You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness

Chapter 43


Fang Mingyang is a very kind and honest person, what his younger brother Xiao Wu said left ripples in his heart, not because of the wealth behind the wish, but because of her.

When he was reading ancient poems, he imagined what kind of beauties were described by these poets. It used to be a very abstract concept until he saw a wish.

He could feel that Wishing was a very kind person, otherwise she wouldn't have given him her meal card. No matter what her position was, at least it had solved his urgent need.

Fang Mingyang didn't know what other people thought, but in his heart, Wishing was the most beautiful person he had ever seen.

It is human nature to admire Ai when young.

Fang Mingyang never thought about what would happen to Wishing. How could such a person, who was beyond his reach with a sore neck, dare to have any dirty thoughts.

Even Fang Mingyang didn't know that this kind of person was called a goddess.

Fang Mingyang knew that Wishing liked to drink white fungus soup, so he would go to the cafeteria every morning to buy a white fungus soup and put it on her table. As usual, he kept an account every day, quietly waiting for the day when the salary came.

The younger brother, Xiao Wu, seemed to have found a way to make a fortune, and would whisper in Fang Mingyang's ear every day.

At first Fang Mingyang would scold him, but later he lost his strength and let him talk nonsense.

"Brother, take a look, isn't this news about rich families? This man has a mistress, and his wife is unwilling to be lonely and also keeps a bad boy. It's all been exposed!"

Fang Mingyang glanced at it, feeling very helpless, "What does this have to do with us?"

"Why doesn't it matter? All wealthy families are like this. They look good on the surface, but in fact they are all at odds with each other. It's just that your boss and the boss's wife don't know what's going on."

Fang Ming gave him a blank look, "So, if we don't know, don't comment, and don't get involved."

"Brother, are you stupid? Your lady boss is young and beautiful. If you really get along with her, maybe she will divorce her husband and marry you. Then our whole family will have a good life."

Fang Mingyang didn't know what to say about his brother, it was too simple.

Let’s not talk about challenging the bottom line of morality by doing this kind of thing, even a person who makes a wish will definitely look down on him. The most important thing is, I have heard from the people in the department that the relationship between the boss and the boss’s wife is very good, and the two are not ordinary Good match.

He was crazy to listen to his brother.

"You earn your own good life, you can't count on others." Fang Mingyang left the door after saying this.

Recently, there are always conflicts between him and his younger brother because of this kind of thing, and Fang Mingyang is actually quite irritable in his heart.

The summer is so hot, but Fang Mingyang's heart feels like being trapped in the twelfth lunar month, cold and irritable. On the one hand, because of his father's illness, the family has no money for medical treatment, and his father and mother quarrel at home all day long. , One said that the other party did not agree to buy medical insurance at the beginning, which would drag down the family, and the other said that who would have thought that there would be such a change.

Now that the family still owes debts, which are all waiting for him to pay back, he can accept it calmly, but under the oppression of such a life, his brother whispers such words in his ears every day, which is really chilling.

Of course, all of this is secondary. The most important thing is that what surprised Fang Mingyang was that in this environment, he would feel happy every morning before going out. .

His younger brother's words made it almost impossible for him to even lie to himself.

At the same time, Meng Zhengrong and Wishing also came back from a walk after dinner. The two of them occupied a corner of the study and worked hard.

Wishing has been really busy recently, because she has taken over the public welfare project department, so she doesn't have to travel to impoverished areas like she did when she followed Mrs. Wang, but it is impossible for a group to only have one project at a time, so it is still very hard to actually do it , not to mention that there is also a finance department. On the surface, she seems to be a soy sauce in the finance department, but now some major events have to go through her, and she will pass them on to sister Zhou. Relationships, wishing can also bear it, and now she can do it too.

The hotter the weather, the stronger the fire in my heart.

Meng Zhengrong seemed to be working hard, but actually looked at her frequently.

Hey, I don’t know when such a day will end.

Although he is neither a scum nor a beast, he is also a man with a normal orientation. The person he likes lies next to him every day and kisses him every day before going to sleep. Meng Zhengrong feels that he can endure until now, which is great Great.

Patience is not a problem, but the question is how long will it last

It's really aggrieved for a man to be Liu Xiahui every day in front of the person he likes.

He decided to treat himself to dinner tonight.

So happy to decide.

While wishing to be in charge of the two departments, there was one thing that kept lingering in her mind, and that was Fang Mingyang's matter.

Maybe people are like this, knowing that he is not a cousin is one thing, but it is another thing to be able to control yourself to completely treat him as an ordinary subordinate.

At the moment, the computer contains Fang Mingyang's personal details. He went to a good university and has a good resume. It stands to reason that the life of a young man like this should not be so urgent. It is understandable if Fang Mingyang spends money lavishly, but in During the observation, this is a person who is very picky about herself. She has checked the records of her meal card. Fang Mingyang orders the cheapest food every day. So what caused him to be so embarrassed

Looking at his hometown, she looked it up, it was a very remote village, she always felt that something happened to Fang Mingyang.

The wish was so serious that she didn't react immediately when Meng Zhengrong came behind her.

Seeing that she was looking at the profile of her assistant, Meng Zhengrong frowned unconsciously, "What are you doing looking at this? Is there any problem with him?"

Wishing was taken aback, but she didn't show it on her face. She turned her head and her lips just brushed Meng Zhengrong's cheek.

No matter how intimate the two are, they will not be shy because of this small gesture.

Make a wish and don't want to tell Meng Zhengrong what she really thinks. Meng Zhengrong is not her, and she doesn't know her unknown past, so her attention to Fang Mingyang will only make him suspicious, and she doesn't want to live longer. somethin'.

"No, it's just that I happened to see his information. Now I'm sorting out the information of my colleagues in the department, and I want to know more." Wishing was afraid that Meng Zhengrong would think too much, and said cryptically: "You know, they are all uncles. Hire people when you are here."

Meng Zhengrong accepted the explanation, and put a hand on her shoulder, sticking together sweetly, "Don't worry about this, uncle's hand can't be stretched that long."

"En." Wishing with grace, he subconsciously avoided Meng Zhengrong's actions.

He is becoming more and more unscrupulous now. Wishing to know, he is testing his own bottom line to see how far she can accept it.

Meng Zhengrong bit the wishing ear, seeing her white and tender ears turn red all of a sudden, he laughed lowly, his breath sprayed on her ear, itching very much.

"Let's take a shower together later." Meng Zhengrong whispered in her ear temptingly.

No matter how calm and calm Xu Wish was in the past, after all, there are no "disciples" who would dare to lay hands on her.

It can be said that in terms of emotional contact, including physical contact, Wishing is an out-and-out novice. With Meng Zhengrong's touch, he can barely calm down on the surface, but he is a little at a loss in his heart.

In the past, it was because of the discomfort, so I really wanted to throw him out with an over-the-shoulder throw. Now, although it is not uncomfortable, it still feels weird.

Although her parents didn't have time to teach her that her body should not be touched by men, and her cousin probably didn't think about it, but the instinct in her bones made Wishing always have direct physical contact with men. Meng Zhengrong repeatedly "offended" her. Adhering to the principle, not even knowing how to make a wish, her inner defense line has long been not so strong.

Although the remarks that "women fall in love with each other because of sex" are really sneering, but it cannot be denied that the touch of the body will recognize people. This is a basic human instinct, just like the touch and fragrance of a newborn to its mother. It's the same as knowing each other. After a long time of contact, the body will gradually become familiar with it.

Maybe it's because they are familiar with each other. After hearing these words, Wishing could even reach out and pinch the soft flesh on Meng Zhengrong's waist.

Hearing Meng Zhengrong's "hiss", she also laughed.

In the end, although they didn't take a shower together, after taking a shower, lying on the bed, Meng Zhengrong didn't hide himself anymore.

His current thinking is indeed the same as what Wishing guessed, he is testing the bottom line of what Wishing can accept, breaking through her defense line little by little, and finally fulfilling his wish.

Meng Zhengrong looked at the wishing eyes and his eyes became blurred little by little, not to mention the sense of accomplishment in his heart.

At the beginning, he also knew that he resisted her kiss, but after a while, she closed her eyes directly, but didn't respond, as if she gave up struggling. In fact, this kind of attitude hurts one's self-esteem.

Looking back now, it was really a skill for him to forget the so-called self-esteem and rely on her cheekily at that time.

Now, she is like a primary school student, slowly learning to respond to him, but a primary school student is always a primary school student, and it is already the limit to loosen her teeth a little.

Sometimes watching her breathless when kissed by him, her little face flushed, and her eyes a little blurred, it is really likable and distressing.

When the so-called veteran meets a novice, who is the real winner and who can tell clearly.

Wishing is no longer so rational and sober, Meng Zhengrong absorbed her calmness, until the shoulder straps of the pajamas were pulled down bit by bit by him, Wishing then reacted.

She looked at him in horror.

This was an instinctive reaction, and it had never been like this before, but Meng Zhengrong didn't give her a chance to push him away, and directly covered him, panting in her ear: "I'll just kiss, I'll just touch, Nothing to do."

These words sound familiar.

But fortunately, although Meng Zhengrong was a rascal at this time, he was still sensible, and he really did just kiss and touch him.


Wishing to make a wish, I went to investigate Fang Mingyang. The remote village is only that big, and the whole village knows what happened to the Fang family.

Seeing Fang Mingyang's smiling face again, making a wish was really sad.

She is not such a kind person. If Fang Mingyang didn't have such a face, she would just sympathize. But looking at Fang Mingyang's face and thinking of the pain he suffered, she was very emotional when she made a wish, and her heart ached far away. It's not enough, after all, her heart is polarized. On the one hand, she clearly knows that this person is not a cousin and has nothing to do with her, but on the other hand, she will have some compassion for Fang Mingyang because of this similar face.

How to help him within a limited range.

Wishing naturally would not use Meng's money to do her own good, after all, this kind of compassion is not enough to make her forget her identity as a businessman's wife.

So, which way is better to help Fang Mingyang

Strange to say, the people in the village have some ideas, which can't be said to be right or wrong. They think that Fang's father is not young anymore, and it is better not to treat this disease, so why drag the children down.

Make a wish, this may be the so-called best solution for such a family, but who can guarantee that the three children of the Fang family will not live in guilt and regret in the future.

After all, sometimes filial piety means trying to make yourself feel less guilty in the future.

When making a wish to find a way for Fang Mingyang's affairs, it didn't take long for the salary to be paid.

Holding the salary slip, Fang Mingyang was always excited. He was happier than when he made money for the first time. He sent more than half of it to his family, and left the rent and living expenses for himself. During the phone call, his parents were very happy, because With the money coming in, the pressure at home is less. Although it is a drop in the bucket, it is enough to make people smile under such a burden.

He was thinking, how should he repay Wishing's kind care this month, after all, because of her meal card, he would not be too embarrassed.

Now every morning, Fang Mingyang would bring a white fungus soup to Wishing, which was not expensive. Today, after work, Fang Mingyang went to the supermarket to buy steamed buns, but he walked to the high-end gift area without knowing it.

He squatted down and carefully looked at the bird's nests on the shelf. They were all very expensive, enough for him and his brother's steamed bun dinner for a month.

For some reason, no matter how expensive it is, he doesn't feel distressed when he thinks of buying it for his wish.

She is Mrs. Meng, and she has never eaten delicacies from mountains and seas, or any precious supplements. He was wondering if she asked him to bring white fungus soup for him to make him less stressed. She must prefer bird's nest.

After choosing for a long time in front of the shelf, Fang Mingyang chose a medium-priced bird's nest, only a few small pieces.

After Fang Mingyang returned home, he excitedly borrowed a stew pot from Mrs. Rent, and followed the method on the Internet to stew bird's nest.

The younger brother Xiaowu came back from the construction site and saw Fang Mingyang fiddling with things. He came over out of curiosity and was about to ask what it was when he accidentally caught a glimpse of the supermarket receipt on the table. He picked it up and yelled : "Brother, why are you buying bird's nest! It's so expensive!"

Fang Mingyang didn't answer him, but Xiao Wu immediately understood, "You're going to feed your lady boss, right?" He slapped his thigh, his tone not to mention how excited he was, "Brother, you finally got the hang of it! Just wait, later I'm going to pay my salary in two days, so go buy some more!"

If you want to get something, you have to give something first, Xiao Wu still understands this.

Fang Mingyang turned a deaf ear and focused on the saucepan in front of him. He just wanted to repay her, and that was all.


Early on Wednesday morning, as usual, Meng Zhengrong and Wishing went to work together, but they took the elevator to a different floor. On a whim, Meng Zhengrong suggested, "I'll go to the public welfare project department with you. I haven't been there for a few days. , go and have a look."

"Look at what?" Wishing asked casually.

"just looking around."

Just as women have a sixth sense, so do men. He always felt that Wishing had an indescribable concern for that new assistant. This feeling was not strong enough to make people feel dangerous, but it was not that comfortable either.

Because Meng Zhengrong was busy with work and because of his self-esteem, he couldn't get along with an employee, and nothing happened, but today he couldn't help it, and he didn't know why, so he wanted to go and have a look.

"En." Wishing didn't have any objection to this, thinking that Meng Zhengrong would go over and have a look, and let his subordinates know that the boss cares about this department, which will help cultivate employees' enthusiasm for work.

The two came to the public welfare project department, and it was almost time to go to work. When Wishing and Meng Zhengrong appeared in the department, several colleagues who were still watching the news immediately stood up subconsciously, and shouted with unprecedented enthusiasm: "Mr. Meng, good morning! Manager, good morning!"

Wishing could not help but laugh, "Boss and manager, you really treat them differently."

The department is full of young people, they are all very energetic, and they have a good relationship with Wishing. One of them replied with a bolder smile: "Manager, you will hurt our hearts by saying that."

"That's right, aren't we like this when the manager comes?"

Xu Yuan nodded and smiled at them, then went back to his office with Meng Zhengrong.

The employees are whispering—

"I'm on the safe side. Fortunately, I went out early today. Otherwise, if I was late and was bumped into by the boss, it would be really bad."

"Hey, what about Xiao Fang, he hasn't come yet, has he?"

"He didn't come. The water on your desk is the devil's fault. The printer is out of ink. Let him go to the front desk to apply."

"oh oh."

There was an exquisite and compact porcelain bento box on the wishing desk. It was very small, which attracted Meng Zhengrong's attention. He pointed to this small bento box and asked, "What is this?"

Wishing was opening the drawer and taking out the materials from it. She has a lot of things to do this morning, and she still has a meeting, so she replied without looking up: "The white fungus soup bought by the assistant."

"You like drinking this?"

"No, it's very comfortable to drink this in the morning."

Meng Zhengrong leaned over, opened the lid and looked inside.

He was stunned when he saw it, he still recognized the white fungus soup, it was not white fungus at all.

Meng Zhengrong pretended to be calm and closed the lid, and said to Wishing, "Give me a drink, can you?"

Wishing to take a look at Meng Zhengrong, he replied casually, "If you want to drink, just drink it."

"Thank you." Meng Zhengrong didn't want to stay here either, so he picked up the small lunch box and left.

Coincidentally, as soon as Meng Zhengrong left, Fang Mingyang came back, and the two did not meet.

Meng Zhengrong returned to his office, opened the bento box, and finally called the person in charge of the cafeteria to come to his office.

The boss called, and no one dared to delay. After a while, the person in charge of the cafeteria came up, with a look of panic, not knowing why the boss was looking for him.

"Is this the canteen's dessert today?" Meng Zhengrong signaled the person in charge to come forward, and the person in charge hurried over, carefully looked into the bento box, smelled it, and shook his head, "No, Meng Anyway, this is a bird's nest."

It means that the cafeteria dares to be so extravagant and wasteful, using bird's nest as a dessert, it's not because there is too much money to burn hands.

Meng Zhengrong actually knew that it was bird's nest, but at this point, he was still not sure, so he called the person in charge of the cafeteria, afraid that what the cafeteria served today was bird's nest.

It seems not, think about it too.

"Mr. Meng?" The person in charge of the cafeteria called out again with extra caution.

Meng Zhengrong said kindly: "From now on, I will stew bird's nest for my wife every day, and the account will be in my name."

Only then did the person in charge breathe a sigh of relief, feeling that he loved his wife, he nodded quickly: "Okay, I'll send someone to buy a good bird's nest today."

"Okay, it's okay, you go down first."

After the person in charge left, Meng Zhengrong looked at the bento box on the table with deep eyes. He made a wish and told him that it was the white fungus soup bought by his assistant, but it was clearly not white fungus soup but bird's nest. If he wants to lie to him, he won't let him take this at all, which means that he doesn't even know it's a bird's nest when he makes a wish. So, what exactly does this assistant want to do

Want to make a wish

It's not impossible, but it just doesn't feel right.

Meng Zhengrong asked the HR department to transfer the information on the grounds of looking at the information of all employees in the public welfare project department. He found Fang Mingyang's information and looked at it carefully.

Generally, the resumes are very good-looking, and Fang Mingyang's is the same, but there is still no way to beautify many basic information, such as home address, family members and basic information.

These materials must be provided in great detail, as well as the work units and contact information of family members.

When Meng Zhengrong saw the information, he knew that Fang Mingyang's family was not well off, even a bit poor, without even looking it up.

So, now there are two possibilities.

One is that Fang Mingyang wants to please his boss, which is understandable, and small actions in the workplace are nothing.

The second is that Fang Mingyang has plans for making wishes. This plan does not refer to career development, but money.

Wishing is young and beautiful, even if she doesn't have the identity of Mrs. Meng, she is also the eldest lady of the Xu family, and she is well-ranked in City A. Fang Mingyang is her assistant and stays together all day. What do you think about wishing

Meng Zhengrong tapped on the table with his fingers, his expression stern.

Suddenly, another thing came to mind, as if she made a wish to give her meal card to Fang Mingyang for use. He asked her at that time, and she said that Fang Mingyang's life was too difficult. As a boss, he should give his subordinates some necessary care. He didn't pay much attention to this matter. Now that he thinks about it, why does he feel a little tricky

He decided to go back to try and make a wish at night.


After dinner in the evening, because it was likely to rain, the two of them did not go out for a walk as usual. They wanted to watch TV in the living room when they made a wish, but they were dragged upstairs by Meng Zhengrong before they sat down. After leaving the bedroom, Meng Zhengrong closed the door with his backhand, "Just watch TV in the room."

There was nothing wrong with making a wish, the two sat on the carpet in front of the bed, and a recent popular dating show was playing on TV.

"I still hope that the woman's family situation is a little better. It's not my reality, but I hope that the two of us can wholeheartedly fight for our little family in the future."

Meng Zhengrong pondered for a moment, then pretended to casually ask: "Is there any new project launched by the project department recently?"

Making a wish thought it was an ordinary chatter, so he replied: "Yes, isn't it the beginning of the school season? Recently, the student aid program has been launched."

"Do the employees of the project department listen to you?" Meng Zhengrong asked again.

In fact, if Meng Zhengrong really wanted to hide his emotions, it would be difficult to detect when he made a wish, just like this time.

I didn't think too much about making a wish, thinking that Meng Zhengrong was just asking about the basic situation of her department. After all, he also went to see it today, "It's all good."

"By the way, there is something I want to ask for your opinion." Since the employees of the department were mentioned, Fang Mingyang naturally thought of Fang Mingyang when making a wish, "There are employees in our department whose families are very difficult. Thinking, since our department is doing public welfare, it’s impossible for our employees to still have a headache because of these things.”

Meng Zhengrong's heart clenched, knowing who was making the wish, he remained calm on the surface, "Well, keep talking."

"I know it's unrealistic to use the company's money to treat the employees' family members. The company doesn't just do charity. See if we can sign an agreement, just like those student loans, to give loans to employees, such as how many years in advance. If you resign before the money is paid off, it is not impossible, but you have to continue to pay back the money afterwards, and the interest is lower than that of the bank."

This was the best solution he could think of for making a wish. Fang Mingyang's family was not well off, and so were his relatives' families. There was no real estate in the family that could be mortgaged, so it would be difficult to borrow money.

She also checked, and there are many companies that can give loans to employees.

It can't let the Meng family suffer, but it can solve Fang Mingyang's current situation.

Fang Mingyang's working ability is still very good, and it is also a win-win situation to stay in the Meng family to work.

Of course, this is the limit of what she can do. If Meng Zhengrong does not approve of this plan, she has no objection.

After all, if it is really going to start, it is not ruled out that there will be employees who want to take advantage of it. It is impossible for her department and only for such an employee.

If Meng Zhengrong is unwilling, she can't say anything. Lending money to Fang Mingyang by herself is beyond the scope, and it is not the result she wants. After all, apart from work, she doesn't want to get too close to Fang Mingyang. After the above relationship, it is difficult to tell clearly.

When Meng Zhengrong heard this, an unknown fire rose.

Is she so concerned about such an employee

Also proposed this project to him for this employee

How kind.

Meng Zhengrong looked at Wishing, and didn't bother to hide it anymore, his face turned ugly in an instant, and said coldly: "No, I don't agree."