Young Man, You Are Too Young, Too Simple

Chapter 112: Additional episode Qing Ge


At dawn, the village is already busy, chickens are crowing and dogs are barking, restless children are running around on the road, and sometimes someone shouts to call the children home.

Tiancun is remote, and every household lives a poor life, but the folk customs are simple, the neighbors are friendly, and everyone they meet is greeted with a smile.

Aunt Tian carried a strip of bacon, and happily walked towards the west of the village, stopping to chat with anyone she met on the way.

"Auntie, is this going to Mr.'s place again? Wait a minute, our kid is also learning to read, so bring some eggs."

"Hurry up, I'll be sending them to several companies in a while." Aunt Tian said with a smile on her face, "Hey, Ah Bao hasn't gone to morning class yet?"

"Sir, he said he would rest today," the child squatting by the threshold took a stone to write and draw on the ground, and replied upon hearing this, "Brother Shu is ill."

This is really... Aunt Tian sighed in her heart, God does not have eyes, and good people do not live long.

Tiancun is not a good place. No one wants to settle here. Two people who suddenly appeared a few years ago attracted the attention of the whole village. Not only did they look like gods, they also taught people to read and refused to take money. It's just that one of the sons is very weak and often gets sick. He is extremely gentle and the children like him the most. Everyone in the village feels sorry for him.

Because there is not much population movement, Tamura has a custom of pairing men. Seeing that the two are inseparable, they naturally think they are a couple. Thinking about how sad Mr. Lan will be if Mr. Shu goes away in the future, he is even more enthusiastic.

A few simple wooden houses gradually appeared in the field of vision, and Aunt Tian saw the figure feeding the chickens in the yard, and shouted from afar: "Sir!"

Her loud voice was very penetrating. Lan Ge poured the chicken food into the trough, turned around and waited for someone to approach, and said with a smile: "Auntie, don't be so rude."

"Where can I go? You are a literate reader!" Aunt Tian raised the basket in her hand, "Come on, I brought you bacon, fresh vegetables from Xiaomao's house, and eggs from Abao's house are still hot..."

She bluffed, looked around, restrained her voice and said, "I don't have a long memory! Is Xiao Shu sick? Are you still asleep?"

"Ah Wang got some wind a few days ago, and he's much better after taking the medicine." Lan Ge didn't refuse, took the basket and said, "I just made porridge, so I'll go back after drinking some."

"No, no, I'm hurrying to sow the vegetable seeds, and I'll let you know if there's anything to do!" She didn't stay any longer, and left in the same hurry as when she came.

Lan Ge smiled, and carried the basket into the room, but saw that the person on the bed was looking at the other side with his eyes open, so he wiped his hands and sat on the side of the bed, asking, "Why are you awake?"

"Aunt Tian is here?" Shu Wang was more energetic than yesterday, and he didn't feel sleepy after being woken up, but he was a little lazy and didn't remember much.

"Well, bring us some food." Lan Ge lowered his head to test his body temperature, smelling each other, "The fever has subsided."

There was a smile in Shu Wang's eyes, his face was slightly flushed, and he looked directly at him, neither of them backed away. After a while, Lan Ge moved first.

The lips are warm and tender, caring about his body but not deep, occasionally licking/sucking, but also cautiously.

After the kiss was over, both of them blushed a little, and looked at each other quietly for a long time before Shu Wang took his hand and said, "I remember, go get the porridge."

When Lan Ge went out, he sat up, raised his hand to touch his lips that seemed to be warm, and couldn't help laughing.

He doesn't believe in fate, but now he thinks that there is a definite number in the dark, and it is only after going through all kinds of hardships and twists and turns in the past that he can have the peace now. If the love in the world needs to be vigorous, but there is also a kind like him and Lan Ge, which is not as gorgeous as fireworks, and it is not so short-lived. It is just a glimmer of light after the bustling, but they are dependent on each other, calm and stable, until they are entwined. Difficult to separate.

Recalling what happened a few years ago, he already felt in a trance, as if it was the entanglement of injustice and guilt in the previous life, but since he stepped into the mountain village, it was already the present life.

"It's cool in the morning, you should wear more." Lan Ge saw him sitting down at the table, and wanted to get a coat, but was stopped by Shu Wang and frowned slightly.

He looks good, if he hadn't been in the past, he wouldn't have become one of Shu Wang's favorites. The beauty's brows are filled with sorrow, her eyes are flickering, it's easy to soften people's hearts. Shu Wang stared at him blankly, his pupils as black as pure ink were clean and clear, completely unaware that he was showing full trust and defenselessness.

The corners of Lan Ge's mouth raised, and he stretched out his hand to tighten his collar. He accidentally caught a glimpse of a little redness on his collarbone that was about to fade away. It would be so reckless."

This time Shu Wang provoked Feng Chi, it was his negligence, and it was really inappropriate to talk about the reason. Over the past few years, the development of the two has gone with the flow, and it is reasonable to get along with each other, but the lingering poison has not been cleared, so we should pay attention to everything, and it is the same on the bed. Compared with relieving desire/desire, it is actually more important It's mostly because of the deep love, but he was careless a few days ago, and made out with Shu Wang in the outer room, which really made him feel unwell.

"It's okay," Shu Wang knew what he was talking about, his ears turned red, he lowered his head to drink the porridge, and suddenly said, "That's... pretty good." As soon as the words came out, even his neck turned red.

Early in the morning, before he recovered from his illness, Lan Ge's hands on his lap trembled, he suppressed the surging thoughts, and only frowned and smiled.

After dinner, the sun was high outside, Lan Ge moved the recliner and placed it under the jujube tree, set up a small table next to it to put candied fruit, and then brought the boiled medicine over.

The morning sun is bright, it is a cool color, falling through the luxuriant branches and leaves of jujube trees, but it carries a touch of warmth. With a coat covering his legs, Shu Wang habitually held his breath when he took the medicine bowl.

He drank too much medicine, he was not afraid of bitterness, but he didn't like the fishy smell. He had rich experience, and immediately drank it quickly. When he was slightly nauseated by the bitter taste, he was immediately fed a candied fruit with a sweet taste It quickly filled his mouth, making him squint his eyes comfortably.

"Sir, Brother Shu!" A child's loud cry came from not far away, and Shu Wang looked sideways, and saw that Da Zhuang from Aunt Tian's family was running into the courtyard with a smile, holding a bunch of pears that are commonly seen in the mountains. , very small in size, sour taste, but children like to pick and play.

Da Zhuang is six years old this year, and he likes to cling to Shu Wang, but he knows that Shu Wang is not in good health, and he is also a little afraid of Lan Ge who often punishes him for silent words, so he will not make a fuss about asking Shu Wang to play with him, this time he will hold a pear When I came to play, I obediently moved the little horse and sat next to the recliner, with bright eyes and said that I wanted to listen to the story.

Shu Wang patted his head, smiled and stuffed him with a handful of candied fruit, and said, "Then have you practiced your calligraphy?"

"Hey..." Da Zhuang scratched his head, peeked around, found that Lan Ge had entered the room with a bowl, and replied, "There are still two words left, sir, I want to write it ten times."

"Oh? I can only tell you half of it today. Tell me, where did you go last time?"

"I remember! The last time I talked about the big worm, the eyes and forehead were white!"

"You, you have eye-catching white forehead, which means..."

The breeze is blowing, the gentle male voice is mixed with the clear and clear voice of the child, and more often, it is just the big one talking, the little one listening with his chin resting on his chin, and the scene of clear words in a few words is very warm.

When Lan Ge came out of the house, this was the scene that fell into his eyes. He stood still, fearing not to disturb the peace and happiness of that side.

"Lan Ge," Shu Wang noticed his gaze, looked up, with a smile on his face, and called, "Come and see."

That one glance cut off the past, he stepped forward, and slowly burst into a soft smile.

That's right, Mochizuki is empty and haggard, and Qing Ge is smiling and floating. In the previous life, the dust and ties are gone, and in this life, the love is deep and Nirvana. He has crossed thousands of mountains and rivers, but it is only the consummation in front of him.

The author has something to say: If the leader is still alive... Call it a day! I like to make a fuss about people's names and fan names. I don't know if Ni Meng has discovered it~ Hi Da Pu Ben, see you in the pit! mwah! ! ! ! !

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