pretensions, I seem to work very hard, and I look so beautiful, and the Xu family is no worse than the Meng family. I always feel that Mr. Meng is so swollen..."

"Ahem, ahem, ahem, it's not considered high-level or high-level, these two people are quite a match, good-looking, good-matched height, and good-matched family background, hey hey hey!"

It is a great pity that the two people who are regarded as a perfect match in the eyes of colleagues are sitting in the car, but they are still the same as before, one of them occupies one side of the window, and they don't talk much along the way.

Wishing was sorting out the materials he read today, while Meng Zhengrong was thinking that tomorrow is the weekend, his work has come to an end for the time being, and he is quite free now, so should he take Wishing out? But he has kept a low profile for several years, and he doesn't know where he can take her to play.

Sleeping on the bed at night, the desk lamp is still on, and Wishing has closed her eyes. At this moment, her mind is completely occupied by pinyin and financial information, so that she will not think about the faces of the people lying next to her.

As for Meng Zhengrong, he was thinking about driving between men and women.

I'm ashamed to say it, even though he and Xu Yuan have been married for a month or two, but in fact, nothing happened between them.

Meng Zhengrong is a person who likes to pretend. When he was young, he didn't hide it. When he was a little older, he pretended to be low-key.

What did he think when he got married? On the wedding night, when he saw Wish sitting on the bed without saying a word, he could feel that she was actually very scared, but having sex with someone who had no feelings for him, What's the matter

In terms of sex, men and women have completely different attitudes. Men can separate love and sex, but women have a hard time.

Meng Zhengrong really didn't want to touch her when the wish was not voluntary, which was so boring.

In fact, Meng Zhengrong still thinks like this until now. He is not impatient, and he still hopes to drive when she is willing. He is also a person with self-respect. Driving is better than parking.

It just hurts self-confidence.

But it would be great if men could control themselves not to think about that. Now it's one thing not to be able to drive, but another thing to want to drive.

Although the two are married, Meng Zhengrong is not someone who can marry. This person must be in line with his aesthetics, otherwise he doesn't like to watch it. Can he survive this day

Whether it is appearance or figure, making a wish is in line with the definition of a goddess in a man's mind.

Thinking about it, Meng Zhengrong's body became inexplicably hot. Although he was covered with a quilt, he could barely cover it if he had a physiological reaction. Besides, he was still closing his eyes when he made a wish, but the reaction of his body made Meng Zhengrong very uncomfortable. Annoyed, he simply got up and ran to the bathroom, taking a cold shower instead of a hot one.

I have to say that taking a cold shower is really helpful, and the heat in Meng Zhengrong's body calmed down immediately.

Wishing to hear the sound of water coming from the bathroom, opened his eyes, thinking, almost fell asleep and went to take a bath again, really sick...