Young Man, You Are Too Young, Too Simple

Chapter 27: The third hair slag attack cheap shou how HE


"Master, Lin Yao is here."

Aunt Qin knocked on the door and said outside.

Luo Shutu was leisurely sitting on a deck chair on the balcony, with a fruit plate in hand and a picture album in his lap. Hearing Aunt Qin's words, he said calmly, "Yaoyao? Come in."

Lin Yao entered the door with a gloomy face, looked at the person basking in the sun, and protested unrelentingly: "Teacher, can you stop calling me that?"

"The teacher is seven years older than you," Luo Shutu said with a smile, "Is Yaoyao not in class today? Come here so early."

"Well, Teacher Xiao is on leave this afternoon." After Lin Yao finished speaking, he glanced at Luo Shutu's expression and coughed, "Sorry, teacher, I'm quick to talk."

Luo Shutu: "..." Why are you talking too fast

"What about the homework I asked you to draw last weekend? Show me."

Lin Yao obediently handed over the painting in his hand.

"...The painting is pretty good," Luo Shutu lowered his head and inspected it carefully, picking out some flaws for him, and then sighed softly, seemingly unintentionally, "Yaoyao has made great progress."

"Teacher, don't worry, your left hand will definitely recover!" Lin Yao blurted out, and after speaking, he wished to slap himself, really.

Luo Shutu looked up at him, and smiled kindly: "You are right, it will be fine."

The breeze blows the young man's forehead hair, and his soft face has a lonely expression.

Lin Yao hesitated for a moment, but said, "You and Mr. Xiao..."

"He's mine..." There was still a pause, but this time the youth continued, "Friend."

"I was teasing you last time, Yaoyao."

Lin Yao: "...hehe."

Is that really a joke? He thought of the portrait painted by the young man before, but suddenly he was not sure of the fact that he should have believed.

Luo Shutu returned the drawing paper to him, and was about to speak when he was interrupted by a knock on the door. Aunt Qin asked outside: "Master, there is a Mr. Xiao who wants to see you. I asked him to wait downstairs. Please come in if you need to." ?"

He was silent for a while, and said, "Please ask him to go upstairs." He turned his head and smiled at Lin Yao again, "Yao Yao, you can draw whatever you want today, I want to see your strength."

shock! I ran into the teacher's stir-up scene again! What a mess! With online, very urgent!

Lin Yao nodded, walked into the studio connected to the room, and couldn't help but look back. The young man was still sitting on the recliner, with his head tilted quietly, unable to see his expression clearly.

It only makes people feel that he is sad, faint, not strong, but cocoon-like, depressing enough, Lin Yao thought, how can he be so gentle even when he is sad

{Sao Nian, the completion rate of the main task is already extremely high, solve Xiao Heng, the world is yours! }

{I will be more happy to say this after you measure your favorability =_=! }

So Luo Shutu, who was mourning tenderly, fed himself a piece of apple, sighing, it's so sweet.

How many days has it been

Xiao Heng stood at the door, reached out to push the door, but stopped.

He didn't understand why the thought of seeing Jian Huaichen couldn't be dealt with as soon as it popped up. He obviously didn't even think about what to say, and all his eyes were filled with that man's gentle appearance—he found that in just a few days, he actually started to miss him.

When he arrived at the address of Jian Huaichen's old house, he couldn't wait a second longer, so he asked for leave from the school, and came all the way through the red lights, until he was stopped at the door, he thought in panic, what if Jian Huaichen didn't want to see him

But after getting the permission, he was overjoyed and felt that something was wrong. The clothes on his body were still from yesterday, and his hair was messed up. Would Jian Huaichen not like it when he saw it? Although with his upbringing, he would never show it...

The well-maintained middle-aged woman beside him smiled and opened the door for him, and said softly, "Mr. Xiao, please come in."

The room is large, but the layout is fine, and it does not feel deserted, but it reveals the designer's intentions, mixed with a bit of simplicity, like a human being, with just the right gentleness.

Xiao Heng looked at the figure on the balcony, and his uneasy heart suddenly settled down.

The young man looked at him, and smiled slightly: "Ah Heng..." The ending is habitually a little longer, it doesn't seem procrastinated, and it draws out a little soft intimacy, which is very enjoyable.

He stepped forward and saw the other person's pale face in the sun, and subconsciously reached out to touch it: "Why is my face blushing..."

Luo Shutu dodged back, dodging his hand.

Xiao Heng froze, took his hand back, and the heat in his heart slowly receded: "Sorry."

"It's okay," Luo Shutu shook his head and said, "Why did Ah Heng come here?"

It can be maladaptive to sudden movements, it can be overreaction, but why would it be okay? Jian Huaichen never embarrasses others, this level of directness is already a clear statement of his attitude - so, does he mean to distance himself from him! Xiao Heng suddenly became angry, those intimacy, those enthusiasm, how can this person pretend that nothing happened!

"Heng?" Luo Shutu looked at Xiao Heng, who looked a little suspiciously, and called out.

Xiao Heng suppressed the turbulent emotions, he didn't want to have any more estrangement with Jian Huaichen, this time he came here just to find the reason for all his emotions, apologize well, and then even if he still doesn't know his feelings for Jian Huaichen, I don't want to let go anymore.

"It's okay," he said, and smiled, "Huai Chen, I just miss you a little bit."

Not a little bit, I miss you very much.

The young man froze for a moment, but he didn't show the expected shy but cheerful smile, but smiled as usual and said, "Well, thank you."

What an answer!

You're welcome! Alienation! Can't fault it! But damn it makes people angry!

Xiao Heng's face turned pale, and he forced a smile: "Huaichen, don't you like that family the most? Come back with me, and I'll take care of you."

"... Ah Heng, have you heard something?" Luo Shutu glanced at him and said calmly, "Shaoyang told you about my left hand?"

Before Xiao Heng could speak, he continued: "Even if it was another friend, I wouldn't let him be burdened by this matter, so I didn't confess at the time. In fact, it doesn't matter, it can still recover, so you don't have to feel guilty, Ah Heng , and you don’t need to compensate me for anything.”

"Huaichen, I..." I don't want to make it up to you, I am, I am...

"Hey, Teacher Xiao came so fast, hello." A familiar male voice came from the side, and Xiao Heng followed it.

The handsome boy held a coat in his hand, walked up to the young man, put it on him with ease, touched his left hand, and complained: "Teacher, why don't you remember to wear a coat? I just remembered , Sure enough, your hands are cold, do you need me to tell you about keeping warm?"

The young man smiled a little embarrassedly: "There is the sun, and there is Yaoyao, do you have time to distract yourself when you are painting?"

Lin Yao choked for a moment: "... Teacher!"

The two sat and stood, and the interactive screen was harmonious and dazzling. Xiao Heng's eyes hurt when he watched from the side.

The fact is that Lin Yao is in this room, Jian Huaichen does not avoid suspicion, yes, they have the right background and share the same interests, what else can't he recognize? A minute ago, I ridiculously wanted Jian Huaichen to go back and live a drama for my current lover!

"Mr. Xiao, may I bring you a chair?" Lin Yao looked into the room and said, "You are tired of chatting with the teacher like this."

Xiao Heng looked at Luo Shutu, with slightly curved lips: "Your student, no, is also my student, does he know what kind of person you are, Jian Huaichen?"

His tone was mocking, and Lin Yao said in surprise: "Mr. Xiao, you..."

The expression on the young man's face remained unchanged, he still had a gentle smile, and said, "I am what Yaoyao thinks I am, and I can't interfere."

"Jian Huaichen, can you stop being so cheap? Really, you make me feel sick!" Xiao Heng smiled, reached out and raised his chin, "What kind of man do you use to seduce? This is always the most innocent face, or You are always gentle, huh?"

The young man looked at him quietly, his eyes as calm as stagnant water.

"Oh, by the way, Lin Yao, have you ever slept with him? Jian Huaichen looks abstinent, but he is very relaxed on the bed!"

"Mr. Xiao, what the hell are you talking about!" Lin Yao was about to rush forward, but was grabbed by Luo Shutu.

He broke away from Xiao Heng's hand and stood up: "Yaoyao! You go out, you go out first..." There was an imperceptible pleading in his tone.

Lin Yao gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and walked out sullenly.

"Okay, Xiao Heng, let's talk about it." He took a deep breath and said, "I thought we could still be friends, I think I was too stupid... I didn't expect you to remember that day, actually Actually, I don't need to like you, I'm trying not to like you, so Xiao Heng, you don't...don't feel sick, it's my fault."

"Your liking is really cheap, or do you just don't want Lin Yao to know that you begged me to fuck you? Jian Huaichen, you can't live without a man, can you?"

Xiao Heng grabbed his hair and pulled him closer. Seeing the cracks in his calm expression, his brows furrowed in pain, he let go of his hand again, abnormally satisfied with the changes in him because of himself.

"This has nothing to do with Lin Yao." The young man's eyes cast shattered sunlight, and he smiled, "But you probably won't believe it, because in your eyes, I'm a bitch who erected an archway, yes No? This analogy is very vivid, knowing that the other party has a date, but also convincing myself that the person will forget when he wakes up drunk, so he obediently slept with him, but he couldn't help but justify in his heart when he was spurned afterwards, indeed It's innocent enough to pose—if I were you, I'd be disgusted too."

Xiao Heng stared blankly at his smile, feeling his heart swell with pain—it was a smile, but why was it so painful

"That's it, Xiao Heng, you say I'm a cheap person, but I'm really not that cheap. My heart is also fleshy and it will hurt." The young man touched his heart and said, "There is no need to ask me to go back. , because I don’t need compensation or humiliation anymore.”

How did it become like this...

Jian Huaichen wants to draw a clear line with herself, Jian Huaichen doesn't want to like herself anymore, Jian Huaichen, Jian Huaichen...

Xiao Heng stood there dumbfounded, his throat was so dry that he couldn't speak a word, his whole body was so stiff that he couldn't move, only the heart in his chest changed from hot to cold, and it hurt like a knife edge.

"I'm going back to England, goodbye, Xiao Heng."

Then the youth brushed past him.