You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness

Chapter 27


Whether it is Meng Zhengrong or Wishing, it is the first time in their lives to take the train, but the two of them have no novel feelings at all now.

They have experienced it many times in the past two days, and they really don't have so much energy to express their emotions.

Spread the sheets bought in the supermarket on the sleeper, and the two of them sat on the bed and looked out the car window.

Whether it is an airplane or a high-speed rail, there is nothing to do in the face of this kind of weather. On the contrary, the train is driving in the rain without rush. This kind of transportation that is about to be eliminated by the times gives people an inexplicable feeling at this time peace of mind.

Such a sentence appeared in Meng Zhengrong's mind at this moment.

Sometimes life just needs such a little deviation.

"Fucking child." Meng Zhengrong smiled and made a wish.

Wishing to ignore him, he took out his phone and was looking at WeChat Moments.

Such a reaction from her was within his expectations, not surprising at all, and Meng Zhengrong was not angry, and continued to ask himself: "Do you like boys or girls?"

Originally, she made a wish and didn't want to answer him, but now it was afternoon, and many people in the sleeper room were not lying on the bed, but standing aside and chatting. Acting has to perform a full set. This is professional ethics, so she had to put down her phone and rush Meng Zhengrong smirked and said, "I can do it, how about you?"

Although it is acting, it is also a sincere wish, whether it is a boy or a girl, she likes it.

In the past, she didn't understand why the concubines in the palace had a strange expression after learning that they were giving birth to a daughter. Even in her dynasty, daughters could not inherit the throne, so what, it's not all her own children

Because it is his son who has the opportunity to ascend to the throne, do you like him a little more

If this is the case, then, is it a child or a tool

Meng Zhengrong thought about it seriously for a while, and said, "I can do it too. Boys are mischievous but easy to raise. Girls' education requires a lot of effort, but girls are sensible and obedient."

"En." Wishing is actually unwilling to discuss this topic, even though she is not pregnant at all at the moment.

Seeing the concubines so happy to be pregnant in her previous life, she couldn't help thinking that it would be great if she could have her own child. Of course, it was absolutely impossible for her to have a child in her previous life.

Now that she has the opportunity, of course she wants a child of her own, but it's not yet time, and she will only consider these when she has gained a firm foothold in this era.

The most important thing is to give children a carefree living environment.

Meng Zhengrong was just making wishes for fun, but at this time he was also brought in by himself. This must understand the desire of a normal man in his thirties for a child.

"Then, shall we start preparing baby rooms from now on?" Meng Zhengrong looked at the baby room intently and made a wish, "Girls will live in the pink room, and boys will live in the blue room."

Wishing felt that Meng Zhengrong was too involved in the drama, and actually started discussing the baby room with her

"It's too early to prepare now." Xu Yuan just wanted to say something to Meng Zhengrong, but when he saw the burning in his eyes, he didn't know what to say.

She always subconsciously ignored Meng Zhengrong's age.

Thinking about it carefully, in her era, children as old as Meng Zhengrong were probably getting married or married soon.

That's right, he's thirty-one, so there's nothing wrong with wanting a child.

In fact, Meng Zhengrong was very happy when he wished to respond to this topic, "It's not too early, let's prepare first, and we can live right away after the baby is born."

Although this topic made Meng Zhengrong very eager to discuss, but he was in a hurry. He drank too much water at noon, and now he just wanted to go to the bathroom.

He got up and politely asked the people beside him, "Do you know where the bathroom is?"

It was his first time taking a train, but by visual inspection these people were not, and they would always have more experience than him.

The man pointed in the direction: "It's over there, you can see it when you walk over."

Although it was said that Meng Zhengrong and Xu Wish had a quarrel with those two old-fashioned people because of the change of position, but anyone with a discerning eye can see it. As far as the temperament of the two of them is dressed and their conversation, they are intellectuals at first glance. Think again With today's weather, maybe it's because the plane is late and the road to the city is difficult, so I chose to take the train as the next best thing.

Meng Zhengrong nodded, then turned around and made a wish to the person sitting on the bunk: "I'll go to the bathroom first, and you stay here."

Make a wish.

Meng Zhengrong took a look at the people around him without any trace. They all looked kind-hearted, except for the two peddlers. He felt a little relieved, and then walked towards the bathroom.

There was no one in the bathroom at the moment, Meng Zhengrong stood at the door, but he dared not go in.

Although the toilets in the small town are also very simple, at least the host knows that there are guests coming, so they clean it fairly clean.

Meng Zhengrong looked towards the toilet, and now he didn't even dare to breathe, for fear that if he breathed, he would begin to doubt his life.

An inexplicable smell of urine mixed with a foul smell came to the nostrils.

The toilet is very narrow and can only accommodate one person, and you can see the used tissues in the squat toilet.

No matter where it is, throwing used tissues into the toilet is not allowed, and there are still many people who do so.

What he saw and heard in the past two days had a great impact on Meng Zhengrong's worldview.

This is a world he has never seen or touched, yet it is so real in front of his eyes at this moment.

If possible, Meng Zhengrong really wanted to turn around and leave, but he couldn't do it now because he was really in a hurry.

This restroom is like this, so the rest should be similar. He may search the entire train, but he can't find a restroom that he thinks is clean.

"Aren't you going in? Then I'll go." A forty-year-old middle-aged man held a toothpick in his mouth, thinking that Meng Zhengrong would not make it, so he was about to go in.

Meng Zhengrong quickly squeezed in, "I'll go first."

As soon as he closed the bathroom door, Meng Zhengrong wished he could cosplay a ballet dancer.

After a while, Meng Zhengrong came out. He went to the washing place with a blank face, and washed for a minute before giving up.

I don't know if it's his illusion, but I always feel that there is a strange smell on my body.

Most importantly, because the smell is so strong, I always feel that my tears are about to be smoked out.

When Meng Zhengrong returned to her seat, Wishing was listening to a song. When she saw him coming back, she pulled off her earphones, "Why is it taking so long?"

Meng Zhengrong went there for at least ten minutes...

"..." It's hard to explain in one word, and it doesn't matter if you don't say it.

There are three rows of sleeper berths, divided into upper berths, middle berths and lower berths.

Meng Zhengrong and Wishing are in the lower berth, the upper berth is the two people who just wanted to change places with them, and the middle berth is a young couple.

He looks like a student who has just graduated, with a childish look on his face.

"Sister, how old is the baby in your womb?"

When they had a dispute with those two people just now, the couple had helped them. Now the girl lay on the middle bunk and asked curiously.

Wishing without changing his face, he said: "It's not very old, less than three months."

"Could it be that I can't tell that you're pregnant even if you're standing there?" The girl muttered, and then asked with a smile, "We were going to take the high-speed rail, but we didn't expect the weather to be so bad, and it was pretty good. The train is nearly two times cheaper than the high-speed rail." It's a hundred dollars."

Wishing didn't know the fare of the high-speed rail, but seeing the little girl growing up cute, and helping them just now, he smiled at her.

"Sister, are you going to City A?" The little girl asked again, it could be seen that she was a very lively girl.

The boy probably thought it was impolite, so he frowned and reprimanded in a low voice: "You check your household registration."

The girl sticks out her tongue. It may be that she is still young, so making such an action will not make people disgusted.

Wishing is also happy to chat with the people around to pass the time, "Well, we are going to City A."

"Then sister, do you know that houses in City A are expensive? I mean renting a house." The girl put her chin in her hands and said distressedly: "We are going to City A to find a job, and we don't know what's going on there."

She really didn't know about this wish, so she looked at Meng Zhengrong.

The Meng family started out in real estate. Even though Meng Zhengrong had never rented a house, he knew everything about the house very well.

"See where you rent it and how big it is."

The boy was very interested in this, and hurriedly said: "Just the two of us live, and a single room will do. I looked for a house on the Internet before, and it was too expensive. In a slightly remote place, a single room would cost more than two thousand."

Meng Zhengrong thought for a while: "This is considered cheap."

City a is a city that many young people yearn for. It is fast-paced and under great pressure, but there are still many people rushing here.

The boy and the girl looked at each other and sighed.

They have just graduated, and their salaries are not high. They only have enough to live on with the rent, utilities and so on.

But this situation was expected early on, even so, I still want to go to City A.

"Sister, you must have your own house, right?"

Although Meng Zhengrong and Wishing were also riding the train like them, the aura around them was different from others.

Wishing to answer something, Meng Zhengrong was already ahead of her and said, "I just paid a down payment, and I have to pay back the mortgage every month. It's hard work. You are still so young. As long as you work hard, you will definitely have a future." of."

It's not that Meng Zhengrong is careless. Although he hasn't experienced much of the dark side of society, this does not prevent him from trusting any strangers, especially such strangers who meet by chance.

Wishing to take a look at Meng Zhengrong, he understood what he was thinking, and did not expose him, and said to the girl with a smile, "Yes, I just paid the down payment after living a tight life, but at least I have my own house."

They were strangers at first, and no one knew the other's name. Even if they were chatting, it was only to this extent. After a while, the boy and the girl also lay down, speaking in a very small voice in a dialect that only they understood.

Wishing was also sleepy, I closed my eyes and fell asleep with earphones on.

Meng Zhengrong sat on the bunk, looking out of the window from time to time, and looking at making a wish.

I have always known that she is very beautiful, even if she is compared with celebrities who are famous for her beauty, she will not lose, but it is very strange, looking at her sleeping face now, I feel a strange feeling in my heart.

From "This is actually my wife" to "Fortunately, this is my wife", Meng Zhengrong couldn't tell whether the satisfaction in his heart came from the beauty of the wish, or something else.

Maybe he knows, but right now he is no longer willing to think about it on a deeper level.

From his point of view, Wishing's skin has almost no blemishes, it's white and tender, and he really wants... really wants to kiss him.

Meng Zhengrong got out of bed and squatted aside, he was very close to making a wish.

It's probably because he has been abstinent for too long, and now he feels that no matter what she does, she is full of temptation. Even if he falls asleep and does nothing, he still wants to bite her on the cheek.

It's all strangers here, nobody knows them.

Now he kissed her secretly, and no one would know.

Besides, she is his wife, so what if he kissed her

Meng Zhengrong slowly approached to make a wish.

Wishing to sleep is curled up, just like the baby's position in the mother's womb.

With her hands under her face, she can see the diamond ring on her ring finger, which is a symbol of marriage.

He stopped all his movements suddenly, looked at her for a while, smiled with his lips curled up, and went back to his berth.

It's a weird thought, watching her take a bath, although it feels very vulgar, but it's just a momentary thought, now if you secretly kiss her, she will feel a little abrupt.

There is no need to be impatient, she is already his wife, there will be a long time to come, and there is plenty of time.

Now he has enough time to be a gentleman.

The most important thing is that he is her wife and deserves his utmost respect. Of course, the matter of peeping in the shower can be ignored.

Wishing actually didn't fall asleep completely, after Meng Zhengrong got off the bunk, she woke up, but felt that he was squatting in front of her, and she was really embarrassed to open her eyes.

She thought he was going to kiss her secretly, and almost all her nerves tensed up.

It's not like she hasn't seen such a plot in TV dramas before. At that time, she always thought, if the other party woke up, just thinking about that scene would make her feel so embarrassing that she would suffocate.

Originally making a wish, she planned to open her eyes immediately, but she didn't know that he left suddenly. No matter what, she was relieved.


Wishing to get up and want to go to the bathroom, Meng Zhengrong was resting with his eyes closed, but when he heard the sound, he opened his eyes, sat up, and asked, "What are you going to do?"

In this strange environment, he really didn't want to make a wish out of his sight.

Make a wish: "Go to the bathroom."

Meng Zhengrong's expression was a little weird, and he said after a while: "You... Take care."

He really didn't know what to say other than that.

Anyway, after he went to the restroom, he decided that he would never drink water unless he was too thirsty. Once he went to the restroom on the train, he doubted it once in his life.

At first she didn't understand what Meng Zhengrong meant when she made a wish. When she stood at the door of the bathroom, hesitated for a while, and walked into the bathroom holding her breath. When she came out, her expression was very serious.

At this moment, Wishing even admired Meng Zhengrong a little. A person like him, who accompanied her to the poor town to send her warmth, even squeezed the train, can still endure such a bathroom...

When she was about to go back to her position through a section of carriage, a boy who looked very young stopped her with a flushed face.

The wish was unclear, so he looked at the young man and asked, "What's the matter?"

The young man looked to the other side frequently, and Wishing also looked back. A man and a woman were looking at them, acting as if they were cheering on the man.

Seeing Xu Wish approaching, the man and the woman hurriedly turned their heads to pretend to look at the scenery.

What is this for

"Well, miss, is it convenient to leave a WeChat message?" The young man didn't even dare to look into the wishing eyes, he stared at the ground, "I just saw you and wanted to come up and ask..."

Making a wish is finally knowing what this person wants to do.

Regardless of her married status, this person is too young, and she doesn't like stammering very much, and she dare not look her man in the eye.

Xu Hui came back to his senses, and politely declined: "Sorry, I'm already married, and my husband is still waiting for me."

The young man obviously couldn't believe her words. After all, Wishing looked very young, but after seeing the diamond ring on her right ring finger, he understood everything. His fair face turned red, and he even bowed to Wishing. Bow, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

After speaking, he didn't dare to look at the wish, so he turned around and ran away.

The wishing mood is still very good, no reason, she was not bad in her previous life, but because of her status, she is destined to have no relationship with marriage and love.

No one has ever approached her, oh no, it's true, but it has nothing to do with marriage.

No matter how long a man has pretended to be wishing, he is still a woman at heart. If someone is interested in her, she will naturally be complacent.

Today I got the first strike up from the opposite sex get√

Wishing to continue walking towards the carriage in a good mood, before reaching his seat, he saw Meng Zhengrong coming up to meet him, his expression was not very good, he asked in a low voice: "What did that man ask you for just now?"

Although he is still complacent at the moment, making a wish is not a fool. Even if Meng Zhengrong has no feelings for her, she is still his wife. What man would like such a thing, and immediately made a wish without changing his expression, and replied: : "Nothing, just asking me about the time."

The corner of Meng Zhengrong's mouth twitched, he really had to wonder if his IQ was a negative in her mind.

Otherwise, how could she come up with such a poor excuse to deal with him

Just now when he was standing at the entrance of the corridor, he saw a man stopping her from a distance. As a man, Meng Zhengrong could understand that other men would be moved when they saw her. According to the household registration book, she is his spouse, so no matter how he understands it, he still has the urge to run over and kick her away.

Fortunately, he held back, because he was jealous because of the strike-up by passers-by. This is the privilege of a teenage boy. If he was in his thirties, not only would he despise him if he made a wish, but he would also feel naive. .

A mature and stable man will not be angry because of other men.

Wishing to sit on his bunk, he started humming in a good mood.

Both men and women will be happy because of this kind of thing, and she will be no exception.

She didn't even bother to cover up the expression on her face. Meng Zhengrong saw it. Although he was very upset, he couldn't say anything, so he could only sit opposite her with a sullen face.

He now positions himself as a very gentlemanly suitor.

Naturally, it is impossible to slap her face now, Meng Zhengrong secretly made a note for her in his heart, and planned to educate her after she fell in love with him.

The time on the train passed very slowly. In the evening, Meng Zhengrong went to make two buckets of instant noodles, one bucket for each of them. Pushing a small cart past, it was selling boxed lunches. Meng Zhengrong took a look and thought that eating this boxed lunch would be better than eating instant noodles.

Counting these two days, in fact, they didn't have any rest time. After eating instant noodles, they went to brush their teeth and wash their faces. They didn't even think about taking a shower. , they have fallen asleep.

The train is not as smooth as the high-speed train, and it even makes noise, but I don’t know why, the more it does this, the more peaceful I sleep.

After sleeping until dawn, I brushed my teeth and washed my face before getting ready to wait for the train to arrive at the station.

The people in the carriage had just woken up and were still sleepy, but when they heard the introduction of City A on the radio, they all sighed excitedly.

This is the epitome of most people in the world. Although they are very ordinary, it is precisely because they are ordinary that they get a lot of happiness.

Meng Zhengrong and Wishing didn't have much luggage, but there were many people getting off at the train station.

He dragged the suitcase with one hand and made a wish with the other, tightly.

Although making a wish felt awkward, he also knew that there were too many people now, and he had to follow him, and if he got separated, it would take time to toss, so he didn't say anything, and obediently followed him and slowly moved forward.

After finally getting out of the station, City A has officially entered summer, and it's still early in the morning, even if the sun has come out, it won't be very hot.

Meng Zhengrong made a phone call, and within three minutes, someone in a black suit came to pick them up.

Sitting in the comfortable car again, making a wish feels like a lifetime away.

There is no analysis of the gap between the rich and the poor, and there is only one thought in Wishing’s mind—it’s nice to be rich.

No matter how precious the ordinary is, no matter in her previous life or in this life, she is not willing to be an ordinary person.

Because he slept soundly on the train, Meng Zhengrong looked much better than yesterday. Seeing that it was still early, he asked his assistant to drive them back. He had to take a shower, shave, and put on his clothes again. Dress up, say goodbye to the down-to-earth self of the past two days, and he will return to his normal life.

"You can take a good rest at home today." Meng Zhengrong glanced at the wish, "Or you can ask for leave and rest for a few days."

"I'm going to the company tomorrow." Wishing paused, "Didn't I take a photo? Then strike while the iron is hot."

Meng Zhengrong did plan to take some time off in a few days and circulate the photos within the company, in the name of setting an example for the employees, but in fact it was to publicize his own charitable behavior, and the idea of making a wish was also the same at the beginning , but not now, strike while the iron is hot, take advantage of this opportunity, she wants to take over Meng's charity projects as soon as possible.

"Are you ready? No need to do your homework?"

If his relatives were easy to talk to, he wouldn't have been aggrieved for so long.

Make a wish, and then said: "Haven't you been doing your homework for several years?"

Meng Zhengrong wouldn't just say something like that to her without making any preparations.

Hearing what Wish said, Meng Zhengrong laughed, "Okay, I'll talk to you when I come back tonight."

From what happened on the train, it can be seen that if the two of them really want to cooperate, they still have a very tacit understanding.

What is beneficial to him is also beneficial to her. Now that these nails are shoveled out, the right to split the Meng family will return to the two of them.

For Meng Zhengrong, there is a very cruel reality before him, that is, whether it is uncle, aunt, or uncle, it is better to take over the rights in their hands than to manage the Meng family with them. Come back and give it to his wife.

Relatives are relatives, wives are wives, and legally, the spouse is still the first heir.

The two reached a consensus, and there was no communication on this matter along the way, and they returned to the villa in less than an hour.

After making a wish, he took a shower and went to bed. Meng Zhengrong was in good spirits, sitting in the dining room downstairs, eating breakfast slowly.

Looking at the bright floor-to-ceiling windows, the smooth marble floor, and the spotless furniture, Meng Zhengrong felt very comfortable.

The butler is middle-aged and has worked in the Meng family for more than ten years, and has a good relationship with Meng Zhengrong. Seeing that he was happy, he asked with a smile, "Are you happy going out with your wife this time?"

Meng Zhengrong thought about it for a while, although living and eating were uncomfortable, and even going to the bathroom was a nightmare, but thinking about the details of getting along with Wishing, he felt that the hard work was worth it.

"Not bad." Meng Zhengrong paused, "It's just that next time I go out with my wife, I'll trouble you to prepare more food."

The housekeeper couldn't hide his surprise, "What? Didn't you eat well outside?"

This time Meng Zhengrong and Wishing went out with Mrs. Wang's team. Meng's mother had a good relationship with Mrs. Wang, so she was relieved to let her son and daughter-in-law go to remote places.

But now, hearing what Meng Zhengrong said, could it be that he didn't have a full meal when he went out this time

It would be terrible if Mother Meng found out.

"It's not as comfortable as home-cooked food." Meng Zhengrong glanced at the housekeeper, "Don't tell my mother about such trivial matters."

The housekeeper understood, "Okay."

He was still very clear about the big and small things that happened in the villa. When Meng's mother asked, he also picked out unimportant things.

Meng Zhengrong's meeting was in the afternoon, but after breakfast he planned to go to the company. Before leaving, he deliberately went upstairs to the bedroom and walked lightly to the bed.

She is still the cutest and most obedient when she is asleep.

Like usual, just take yesterday as an example on the train, he looked at her, if he looked at her for a long time, she would ask, "What are you looking at me for?"

How would he answer such a question

It is undeniable that the current wish is almost perfect in Meng Zhengrong's heart.

It's just getting close, Meng Zhengrong thought, if Xu Ruo fell in love with him, then she would be perfect.

Meng Zhengrong watched the wish for a while, then got up and left the bedroom. He picked up his mobile phone and edited something while walking to the garage.

Yes, he changed the note on the wish in the phone address book and WeChat from "wish" to "wife".