You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness

Chapter 70


It’s hard to look forward to the weekend. Originally, the wish was planned to take Panda out to watch the dolphin show with Meng Zhengrong. This kid likes dolphins very much recently, and he firmly believes that he is also a dolphin. No matter how he corrects the wish, he is stubborn. Thinks the sea is his home.

I don’t know that the plan can’t keep up with the changes. Wishing suddenly caught a cold and coughing. Fat Da is still young and his resistance is already weak, so basically he has to be isolated from him. Going to the dolphin show is a must, so she can’t go with him Now, it happened that Meng Zhengrong took him out to play for a day, and the relationship between father and son was enhanced. She also didn't have to stay with Pang Da all day, so she had a good rest and recuperated, so she couldn't infect Pang Da with a cold.

The Meng family's old house also cleaned up the rooms, and Pang Da will live there for the next week. Meng's father and mother were very happy, but at least they did not forget to make a wish, and sent a lot of supplements for the wish.

Meng Pingting has returned to China. What is gratifying is that her life abroad has made her mature a lot, and she has begun to understand her parents' painstaking efforts. Wang Lin is also very upbeat, and Meng Jia also helped some privately Busy, he has worked hard these past few years, and now he is a department manager. Although the annual salary is not enough for the Meng family, at least his father and mother have seen his determination and ability. people.

But Meng Pingting is still young, we can talk about the marriage later.

The relationship between Wang Lin and Meng Pingting did not weaken because of the few gatherings and separations in the past few years. On the contrary, it became deeper. The two worked together. Now Wang Lin relied on his own efforts and the support of his family. It is already very rare to pay a down payment for a three bedroom and two living room in city a.

We must know that in city A, every inch of land is very expensive, and no matter how many people struggle for a lifetime, they will not be able to have a dwelling of their own here.

For the Meng family, the house with three bedrooms and two halls is not enough, but the size of the house is not important, what matters is that this man has the ability, potential and determination.

Wishing caught a cold, the original date of the family of three was about to be cancelled, Meng's mother called and said she would take care of Wishing for a day, and asked Meng Pingting to accompany Meng Zhengrong to take care of Panda.

This is also very good, Pang Da likes Meng Pingting very much, and she is worried about asking Meng Zhengrong to take Pang Da to the show alone. I can't take care of it.

Before Mother Meng and Meng Pingting arrived, Meng Zhengrong and Pang Da were sitting in the living room watching TV.

In fact, there was nothing to watch on TV. Meng Zhengrong patiently accompanied Pang Da for a while, but was really worried about making a wish, so he left Pang Da on the sofa by himself, and went upstairs to the bedroom by himself.

The wishing cold is not very serious, but because of the uncomfortable throat, I will occasionally cough a few times. It is different if there are children in the family. Adults should pay attention to keeping away from the baby when they have minor illnesses and pains.

She happens to be happy to be at leisure, and it is really hard to take care of the children. Even if there are confinement women and nanny at home, sometimes it will be very tiring to make a wish.

Now that she is sick, it is just right for Meng Zhengrong to take Pang Da, and she will just lie on the bed, watch dramas and go shopping on Taobao. It is like a fairy day.

Seeing Meng Zhengrong come in, she unhurriedly locked the screen of her phone, "Mom is here?"

Meng Zhengrong shook his head, "No, I have something to do at home, so I guess I won't be here until noon. There is also a dolphin show in the afternoon, so don't worry."

"En." After Xu Yuan nodded, he said, "Then you go and accompany Pang Da. If someone is with him, he won't think about looking for me."

"There is a nanny at home." Meng Zhengrong stretched out his hand and touched the wishing forehead. "If you have a fever, you must call me back. I don't want to go out today."

A son is a son, but a wife is also a wife.

Now his wife is sick, how can he still have the mind to go out to play, that is, that little heartless Pang Da, from this incident, it can be seen that no matter how close the son is, he is not as good as his husband, nor is he as good as his husband, make a wish I really should treat him better in the future.

"Of course I have to go out, if I don't want to go out, I have to go out, and I must do what I promised my children."

The wish was made in the hope that Meng Zhengrong would take Pangda out to play. The father and son actually have a very good relationship, but I don’t know why they usually don’t deal with each other. Meng Zhengrong said that this is same-sex repulsion.

"Okay." Meng Zhengrong reluctantly agreed, "If only you weren't sick."

"Stop talking nonsense like that, go down and be with him, or you'll be in trouble when he finds me later."

A child can't hold so many things in his mind, he doesn't even know that his mother is sick, he probably thinks that his mother is hiding in the room and sleeping late.

Meng Zhengrong had no choice but to get up and walk out of the room. When he went downstairs to the living room, he found his son staring blankly at the TV screen. His big eyes did not blink. Meng Zhengrong followed his gaze. Turning to the TV screen, the whole person suddenly felt bad.

This kid actually tuned the channel by himself, randomly tuned a channel, an idol drama was playing, and the male and female protagonists kissed happily after resolving the misunderstanding.

He stood in front of the sofa like this, Pang Da couldn't see him, and was still staring at the screen intently.

Heartbroken old man.

Meng Zhengrong picked up Pang Da, and patted his fat buttocks lightly several times, "Look at this again, you are really amazing!"

Really won his true biography.

Meng Zhengrong suddenly recalled that when he was a child, he also liked to watch kissing and hugging scenes.

I didn't think it was anything before, but his son did the same thing, so he felt a little wretched at that time.

Pang Da began to fake cry again. At first, the confinement wife and the nanny were anxious, and even braved to come up to rescue Pang Da. Now everyone knows the attributes of this little fat man. When the servants heard his howling, they basically You can continue to work without changing your face.

Fortunately, they are father and son. Fortunately, Pang Da is still young and doesn't hold grudges very much. After a while, he went to play around his father again.

He doesn't remember to eat or beat, Pang Da is really stupid.

Babies at this age especially like to imitate adults' speech, and always ask some weird questions, which adults can't answer.

Just like now, Meng Zhengrong turned off the TV, he was sitting on the sofa and browsing emails with his laptop, and Pang Da was sitting next to him playing with toys, after playing for a while he felt bored, so he pointed at the laptop She asked childishly, "Dad, is it Sen Mo?"

Meng Zhengrong didn't lift his head, his slender fingers were still typing on the keyboard, "Computer."

"The computer is Senmo?"

Meng Zhengrong actually had a lot of patience with Pang Da. Knowing that a baby of his age was full of curiosity about everything, he had no choice but to put down what he was doing and said to Pang Da: "A tool is waiting for you." I will give you one when you grow up."

Pang Da nodded half-understanding, then pointed to the cup on the coffee table, and asked, "Is it Sen Mo?"

"Cup for drinking."

"Jiewei Senmo is a cup of coffee, not a computer?"

Meng Zhengrong pinched the bridge of his nose. He understood what Pang Da meant, that is why it was called a cup instead of a computer.

The key is this question...he can't answer it! !

Who should I ask

Meng Zhengrong didn't want to be too perfunctory, so he put the notebook aside, picked up Pang Da, and let him sit on his lap.

He scratched Pang Da's double chin and coaxed, "Dad doesn't know either. When Pang Da grows up and finds out by himself, can you tell Dad too?"

Pang Da seemed to understand Meng Zhengrong's words, and nodded solemnly: "Okay!"

Not to mention a sense of mission.

There was another brief silence, and Pang Da couldn't stop. He pulled Meng Zhengrong's clothes and said pitifully, "Dad, I want to eat that stinky little hedgehog."

"What is that?" Meng Zhengrong didn't realize it for a while.

Pang Da said it again, Meng Zhengrong finally understood, led Pang Da to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, held his breath and took out a box of durians, "This?"


Meng Zhengrong first took out his mobile phone to check whether a child as old as Pang Da could eat it. He was sure he could eat it, but he had to eat less. Then he thought that since Pang Da knew about this durian, someone must have fed him it. He was not at ease, so he called the doctor again, and after getting a definite answer, he fed Panda a small bite.

Smelling the smell of durian, Meng Zhengrong's expression was very painful.

Regardless of whether he can eat more or not, Meng Zhengrong felt that what he could bear for a minute was the limit, so he quickly closed the box, lowered his head and said to Pang Da who was looking at him eagerly, "You can't eat any more, you need an injection. "

Pang Da understood the word injection, and although he still wanted to eat it, he held back.

Meng Zhengrong couldn't help thinking, couldn't Pang Da smell that this durian was actually stinky

Or is it that children's sense of smell is not so keen

In order to prevent Pang Da from continuing to yell about eating stinky little hedgehogs, Meng Zhengrong resolutely took Pang Da to do his favorite thing.

When he came to a room, Pang Da no longer clamored to eat durian, because he knew it was a place for singing.

From this incident, it can be seen that this little fat man is really the son of Meng Zhengrong and Xu Hui.

Meng Zhengrong and Wishing both like to sing, the only difference between them is that one sings well while the other sings badly.

It's still not clear whether Pang Da's handsome boy inherited his father's talent or his mother's talent in music.

Pang Da was so happy that he wanted to jump up. He ran into the room on his short legs, picked up the microphone from the table beside him, and looked at Meng Zhengrong expectantly.

It means to tell him not to stand in a daze and turn on the sound equipment quickly, he wants to sing to his heart's content! No one can stop him! !

Meng Zhengrong had no choice but to go over and turn on the audio equipment, and selected some children's songs for Panda.

He directly turned on the original song, but when Pang Da heard the singing coming from it, he immediately became unhappy, "Don't let him sing! Baby sing! Baby sing alone!"

In Panda's world, he hates having other people's voices when he sings, which is capricious, I have to say.

Meng Zhengrong had no choice but to turn off the original singer, leaving only the music.

Pang Da quickly entered the state, sat on the thick carpet, hugged the microphone, closed his eyes, and began to sing affectionately.

Now Panda's singing is not as good as his mother's. No matter how out of tune she is when she makes a wish, at least she is singing. This kid is different. He can't sing at all, and he doesn't know the lyrics. He just knows that he can't stop .

Fortunately, children's voices are all milky, and even ah ah is not unpleasant.

At this moment, Pang Da is no longer Meng Yingdi, but Meng Tianwang.

Ignoring any soundtrack, ignoring any melody rhythm, just immersing yourself in your own world and humming, how many people can achieve this state

After finally waiting for Fat Da to "sing" a song, he looked at Meng Zhengrong expectantly and motioned for Meng Zhengrong to applaud. Meng Zhengrong deliberately pretended not to understand him. He stretched out his two little fat hands to applaud himself, and kept saying to Meng Zhengrong, "Baby is great, Daddy! Daddy!"

This kid is really full of drama.

In the future, if you don't become an actor, your talent will be in vain, and so will you if you don't become a singer.

It seems that not being in the entertainment industry in the future is really a waste of talent.

It's honey juice confidence.

Meng Zhengrong had no choice but to applaud twice.

Pang Da is not happy anymore, the applause is not loud enough! Where is the applause! Let him hear the shouts of the audience! !

He got up in a hurry, stomped his feet, and was so angry.

Meng Zhengrong didn't dare to be perfunctory anymore, his palms hurt, and Meng Tianwang was satisfied.

While waiting for Meng Pingting's arrival, Meng Zhengrong felt that the time passed really slowly, and it was also a kind of torture for him. When the little fat man just sang, he could still stand in the perspective of his father and say a truthful sentence without conscience. Cute, after singing a few more songs, Meng Zhengrong felt that his eardrums began to resist.

Don't talk about the relationship between father and son, don't say that blood is thicker than water, the body's reaction is the most honest.

Meng Zhengrong took out his phone, opened WeChat, and sent a message to Meng Pingting.

[I'll give you twenty minutes, if you don't come, you will be at your own risk.]

He wasn't going to take the driver with him, he had to drive by himself, and he took Pang Da alone. Although there was a child seat, he was a little worried after all, so he waited for Meng Pingting at home until now.

Pang Da fell into his own singing and couldn't extricate himself, this was one of the happiest moments for him!

There are not many things that can make him so happy, singing is one of them, looking in the mirror, and eating.

Now, in order to make Fat Da lose weight, Meng Zhengrong and Wishing will take him for a swim and walk. He doesn't want to walk for too long, and after a few steps, he says that his legs are sore and he needs to hug him. Wishing and Meng Zhengrong are cruel Ignoring it, Pang Da resigned himself to his fate and walked away while howling. People who didn't know thought how these parents abused him.

Generally speaking, the current Pang Da is still a happy little chubby paper.

Meng Pingting was still a little afraid of Meng Zhengrong, so she didn't dare to delay any longer, and rushed to the villa with Meng's mother as quickly as possible.


Although Pang Da was reluctant to leave the microphone, he was coaxed to see his brother Dolphin. He was very excited. After making a difficult decision, he temporarily let go of the microphone, picked up his small bag and went out happily.

The small bag contained his favorite snacks, and he opened the small bag as soon as he got in the car, and generously shared it with Meng Pingting.

Meng Pingting liked Pang Da very much, and she talked to him all the way. She also patiently solved Pang Da's problems.

In fact, Meng Pingting likes Pang Da not because of his cute appearance, nor because he is her nephew. From now on, it can be seen that Pang Da is a very smart and warm baby.

For example, Meng Pingting poked Panda's protruding belly and asked with a smile, "Do you like Uncle Wang?"

Pang Da nodded perfunctorily, probably because he thought this question was boring.

"Does the baby want Uncle Wang to be your aunt's husband? Do you want him to be your uncle?" Meng Pingting asked expectantly.

When Meng Zhengrong heard her question, he snorted coldly.

It's really a scheming girl to actually want to get a vote of approval from Panda.

Panda is so young, what does he know.

He might still be wondering what uncle is and whether he can eat it.

At this moment, Pang Da unexpectedly pointed at Meng Pingting, and organized his language with his not very rich vocabulary: "Just be nice to Tingting."

He knew that his aunt's name was Pingting, and he usually liked to call Pingting Tingting.

Meng Pingting didn't correct her, she always felt that she was still a little princess when Panda called Tingting.

Hearing what Pang Da said, Meng Pingting was almost moved to tears.

From falling in love with Wang Lin to now, no one has ever said that as long as she is nice to her, that's all.

Hearing it from Fatty Baby suddenly, that kind of emotion is beyond comprehension for others.

This is really her own nephew! !

She held Pang Da's face and kissed it several times, "Our baby is the best and the best, and my aunt likes the baby the most."

Although Meng Zhengrong didn't speak, there was still a smile in his eyes.

He usually dislikes Panda, but he also loves him very, very much.


When watching the dolphin show, Pang Da was very excited, he was surprised several times, Meng Pingting didn't care about watching the dolphins, and kept posting a short video of Pang Dalu to Moments.

Fortunately, Pang Da is very cute and interesting, so swiping the screen and dominating the screen is not offensive.

After the dolphin show was over, Pang Da believed even more that he was a dolphin too.

Meng Pingting bought a lot of dolphin accessories for Panda.

It was still early at this time, and at Meng Pingting's suggestion, Meng Zhengrong was strolling casually in a nearby shopping mall with Pang Da in his arms.

Walking around, the claw machine attracted Pang Da's attention, he asked Meng Zhengrong to let him down, and ran towards the claw machine with short legs, Meng Pingting quickly followed and led him.

When Meng Zhengrong saw the claw machine, he remembered the recording of the program at that time. Frankly speaking, until now, he still has an indescribable emotion when he sees this thing.

He doesn't know how many problems he has solved and overcome in his life, but he is really helpless when facing this claw machine.

I've tried it many times, but I haven't caught it once, so it can be recorded in history.

It can be said that the sadomasochistic love is deep.

It's really not turning around. I didn't expect his son to have a tendency to be obsessed with claw machines.

Pang Da wanted to play this game, so Meng Zhengrong had no choice but to exchange coins. He exchanged twenty coins, and only planned to let Pang Da play casually and leave.

He is a bit taller than kids his age and can touch the joystick, but he doesn't know how to play it at all, he just plays and shoots randomly, and doesn't let others intervene.

After more than a dozen coins in a row, there was still nothing. Meng Zhengrong rested his forehead and sighed. It seems that his son failed to inherit the good gene for wishing in the matter of catching dolls.

Originally thought that Pang Da would lose interest in this matter when the twenty coins were used up, but he never expected that he would look at Meng Zhengrong expectantly and say, "Dad catch, dad catch, baby won't, dad will. "

Let him catch?

In fact, Meng Pingting doesn't really remember when the show came out, after all, it's been more than two years.

Meng Zhengrong was in a dilemma. He knew what his skills were, and if he couldn't catch them, he couldn't catch them. But his son asked, could he refuse

Certainly not!

He had no choice but to exchange dozens of coins, and began to bite the bullet to grab the doll. Seeing that he had spent more than a dozen, Meng Zhengrong was worried.

In front of his wife, he is not afraid of anything, if he can't, he won't.

But in front of his son, he still wants to be an omnipotent father in his heart.

Meng Zhengrong paused all the movements in his hands, and said to Meng Pingting: "He was yelling for ice cream just now, so you can take him to eat some, not too much, at most one ball."

In fact, Meng Pingting didn't want to stand here and wait all the time. She knew that catching dolls was a waste of time, and it was impossible to catch them with just one or two coins. The chances of this were too small.

Meng Pingting bent down and said to Panda, "Baby, shall we go eat ice cream?"

Pang Da looked at Meng Zhengrong, as if he was in a state of struggle. He wanted to see his father grab the doll and eat ice cream at the same time.

Meng Zhengrong also bent down and patted Pang Da's little head, coaxing: "Go eat ice cream with auntie, Dad will definitely grab some dolls for you. Dad will grab them when you come back after eating."

Pang Da was convinced of this, took Meng Pingting's hand and walked towards the ice cream shop.

As soon as they left, Meng Zhengrong took the elevator to a certain area on the second floor and bought two dolls at the fastest speed in his life.

Come downstairs again, and continue to grab the doll in front of the claw machine in a pretentious manner.

When Meng Pingting came back with Pang Da, Pang Da saw the doll in Meng Zhengrong's hands and was overjoyed. He hugged Meng Zhengrong's thigh and said happily, "Daddy is great! Daddy is great!"

Looking at his son's adoring eyes and listening to these refreshing words, Meng Zhengrong felt at ease from the inside out.

"It's nothing." Meng Zhengrong patted Pang Da's little head, "It's very simple."