Young Commander’s Supernatural Sweetheart

Chapter 9: Roll and roll


"It's great to have brothers!" Mu Qingxin said with a smile with red eyes. She relaxed and leaned on her elder brother. It felt good to have someone to carry the burden for her. She no longer had to solve everything by herself. She also had someone to rely on. By the way, there are also new parents. I believe that my parents love me as much as my brothers.

"To celebrate my return, how about I cook a meal for everyone?" Mu Qingxin said happily, "I learned it at Blue Star. Although there are not many ingredients in the space, a simple meal is still enough. ." Mu Qingxin checked the ingredients in the warehouse with her consciousness. There were some vegetables and eggs, as well as a jar of flour and rice. Oh, there's also meat, but it's only chicken and pork, not much in quantity.

When Mu Qixi heard this, she high-fived happily, "Can you? Go ahead and do it quickly and let me taste what the ancients ate... Oops." Before Mu Qixi could finish speaking, he felt a pain in his head.

Mu Qinan hated the iron and said, "You actually let Xinxin cook for you. You have gained a lot of courage."

Mu Qidong next to him also narrowed his eyes and looked at Mu Qixi coldly.

Mu Qixi was so hairy and blinded by her elder brother's cold gaze that she sneered and said, "Haha, um... don't be so busy. I'll just drink some nutritious liquid. Don't be tired..."

"Pfft." Mu Qingxin laughed when she saw the funny look of her third brother, and said in a good mood, "It doesn't matter, I'll be fine soon, and I like cooking, don't stop me." After saying that, Mu Qingxin said from the eldest brother He withdrew from his arms and said, "There is a kitchen in the space. I will prepare it in the space and take it out. You can go about your own business first. I will call you when I am done." As soon as he finished speaking, he disappeared in front of the three people.

"..." Mu Qixi felt a little uneasy and was about to run away.

"Come to the study with me." Mu Qidong ordered and walked towards the study.

"Second...Second brother" Mu Qixi hugged Mu Qinan's arm, "Second brother, please cover me later, I'm afraid..."

Mu Qinan kicked this silly brother aside and said, "I'm also afraid of you, big brother. Just be happy for yourself." Mu Qinan curled up the corner of his mouth, not wanting to look at this silly brother again, and walked to the study.

Mu Qixi grimaced and moved towards the study with small steps.

When Mu Qingxin entered the space, she did not go to cook for the first time. Instead, she went to the warehouse to see what seeds there were. After all, there were not many ingredients in the warehouse, so she couldn't just sit back and have nothing.

"Fortunately, the variety of seeds is quite complete." Mu Qingxin took out the seeds in surprise, walked to the black soil with a hoe, and combined her mental power to start planting. Mu Qingxin doesn't know how to farm. Anyway, just bury the seeds in the soil. Fortunately, there is enough space, otherwise Mu Qingxin's planting method will not produce anything.

After planting the seeds, Mu Qingxin went to the kitchen and started cooking. After thinking about it, she decided to keep it simple in the morning and make vegetable and egg noodles. Simple and convenient, thinking like this, Mu Qingxin took out the flour from the vat and started making noodles.

Half an hour later, a pot of green vegetable and egg noodles with full color, flavor and flavor came out of the pot. Mu Qingxin took a spoon and took a spoonful of soup and tasted it, " tastes so good. The ones produced in space are different. The noodles have the fragrance of wheat, the natural taste of the vegetables, and the eggs." It also fully emits the original flavor, which is more delicious than farm eggs.”

Because I didn’t know the appetite of the three brothers, I made a little too much, enough to feed ten people. But the space has a preservation effect, so the leftovers don’t matter.

Mu Qingxin found a large wooden basin in the kitchen and used it to hold the noodles. Mu Qing thought to herself, and asked the three of them to make some pots and pans for themselves when they were free, so that they could cook outside in the future. After the noodles were served, Mu Qingxin carried the wooden basin out of the room and put the noodles on the table. After thinking about it, she probably didn't have a bowl at home. Mu Qingxin shouted loudly, "Brother, second brother, third brother, come out to eat." La!"

Mu Qingxin suddenly missed Pierre a little. If Pierre was here, she wouldn't have to shout. She didn't know if her elder brothers heard it. Mu Qingxin entered the space again, packed up a few dishes and chopsticks and came out.

“Wow, it smells so good”

Suddenly a strange voice sounded, and Mu Qingxin looked warily. I saw a man in a white uniform with silver hair and blue eyes. He exuded a wild and uninhibited look. He sniffed and bent over when he came in, which ruined his image a bit. But it couldn't stop Mu Qingxin from admiring the handsome guy.

"Huh? Xinxin?" Allen saw the small and delicate doll-like person standing in his friend's living room. He knew without guessing that she was his friend's precious little sister. However, it seemed that something was different from before.

Allen looked at Mu Qingxin without leaving any trace, "Hello, Xinxin, I am your eldest brother's friend Allen, you can also call me brother Allen."

Mu Qingxin wiped the drool-free corner of her mouth and said, "Hello, brother Allen." Ni, they are all handsome guys. Apart from the three brothers, this is the fourth handsome guy she has seen so far. The eldest brother is cold and cool. , the second brother is handsome as a gentleman, the third brother is handsome as rugged, and this Allen is handsome as bohemian.

"My heart is getting more and more beautiful." From the corner of his eyes, Allen had already spotted the source of the fragrance he just smelled. His attention moved over instantly, and he looked eagerly at the things he had never seen before in the big wooden basin. The fragrance exuded, which made him His saliva... secreted fluid uncontrollably, "What is this?" Allen almost covered his mouth with his hands.

"This is…"


Just as Mu Qingxin was answering, her elder brother's voice came from behind.

"It smells so good. Has Xinxin prepared the ancient rice?" Mu Qixi quickly ran to the living room and looked at the ancient rice in the wooden basin with wide eyes. "Ah, it smells so good, Gudu"




Everyone was frightened by the loud sound of Mu Qixi swallowing saliva, and then they all looked at him with contempt. Mu Qixi completely ignored everyone's abnormality and kept urging her sister, "Xinxin, can you eat it? Can you eat it?"

Mu Qing's heart was touched by her third brother's impatient expression, and she couldn't help laughing, "Of course, I'll serve it to you." At this time, everyone was already gathered around the table.

Mu Qing felt so good that she handed them the chopsticks and signaled to everyone that they could eat.

"Uh..." Mu Qidong felt a little uncomfortable being looked at by his brother and friends. He coughed and asked, "Xinxin, how do you eat this?"

After Mu Qingxin finished serving her meal, she raised her head and looked at them after hearing her elder brother's words. I saw a few people holding bowls in one hand and chopsticks in the other, not knowing where to start. Four pairs of eyes stared at her, making Mu Qing think of a pet that people liked in her previous life, a certain...

Mu Qingxin picked up the chopsticks and showed everyone, "Look, just pick up the noodles and eat them..."

Seeing Mu Qingxin's demonstration, everyone used their chopsticks to pick up the noodles, but...

"Damn, why are my hands out of control..."

"Oh, I finally picked it up and dropped it again..."

"Maiga, what kind of weapon is this? I don't know how to use it..."

Seeing the three of them joking around, Mu Qingxin looked decisively at her eldest brother. He was still more powerful and had already eaten... Mu Qingxin had a dark look on her face after seeing clearly how her eldest brother used chopsticks.

Mu Qidong looked indifferent, inserted the chopsticks into the noodles, rolled them, and put them in his mouth.

"..." Mu Qingxin was a little annoyed. The handsome guy couldn't use chopsticks. It was really annoying to his eyes. He looked back and ate his noodles numbly.

"Wow, eldest brother is still more powerful. This method is better!" Mu Qinan saw his eldest brother's method and understood it instantly.

Mu Qixi and Allen also looked at Mu Qidong, showing admiration in their eyes, and learned. After a while, the room became quiet, and only the sound of "suck, suck, suck" was heard...