You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness

Chapter 25


After giving the money to Xiao Ling, Meng Zhengrong said thank you again and walked towards the RV with the bowl in his hand.

Leaving Xiaoling alone, even though it was night, her face was blushing very hard, not because of shyness, but because of the embarrassment of her self-esteem being trampled underfoot.

A gust of wind blew by, and she woke up suddenly. Turning her head, there was no one there. She only saw the luxurious RV standing not far away in the night.

When she saw the RV this morning, she already had such thoughts, but she didn't expect that her thoughts would be trampled to pieces in less than a day.

When Meng Zhengrong returned to the RV, he had two extra large bowls in his hands, and he was attracted by the scent to get out of bed when he made a wish.

"Come and eat soon." Meng Zhengrong put a bowl of roasted chicken with mushrooms and a large bowl of white rice on the table.

Wishing couldn't hide his surprise: "Didn't you go to buy instant noodles? What's going on?"

Meng Zhengrong really didn't want to tell Xu Wish what happened just now. When he was young, he might think it was a show off, but now he doesn't. Roast chicken hooking up or something... It really hurts the image to say it.

No matter men, women, young or old, all have vanity, and Meng Zhengrong is no exception.

It's not that he hasn't been proud of his wishing appearance. Now a country girl who can't even match the wishing hair wants to seduce him. Meng Zhengrong said that fortunately no one saw the scene just now, otherwise he would have to Become a laughing stock in the circle.

In the past, this kind of thing was not uncommon in the circle. At that time, a buddy opened a restaurant, and the big guys often went to join him. This buddy had a girlfriend at the time, but his personality was relatively gentle, and he was good to the employees in the store. I didn't know that there was a waitress who moved her mind, and I don't know what happened. Anyway, the waitress did something at the time, and let the buddy's girlfriend know, and everyone laughed at the buddy for a long time time.

Although this kind of teasing hurts the girl's self-esteem to a certain extent, there is no way it can be done, that's how it is in their circle.

Meng Zhengrong thought to himself, what kind of self-respect is there? Knowing that he has a wife, and his wife is still by his side, this girl wants to hook up, which means that this person has no self-esteem at all.

He looked at Wishing, she didn't have any makeup on at this time, but her appearance still beat the girl just now by an unknown number of blocks.

Seeing that Meng Zhengrong didn't answer, making a wish asked again: "Where did this come from?"

Meng Zhengrong came back to his senses and said with a straight face: "Their family saw that we didn't eat, so they re-made the dishes and said it was for supper."

I didn't think too much about making a wish. I took the chopsticks and looked at them, and found that the chopsticks and the bowl were quite clean, so I said, "Then this family is quite enthusiastic."

Meng Zhengrong couldn't tell, so he also sat down, "I gave them 300 yuan for food materials and labor costs, shouldn't it be too little? I don't know how much a chicken costs now."

Wishing is actually not very clear about the current prices, so he thought for a while and replied: "It should be quite a lot. I went out to eat with my colleagues from the finance department before, and I also ordered chicken at that time, which seemed to be less than a hundred."

At that time, the whole department ate together and ordered so many dishes, and it seemed that there was not much money when paying the bill. Now, three hundred yuan for a bowl of roasted chicken with mushrooms should be enough.

"I can rest assured that."

He's paid for it and made it clear, so it doesn't count as taking advantage of others.

The two of them were really hungry. They ate some bread in the morning and didn't eat much at noon. They were already hungry by now.

Meng Zhengrong took the chicken legs to Wishing, and wishing moved the bowl away and said: "I don't like eating chicken legs."

"Okay, then what do you want to eat? Chicken wings?" Meng Zhengrong put the chicken legs back into her bowl, and then made a wish with another chicken wing. Seeing that the wish was not rejected, she knew that she liked to eat this.

Not to mention, that girl didn't look very good, but the craftsmanship was pretty good. Meng Zhengrong and Wishing finished all the rice.

"I don't know what to have for breakfast tomorrow." Meng Zhengrong was already worrying about breakfast.

The bread prepared by the butler has been eaten this morning, so what about tomorrow morning

That girl will definitely not cook for him again. What will I have for tomorrow morning

Wishing pointed to the refrigerator, "There's milk and fruit, I'll just make do with it tomorrow morning."

"What about lunch?" Meng Zhengrong never thought that one day he would be so worried about lunch.

"Don't worry, we're leaving after breakfast. I asked someone in the team, and he said that we will have lunch at the nearest county seat."

county seat? No matter how the county seat is, it will be much better than the small town. At least there should be restaurants. Thinking of this, Meng Zhengrong quietly felt relieved.

Now that they were full, neither of them wanted to move.

"Little wish." It may be that in the past two days he has lost his image in front of the other party, and Meng Zhengrong feels that he has become a lot closer to wishing.

Wishing without raising his eyelids, he agreed.

"Do you really want to do charity work?" Meng Zhengrong asked suddenly.

"En." This person has been talking nonsense recently, didn't he just mention this question? Why ask again.

Meng Zhengrong sat up straight and did not continue. Ge You paralyzed, and said with a serious face: "Well, after we go back this time, we will treat Mrs. Wang to dinner, and then tell her that you will not talk to her family in the future." project."

Wishing to open her eyes impatiently, when she saw Meng Zhengrong's face, she calmed down her inner emotions and asked calmly: "Why? Didn't I say that I will continue to do it?" ?”

Meng Zhengrong glanced at her, "Is it better to follow others or do it yourself?"

Wishing for a moment, he quickly sat up and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Meng's also has public welfare projects, and there are special people in charge, but it's just for fun. It's not as good as Wang's. Instead of following Mrs. Wang, it's better for you to accept Meng's public welfare projects in the future."

This was Meng Zhengrong's idea from the very beginning. Although it is said that making a wish to do charity will benefit the Meng family instead of the Wang family, but Meng Zhengrong can still guess what Mrs. Wang's plan is. It's not that he wants to build a good relationship with the Xu and Meng families through this matter. Meng Zhengrong doesn't want to be tied to any company other than the Xu family.

Although the development of the Wang family is not bad, there are also a lot of bad things. In this generation, there are not many people who can be used, and they are not enough to look at.

Although he came here this time to enhance the relationship between the husband and wife, he also wanted to see if the wish would last. He had seen her determination. Since she was not just playing for fun, he might as well use her company's Do it in name.

He suddenly said such an important thing, and he didn't react after making a wish. He couldn't believe that Meng Zhengrong would hand over such a good thing to her.

Throughout the ages, public welfare and charity have been fat jobs. In the previous life, this was for disaster relief. How many disaster relief officials have not been fed fat? This era is no exception. How many people are really clean in the exchange of funds for public welfare and charity

What she wants now is not money, after all, the original owner is already very rich.

If this kind of errand is done well, it will be the end of both fame and fortune.

She is really heartbroken.

"Do you want to take over?" Meng Zhengrong asked, staring into the wishing eyes.

Make a wish and nod vigorously without even thinking about it, whoever doesn't want to be a bastard!

"You still have to learn about the finance department. If you want to take over the charity department, you will still have difficulties."

"what do you mean?"

Will it be difficult for Mrs. Meng to accept Meng's public welfare projects? Wishing is a bit puzzled, but Meng Zhengrong will not say such things for no reason...

Meng Zhengrong's face suddenly became very serious, and he lowered his voice: "Now the person in charge of this is my little uncle."

With just this sentence, you can know that there is no such thing as a pie in this world when you make a wish. No matter what time it is, Meng Zhengrong is an out-and-out businessman.

From Mrs. Xu and Xu Nuo, we can know that although Meng Zhengrong can be regarded as the only one in the Meng family now, he is also very aggrieved. He has taken over the Meng family for several years, and he can kick out those who make him feel aggrieved. Those who have been kicked away, and now only a few nail households are left in the Meng family.

These nail households are basically Meng Zhengrong's relatives and elders, and they can't say anything or scold them.

It seems that from now on, Meng Zhengrong is already thinking of a way to get rid of the nail households.

No wonder he would let her come to work so readily and put her in the finance department, she knew he didn't have such good intentions.

Now it depends on whether she nods or shakes her head. Once she agrees, it means that she will join Meng Zhengrong's boat.

But since Meng Zhengrong told her about this matter, it means that she has absolute rights in this area in the future, it just depends on whether she can withstand the pressure of these relatives at home.

This guy is really a chicken thief.

Make a wish and pretend to be innocent: "Then I will do it with my little uncle. At the beginning of this kind of project, I still need a senior to lead me. My little uncle is also my elder, so I will definitely not be stingy."

Meng Zhengrong looked at the wish for a long time, and after a while he smiled and said, "It's not bad if you think so."

He couldn't bear the moths in the company. When his father handed over the company to him, he said very shamelessly that he was about to retire, so he didn't want to be a villain, which meant that the villain wanted him to do it.

In the past few years, he has been busy with other things and has no time to reorganize the company. Before marrying Xu Wish, he made a plan. If Xu Wish has that idea, he will let her work in the company. He has already thought about every step. He never expected that he would come to work in the company after making a wish after marriage, but he left after only one day. It seems that he can't count on her. Did not make too much hope.

However, when he came back from a business trip abroad, making a wish was like growing up suddenly. She was willing to work in the company, and created a situation he wanted to see. Now she is still willing to do charity. I have to say, she More and more like a good wife.

If this is the case, then the husband and wife will work together to rectify the Meng family, otherwise the moths will not affect the overall situation, but it will still be annoying after a long time.

I just hope that wishing can always maintain the current vision and wisdom.

He definitely wouldn't stand by and act as a shopkeeper, and if his uncle and the others dared to make things difficult for her, he wouldn't just sit around and ignore everything.

Even if the matter was settled, Xu Hui sighed in his heart, this is really a thief.

Seeing that Meng Zhengrong's boat was relatively safe, she might just reluctantly board it.

In this way, the two reached a consensus very tacitly.

Seeing that the food was brought by Meng Zhengrong, and he was in a good mood, he decided to take the bowls and chopsticks to the kitchen to wash. Anyway, there were only four bowls, and he finished washing them in one go.

When Wishing came to the kitchen, the kitchen lights were still on, and there was a girl sitting with her back facing her, not knowing what she was doing, she stood at the door and knocked on the door out of politeness.

Xiaoling was still in shame and anger, when she heard someone knocking on the door, she turned her head subconsciously, and when she saw that the person was making a wish, she really wanted to find a hole in the ground and get in.

She knows that the chance of success is very small, but it is an opportunity after all, no matter how small it is, she must seize it, which is really too precious to her.

For a person like her who has no background and no household registration, even if she stays in a big city after graduation, she is just an ordinary person. No, no, ordinary people will not work as hard as her. She has no money, which means that she At the end of the month, I can't save any money at all, and I have to live tight. The only reason is that she didn't have a good pregnancy. After working, I have to supplement the family and pay off the student loan. These things are overwhelming her. I'm angry.

Maybe she only had such a chance to directly contact rich people once in her life.

It's a pity that it failed like this, Xiaoling was so uncomfortable that she couldn't sleep.

She just wants to live in a big city, why is it so difficult.

Being rejected by Meng Zhengrong was also expected, but seeing the wish now, she really couldn't lift her head up.

Wishing to see this girl, he guessed that the roast chicken they ate should be made by her, as this family is so hospitable, if it was made by the hostess, they would definitely be waiting for them.

"Did you make this roast chicken with mushrooms?" Wishing asked with a smile.

Xiaoling felt that she was about to stutter, so she nodded cautiously.

I don't know if Mr. Meng told his wife what happened just now...

If so, did this Mrs. Meng come to trouble her

Wishing looked around the kitchen, "Your craftsmanship is so good, my husband and I are full of praise. By the way, where are the dish soap and dishcloth?"

Xiao Ling froze for a moment, then hurriedly got up, took the bowls and chopsticks from Wishing's hand, "You'd better let me do the washing."

She took a look at the hands that made the wish. These hands are so white and tender. There is a bracelet on the wrist, and the diamond on the ring makes people unable to take their eyes off...

Once she went shopping with her roommates. When she passed the jewelry store, she went in and took a look. The shopping guide ignored them. At that time, the small diamond ring cost more than 30,000 yuan. how expensive.

Looking at her rough hands again, she is really ashamed.

I didn't insist on making a wish anymore, and said with a smile: "Then I'll trouble you, I've been bothering your family for the past two days, I'm sorry."

Xiaoling put the bowl and chopsticks in the pool, stared down at her shoes, an unprecedented sense of inferiority forced her to suffocate.

"No, no."

Wishing to see Xiaoling is only in her twenties, the same age as Meng Pingting, but their lives are completely different.

This girl was very caring, knowing that they hadn't eaten, she made them supper, and made a wish, thinking that Meng Zhengrong had already given her three hundred, so she was relieved.

It would be inappropriate for her to give money now.

"sorry to bother you."

Wishing felt that the girl was a little embarrassed, so after saying this, she thanked her and turned to leave.

After making a wish and leaving, Xiaoling breathed a sigh of relief. She soaked her hands in some cold water and took a deep breath. There seemed to be a fragrance in the air. It was from Mrs. Meng. I don’t know what perfume is so good. Smell, it must be expensive.

She lowered her head in dismay. Mr. Meng probably didn't tell Mrs. Meng what happened just now.

This muddy life, I don't know if there will be an opportunity like today.

After making a wish, he returned to the RV, packed up his change of clothes, and prepared to take a shower.

It is estimated that everyone else has finished washing at this moment. It is June. Although the temperature difference between day and night is large, she still sweats during the day. If she does not take a bath at this moment, she will not be able to sleep.

Seeing that she was getting out of the car with a change of clothes, Meng Zhengrong knew she was going to take a bath, so he hurriedly held her back, and said in a deep voice, "I'll go with you."

Wishing looked at Meng Zhengrong as if he was insane.

It really is a stinky hooligan!

Meng Zhengrong looked at the wishing eyes and quickly explained: "Don't think about it, I don't have that kind of thought!" He paused, "The people here are unfamiliar, and it's not like being at home. You take a bath, and I will talk to you outside." You guard."

Wishing to hear this, her complexion improved a lot. Meng Zhengrong was still very considerate. It was the first time she met people in Mrs. Wang's team. The people in this small town were also strangers, so they didn't know It is better to keep an eye on the outside world about the character of others.

Seeing that the wish was silent, Meng Zhengrong knew that she agreed, so he got out of the RV beside her.

He has never been a careful person. The reason why he is considerate this time is thanks to the girl just now.

Someone hooked up with him on a whim, so maybe someone will have an idea about making a wish, anyway, he has made up his mind to chase her, and she is his wife, and now she is taking a bath in this unfamiliar place, Of course he was going to watch outside.

"While I'm taking a shower, you'll be watching outside." Meng Zhengrong thought for a while and said, "It's late at night, and I don't have any acquaintances around me. You are waiting for me outside. Call me if you have anything to do." I'll come out."

He decided, this night, it's best not to separate him from Wishing.

Wishing and nodded, his proposal is not harmful to her, why not agree.

It's only before nine o'clock now, and the town is already very quiet. People here go to bed very early, so Wishing and Meng Zhengrong came to the bathroom.

Because I have been here a few times today, I have already been mentally prepared. There are still people who use toilets. This family has an independent toilet. smell.

Happily, there is a shower in the restroom.

It's just that the door of the bathroom really makes people feel insecure. It's the kind of wooden door with a few narrow gaps in the middle. There is no way to make a wish at this time, so I can only grit my teeth and enter the bathroom and close the door.

Xu Zhi stood under the shower head, hesitated for a long time, then took off his clothes, turned on the shower and began to take a bath.

Can't wait to finish washing with the fastest speed.

Meng Zhengrong heard the sound of water coming from the bathroom, let alone, his heart was itching.

It is no exaggeration to say that Wishing is the most beautiful young lady in the wealthy circle of City A. When his mother mentioned it to him, he didn't have any objections.

Whether it is appearance, figure or family background, he is very satisfied with making a wish. Now that he gets along, he has to add a personality.

Meng Zhengrong didn't know what liking was and what love was. This thing was too complicated, and he didn't bother to distinguish it. He only knew that he was quite satisfied with this wife.

It was because of satisfaction that he wanted to improve the relationship and make her fall in love with him.

Let me ask, how many normal men don't have the urge to look at their goddess-level wives while they're taking a shower

Anyway, he has.

It's just that it's one thing to think about it, but it's a bit wretched to actually do it.

It takes courage to do such a wretched thing.

Meng Zhengrong took a few deep breaths, his eyes rolled around, seeing that there was no one around at the moment, and he was still taking a shower while making a wish, so he turned around in a hurry, bent over obscenely and looked in through the crack in the door .

There shouldn't be any burden. The person taking a bath here is his wife, so he just takes a look, just one look, no, just two.

It was hot inside, and I couldn't see clearly.

In the misty mist, I saw Wishing standing with her back facing her. She was spraying the shower gel foam on her body with a shower. This scene was like peeling an egg, peeling off the shell, and tearing off a thin layer In Meng Zhengrong's eyes, her skin is like egg whites, she doesn't know how attractive it is.

Wishing to prevent Meng Zhengrong from peeking, so he kept his back to the door, dried himself and got dressed.

When she opened the door, Meng Zhengrong stood at the door like a door god.

Wishing looked at him suspiciously, the guy's face and ears turned red, "Are you hot?"

Meng Zhengrong seemed to be frightened. After realizing it, he shook his head first, then nodded quickly, with his back straightened. Those who didn't know thought it was a tree, "Yes, it's a little hot. .”

Make a wish and know everything when you see his reaction. This guy may have peeked at her taking a bath, and now she is not even in the mood to curse because she is too tired, and she just despises Meng Zhengrong in her heart. After a while, he really lived up to the remark she changed for him, stinky rascal!

"Then you should take a shower quickly."

Meng Zhengrong hurried in as if he had been pardoned, and then closed the door. Before closing the door, he met the wishing eyes, and he, an old driver in his thirties, blushed in a rare way.

He was embarrassed and annoyed that he had this reaction.

If he was in his early twenties, it could be explained, but he is already in his thirties, and when he actually blushed in front of his wife who was eight years younger than him, Meng Zhengrong felt that he had lost in momentum.

I didn't even bother to argue with him when I made a wish. I leaned against the wall and thought about what Meng Zhengrong told her today.

If, as Meng Zhengrong said, the public welfare and charity are handed over to her, then she will have a lot more rights in the Meng family in the future, and this road will be easier than she imagined.

It's just that Meng Zhengrong also has his own troubles. The wish is very clear. The reason why Meng Zhengrong wants to deal with the "nail households" in the company is because they have a lot of power in their hands. When these rights are vacated, does it mean that there will be Part will be in her hand

If that's the case, she'd be more than happy to help him.

Making a wish is not without understanding everything. It is estimated that it will be difficult for her and Meng Zhengrong to divorce. Even if they disagree in the future, this marriage will be difficult to break up. A family like the Meng family must have an heir. , This doesn't need to be reminded by Meng Zhengrong, she has such awareness.

It's like there was only one throne in the previous life, and all the concubines hoped that their children would sit in that position. The good news is that her current situation is much better than that of the concubines in the harem. At least this era pays attention to monogamy. No problem, then the next heir of the Meng family can only be her child.

It is necessary to have a child with Meng Zhengrong.

It's just that she still needs a little time. Although she is no longer subconsciously afraid of Meng Zhengrong like she was at the beginning, she has a skin-to-skin relationship with his face, and just thinking about making a wish makes her want to pass out.

She has also worked hard during this time, at least now that Meng Zhengrong pulls her hand or puts her shoulders, she will not be like before.

Frankly speaking, she is also very irritable. Now she and Meng Zhengrong can still be regarded as newlyweds. According to this situation, she is not in a hurry to have children, but one year or two years later, now she only hopes that if she is still married at that time If she didn't break through the psychological barrier, she would have enough confidence to face the urging from the two families.

Just when Wishing was thinking about his life plan at the door, Meng Zhengrong had already taken off his clothes. He was standing in front of a mirror with many scratches. There is no muscle, and the six-pack abs also tends to gradually disappear.

Is it true that after a man gets married, he will become fat and out of shape

No, he doesn't want to, don't become fat.

I don't know if Xu Wish is peeking at him, and he is too embarrassed to turn around to let her look at the front, after all, his figure is not very good.

It seems that after going back this time, he will exercise more.

While washing, Meng Zhengrong wondered if he was peeking at the wishing.

Looking at it from the back, his figure should be decent, right

Thinking about Meng Zhengrong, he deliberately slowed down the bathing speed...

After making a wish in his mind, after the company's planning, he discovered that Meng Zhengrong, a stinky hooligan, hadn't finished taking a shower yet!

Does he need to wash for so long as a big man

People who didn't know thought he was taking a bath.

Mosquitoes were already infested in the countryside in June. After being bitten by a mosquito on his arm, Xu Zhi couldn't bear it anymore, so he urged, "You haven't finished washing yet?"


Meng Zhengrong was a little disappointed, but still replied: "It will be fine soon."

As he said that, he speeded up and rushed off the foam on his body, but there was always a question in his mind——

Did she really not peek