You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness

Chapter 45


The few pieces of bird's nest that Fang Mingyang bought can be stewed two or three times, because the weather is hot now, and there is no refrigerator in the rented house, he dare not stew it the night before, for fear that it will be damaged, so he sets the alarm clock at four o'clock in the morning to get up and stew After I got better, I lay on the bed and squinted for an hour or two. Although I was very tired, I didn't know why, but I was very satisfied.

In the morning, after he finished washing, he carefully put the bird's nest in a lunch box, and he was ready to go to work, but he didn't know that someone knocked on the door before he went out.

My younger brother, Xiaowu, is also working very hard. He set off to the construction site before dawn. So, who will come at this time

It's not yet the date of paying the rent, water and electricity, so it can't be the landlady's wife, right

Fang Mingyang opened the door with doubts in his heart. The girl standing at the door had a ponytail and a denim skirt. Although she wasn't very pretty, she was pretty and natural.

"Liu Meng? Why are you here?"

Seeing his ex-girlfriend again, Fang Mingyang no longer felt as uncomfortable as when he broke up.

During this period of time, he has accepted this fact and wished his ex-girlfriend to find new happiness from the bottom of his heart.

Seeing him, Liu Meng's eyes quickly turned red, and she went straight into the house and looked around, "I went to look for you yesterday, and the landlord said that you have moved out, why didn't you tell me about the move?"

Fang Mingyang raised his hand and glanced at the time. It was almost 7:30, and he had to go out before 7:45, otherwise he might be late.

If you are late, you will be deducted money, and more importantly, you are afraid that you will not be able to drink a sip of bird's nest in time to make a wish.

"I can't afford the rent over there, and it just happened to expire." Fang Mingyang said concisely, hoping to end the conversation quickly.

Liu Meng sighed, "I knew it, Ming Yang, if you have difficulties, you can tell me."

Say? say what

If he could help, he would have done it long ago. Everyone is running around for their lives, and no one will be better off than the other. It is precisely because of this that Fang Mingyang never borrows money from his friends and classmates, so as not to embarrass others.

Fang Mingyang: "Liu Meng, I still have to go to work, so let's talk about it another day."

The money deducted for being late is enough for him and his younger brother's living expenses for a day, so I really dare not waste it.

Liu Meng is also considered a considerate person, otherwise the two of them would not have talked for so long, she nodded, got up and walked to him, "You go to the bus station for a ride, I'll go there with you, it just so happens that I You have to take a ride too."


Seeing Fang Mingyang carefully put the bento box into the bag, Liu Meng couldn't help asking, "Did you bring food?"

"En." Fang Mingyang was not a talkative person, so he didn't want to explain anything at this time.

The two went down to the attic and walked through the noisy street, which was about six or seven minutes away from the bus station.

"Are you working at Meng's now?" Liu Meng asked seemingly unintentionally.

Fang Mingyang responded casually, "Yes."

"If you are free this Saturday, come to my house for dinner."

Hearing Liu Meng's words, Fang Mingyang stopped walking. He looked at Liu Meng with deep puzzlement in his eyes: "Go to your house for dinner?"

Haven't they already broken up

What does it mean to invite him to her house for dinner now

Liu Meng was probably a little embarrassed, and bit her lower lip, "My parents said they want to meet you, so let's chat with you."

Fang Mingyang couldn't figure out what else to talk about when they were at this point.

He and Liu Meng were together in the past, and there is no need to hide anything now, so he could only ask directly, "Liu Meng, haven't we already broken up?"

Speaking of this, Liu Meng's face turned pale, and she took Fang Mingyang's arm without thinking, "I don't want to break up with you, but your family's situation is really not optimistic, and my parents don't want to. Now they hear that you When I work in the Meng family, I said that I want to take another look and think about it, Ming Yang, this is a rare opportunity, my parents finally let go!"

Fang Mingyang knew that he should be happy, but he didn't know why, he couldn't be happy, and there was no fluctuation in his heart. He glanced at Liu Meng and said calmly, "Forget it."

Liu Meng couldn't believe what she heard, "What did you say?"

"Liu Meng, you know my family's situation. My father is sick and needs a lot of money for treatment. My younger sister is still in junior high school. My younger brother has no education and works on the construction site. The whole family counts on my salary. Even if I work in Meng Our family will be in debt for at least five years, and my sister's future tuition fees, including my parents' future pension issues, will all be settled by me. Are you really willing to be with me?"

Fang Mingyang is the most common phoenix man in the forum. His family worked hard to support him in his studies. The moment he entered university, he became self-conscious, and he will be responsible for the life of the whole family in the future.

If the father is not sick, he only needs to be responsible for the future tuition fees of the younger sister, but if the father is sick, even if he is cured, he will not be able to do heavy work. The burden on the family is too great.

He had already made up his own plans. Before the situation at home improved, he never thought about falling in love again, so as not to harm other girls.

Liu Meng was at a loss when he heard this.

"After you marry me, even the most basic life may become a problem. I don't want to delay you." This is Fang Mingyang's real thought. He doesn't want to delay such a good girl.

Liu Meng's family background is actually not very good, but at least her family has no burdens. She has a degree and her own conditions are not bad. She is fully capable of finding a better man than him, so why bother to take over this mess with him? .

Seeing that Liu Meng had stopped talking, Fang Mingyang took out a bottle of milk from his bag and handed it to her. It was bought during a discount in the supermarket, "Say hello to my uncle and aunt for me, Liu Meng, I am sorry for not being able to give it to you. future, but I cannot harm you."

After saying this, Fang Mingyang raised his legs and left, walking towards the bus station.

Liu Meng was left alone looking at the milk in her hand, and tears fell down.

The saddest thing about the love in the student days is just such a moment.

I have survived so many difficulties and setbacks, but I did not withstand the pressure of reality.

Fang Mingyang squeezed onto the bus. There were a lot of people going to work at this hour. He was squeezed at the door with his arm pressed against the door.

People, no matter how high-sounding things they say, they still can't lie to themselves.

He hugged the bento box tightly in his arms.

It was the truth that he didn't want Liu Meng to endure hardships with him, and it was the truth that he didn't want to delay her, but the real reason was that he didn't even dare to say it when he was alone.

That is, in just over a month, he no longer likes her.

Because I no longer like it, when I hear such words, not only do I not feel moved and happy, but I feel burdened.


Wishing to send that WeChat message at three or four in the morning, and waited another half an hour for no reply, so he had to force himself to fall asleep.

At eight o'clock, the alarm clock rang, and she came to the bathroom in a daze. Looking at the big dark circles under her eyes, she suddenly became a little hypocritical.

At this time, there was no call on her mobile phone, and there was no reply from Meng Zhengrong.

No matter how uncomfortable she is at this time, she still has to go to work, at least she can go to the company to see if Meng Zhengrong is here, and then apologize to him properly.

Sitting at the dressing table, wishing to apply makeup to herself, modern cosmetics are really amazing, and she doesn't look so haggard after applying makeup.

Wishing thought of those women in the harem in her previous life. Before she came to the emperor, she once worked in a concubine's womb. She had seen many emotions of this woman. For example, when the emperor came, she was ecstatic and busy. Dressing herself up beautifully inside and out, she is very lively and lovely. When the emperor goes to other places, she is full of sorrow, and she doesn't have much thought about eating, because she has seen these women who don't think about food and tea for men, and even put She looked like she was when the focus of her life was given to men, so she didn't allow herself to become like this one day.

Think about it carefully, what did she look like last night

Wishing to look at himself in the mirror, he couldn't help laughing. He never thought that he would wait for a man until the early morning, and he never thought that he would become like this.

Who is she? She is a person that even the officials of the court are afraid of. How could she be a person who does not think about eating and drinking for the sake of her children? This is so cowardly.

Her world is wider, and she will never be confined to a small house. She still has to learn a lot of things, start a company, make a lot of money by herself, and most importantly, live without relying on anyone. this world.

But, she thought, she was wrong.

There is such a popular saying, whether you are a man or a woman, you must first be a human being, then a woman and a man.

She is a human being and a woman at the same time, she has a delicate side of a woman, and naturally she cannot escape the emotional side of being a human being.

To accept more frankly that you can love and be loved, this is not cowardice or incompetence, it is everyone's nature when facing feelings.

After wishing to think through all this thoroughly, her mood became much brighter. Frankly speaking, it was not difficult for her to coax Meng Zhengrong well. The difficult thing was whether she would respond to Meng Zhengrong's feelings.

After thinking about all this, everything becomes easier.

Wishing to come to work in the company by car, as before, after walking around the finance department, she came to the public welfare project department, saw the lunch box on the desk, she closed the door of the office, opened the lunch box, and saw I knew it was bird's nest.

She really didn't want to know what Fang Mingyang had in mind for her, nor did she want to prove anything.

At this point, it must be admitted that Fang Mingyang, who had the same face as his cousin, was not as important as Meng Zhengrong.

Wishing to cover the bento box again, picked it up, came to Fang Mingyang's seat, handed the bento box to him, and said calmly: "From tomorrow onwards, you don't need to bring me tremella soup."

After saying this, she turned around and walked out of the public welfare project department.

Everyone was working hard, and no one noticed this small detail. Fang Mingyang knew that she didn't drink at all while holding the lunch box. What does that mean

You don't need to bring it anymore

Did he make a mistake in stewing bird's nest for her

But he didn't mean anything else at all, he just wanted to thank her for taking care of her!

For a moment, Fang Mingyang's heart was burning like a fire, and he was very anxious.


Wishing came to the office floor where Meng Zhengrong was. The secretaries had long been on good terms with her. Seeing her coming, one of the secretaries got up to greet her.

Although Meng Zhengrong was thinking about him in his heart, he made a wish and did not forget to say hello to the secretaries and praise them for their beautiful makeup today.

"Mr. Xu, why didn't Mr. Meng come today?" A secretary asked curiously in a low voice.

Xu Wish's current position is at best a manager, but they don't think it's appropriate to call him a manager or wife, so they jokingly call him Mr. Xu.

So Meng Zhengrong didn't come to work today

So what did he do

Wishing that his expression remained unchanged, he said with a smile: "Well, he has something to do, I just came up to get him something."

No matter whether there is a quarrel between them, no outsiders should know.

Wishing all the way to Meng Zhengrong's office unimpeded, took something casually and left.

When she returned to the office, she didn't have much mind for making a wish. She couldn't control herself from thinking about what Meng Zhengrong had done.

It's fine if he didn't return all night, but he hasn't come to work now, where can he go

Wishing wanted to call Meng Zhengrong again, but after thinking about it, now there are reminders for missed calls, he will naturally reply to her message when he sees it, and if he doesn't reply after seeing it, she will call What does he mean

One matter is another matter, Fang Mingyang's matter is indeed her fault, what she did was inappropriate, and she will admit her mistakes when she should admit her mistakes, and will never make excuses or shirk her responsibility.

But Meng Zhengrong didn't come back all night without informing her or even giving her any news. Was it right for him to do this

Wishing now seems to have dual personalities in her body. One personality is saying that she is wrong, so it is understandable for him to lose his temper and stay overnight. A message to let people know where he is safe.

Meng Zhengrong didn't wake up until ten o'clock. He picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table and looked at it.

A total of three missed calls.

One is from the assistant, one is from the office phone, and the other is…

Meng Zhengrong rubbed his eyes in disbelief, there was indeed a "wife" in the missed call!

He carefully clicked on his wife again, and found that it was indeed the wishing phone number, so he was relieved. As soon as his heart was relieved, he immediately jumped up for joy.

She called him anyway!

This means that she cares about him and cares about him in her heart!

Meng Zhengrong looked at the time of her call again, and saw that it was three or four o'clock in the morning, and his heart suddenly softened beyond belief.

Feelings are the most unclear thing, why you like each other, and how you like each other more because of a trivial thing.

This is how Meng Zhengrong is now.

He immediately liked making wishes more.

I can't wait to hug my phone and kiss, and when I see the WeChat message from her, it's really like winning a lottery.

This kind of mood may be understood by those who have tasted what it is like to like someone. They foolishly waited for news from this person, but there has been no news, so they fell asleep disappointed. When they woke up, they found that the person they liked sent a message. , that's enough fun for a whole day!

Meng Zhengrong wanted to call Xu Wish immediately, but the moment he dialed the phone, he hung up in a hurry.

No, I can't call right now.

Meng Zhengrong thought carefully about what kind of conversation they would have if the call was connected.

Like this—

"it's me."

"… kindness."

"Well, I slept here in the apartment last night."

"… kindness."

"I just saw the missed call, I was asleep at that time yesterday."

"… Oh."

The more I think about it, the more I feel that something is wrong. Whether there will be a big change between them depends on today. I made a wish to call him and send a WeChat message, and it was at that time, which means that yesterday's incident gave her a big impact. Otherwise, how could such a person who usually encounters everything like an old monk in meditation, how could he stay up so late

This big change can't be appeased by this plain conversation, then he lost his temper last night, and it may be difficult for him to make a big relationship develop in the future.

Meng Zhengrong believed in wishing very much. He believed that after this incident, wishing would no longer have anything to do with Fang Mingyang, so what chance would there be for their relationship to make a big breakthrough

There should be none in a short time.

Temper cannot be lost for nothing, and all kinds of negative emotions last night were not for nothing, so we must get something.

Meng Zhengrong didn't waste any more time, he quickly changed his clothes, brushed his teeth, shaved and washed his face, and went downstairs after tidying himself up.

Taking advantage of this time, he called his assistant. Last night he made a wish and went to bed so late. Maybe he didn't go to work today. She didn't go to work. Naturally, he wouldn't go to the company now, so he should tell his assistant.

Meng Zhengrong walked out of the elevator and said to the assistant at the other end: "I won't be going today. I have something to do at home. If there is anything in the company, you can call me."

The assistant gave a grace, thought for a while and said, "Mrs. Meng came today and told us that you have something to do."

You still have to tell your boss about this.

Meng Zhengrong stopped in his footsteps. Although he was surprised, his tone was calm, "Did she tell you? That's good."

After hanging up the phone, Meng Zhengrong couldn't stay still anymore. She basically didn't sleep much when she made a wish. She came to the company today and must be looking for him. Facts have proved that she also went to his office to look for him.

It seems that she cares about him more than he imagined.

Hey hey.

Meng Zhengrong was very sweet in his heart, and also a little indescribably proud.

Can you not be proud? I thought she didn't care about herself, but now she cares more than she wants.

The apartment is not very far from the company, and it takes no more than ten minutes by car.

Meng Zhengrong drove all the way to the company. He wasn't sure where Wishing was at the moment, and he didn't want to call first to ask. Thinking about what happened yesterday, Wishing should be reluctant to stay in the public welfare project department, so he went first. Finance Department.

When he came to the finance department, some employees had already greeted him. Meng Zhengrong lowered his voice and asked, "Is my wife in the office?"

A male employee nodded: "In the office."

Meng Zhengrong breathed a sigh of relief, tidied up his clothes, came to the door of the wishing office, knocked on the door, opened the door and went in without waiting for her to respond.

When Xu Yuan looked up and saw that it was Meng Zhengrong, he was a little surprised. He wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

The two looked at each other in silence.

Meng Zhengrong went straight to the desk, put one hand on the desk, leaned forward, and leaned in front of Wishing, "I didn't fool around last night."

Wishing and hearing the words, his face was a little unnatural, "... En."

"This is not a place to talk." Meng Zhengrong straightened up, "Come on, let's go out and talk."

Wishing was also reluctant to talk about these personal matters with Meng Zhengrong in the office, so he turned off the computer, got up after him, and was held by Meng Zhengrong's hand before he could reach Meng Zhengrong's side.

Meng Zhengrong opened the door, and under the conscious or unintentional gaze of the staff of the finance department, he left the finance department holding the wishing hand.

After they left, the daily discussion group of the president's husband and wife started to get busy again.

"Hey, hey, is there any blatant office romance?"

"For dog abuse, I only obey Mr. Meng and make a wish. It's so simple. Looking at this couple every day, I feel that my aesthetics have been improved again."

"Yes, so it's even further away from being single."

Meng Zhengrong dragged his wish to the elevator, where people came and went, so he resisted the urge to ask questions.

After entering the elevator and closing the door, Xu Zhi asked, "Where are you going?"

"A feng shui treasure for dating." Meng Zhengrong wanted to make himself a little colder, but his tone was still inexplicably turbulent.

The feng shui treasure place for a company to fall in love is naturally the rooftop.

At this time, it was not time to get off work, and there was no one on the roof at the moment.

Now is the hottest time of the year. Standing on the roof, there are a few white clouds floating in the blue sky. Fortunately, the wind is strong at this time, so it will not be very hot.

Meng Zhengrong was afraid that someone would come up and spoil the atmosphere, so he dragged his wish to a place near the corner.

As soon as he stood still, he broke away from his hand when he made a wish, and asked, "Is this the geomantic treasure you said you were talking about?"

Meng Zhengrong said kindly: "Employees in the company like to come here when they are in love, but not now because it's too hot."

Wishing to cast a glance at him, he asked, "How do you know this is a treasured place for dating? Did you come here with someone from the company before?"

Meng Zhengrong never expected such a big brain hole in making a wish, and hurriedly explained: "No, no, as I said, I have never had any relationship with anyone in the company, Song Yu told me this. "

It's okay not to mention Song Yu, but when Song Yu is mentioned, making a wish is a bit awkward.

"Don't talk about that, where did you go last night?" Wishing quickly changed the subject and asked.

Meng Zhengrong was afraid that if he made a wish, he would mistake him for going out and fooling around. "I have a recorder in my car. You can check it. I didn't go anywhere, just sleeping in the apartment."

After saying this, Meng Zhengrong remembered that he drove to the bar entrance yesterday and stayed for a while, and explained: "Yesterday I wanted to drive to the bar for a stroll, but I definitely didn't have any unreasonable thoughts. I just wanted to relax. But I just stayed at the door for a few minutes and left."

Wishing naturally believed in Meng Zhengrong, but looking at his expression, he couldn't help being teased at this moment, so he said blankly: "How do I know whether you stayed for a few minutes or a few?" Hour."

What I have to admit is that women are really, really difficult when they deliberately find fault.

Meng Zhengrong scratched his hair, "If I say no, it means no."

After saying this, Meng Zhengrong noticed that there was a smile in Wishing's eyes, and only then did he realize that he had been cheated, and he was a little annoyed for a while.

Did he miss the point

Now the point is not to find out where he went last night, right

Meng Zhengrong grabbed her to make a wish, and pressed her against the railing wall. The scorching sun shone on her body, which made her very hot, and her heart became even hotter.

He looked at her, the two looked at each other for a long time, and he kissed her directly.

Meng Zhengrong's strength this time is far from being as gentle as before.

He even bit the tip of Wishing's tongue on purpose, and the two of them kissed very deeply. Meng Zhengrong originally only wanted to taste it, but it was the first time that Wishing responded to him so seriously. It's hard to separate, making a voice that makes people blush when they hear it.

Meng Zhengrong hadn't had breakfast yet, and his mouth was full of the mint taste of toothpaste.

Kissing and kissing, Meng Zhengrong's hand also began to feel unconscious.

Wishing has long been kissed to the point of losing his mind, but Meng Zhengrong's hand felt the same, as if it had magical powers, making people lose their strength.

The body is very hot, I don't know if it is from the sun.

Meng Zhengrong slightly let go of the wish, and both of them were panting, the wish's skin was like white porcelain, and now the little face was pink in the white, not to mention how delicate it was.

A kiss has completely lost Meng Zhengrong's temper.

When did he become so unprincipled

Meng Zhengrong thought that this was a good opportunity to revitalize his husband, and he couldn't let it go easily, so he deliberately said with a straight face: "I didn't sleep well last night, as long as I think about those things, I can't fall asleep."

Wishing to think that Meng Zhengrong is really not an ordinary person who will spoil the atmosphere. At this time, if we bring up what happened last night, what is it if it is not a bad atmosphere

Whether it is an ancient woman or a modern woman, when facing a man she likes, she will always subconsciously act like a baby.

Now making a wish, I just want to fool around by acting like a spoiled child.

She was indeed wrong about this matter, and there was nothing to refute, but she didn't want to admit her mistake under the current circumstances.

The body was not very comfortable when making a wish, and my head was still dizzy at the moment, but now that the sun was on my head, my body was even more uncomfortable.

He simply gritted his teeth, put aside his so-called reservedness, made a wish, stretched out his hand and hooked Meng Zhengrong's neck, leaned his head on his shoulder, and said weakly, "I'm so dizzy and uncomfortable."

"What's going on?" The topic changed too quickly, and Meng Zhengrong was also a little confused. Hearing her say that he was uncomfortable, he couldn't care about Zhen Fugang.

"I haven't slept all day, and my head is groggy."

"Then what should I do!" Meng Zhengrong looked anxious, and then she remembered that her face was indeed a little haggard. Thinking about it again, her phone calls and WeChat messages were at three or four in the morning. Didn't sleep, and insisted on coming to work today, can you feel comfortable? Can you not feel dizzy

Xu Yuan secretly opened her eyes and looked at him, seeing the undisguised tension on his face, even she herself didn't know how cute her snickering was at this time.

She thought that if Meng Zhengrong asked that question again last night, her answer might have changed a little bit.

Well, it's not "I don't know", but "I probably like it a little bit".