You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness

Chapter 17


Early on Saturday morning, she woke up as soon as she made a wish. Her original plan was to review the information given to her by Sister Zhou after breakfast, and then practice pinyin on the phone all day. The plan could not keep up with the changes. During breakfast, Meng Zhengrong said to her: "Summer is coming soon, let's go out for a stroll together today. The weather is also pretty good, suitable for shopping and eating."

Meng Zhengrong only found out in the past few days that his way of getting along with Wishing was really problematic.

Going with the flow sounds like a good solution, and you don't need to worry about it, but if the situation continues like this, I always feel that the relationship between the couple will become worse and worse and alienated.

At first, Meng Zhengrong thought that wishing would take the initiative to ease the relationship, but now he was completely slapped in the face. He felt that there was no rush to make a wish. Meng Zhengrong tried to think from her perspective, if he If it's a wish, he shouldn't be in a hurry, after all, she is still young, and she is beautiful and has been hugged and raised since she was a child...

The age gap between them is also quite large. Meng Zhengrong finally gritted his teeth and decided to take the initiative. After all, he was the one who was anxious to become a father.

Weekends are a good time to improve the relationship, and they don’t have to go to work. The two of them go for a drive and go shopping, and then go to the revolving restaurant for a candlelight dinner. It’s quite romantic to think about it.

In fact, Meng Zhengrong has not dated anyone like this for a long, long time.

Wishing to decline, but seeing Meng Zhengrong's face, he bit the bullet and nodded.

She has actually made the distinction very clear now, Meng Zhengrong is Meng Zhengrong, and the emperor is the emperor. Although they look exactly the same, they are two people.

Most of the time, she adjusts her mentality, and even if she sits and talks with him, she won't feel that kind of fear anymore, but it's a pity that the temperament in her bones that she can't refuse and dare not refuse any request from the emperor, now It has not been completely eliminated.

Therefore, all her meekness when facing Meng Zhengrong now is actually looking at another person's irresistible through him.

Meng Zhengrong was also very happy to see her agreeing readily. A man who has been single for a long time will feel lonely psychologically, not to mention physically.

When he was in his early twenties, Meng Zhengrong never knew what loneliness and emptiness were. There were so many activities and people playing with him. Outside of work, the most he can do is eat and chat with good buddies. Basically, there are very few entertainment activities. Most of the time, he just stays in the study for a whole day.

In the first few years, I will not feel lonely, after all, I am fighting for my career.

When he felt lonely, he had already married Xu Wish. He didn't think so before, but now that he thinks about it, he and her will be together every weekend when he is free, which is not a bad feeling.

After the two of them finished their breakfast, it was almost ten o'clock, Xu Zhi reluctantly went to change his clothes and put on some light makeup, and then went out with Meng Zhengrong.

Fortunately, the weather today is really good. I wished to sit in the passenger seat, and my mood gradually improved. It is also good to go out and relax for a while to get acquainted with this strange world.

Women like to go shopping, so Meng Zhengrong decided to be patient and go shopping with Wishing. The two came to a shopping center in the city center. Most of the products sold here were luxury goods, so even if it was a weekend, this place was not like other shopping malls. It was so crowded that I didn't meet many people when I walked in.

"Summer is here, see if you want to add some summer clothes."

Even if Wishing has been pretending to be a man in his previous life, he is still a woman after all. Women have no resistance to activities such as buying new clothes. up.

When the two came to a certain brand store, several shopping guides in the store greeted them and warmly entertained them.

Meng Zhengrong put one hand on Wishing's shoulder: "See if you like it. I'll wait for you."

Wishing wanted to throw him out. She found that Meng Zhengrong really had a desire to perform. Although it is necessary to show affection in front of outsiders, outsiders are irrelevant now. The employees of the company are not family members of the two families. Is it necessary

Although she was so slanderous, Wishing was still very happy to pick out clothes. At first, she thought that the clothes here showed her arms and legs, which was really indecent, but after staying here for a while, her eyes followed suit. It has changed, she now feels that the skirts here are all! it is good! nice!

Wishing is not only fair, beautiful and long-legged, but also has a good figure, no matter what color it is, she can control it, so the clothes she chose look good on her. In the end, Meng Zhengrong swiped her card to try on her. I bought all those clothes.

Naturally, Meng Zhengrong would not let Wishing carry these things. He carried paper bags in both hands, and walked side by side with Wishing, which attracted a lot of heads.

"Put these in the car first, and then go to look at the shoes and bags?" Meng Zhengrong was very happy when he saw that the wish was rare, and he was also happy, thinking that even if it made her happy, he would have to sacrifice his life to accompany the gentleman today.

It is a recognized fact that men don't like to go shopping with women, and Meng Zhengrong doesn't like it either, but it's very strange that he was never willing to go shopping with any woman before, even his own mother and sister, but now it's different, see Wishing Happy, he is also quite satisfied, is this the difference between other women and wives


Meng Zhengrong was truly satisfied.

Look, I used to answer "yes" directly.

Today's answer was one more word, which was "Okay".

It means she is really happy.

Because Meng Zhengrong couldn't mention that much, the two prepared to take the elevator to the parking lot.

The elevator door had just opened, and wishing to see that there was another person inside, he just looked away and followed Meng Zhengrong into the elevator.

Wishing a glance, they clicked on the second floor, which is the parking lot, and that person should go to the first floor.

From the third floor to the first floor, it takes no more than ten seconds at most.

However, during these ten seconds, the atmosphere in the elevator was extremely weird.

Chen Hao was stunned. He didn't expect to meet Wishing today, let alone Meng Zhengrong would go shopping with Wishing. What it's like to meet his ex-girlfriend and her current husband, Chen Hao felt that he was going to know now. If you answer this question online, you will definitely get a lot of likes!

Of course, this is not enough to make him stunned, after all, he has long expected that such a day will come.

What made him dumbfounded was that Wishing only looked at him from the beginning to the end, and his gaze stayed on him for no more than two seconds, not to mention how strange that look was.

Well, it's like looking at a stranger.

How is this going

Well, let's take a step back, even if he is sorry for her, but the two of them have been together before, and now they meet by chance, at least there should be some emotional fluctuations, right

No! No! !

He took great courage and tried to cough a few times while Meng Zhengrong was still present, trying to attract the wishing attention.

However, making a wish didn't even distract him from the corners of his eyes.

How is this going? what's up?

Meng Zhengrong paid attention to the situation of these two people. He was not generally satisfied with making a wish now. He felt that making a wish was not usually winking. He was very suitable to be his wife and the boss of the Meng family.

He naturally knew Chen Hao. When he saw him in the elevator, he thought that these two people were going to make his heart suffocate again. I walked into the elevator naturally, and there was nothing wrong with my emotions from the beginning to the end.

For the price of making a wish, Meng Zhengrong decided to pay more attention to her in the future.

Wishing at this moment, what I think in my heart is: the clothes I bought today look good and I like them.