You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness

Chapter 67


For Wishing, the days have flown so fast since pregnancy.

The period of pregnancy and vomiting is the most uncomfortable period. I can barely drink a little porridge every day. I don’t want to eat anything. If I bite the bullet and eat something, I will vomit it again. During that time, I vomit every day. Rong knew that getting pregnant was not an easy task.

During that time, Wishing lost a lot of weight, Meng Zhengrong saw it, not to mention how distressed he was.

After finally getting through this period, the appetite for wishing has become better, but Meng’s mother and Xu’s mother will both persuade him to eat properly, and he can’t eat whatever he wants, because if he is overweight, he will lose weight when he is born. Not to mention the hard work, I might suffer from various diseases physically.

Originally, the two families did not agree to make a wish to go to work. After all, this is the first generation of the two families, especially Jingui. They both wanted her to rest at home, but the wish refused. If you stop, you will fall behind others.

More importantly, this era is too harsh on women. Although it has improved a lot compared to the feudal era, in the workplace, women always have fewer opportunities than men because of maternity leave due to pregnancy and childbirth.

She knew that with her status, even if she took a break for a year or two and returned to the Meng family, she would still have her position, and even be at the top, but could that be the same

Originally, compared to people in this era, her knowledge is much lacking. She has not read so many books. Although she is trying her best to make up for it now, once she stops, it will be too difficult to catch up with others.

She had thought before that her dream and ambition in career would not conflict with her childbirth.

She doesn't regard herself as a wealthy wife, just like ordinary employees, she starts to take maternity leave before the due date, and plans to go to work immediately after the maternity leave is over.

Time is too precious and she really doesn't want to waste it.

Of course, she is much better than those ordinary female employees in terms of conditions. At least Panda will not be short of care, and she is also very relieved.

When almost all the two families opposed it, Meng Zhengrong silently and firmly stood on the side of making a wish and supported her to go to work.

Because of this incident, the Xu family had a lot of dissatisfaction with Meng Zhengrong for a while.

Only Meng Zhengrong knew that it was very important for him to stand in line at this time. If he opposed her continuing to work like the rest of the family, it would only disappoint her.

Maybe other people don't understand what Wishing wants in his heart, how could he, as the person next to him, not know.

What his wife longed for was a wider sky.

She doesn't want to lose to anyone, including him.

He understands and agrees.

I have to say that Meng Zhengrong did the right thing. No matter how much the parents of the two families disagreed with Meng Zhengrong, at least the wish was very touching, because Meng Zhengrong was willing to stand by her side and support her.

How lucky she is to spend her life with such a person.

Shen Li's lower abdomen only slightly bulged when Wishing's belly was already obviously big.

The two have maintained a good relationship after the show ended. Because of Shen Li's pregnancy, the announcements are much less now, so she has time to have afternoon tea with Wishing and discuss mother's sutras with each other.

Yu Yu would sometimes participate, but most of the time Yu Yu was very busy, and only Hui Xu and Shen Li had time.

On this day, after Shen Li and Wishing attended the course lectures for mothers-to-be, they made an appointment to go shopping and have an afternoon tea nearby.

After all, she is pregnant. Unlike when she is not pregnant, she can stroll around for a few hours. The two of them feel a little tired after walking for nearly an hour.

The decoration style in the coffee shop is very literary. Today is a working day, and there is no one in the shop. Wishing to stand in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror in the coffee shop with Shen Li on his arm, he took a picture naturally. Both of them were wearing hats and they were both low. Head bowed, unable to see the expression on the face.

Wishing is wearing a looser red skirt and a pair of comfortable white flat shoes on her feet.

Shen Li was also wearing a long skirt, her belly could only be vaguely seen protruding, and she was wearing a pair of sneakers.

Since the end of the show, the Wishing Weibo has more than one million fans. Every time a Weibo is posted, there will be about two to three thousand comments and reposts.

Make a wish and send a Weibo.

[Take the mother-to-be class with Shen Li, but the father-to-be is not here, bad reviews hum. Now eat delicious food.]

Shen Li quickly reposted Weibo: "Yes, bad review, bad review! But Wuli wishes, if the two fathers-to-be are here, it should be very annoying, after all, they are both housekeepers."

The two of them sat in the coffee shop, but they didn't communicate much, they were both scrolling through the comments on Weibo.

It's not that there are no trolls hiding in the dark, but generally trolls will be chased and scolded as long as they say something.

Because Shen Li and Wishing are now pregnant, many people are actually very kind-hearted. For them, pregnant women and children are objects that absolutely need to be protected and taken care of.

There are so many comments, it's almost overwhelming.

— Mrs. Meng has been pregnant for six or seven months. She is so much thinner than me when she is pregnant. Hehe, it can’t be better. Why are those legs and arms still so thin? ! I'm not fat at all, how to do it, I hope Mrs. Meng will come up with a tutorial, thank you.

—Looking forward to Fat Da’s arrival, I always feel like a boy, Xiao Songsong or Xiao Shenchen always feel like a girl... My mother can’t make up her mind anymore, you must know that this baby has no way to refuse childhood sweets, in the future, Mr. Meng It must be very interesting that Song Chaowen and Song Chaowen can bring their children to participate in the show. Both babies will have a large number of fans in the future.

——It feels so loving. The three couples in this show are the ones who really have a good relationship. Up to now, they often get together for dinner. Looking back now, I can’t help but think about it. Didn't Fat Da already live in Mrs. Meng's belly when she took the nickname

—Hahaha every time I think of the nickname Panda, I want to laugh. If it’s a boy, it’s okay, but if it’s a girl, I won’t cry in the future, hahahaha I really don’t gloat.

"Have you chosen a good nickname for the baby?" Xu Yuan put away his phone and asked Shen Li who was sitting opposite.

Shen Li shook her head, "I'll take it after the baby comes out, there's no rush now." She paused and said, "My parents are more concerned about this, like I lack wood in five elements, so I took the word pear."

Wishing to take a bite of the cake, he said with a smile: "Our parents didn't agree with the nickname Pang Da at the beginning, saying that this would have to be settled, but Zheng Rong refused, so at least we kept the nickname."

"Pang Da is pretty good." Shen Li smiled, "It sounds very cute and easy to raise. Being a mother is really different from not being a mother. Like me now, I don't expect the baby to grow much Look good, as long as you're healthy."

"It's all the same." Wishing touched his stomach with a gentle face, "I was still talking to Zheng Rong yesterday, as long as Panda is healthy."

"However, people are greedy. Now they just think it's good to be healthy. When they grow up and study, I want them to get good grades. Hey, being a child is really tiring."

Wishing glanced at her, "Isn't it more tiring to be an adult?"

"Anyway, people are only relaxed in the few years before going to school, and they are always tired after that."

The two sat in the coffee shop until the afternoon, Song Chaowen and Meng Zhengrong rushed over, and the four of them went to have dinner again.

During the meal, Shen Li remembered the comments on Weibo and said with a smile: "Some people say that Pang Da is a boy, and mine is Xiao Gongju. They also said that they can make a pair and become childhood sweethearts."

The fans joked that if there is really a man and a woman, then they are the most insane CP fans.

Because the baby was on CP before it was born.

Song Chaowen glanced at Meng Zhengrong, "It can only be a good friend. I don't accept childhood sweethearts. What I mean is, when Fatty is a boy and the baby is a daughter."

"Bah." Meng Zhengrong rolled his eyes at him, "If my Pang Da was a girl, no one would even think of joining her as a bamboo horse, even thinking about it."

Wishing and Shen Li looked at each other helplessly.

These two fathers-to-be are completely alike now, their own son can befriend someone else's cabbage, but their own daughter can't get close to either of them.

Really great.

After eating, Meng Zhengrong and Xu Wish drove home. The road was a bit congested, and Wish was not upset. He rolled down the window to see the night scene outside.

On the side of the street, there were five students laughing and making noise. It was supposed to bring back memories and enviable laughter and scenes.

Make a wish and take a closer look. There are five students, four of them are boys, and one is a girl. They look very young. One of the boys hugged the girl and kissed her for a long time. The girl smiled very happily, which attracted everyone. Meng Zhengrong's attention.

Meng Zhengrong quickly looked away.

Wishing to push Meng Zhengrong, he asked in a low voice, "What if our daughter is like that female student in the future?"

After becoming a mother, when I see the children on the street, I always look forward to it for a while, wondering if Pang Da will be so lively and cute when he grows up.

"This will not happen." Meng Zhengrong said calmly, "Unless she is responsible for her actions one day, I will always pick her up after school. If I am busy, you can pick her up."

"If only she could take responsibility for her actions in high school."

Meng Zhengrong: "If she has this awareness, she should know that it's normal to have a first love, and I won't stop her from liking someone, but she needs to know what she can and can't do."

"En." Wishing thoughtfully, "Then what if our Panda is the same as that male student."

Meng Zhengrong replied without thinking, "Beat him up first."

"Why? Didn't you say that men and women are treated equally, and they don't favor women over men."

Meng Zhengrong said helplessly: "It treats everyone equally, but a boy should be taught to be responsible from an early age. When he is not yet responsible for a certain person, he will kiss the girl he likes on the street. This is not his age. What should be done, in this regard, after all, girls are at a disadvantage, so teach your son to be stricter, and if he can't be responsible, he can easily treat others like this, what should he do?"

"Well, what a strict dad."

"I'll take it as a compliment. It's not a bad thing for a son to be strict with his father."

What Meng Zhengrong didn't say is that a boy's liking for a girl is to respect her. If he really respects her, how could he do such a thing to the girl he likes in a public place like the street at such an age.

It's not like, at least, not very respected.

Of course, that's another matter when you're an adult.

It has to be said that the expectant father and expectant mother were really worried about the education of the unborn Panda.


A few months flew by in a blink of an eye.

A few days before the expected date of delivery, Meng Zhengrong had to go on a business trip abroad because of urgent work.

That night, Meng Zhengrong propped himself up on a pillow, knelt in front of the bed, and began to confess, "I was wrong, I shouldn't be on a business trip at this time, wife, you can punish me however you want."

Making a wish is actually not very comfortable. After all, no one knows when Pang Da will come out, maybe tomorrow. If Meng Zhengrong is not by his side, I always feel that something is missing.

But fortunately, she also knew that Meng Zhengrong had no choice but to be the president could not do whatever he wanted. For the sake of the company's development, there were some things that the president needed to do in person and could not be postponed.

"How can I punish you." Wishing sighed.

She has been working at Meng's for a long time. In fact, Meng Zhengrong is really very busy, such as his business trip this time. The chief agent didn't go on business trips, and the two of them hadn't been separated much. This time, Meng Zhengrong was asked to sign the contract himself. It was a very important contract, so he had to go.

Even the Xu family had no objection.

Meng Zhengrong didn't want to hear such words from the wish, so he took her hand and pressed it to his face, and said softly, "I will definitely come back soon."

What I have to admit is that after making a wish, I became more emotional, "Really?"

Meng Zhengrong hadn't made many promises in his life. Fortunately, he had promised to make a wish. He had done it before, and this one would not fail. "Really, I promise."

In the afternoon of the next day, Meng Zhengrong flew abroad for a business trip.

She made a wish and didn't go to see him off. Now that she is approaching her due date, the family members are worried that she will go out alone.


Meng Zhengrong was eager to return home, and after signing the contract, he was ready to take the earliest flight back the next morning.

Unexpectedly, when he was about to take a break, his cell phone rang inappropriately.

It's a local number, but who is it

Meng Zhengrong hesitated for a while, then picked it up. Before he could ask anything, a female voice came over, "Is it Zhengrong?"

The voice was in Chinese, and the voice was not familiar. Meng Zhengrong thought about it for a while, but he really didn't have any impression. He replied cautiously: "May I ask who you are?"

The woman on the other end laughed, the laughter was very gentle, "Forget about me? I'm Liu Zi."

It was only then that Meng Zhengrong remembered who this person was, and his expression was very complicated for a moment.

Liu Zi was very popular among their group of foreign students at that time.

The first time I saw this person, I thought she looked just that way, but after seeing it a few times, it became more and more interesting, she was the kind of attractive beauty.

At that time, Liu Zi was very cold, and there were many rich second generations who pursued her. She only made friends with them, and never became boyfriend and girlfriend. He also regarded her as Bai Yueguang.

It has to be said that Liu Zi is very skillful in dealing with men.

Meng Zhengrong was in a vacant period when he was studying abroad, and Liu Zi had a good relationship with him. Everyone thought they had been together, but in fact they hadn't.

Liu Zi is still capable, and her mind is not empty, but Meng Zhengrong has always felt that this person is not suitable to be a girlfriend, and she does not call her, and has no feelings, but Liu Zi, others think she is his daughter. When we were friends, she didn't refute, and she didn't know whether she disdained to explain or acquiesced. Later, when Meng Zhengrong returned to China to inherit the company, she still stayed abroad. She had sent emails and made phone calls, but he was busy at the time and didn't bother to reply. Over time, the two lost contact completely.

Didn't expect her to call him

"I saw you the day before yesterday, and thought I was wrong. Are you really here?"

Meng Zhengrong didn't think that Liu Zi's purpose was very simple, it wasn't his narcissism, he felt that this girl had always had that kind of thought for him, but she never said it, it was already late at night, it was really inappropriate for her to call.

"En." Meng Zhengrong looked at the time, it was getting late, he had to go to bed early, and had to catch a flight early tomorrow morning.

"Would you like to come out for a drink? I haven't seen you for a long time, old classmate." Liu Zi's voice was not soft, but it was very comfortable to hear.

But for Meng Zhengrong, listening to her now is a little impatient, "No, it's already very late."

Liu Zi was so teased that she giggled, "Isn't it? Meng Zhengrong said this? Didn't you always stay up late in the past, and the nightlife has just begun at this point."

Meng Zhengrong was very annoyed by her talking like this, so he said bluntly, "I'm sorry, I have to catch a flight back tomorrow morning, so hang up."

Liu Zi probably didn't expect him to be so merciless, she was silent for a few seconds, and quickly said: "I'll see you off tomorrow!"

"No, thank you." After saying this, Meng Zhengrong hung up the phone directly.

Do men really not know what some women are thinking? No, sometimes I just don't care about it, or I just don't refuse anyone who comes.

He believed that Liu Zi must know that he was married.

Some of my friends at that time stayed in the local area and did not lose contact with Liu Zi. Some friends even attended his wedding. This is no secret in the circle.

Knowing that he had a wife, he called late at night and asked him to go to the bar to reminisce. Meng Zhengrong was not innocent enough to think that she just wanted to reminisce.

Besides, he and her have nothing old to talk about.

It's better to go to bed early, and I have to go back early to stay by my wife's side.


Coincidentally, Pang Da's child wanted to get out of his mother's stomach a few hours after Meng Zhengrong got on the plane.

Wishing because the fetal position is correct, the doctor suggested a normal delivery.

The first child usually takes a long time. Before making a wish, I have read some materials and I have already prepared myself. It is not that no concubine gave birth in the harem before. One concubine was in pain for two days and one night before giving birth to the child.

Having a baby is actually walking around the gate of hell.

I made a wish and thought that I could bear it. At the beginning, I could bear it. It was just a labor pain, which was still within the tolerable range. Later, the pain became more and more painful.

After tossing for nearly ten hours, the doctor checked, and it took a while before entering the delivery room before opening about three fingers, which was very early.

Meng Pingting had already gone abroad to study, and only Father Meng and Mother Meng came to the Meng family. At a time like this, too many people would be troublesome.

On the Xu family's side, Xu's father, Xu's mother, and Xu Nuo all came over.

Make a wish but ask Meng Zhengrong from time to time if he has come back.

By the time Meng Zhengrong got off the plane and rushed all the way to the hospital, Wishing was in too much pain to speak.

Is it because of the pain of giving birth that mothers will never forget their children

"Zhengrong is here, Zhengrong is here!"

Until now, Wishing has not entered the delivery room because it is not time.

Several people pushed Meng Zhengrong to make a wish.

Wishing is in the lounge of the hospital. She is alone in a room with everything she needs. Wishing barely opened her eyes. Her hair was already wet with sweat, her eye sockets were red and swollen, and she cried many times due to the pain.

When Meng Zhengrong saw the wishing expression, his eyes were red and his legs were limp. He almost knelt in front of the wishing, holding her hand, and comforted her, "I'm back, my wife, I'm here …”

He was so anxious that his back was sweating, and seeing the wishing like this, his heart ached terribly.

Wishing to open her mouth, she didn't yell all the time, just wanted to save her strength, at this moment she forced a smile at the others, "I... I want to talk to Zheng Rong."

The others immediately understood, and quickly backed out to give the young couple enough space.

Meng Zhengrong held the wishing hand, sobbing so hard that he couldn't speak. At a time like this, nothing but distress was in his heart.

Unexpectedly, he was satisfied when he made a wish and saw the door of the lounge closed. He lowered his head and bit Meng Zhengrong's hand hard, almost using all his strength.

Meng Zhengrong was caught off guard for a moment, so he quickly held back his mouth and closed his mouth with an ah. He finally knew why Wishing let other people go out, because she could deal with him so easily.

"Go to hell!!"

"Don't expect me to give birth to you again!"

"I don't want to have a baby! Whoever loves to have a baby will go!"

Wishing began to hurt again, more painful than before. She looked at Meng Zhengrong with tears in her eyes, and pointed to a certain part of him, "I'm in such pain, should you do something for me?"

Meng Zhengrong: "????"

If you have something to say, what does Xiao Er do

"Let me kick it."