You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness

Chapter 62


The show "Newlyweds and Golden Weddings" has just aired its first episode, and its ratings are far ahead of other variety shows.

Relying on their original popularity, Song Chaowen and his wife naturally received the most attention, followed by Meng Zhengrong and Wishing, and there was a tendency to faintly surpass Song Chaowen and his wife in popularity.

Several big Vs reposted the edited video of Meng Zhengrong and making a wish.

Needless to say, making a wish, a clip of clipping a doll, a clip of singing out of tune is enough to attract attention, among other things, now the Weibo of making a wish has been picked up, and in just a few days, the number of fans has almost exceeded hundreds of thousands Yes, it's astounding.

Meng Zhengrong also received a lot of praise. He obviously had an upset stomach, but he didn't want to waste the time of the other two couples, so he secretly went to buy medicine without letting others know that he was sick. This action alone has already won likes Countless.

Some netizens commented that it is not easy for someone like Meng Zhengrong to consider this level for others, and he behaved humbly in the show. The most important thing is that his personality is simply too dull. !

He is more than 1.8 meters tall, not much worse than Song Chaowen in appearance, rich and handsome, so gentle to his wife, humble and low-key.

Seeing such comments, Meng Zhengrong snickered under the covers more than once.

He just wanted this effect, but these netizens praised him so much, which really made people feel a little shy.

Whenever this happens, Wishing will say with a look of disgust: "I really want to put your true face on the Internet."

How mature and stable, what humility, low-key and gentleness!

Go to hell, you are obviously a childish ghost!

Meng Zhengrong was not angry when he heard this, turned over and pressed the wish under his body, rubbed her soft face with his unshaven beard, and said with a cheerful smile: "Only you can see my true face."

No matter what age a man is, there is always a childish side. Young men will not hide it, but mature men will hide it and only show it in front of their lovers. This is a privilege.

The wish was shattered by the stubble, so he stretched out his hand to pinch the flesh on the inside of his thigh.

Meng Zhengrong let go of her in pain.

The two fought again on the bed, picked up the pillows and hit each other, just like children. After getting tired, the two sat on the bed, looked at each other, and couldn't help laughing for a moment. Not to mention relaxing.

It's a pity that there is no camera in life, otherwise the couple's real way of getting along might be able to attract more fans.

On the day before the recording of the show, Meng Zhengrong attended the full moon banquet of his buddy's baby with a wish.

During this period of time, making a wish can be considered to have met most of Meng Zhengrong's friends. This time, this friend is Meng Zhengrong's childhood friend, who is also a big family in the city.

Before I made a wish, I heard from Meng Zhengrong that the relationship between this friend and his wife can be called a novel.

The two have been entangled since they were fifteen or sixteen years old. They have been entangled for more than ten years. It was not easy along the way. Now they got married with the consent of both families. Not long after they got married, the woman became pregnant. She gave birth to a baby some time ago. It can be said to be happy.

Because Meng Zhengrong has a very good relationship with this friend, instead of going directly to the banquet hall, he went directly to the house to see the baby and the mother.

My friend's name is also very interesting, called Song Ci.

Song Ci's face was full of spring breeze, and he couldn't hide the pride on his face. When he saw Meng Zhengrong, he directly clenched his fist and slapped him on the shoulder, "Have you prepared the red envelope, kid? You can be upgraded to a godfather now."

"Yes." Meng Zhengrong shrugged, "As soon as we meet, ask me for a red envelope, can it be okay?"

Song Ci laughed and said, "I'm saving money for milk powder. Some people want to save money, but now they don't have a chance."

Wishing knew what he was implying. Fortunately, she and Song Ci also had dinner together a few times, and the relationship was okay. She said without changing her face: "Whoever said there is no chance, it will be soon."

Meng Zhengrong's group of friends all liked the joke-making character of wishing, and they all laughed, "It's over, it's over, I'm going to go bankrupt again, my sister-in-law said that, maybe there's good news already. "

Make a wish and smiled: "There is good news, none of you can hide."

After a few people stayed at the door for a while, they came to the bedroom on the second floor. Song Ci's wife was taking pictures of the baby on the bed with a camera. At a glance, do you know that I am his mother!"

Wishing, he couldn't laugh or cry, "Of course he knows who his real mother is."

It is said to be a full moon feast, but the baby is almost two months old, so he dared to hold it out for everyone to see.

The little baby’s big eyes are like grapes. It’s almost winter. There is heating in the house, and the little baby doesn’t wear much, because Christmas is coming, so I put him on a red sweater and wool pants. The little baby Her skin is very fair, so she looks so cute when dressed like this.

He is very obedient, and he is not afraid when he sees strangers in the room. Instead, he looks at others with wide eyes.

It is said that children's eyes are the purest. Indeed, being looked at by such ignorant and curious eyes, let alone making a wish, even Meng Zhengrong's heart almost melted.

"Come on, let godfather hug you." Meng Zhengrong picked up the baby.

The little baby babbled and didn't resist, and was held in Meng Zhengrong's arms obediently.

Wishing also came over and squeezed the little baby's hand. She wanted to kiss him, but she restrained herself.

Babies are too young, their immunity is not as good as adults, and there are bacteria in their saliva, so it's better to be careful.

Meng Zhengrong smelled the scent of milk on the baby's body, and his heart went numb for a moment.

It is no exaggeration to say that holding such a meat dumpling, smelling his body, and pinching his little fleshy hands, he actually felt jealous of Song Ci.

Wishing and the little baby looked at each other, there was no impurity in his eyes, it was full of curiosity about the world, carefully looking at everything around him, quiet and ignorant.

It is very rare that Wishing was moved by such eyes.

Song Ci and his wife snatched the child back. Seeing the strange look of the couple holding the child and refusing to let go, Meng Zhengrong and Xu Wish exchanged glances, and they both saw envy in each other's eyes.

In this world, people who are in the same blood as me will feel warm when they think about it.

I really want to take it home to play, but helplessly, this is someone else's baby.

At the full moon banquet, Song Ci and his wife were smiling so hard that their teeth could not see their eyes. Their parents were among the guests. Although they were busy, their faces were full of smiles.

After all, it was a full moon banquet. After all, everyone was very busy now. After the meal was over, they left and went back to their respective homes.

Meng Zhengrong and Xu Hui drove home. In their garage, no one got out of the car, as if the smell of milk in their noses hadn't dissipated.

There is no age to marry, no age to have children.

However, Meng Zhengrong and Wishing had the same thoughts at this time, and they began to look forward to having a baby that belonged to them.

Although the love period between the two has not yet passed, and they really like the current world of the two, but the expectations at this moment are real.

It seems that I suddenly want a baby very much, there is no specific reason, I don't feel that the time is up, and I don't feel that the age is up, I just want it.

Meng Zhengrong said hesitantly: "Honey, if you said before that you are ready to be a mother, does it still count?"

Making a wish, I didn't expect Meng Zhengrong to say this, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, "... Well, it counts."

Because Meng Zhengrong didn't want to have a child so soon before, the two always took protective measures when they were driving, except for the first time when they followed the car.

Measures were also taken in the car, although it was not particularly safe, but fortunately it was done.

Of course, both times were very lucky and did not win the bid.

"Do you think it's suitable for us to have children now?" Meng Zhengrong asked again.

Whether or not to have children and when to have them is the most important thing.

Wishing was a little confused, "We are going to record the program tomorrow, and it will take a few days, and we will have to record it after a week. I will be busy for a month or two at present. I heard from Zhang Mian that I have to go on variety shows in the future. Public welfare project department Many projects have just started, and you have to develop new projects and expand overseas companies... We will be very busy in one or two years now."

Hearing what she said, Meng Zhengrong was a little disappointed, but he had to admit that what she said was true.

They will be very busy within a year or two. Although it is said that someone will take care of the baby after giving birth, who doesn't want to be at ease after giving birth to the baby

Just when Meng Zhengrong was about to say something, Wishing suddenly stretched out her hand and grabbed Meng Zhengrong's big hand, clasping her fingers tightly. She looked at him with a smile and swept away the daze just now, "But so what, what do you want? I have a child, and I have always wanted it, so now is the most suitable time and the best time, when we are ready for everything and have enough time, maybe the mood will be different again."

There is no right time, as long as you think about it now, then it is the best time.

Meng Zhengrong was moved by such a wish. Seeing the smile on her face that she couldn't hide, and the look of expectation in her eyes, he was bewitched and nodded, "En, good."

The ambition of making a wish has never changed. Until now, even in the future, she still wants to make some achievements in this field.

She has always wanted to start a company by herself, thinking that when people think of her in the future, it will not just be Mrs. Meng, nor just the eldest lady of the Xu family. Still have to hone a few years.

This kind of thinking, even after she has a child, will not change.

But this kind of ambition, this kind of dream, has no conflict with whether she is someone's wife or someone's mother.

Meng Zhengrong and Wishing both had an excited discussion about their child at night. The two of them went to the hospital for a comprehensive physical examination some time ago. It can be said that both of them are in good health, as the doctor said. You can have kids anytime.

From now on, they will no longer use contraception. When this child will come, it depends on fate and God's will.

Meng Zhengrong couldn't fall asleep until very late. He made a wish with his arms in his arms, and looked at her from time to time.

What a strange feeling.

Obviously, it has only been more than half a year, he and her have gone from being unfamiliar to being familiar to being sure of their intentions, and now they are actually discussing the matter of having a baby.

From being strangers to being about to conceive a child together, the time is indeed very fast and short.

But life doesn't have to stick to the rules, as the wish said, it's just right now.

Neither sooner nor later, when they both want children, is the best time.


The next afternoon, they set off to record a program in a city below S province.

There is such a passage that it seems more appropriate to arrange honeymoon before getting married. Two people go on a trip together. During the trip, you can best see a person's character and whether it is suitable for you.

Since it's about a show about couples getting along, it's natural to go on a trip.

This time the shooting is longer than the last time, it has been nearly a week, and we have to shoot two full episodes.

City C is a city that Wishing has always wanted to come to. The food here is very suitable for her taste.

Before leaving, Yu Yu called her specifically and told her to bring back more local specialties.

For Wishing, City C is the real gourmet city. After getting off the plane, the program crew did not film in a very humane way, but gave the three couples enough personal time.

Since it was funded by the program group, it should be considered a leisure trip.

As for the old Xigu couple, it has been a long time since the two of them traveled alone. Naturally, they acted alone. They have been here before, and now they are looking for memories of their youth.

Song Chaowen and Shen Li are both entertainers, and they usually get together less and leave more. This program also gave the two of them a chance to travel. Naturally, they want to go to the world of two people quietly.

Meng Zhengrongba had to do group activities, so he wanted to stick with Wishing.

Make a wish to be considerate of Meng Zhengrong's stomach, and accompany him to have a not-too-spicy dinner first, and then go to the hot pot restaurant to let himself go after he is full.

The taste of hot pot in city c is as good as that in a few streets of city a.

Make a wish while eating and take pictures for Yu Yu. Yu Yu, who is losing weight for the new play, is so angry that he wants to lift the table.

They also have a certain reputation now, but fortunately, in the hot pot restaurant, everyone just focused on eating, and no one noticed Meng Zhengrong and making a wish.

After the two of them finished eating the hot pot, Xu Yuan held Meng Zhengrong's arm and walked in this unfamiliar street, and even smelled a spicy smell. Even though they were full, they still couldn't help swallowing.

If she stays in city c, she will probably become a fat paper.

"Look, I don't look like a pregnant woman." Wishing to eat her stomach slightly protruding, she purposely puffed out her stomach and turned her head to play jokes on Meng Zhengrong.

Meng Zhengrong also stretched out his hand to touch her belly in a dignified manner, "It should be three months."

Since both of them decided that they were going to have children, they would often joke about it.

While becoming more looking forward to the arrival of that little life, the heart is also extremely warm.

The two of them walked slowly to digest food, chatting about things, time passed quickly and slowly, when passing by a certain store, he turned his head to look at himself in the glass wall, and smiled contentedly , at his age, the corners of his eyes became a little wrinkled when he smiled. I didn't expect that he also had a wife, and he might be promoted to be a father-to-be soon. On such a cold night, Meng Zhengrong's heart was very peaceful.

Time is passing, and the labels on him are also increasing, after all, there is still something left.

Wishing to look down at the hands tightly held with Meng Zhengrong, she felt that her life might have been changed by a pair of magical hands more than half a year ago.

She likes this fate very much.


I got up at around eight o'clock the next day and had breakfast in the cafeteria of the restaurant.

The shooting in the morning was very simple and smooth. Many passers-by still recognized them and took pictures.

Fortunately, everyone's quality is very high, and they didn't disturb their filming. After a while, Reuters appeared on Weibo, and everyone in City C became excited!

This time the shooting was in City C!

It's really suitable, you have to eat hot pot in winter!

Today is a working day, and it's not the peak season for tourism. The program team had a script saying that they were going to the Giant Panda Base to see the national treasure, and it was not very close by bus.

Sitting in the car, Meng Zhengrong and Xu Wish were bored. With the camera facing them, it was not easy to chat, so they lowered their heads and chatted on WeChat, and chatted with Song Chaowen and his wife from time to time.

The atmosphere is well controlled.

Meng Zhengrong: "I never liked going to the zoo when I was young."

Make a wish: " always doesn't look like it's going to be fun. Have you ever seen a giant panda before?"

Meng Zhengrong: "I haven't seen it, but it's not like other animals. Children find it interesting to go to the zoo, but adults think it's normal."

Make a wish: "Do you like giant pandas?"

Meng Zhengrong: "It's okay, how about you?"

Make a wish: "I haven't seen it, but I don't like animals very much."

Meng Zhengrong: "It's so boring, some adults are going to the giant panda base or something..."

Make a wish: "Don't show displeasure, audiences across the country will see it! Pay attention to expression management!"

Meng Zhengrong: "Yes, wife."

Generally speaking, the husband and wife have never been interested in this itinerary, but the old Xigu couple and Song Chaowen couple seem to be very interested, saying that pandas are so cute.

Is it cute? Meng Zhengrong and Xu Yuan looked at each other, and they both saw helplessness in each other's eyes.

When we arrived at the Giant Panda Base, the weather was pretty good, and the sun was warming our bodies. The program team had already greeted the base.

Looking at the introduction to the giant panda, everyone was saying that such a ferocious creature actually made a living by acting cute in the end.

Meng Zhengrong and Wishing were careless at first, but their bodies were more honest than their mouths. After a while, they were too cute to move their legs because of the cuteness of the panda.

The newborn panda cubs are charmingly naive.

The dumplings were carried out to bask in the sun. From now on, it can be seen that no matter how popular Song Chaowen is, it can't compare to Gun Gun.

At least everyone didn't have time to pay attention to the program group, they were all shouting so cute, so cute and crying, it was too late to take pictures of pandas, and there was no time to pay attention to whether there was a male god next to them.

Among the group of dumplings, there are one or two with gray hair on their bodies, as if they have run out of ink, they are very cute.

Both Meng Zhengrong and Wishing took out their mobile phones to take pictures. It can be said that they couldn't take their eyes off them, for fear of missing the small movements of Gun Gun.

Unexpectedly, the couple who were not very willing to come here at first, and said that the itinerary was boring, were the last ones who didn't want to leave.

Meng Zhengrong and Wishing really didn't want to leave. Song Chaowen came to Meng Zhengrong's side and reminded him several times, but Meng Zhengrong turned a deaf ear, "Look again, look again, and I'm not in a hurry."

Wishing is not much better than Meng Zhengrong, the phone clicked, especially the chubby little dumpling pointed at them with their fat buttocks, and their short legs were still kicking hard, not to mention how cute.

"That's right, if you're not in a hurry, let's take a look again." Wishing also echoed.

The two couples, including the program team, looked at the couple very helplessly.

Now I can finally understand why so many people like rolling.

It's so cute.

Stupid, stupid.

In the evening, after returning to the hotel, Meng Zhengrong and Wishing followed several Weibo accounts, all of which were full of enthusiasm.

The two had a deep discussion—

Holding his wish, Meng Zhengrong sighed: "The giant panda is a well-deserved national treasure."

Wishing nodded vigorously: "Yes, especially the one without ink, it's so cute."

"Let's go again after the filming of the show is over."

"it is good."

Meng Zhengrong thought of another thing, "When we have a baby, we will bring the baby to see it. The children like it very much. You didn't see how happy the children are today."

"it is good."

As a new fan of Billowing, Meng Zhengrong seemed a little fanatical, "Actually, we can name our future baby, the English name is panda."

After listening to the wish, he felt that it was not bad, "What about the name?"

"I don't know a boy or a girl now, so it's hard to choose." Meng Zhengrong also felt that it is a bit exaggerated to name a baby who has not yet been seen, but since this topic has been discussed, it can't end here. "You can choose a nickname. , um, that's the baby name."

"What's it called?" Wishing asked while looking at the rolling pictures on Weibo.

Meng Zhengrong thought about it seriously, and said without hesitation, "Pang Da, let's call him Pang Da."

It sounds naive and easy to feed.

In this way, Meng Baobao, who is not even a fertilized egg, was given a nickname and an English name by his parents early on.

Well, Meng Pangda is indeed quite easy to support.