You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness

Chapter 26


When Meng Zhengrong came out of the bathroom, Wishing had already been bitten twice by mosquitoes, so she didn't even bother to show him a good face.

Both of them didn't bring their pajamas, and they didn't live in a hotel, so they didn't dare to wear pajamas. They were wearing casual clothes with long sleeves and trousers.

Back in the RV, Meng Zhengrong closed the door, turned his head and said to Wishing, "You sleep in the bed, I sleep outside."

When going out, men are much safer than women.

There is nothing wrong with making a wish, she and Meng Zhengrong are already used to sleeping.

The two of them were lying on the bed. Although it was not as comfortable as the big bed at home, it was still much better than living in someone else's house. Although they were very tired all day today, Wishing and Meng Zhengrong couldn't fall asleep for a while. No, it's just chatting.

"I've met you a few times before, but you were still very young at that time." Meng Zhengrong leaned his head on the pillow and laughed softly.

He has a good relationship with Xu Nuo. Naturally, he has seen Xu Nuo. At that time, he must have never imagined that such a little girl would become his wife in the future.

Making a wish was not a real wish, and she didn't have any sympathy for this kind of past, but for the sake of politeness, she still answered it as an answer.

"Your brother doesn't know when he will get married." Meng Zhengrong said with emotion, "At that time we all thought he would be the first one to get married, but I didn't expect that I was married and he was still alone."

Wishing is still somewhat interested in the promised things, after all, it is the original owner's family.

She asked, "Why do you think he was the first one to get married?"

Seeing that Wishing was interested in this, Meng Zhengrong had already left any brotherhood behind him at this moment, and asked mysteriously on purpose: "You don't know?"

It's no wonder that Xu Nuo was still a child at that time, so it was naturally impossible for Xu Nuo to tell his younger sister who was still in junior high school about his relationship history.

The wish was silent.

How did she know that she didn't receive all the memories of the original owner.

I only know that Xu Nuo is not married yet, and he doesn't have a regular girlfriend, but this is nothing unusual. Although Xu Nuo is already thirty-one this year, he is handsome and rich, and he is a proper diamond king, as long as he If you want to get married, you can do it anytime.

Listening to what Meng Zhengrong said now, it seems that there is something hidden in it

Meng Zhengrong felt that this matter was not a private matter, and he could find out if he made a wish. Since he didn't want to sleep at the moment, why not just chat to get closer

"You should still remember Ye Zhen?"

Wishing didn't know who Ye Zhen was at all, but since Meng Zhengrong could ask this question, it meant that this person had some contact with the original owner. Thinking of this, she thanked her.

"It's hard to explain this matter. At that time, you were still young, and the Ye family was calculated to go bankrupt. No company in City A dared to get involved in this matter. You can't blame your family. We broke up, I only know that she was sent away by her mother, and there was news about her a few years ago, it is said that she married a wealthy Chinese businessman abroad."

In fact, it is a very old-fashioned story. Xu Nuo was not very old at the time, and he hadn't taken over the Xu family yet, so he didn't have the part to speak at all. Even if Ye Zhen married Xu Nuo at that time, Xu's father would be ruthless for the development of the Xu family. Stand by and watch, let alone the relationship between the two is just a couple.

No one can blame anyone, it can only be said that there is no fate.

However, is it possible that because of this, the promise is to play in the world

Meng Zhengrong didn't say anything more, and he didn't know if he didn't want to say anything, or the story ended here.

"Childhood sweethearts are also very deceitful, like your brother and Ye Zhen, who grew up together and couldn't even be friends in the end."

Wishing and squinting at him, "What about you?"

"What about me?" Meng Zhengrong didn't realize it for a while, "Oh, you mean, did I have a childhood sweetheart?"


Meng Zhengrong was a little happy. He felt that Wishing didn't care about him at all, and his voice became much lighter. "That's not true. When I was young, I didn't like to play with girls. I thought they were very annoying."


Even Meng Zhengrong didn't realize that the way he and Wishing get along now is really weird. At the beginning, he didn't talk much, but now he would say a few more words even if he just responded to the wish.

However, the change is very small, but when people are relieved, this change has become a habit.

"My mother used to have a friend who gave birth to a daughter who was about my age. At that time, she liked to play with me very much. Once she accidentally broke a vase in my grandfather's study. When the adults came over, she Just say I broke it."

"Didn't you justify yourself?" Wishing was a little surprised, how could someone like Meng Zhengrong, who was so penny-pinching, allow others to put the blame on him.

Meng Zhengrong shook his head, "There's nothing to justify. She's a girl, and I was mischievous when I was a child. When she said that, everyone believed her. If I tried to make an excuse, they would only think I was making excuses. "

Probably because of this incident, he didn't like to play with girls anymore, and even if his parents scolded him, he only played with boys.

So, where are the greengages...

"All right."

"What about you?" Meng Zhengrong made so many preparations before, just to ask this sentence.

Let him ask others about his wife's relationship history... That's okay, it's too embarrassing, but it is undeniable that he is indeed a little bit interested in the past of making a wish.

He won't be angry because she has a past, he just wants to know who she loved.

But think about it carefully, if those people are better than him, he will be angry, and if they are not better than him, he will be even more angry.

Do you mind

This question is really difficult to make a wish. She doesn't know if the original owner has a bamboo horse at all, but only knows that the original owner has a scumbag predecessor.

If you answer perfunctorily, you might as well not answer.

You can't just make it up yourself, the original owner's past is real, if Meng Zhengrong really wants to know, just ask someone else.

Past experience has made wishing a habit. Before you are fully sure, you can get away with it as soon as you can.

Wishing to doze off, "I'm so sleepy, I'll go to sleep first, and I have to drive all day tomorrow."

Although it was impolite, she couldn't do such things as recalling the past.

Meng Zhengrong couldn't believe what she heard. She just fell asleep like that, and didn't even bother to explain it? How dare she

However, the fact is that the wish really didn't make a sound anymore.

Meng Zhengrong closed his eyes helplessly, thinking to himself, forget it, it's a trivial matter, anyway, his exes are more than hers, if you really want to care about it, he can't gain the upper hand, so don't be like her in such trivial matters care about.

Although there was no sleepiness, the physical exhaustion was real, and the two of them fell asleep after a while.

The next morning, after Meng Zhengrong brushed his teeth, he sat in the caravan and shaved. In the past two days, he still had to care about his image. After all, he would take pictures, and when the time came, he had to choose the photos and take them to the company to promote to the employees.

He shaved and washed his face, he felt refreshed immediately, and returned to the car, making a wish while sitting on the sofa beside him putting on makeup.

Women are trouble...

Meng Zhengrong looked in the mirror while thinking this way, and when he saw the dark circles under his eyes, he immediately became irritable.

Although he is very busy at work, he still has enough time to rest. He usually doesn't have dark circles at all. How long has he been here? He didn't have a good rest all night, and he has dark circles under his eyes.

Does he appear in front of the camera like this

He sat directly next to Wishing, and saw that Wishing didn't know what she was doing under her nose. After a while, her dark circles disappeared.

Meng Zhengrong was fascinated by watching.

No matter how good-looking a person is without makeup, after all, he is twenty years old, and no matter what, he will not be as radiant as when he puts on makeup.

Meng Zhengrong really wanted to make a wish to help him get rid of dark circles under his eyes, but looking at the bottles and cans in front of her, he did not grit his teeth and say it after several mental training.

Let a straight man tell his wife to help him put on makeup...

Forget it, it's sour to think about it.

After making a wish, she saw that Meng Zhengrong was still staring at the makeup she put aside.

"Look at what?"

Making a wish suddenly made Meng Zhengrong come back to his senses. Naturally, he would not say that he wanted you to help me cover my dark circles. He was quick to think, and said, "I was just thinking, is it really useful to use these things?" ?”

"if not?"

What the wish didn't say was, otherwise, was she praying and making a wish for half an hour


After making a wish, he got out of the car with Meng Zhengrong. The weather today is not very good, the sky is gray, and it feels like it will rain at any time. It is already summer, and there are mostly thunderstorms in summer, so the weather is not too strange.

Before leaving, they went to the orphanage in the town again. The weather forecast said that it would rain, and the orphanage had to walk a mountain road from the school, so for the sake of safety, the children did not go to school today.

Meng Zhengrong and Wishing gave the children candy and some daily necessities. The people in the team were busy taking pictures, and the time passed quickly.

The help they brought to the orphanage is far more than that. Mrs. Wang's team will fund the rebuilding of the house and road repairs for the orphanage. After discussing with Wishing, Meng Zhengrong decided to pay for the treatment of the sick children here.

The mayor was very happy. After all, it was a good thing. Originally, the leaders of the county would also come, but unfortunately it was going to rain, and they had to leave too. There was no time, so they had to give up.

The people in Mrs. Wang's team were very winking and declined the mayor's offer to invite them to dinner in the county.

The good things that should be done have been done, the photos that should be taken have been taken, and the purpose of Meng Zhengrong and Xu Wish's trip has been achieved. It is indeed time to go home. After all, they have to go to work tomorrow.

Watched by the people in the town, the group drove away from this impoverished town.

Because it was daytime, Meng Zhengrong and Wishing didn't plan to go to sleep, so letting the two newcomers from Mrs. Wang's team with them relieved the pressure, otherwise it would be very uncomfortable for a few people to squeeze in the car.

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed that there would be such a poor place." Wearing black-rimmed glasses, the newcomer boy looked like he had just left campus not long ago, and his whole body was full of vigor.

The driver who was driving smiled when he heard this, "It's not bad, at least it's open to traffic, some places are not open to traffic, and it takes hours to get there by that kind of ox cart." He paused, then Said: "Girls should not go to that place."

"That's right, the family we live in has the best conditions in the town, but the house still feels very dark, and the light bulbs are covered with dust." Another girl is not very old, "I took a photo and sent it to my friends, and they couldn't believe that such a poor place exists."

Seeing that the topic of these two young graduate students was about to turn into a sensitive direction, Meng Zhengrong said in time: "You all just graduated, right? Are you a local from City A?"

In the end, these two people were brought to other topics without any trace by Meng Zhengrong.

Make a wish to see all this in the eyes, although Meng Zhengrong is really sick sometimes, this person is quite shrewd.

That's right, it's impossible for Meng's father to hand over the company to an idiot.

It took almost two hours to drive from the small town to the county. Because I stayed in the small town for a day, I came to the county now. Although the restaurant is not as good as the one in the city, everyone is very satisfied.

At least the dishes and chopsticks are clean, and the table is also clean.

This restaurant is the best in the county, and the environment is not bad. Meng Zhengrong probably ordered a lot of dishes in order to compensate his stomach.

After all, it is a small county, and the level of the chef is limited, but the big guy still swept up all the dishes on the table. It can be seen that everyone is starving. Meng Zhengrong felt very comfortable after eating two bowls of rice.

Sometimes people really should go to these places to experience the people's livelihood, so that they can know what kind of fairy life they usually live.

Just when everyone finished eating and was about to leave, the weather was not good and it started to rain heavily.

They also read the weather forecast before they came here. The weather forecast showed light rain, which would not affect their normal travel. They didn't know that it was raining so heavily all of a sudden.

"Mr. Meng, here are winding mountain roads. It's raining so heavily. For safety's sake, we really can't drive." The most experienced person in the team said.

There is no need to remind him, he already knows that he will not be able to drive. It is not safe to drive in heavy rain, let alone the winding mountain road here.

Wishing came to Meng Zhengrong's side and asked, "Then we can go back by plane."

Nowhere is it as comfortable as living at home, let alone this is not a big city, and there are not many good hotels.

She couldn't wait to go back early, and she had to go to work tomorrow afternoon.

Before anyone in the team could speak, Meng Zhengrong shook his head: "With such heavy rain, the plane will probably be delayed, and there is no airport in the county. It will take us two hours to drive to the city."

There is nothing more frustrating than a plane being late. In weather like this, you don't know when you will be late.

"Mr. Meng, do you want to stay here for one night and leave tomorrow?" This is the safest suggestion. No matter how good the county is, there are still hotels and hotels, and there is no need to worry about places to eat.

"No." Meng Zhengrong said at the same time as wishing.

"I have a very important meeting tomorrow afternoon. I have to attend it. I really can't delay it any longer." Meng Zhengrong also had a headache.

He is her husband, and since he has already said that he wants to leave, she doesn't need to say her own reasons.

"That's right, Mr. Meng has a lot of things to do every day. It's great to take time out of his busy schedule this time." The team leader thought for a while and said, "We can stay here for a day and leave. The plane must be late, and it's not safe to drive back. Then Just take the train."

It's a bit unrealistic to ask Meng's president and the president's wife to take the train.

But this is the only way I can think of right now.

"Train?" Making a wish is an interrogative sentence, and it doesn't mean much. She has only heard of airplanes and cars so far. By the way, there are also ships, but she has never heard of trains.

People in the team thought she was disgusted with taking the train, so no one said a word.

Meng Zhengrong frowned: "Is there no high-speed rail here?"

Someone was checking the train on his mobile phone, and he replied, "There is a high-speed rail, but it is in the city. It takes two hours to drive to the city from here. I checked, and some trains have been cancelled. Tickets that can be bought now , the latest one is an hour later."

The two-hour drive is still without rain, so it is unrealistic to take the high-speed rail.

So, if you have to go today, the only feasible way is to take the train.

Meng Zhengrong asked again: "What time does the train leave? What tickets are there?"

The man looked it up and quickly replied: "There is a train station in the county. The fastest one is at 1:35, and it will arrive at 6:40 tomorrow morning. There are quite a lot of tickets now, and there are sleeping berths."

Meng Zhengrong is still struggling. He has never taken a train in his life, but he has seen it on TV. He has no interest in experiencing things that he has never experienced before. Originally, he could take a plane and leave tomorrow morning. But who knows what will happen tomorrow, what if it rains tomorrow and it will be later

He looked at Wishing, although his heart was a little irritable, but his face was calm, and he asked, "Do you want to take the train? If you want, we'll leave later. If you don't, we'll stay here for one night."

In fact, Meng Zhengrong is a very selfish person. Wishing to know that if he wants to stay, he will definitely tell her to stay instead of asking for her opinion. Her work is not as important as his meeting.

The reason why he asked her like this now was just to mean it, or in other words, he hoped that she could understand his thoughts and then be firm in his decision.

Most of the time, Wishing and Meng Zhengrong stand on the same side, and this time is no exception. Of course, she has never been on a train or seen a train, so she naturally wants to try it, and said: "Your The meeting cannot be delayed, I will take the train back with you."

Hearing her words, Meng Zhengrong was no longer irritable, and smiled at the team leader: "I will take the train back with my wife first."

Meng Zhengrong lent the RV to the team leader, who drove them to the train station himself.

As soon as they left, discussions started in the restaurant box on the back foot——

"This Mrs. Meng is really gentle. She obviously doesn't want to take the train, but she wants to sit with Mr. Meng."

"I said Mr. Meng is really dedicated to his work. He is the big boss. Didn't he delay the meeting whenever he wanted? He actually caught the train back for work. I can guarantee that the couple has never taken a train before."

"Aren't you talking nonsense? It was really difficult for them to eat a few mouthfuls of food yesterday. Let alone them, it is me. It takes courage to use chopsticks."

"Let's not talk about them, which hotel shall we stay in later? There should be better hotels in this county, right?"

At the same time, Meng Zhengrong and Xu Yuan sat in the car, neither of them spoke. The leader saw a supermarket in front of him and said, "President Meng, Mrs. Meng, there is a supermarket in front of you. Do you want to buy something?"

Just like that, while there was still enough time, Wishing and Meng Zhengrong got out of the car and entered the supermarket.

This is the first time the two have visited a supermarket since they got married.

The supermarket in the county is not very big, but it has everything you need, and it is very convenient.

"Forget it, we still have to have dinner. I don't know how the food on the train tastes. Just to be on the safe side, let's buy two buckets of instant noodles."

Standing in front of the shelf of instant noodles, Meng Zhengrong suffered from choice syndrome just like making a wish.

Who knew instant noodles could have so many flavors.

Make a wish and poke Meng Zhengrong: "Which one will you eat?"

If it was in other situations, such as when she was buying clothes and shoes, he could have said arrogantly that he would buy them all without knowing how to choose, but now that he was buying instant noodles, could it be possible to act as a domineering president in a supermarket

Meng Zhengrong picked up two buckets of instant noodles, "No choice, just this."

Instant noodles that add up to no more than ten yuan are worth their hesitation

After buying the instant noodles, she made a wish and went to buy two sets of bed sheets. She heard that the tickets she bought were sleeper berths, which meant that the two of them would sleep on the train for one night. The train was no better than their own RV.

Pushing the shopping cart, Meng Zhengrong said, "We're going to suffer when we come out. We won't be able to take a shower tonight. We haven't eaten or slept well in the past two days. We have to take the train later."

The experience of these two days can basically be recorded in history. He glanced at the wish and thought, after this experience, when their children grow up, they can often talk about it. They are also people who have suffered.

Not to mention, it's nothing for two people to enjoy a blessing together, Meng Zhengrong felt that the distance between making a wish and making a wish has been shortened a lot in these two days.

Now they can still talk heart-to-heart at night, talking more than before, which proves that it was the right decision for him to come out this time.

Not eating well and not sleeping well are the second. Not being able to take a bath is quite maddening. This is not a big winter, and one day without taking a bath will pass.

Wishing was also worried about this, so he glanced at Meng Zhengrong and said, "Why don't you go back first?"

I didn't think about it that much at first, but now that I think about it carefully, staying in the county town for one night is better than sleeping on the train for one night and not being able to take a shower, right

Meng Zhengrong glared at her: "Do you think it's possible?"

Wish shrugged, impossible, so she was just talking.

I don't know if I should be grateful for the experience in the small town yesterday. Facing everything at the train station, Meng Zhengrong and Xu Wish have calmed down.

There are not many people at the train station at the moment, and someone can still be heard yelling at the door in Mandarin mixed with local accent: "Do you want to stay in a hotel? Do you want to carpool? The hotel costs fifty-fifty a night..."

Now that there are no platform tickets at the train station, the team leader can only send Meng Zhengrong and Xu Wish to the ticket gate.

Fortunately, the two of them didn't have much luggage.

After waiting for the train, Wishing followed Meng Zhengrong to find their place. Unexpectedly, there were two people who looked about fifty years old sitting on their bunk. Before Wishing and Meng Zhengrong could speak , one of the women said, "Is this your place?"

Wishing looked at the train ticket and nodded.

"We are getting old, you young people should take care of us when you go out, so why don't you change places with us?" The woman pointed to the top bunk, "The two upper bunks belong to us."

Wishing frowned.

No one had ever played a scoundrel in front of Meng Zhengrong before. Suddenly meeting such a person, Meng Zhengrong said in a deep voice, "No, this is our position."

The woman's eyes widened, "Young man, why don't you know how to care for the elderly at a young age?"

Meng Zhengrong was about to laugh angrily. Anyone who knew him well knew that the expression on his face was a sign of anger, "I'll say it again, don't change, this is our position."

In fact, as long as these two people are really inconvenient, Meng Zhengrong and Wishing will definitely change, but these two people seem to be more agile than them, and the most important thing is that they are so righteous when they are clearly asking for help.

The man slapped his thigh, and the decibels of his voice also increased, "Young people nowadays, we just ask for a convenient change of location. If you don't change it, it's fine. You still hate us. It's really terrible."

The mandarin spoken by these two people is not very standard, with a strong local accent, because the voice is loud, it quickly attracted the attention of other passengers.

Seeing people watching from the sidelines, these two people showed off even more vigorously, "Everyone commented, we are all in our fifties, and it is inconvenient to climb up and down, so I asked these two young people to help me out." Okay, let's see if we can discuss changing the position. It's fine if we don't change. After all, we are begging for help, but young people, you also have parents. When they are out of the house, it will be inconvenient. You can't rush me Husband, my wife is not in good health..."

Just when Meng Zhengrong was about to say something, Wishing suddenly took his hand, leaned into his arms, supported his waist, and bit his lower lip, "Honey, what should I do? I know what happened to the baby in my womb... "

Meng Zhengrong blinked, a little confused.

The woman hurriedly said: "This is none of our business! We didn't touch you!"

Wishing leaned on Meng Zhengrong's shoulder, and secretly pinched him hard from an angle that no one could see.

Meng Zhengrong felt the pain, and only then came to his senses, and immediately understood what making a wish meant. He quickly pretended to be anxious and supported him to make a wish, "Honey, are you okay? Are you okay?"

Wishing closed his eyes with a tired face, his lips trembled slightly, and he was speechless.

Even Meng Zhengrong had to sigh with emotion, his wife's acting skills are really amazing.

But he's not bad either. Meng Zhengrong looked at the couple angrily, "Judgement? I'm a man and it's okay to change places with you, but my wife is pregnant. You can't climb up and down. Pregnant women can? Bully us Is it a foreigner?"

The fifty-year-old "old man" who is still very healthy and the pregnant woman who looks weak at first sight, everyone is naturally on the side of the pregnant woman.

"Uncles and aunts are the same, they are not stealing your seat, they bought the ticket themselves, even if his wife is not pregnant and doesn't want to change with you, you don't care, let alone this girl is pregnant..."

"That's right. Is my girl okay? It's not a trivial matter to see if there is a doctor who understands on the train."

Wishing to hear this, reluctantly opened his eyes, and smiled at the person who said this, "I'm much better now, it's our own fault, we should take care of the elderly when we go out, and my husband is also concerned about it, but it's messed up. I'm really sorry for the trouble you have caused."

Meng Zhengrong made a wish and sat down, "I came here early in the morning to take the train, and I didn't sleep well yesterday. The doctor told me to take a good rest. If you really feel uncomfortable, we will get off at the next stop."

Wishing and smiling at him softly, "It's okay, just now I saw you arguing with these two uncles and aunts, I was anxious for a while, but now it's much better." Speaking of this, Wishing looked at the aunt, "Aunt, if you don't If it's convenient, let's change places after I've rested."

Meng Zhengrong snorted softly.

The aunt quickly waved her hand: "Forget it, forget it, I won't care about it like you!"

Make a wish, with a grateful face: "That's good, I'm pregnant now, otherwise you said you want to change positions, I will definitely change."

One of the young men clicked his tongue: "It's really a ghost. They obviously ignored it. They obviously asked to change positions. Hey, what kind of world is this."

"That is to say, it seems that those jokes on the Internet are all true, and Yi Lao sells the old and has a face."

At this time, the train was slowly moving, and everyone dispersed, but before leaving, they all despised the two "old men" with their eyes.

Those two people were also afraid of getting into trouble, so they quickly climbed to the upper bunk and didn't speak for a long time.

Meng Zhengrong was sitting on the bunk opposite the wishing room, the two looked at each other and burst out laughing.