Young Commander’s Supernatural Sweetheart

Chapter 7: Rice, rice


For an hour, listening to Pierre's words and the video playing, Mu Qingxin felt like she had passed through these thousands of years in an instant. It turned out that human beings had experienced so many hardships. It turns out that the end of the world really happened. Fortunately, I traveled through this period and did not travel to the end of the world. Otherwise, I would have died just after arriving at the end of the world.

The most important thing is that it turns out that there are no normal animals and plants anymore, and the people in this galaxy have never eaten... For the people of the galaxy, eating is a low-level behavior of people in ancient times. Ni, people nowadays don’t have the desire to eat and drink, but she does! Fortunately, she has Tianyin Space. She will enter the space and plant the seeds later.

... Miss Mu, you seem to have gone astray. Why do you only remember eating, eating, eating? People who don’t know better think you are a foodie!

After Peter's explanation, Mu Qingxin also understood the current situation of mankind. Today, mankind lives in this galaxy, and there are also different areas. Because the leaders have different opinions, some support hereditary inheritance and some support democracy, so there are two sides. There are two countries, one is the Imperial Galaxy, and the other is the Alliance Galaxy where Mu Qingxin is. When two different voices sound, it means the beginning of various disputes. Although humans have reached agreements with other races, the war of humans themselves has begun silently. The Empire and the Alliance maintain peace on the surface, but since two years After the capital star of the former alliance galaxy was upgraded to an eighth-level civilization, the empire began to make constant moves. This is why Mu Fengnian was called to the capital star for a meeting this time.

Human beings today are also divided into purebreds and mixed-races. Hybrids are the combination of humans and other races. In the universe, there are not only humans, but also powerful beasts. There is also the common enemy of all races, the Zerg.

"Baby Xinxin, wake up"

Mu Qingxin, who was thinking, was suddenly hugged and... lifted high...

"Qaq, it's my first time to be lifted up. I feel so shy..." Mu Qingxin couldn't help but cover her face, "Third brother, good morning." Mu Qingxin suppressed her shyness and greeted Mu Qixi... with a shy smile.




Mu Qixi and Mu Qidong and Mu Qinan who followed were so frightened by Mu Qingxin's greetings that they stiffened. Mu Qixi's hand softened and she almost dropped Mu Qingxin.

"Ah, third brother..." Mu Qingxin screamed when she fell suddenly.


Hearing Xinxin's scream, the three of them immediately came to their senses. Mu Qixi quickly hugged Mu Qingxin who was falling down. Mu Qidong and Mu Qinan also moved to Mu Qingxin's side instantly and supported Mu Qingxin with their hands.

"Huh, I scared the baby to death." Mu Qingxin patted her heart with her small hands and let out a relaxed breath. Fortunately, she didn't fall. You know, Mu Qixi's height is close to 1.9 meters, and Mu Qingxin's height is, Uh... I guess it's 155. In front of her brothers, Mu Qingxin is really like a child.

"Brother, second brother, good morning." Mu Qingxin noticed the actions of Mu Qidong and Mu Qinan just now, and her heart was full of warmth for them. The connection in the blood was very clear at this moment. This is the feeling of relatives, this is the feeling of being cared for. The feeling of pampering is so warm.

Mu Qidong and the others came back to their senses. It turned out that everything yesterday was not a dream. Their sister had really regained her consciousness and recognized them. Their sister was so smart. She was ignorant of everything yesterday. After they After yesterday's short "teaching", my sister can already speak Interstellar and recognizes them all correctly.

There were proud and proud expressions on the faces of the three people. When Pier next to him saw the expressions of the three young masters, he had to show contempt and mechanically struck, "Master Xinxin just recovered yesterday, so his mental strength is... It has not fully recovered. After a night's rest, the mental power has been completely integrated, and the previous memories have been restored. So now, except for knowing nothing about the outside world, everything else has returned to normal." Pierre looked at the three of them with disgust. With a stiff face, "So, the teachings of the three young masters yesterday can be said to be useless."

After Mu Qidong's stern face stiffened for a moment, he immediately returned to seriousness and said in a cold voice, "Pierre, Xinxin has recovered. Your current functions are no longer useful to Xinxin. You should change your suit now. Equipment, remember to change the programs. I have already given instructions to Andy."

"...Yes, young master." Pierre could tell from the young master's tone that he was angry and angry. It had eyes... but the color was not exposed... otherwise, according to the regular development, it might be restored to the factory and all reset. Set. "Master Xinxin, goodbye, Pierre will be gone for a while. Master Xinxin, don't miss Pierre too much." After bidding farewell to his master, Pierre flew out with his feet dangling in the air.

"..." Although Mu Qingxin knew that the current world was very powerful, she was still shocked.

Mu Qinan was very interested when he saw his sister's stunned expression, and he reached out to hold her sister into his arms.

"Hey, you didn't bring her like this, I hugged her first..." Mu Qixi looked at her sister who was snatched away, shouted angrily, and reached out to snatch her sister away from her second brother.

Mu Qinan hugged her sister proudly, "You have been holding her for three minutes and 55 seconds. It's my turn. I'll go! Brother, it's my turn to hold my heart. You can't take it away..." Looking at the sister who was not yet warm, she was being hugged by the elder brother. Taken away, Mu Qinan wanted to cry but had no tears.

When Mu Qixi saw her sister being carried away by her eldest brother, she decisively retracted her hand and did not dare to snatch her away. She looked at her second brother with gloating, "Second brother, you have held her for 45 seconds, that's enough time, haha..."

Mu Qidong ignored his two funny brothers, sat on the sofa with his sister in his arms, and looked at her tenderly, "Xinxin, have you had breakfast?"

Mu Qingxin's heart ached when she heard the word "rice", and she pouted unhappily, "Brother, don't you think it's boring to just drink nutritional... liquid every day? You should eat food when you eat!"

The three of them, Mu Qidong, were poked at the cuteness of their sister's pouting and aggrieved look. Mu Qixi asked funnyly, "What kind of food? Is it a delicacy?"

"Do you want to eat delicious food? Second brother will go find it for you in a moment." Mu Qinan has already started to select candidates. Who was the one who won the delicious food in the auction last time...

Thinking of the "delicious dishes" that Pierre showed her just now, Mu Qing felt bad for a moment, "No, I don't want to eat the delicacies made by Barry's nutritionist." Mu Qingxin lowered her head and thought about whether to take away the food from the space. Come out, what if they think they are monsters? The family affection you just gained no longer exists. But eating that food alone would make her feel uneasy...

Seeing his sister's frown and hesitation, Mu Qidong smiled in his eyes and gently stroked his sister's hair, "Do you have any problems in your heart? Tell me and I will solve it for you. No matter what, as long as I can do it "If you can't do it, you will try your best to do it, as long as your heart is happy. Mu Qidong thought.

He looked up at his eldest brother who was firm and doting on his face, and his second and third brothers who had the same attitude. Although you just came into this world yesterday, she really felt their love for her, which was completely meaningless. If she said she wanted stars in the sky, they would probably buy her a planet right away. Just yourself.

Mu Qingxin's parents died young in her previous life, and she grew up eating a lot of food from hundreds of families. Her relatives only treated her with more than one bowl of rice. Every time she saw the warmth of a complete family, Mu Qingxin was extremely envious, and she didn't want to destroy the warmth of every family. atmosphere, so she relied on the inheritance left by her parents to close her own life. In fact, Mu Qingxin longed for family affection in her heart. The new mother's embrace yesterday made Mu Qingxin almost cry with excitement.

Therefore, Mu Qingxin had already made a decision in her heart and decided to take a gamble on whether she could have pure family love in the future in this strange world...