Young Commander’s Supernatural Sweetheart

Chapter 2: Traveling to another planet?


Mu Qingxin felt that she couldn't find her way in the darkness. It felt like she had been walking for a long time. Suddenly her feet were empty and she fell into a space surrounded by water. "Help...Pfft...Help..."

Mu Qingxin struggled in the water on her hands and knees, eager to escape from the current situation. The more anxious she was, the deeper she sank...

"Brother, do you think what's wrong with Xinxin? She seems to be feeling very uncomfortable?"

"That's right, I feel like Xinxin is suffocating. Brother, please take Xinxin out..."

Mu Qidong, who was called eldest brother, frowned and looked at his sister in the medical cabin. Just now, his sister suddenly lost her heartbeat. She was discovered by her sister's portable robot and was immediately put into the medical cabin for rescue. When they rushed over, my sister's heartbeat had recovered, but the current situation...

"Master Xinxin has recovered, but is in a drowning state. Please open the medical cabin." Mu Qingxin's portable robot Pierre came to the conclusion after scanning the master's body.

"Open the medical cabin." Mu Qidong calmly ordered.

"Okay, Master." Pierre walked to the control panel of the medical cabin, "Stop treatment and open the medical cabin."

The medical cabin with a capacity of one person was slowly rotating. The liquid inside... slowly disappeared. As the medical cabin opened,... the people inside were revealed.

The black and smooth hair flows with the owner's movement, the fair complexion has no flaws, the thick eyelashes are tightly closed, and the high-turned nose is extremely delicate, except for the exquisite little mouth. Pale, the people in the medical cabin are as beautiful as exquisite cartoon dolls, but they are still young, and their beauty is obviously immature. At this time, they are lying weakly in the cabin, making the three grown men surrounding the medical cabin scream distressed. .

"Pierre, what happened to Xinxin? Why did her heartbeat suddenly stop?" Mu Qixi asked Pierre angrily, wanting to touch her sister but not daring to.

"Pierre, tell me everything that's on your mind today." There was a hint of unnoticeable worry in the gentle voice. Mu Qinan stared at his sister closely, for fear of something happening again.

"Report to the Second Young Master, the master got up at eight o'clock this morning, washed up at 8:15, and drank a tube of strawberry-flavored nutritional... liquid at 8:30. After that, Master Xinxin stayed at the five-leaf tree in the garden. I was playing in the afternoon when natural lightning suddenly struck in the sky at nine o'clock. When I was about to go over and call the owner, a natural lightning struck the owner and the owner's heartbeat stopped. Three minutes after being placed in the medical cabin, the owner's heartbeat resumed. Five minutes later, That’s what the young masters saw.”

"There is no thunder and lightning display today, how can there be natural lightning?" Mu Qixi looked at his optical brain in confusion.

"Pierre, connect to Tianxuan Star's internal network and check where today's natural lightning appears." Mu Qidong's narrow eyes flashed with darkness, staring closely at the person who had moved to the bed.

After Mu Qingxin finally breathed normal air, she felt a loud buzzing in her ears. She frowned and opened her eyes: " hurts..." She was suddenly stabbed by the light in front of her eyes, and Mu Qingxin felt Eyes stinging and sore. Slowly, he slowly adjusted to the bright light and opened his eyes.

As soon as she saw them, she saw three extremely handsome men. Mu Qingxin closed her eyes and opened them again. The three handsome men were still there! "Haha, God opened your eyes. You are sending me three handsome guys to make up for it... to make up for it..." Mu Qingxin suddenly thought that she seemed to have been struck to death by lightning. So what is the situation now

The moment Mu Qingxin opened her eyes, the three brothers of the Mu family stared closely at their sister. When they saw the clear and transparent look in her eyes when she opened her eyes, they were all stunned. You must know that her sister has been fifteen since she was born. Years have passed, and their eyes have been dim and dull. Now the three brothers turned from stunned to surprised.

"Xinxin, you know me? I'm the third brother." Mu Qixi stretched her face in front of Mu Qingxin's face and asked cautiously, her heart full of anticipation.

Mu Qidong and Mu Qinan also held their breaths and looked expectantly at the sister they had been protecting since birth. I have been guarding her for fifteen years, and I have been looking forward to it for fifteen years. There is not a moment when I don’t hope that my sister will recover and be healthy.

"Damn it, what is this handsome guy talking about? Why can't you understand me?" Mu Qing's heart was filled with confusion. She looked at the reflected image in the opposite mirror and moved on her own. In the opposite mirror, she sat on the bed as delicately as a doll. People are also moving, could it be that...

Mu Qingxin herself writes online novels, and has also written and read novels about time travel and rebirth. This is a proper time travel. This body is definitely not her own, that is time travel, but looking at the appearance of herself and the three handsome guys , with black hair and black eyes, the words he spoke were not H slang, not R slang, nor the C slang that he was familiar with. It was not even the language of other countries that he knew. It was a language that he had never heard of before. This was time travel. Where have you been? It's better not to say anything, otherwise what if it's exposed... and it's scratched and sliced for study.

Mu Qixi looked at her sister's confused and confused eyes, and the joy in her heart gradually turned into disappointment. "Isn't it still possible?" Mu Qixi lowered his head in disappointment.

Seeing the handsome guy's disappointed expression, Mu Qing couldn't bear it. She reached out her white hand and gently patted the handsome guy's arm in front of her to express comfort, and by the way... smiled.



"Big... big... brother..." Mu Qixi looked at her sister with a charming smile in shock, and stammered, "Xin... Xinxin... she smiled, is this... is... comforting me...?"

Mu Qidong and Mu Qinan also looked at the smiling Mu Qingxin in disbelief. They couldn't believe that their sister's face, which had been expressionless since childhood, actually had an expression. "Oh, Xinxin is so beautiful when she smiles..." Mu Qinan He held his heart and shouted.

"Yes...yes, so beautiful..." the stern Mu Qidong also said gently with a smile on his face.

At this time, the three brothers of the Mu family were completely attracted by their sister's smile. The women outside now seemed really vulgar, and none of them were as beautiful as their sister. He must protect his sister and make her face just... smile.

The three demonic brothers of the Mu family actually... showed expressions like idiots. Fortunately, no outsiders saw them, otherwise they would definitely have their eyes blown out.

"After testing, the mental power of the owner of the heart is fluctuating like never before, and the body has recovered. The conclusion shows that the owner of the heart has recovered her mind. The owner at this time should be in the infant stage. Everything is novel to her, and according to what just happened It seems that she definitely doesn't understand what you are talking about." Pierre came to a conclusion after scanning.

"Huh? What is this?" Mu Qingxin, who was attracted by the sudden sound, looked curiously at the... "Robot?" Mu Qingxin stared at Bill in shock, although the shape of this robot looked very human. , but the stiffness of his facial expression and movements made Mu Qingxin tell at a glance that he was not a real person, but a robot. Robots that only appear in science fiction movies, are they real

At this time, Mu Qidong and the other three were struck by a series of cute expressions from their sister, including curiosity, shock, doubt... and confusion.

"Oh, Xinxin's expression is so great!"

"Look at Xin Xin's eyebrows... hair, they are so beautifully picked..."

"Xinxin's shocked expression is so cool..."

"..." Pierre no longer wants to see the idiotic looks of the three young masters. He really wants to record the appearance of the three of them at this time. Of course, Pierre is already recording and transmitting it live to the fathers of the four young masters and ladies. Mother, Commander Mu and Dr. Ou.

You don't need to look at Guang Nao to know that Commander Mu, Dr. Ou and the three young masters have exactly the same expressions at this time.

"Oh, sweetheart, mom will go back soon. The baby is finally fine. Mom's baby is waiting for me..." Ou Xuemei's shock when she just learned that her daughter had stopped her heartbeat turned into surprise at this time. She couldn't wait to ask for leave from the institute and sat down. Get on the aircraft and fly home.

"Baby Xinxin, daddy is still in the capital star, so he can't go home in time to hug the baby." Mu Fengnian, the head of the Mu family, said regretfully. He could not help but see the shocked look on his daughter's face when his wife was talking to him. Mu Fengnian looked at it. A burst of heartache and surprise, "Qidong, Qinnan, Qixi, you three must protect your hearts. Recently, you have taken turns teaching your sister common sense of life and language. The most important thing is" he said to the three of them seriously with a commanding tone. When the son confessed, his eyes turned to his daughter again, his expression softened, and his tone was extremely doting, "Protect your good heart."

"Yes, father, I promise not to let my heart get hurt at all!" The three of them stood still and said with determination on their faces. This sentence, which the three of them had promised since childhood, has been deeply imprinted on their souls.

"Oh my God, where did you get me?" Mu Qingxin saw an image that appeared out of thin air. Although she couldn't understand what the two people in the image were saying, she could feel them from their excited emotions. Love for the owner of this body. They should be family members of this body, but they are all beautiful and handsome.

"This is a high-tech era, right..." Mu Qingxin looked at the floating aircraft outside the window in shock, the towering buildings in the distance, and... Oh, this is the legendary protective screen. Looking at the almost layer in the sky, An invisible barrier.

"Did he travel to an alien planet?" Mu Qingxin guessed in shock.