Young Master Officer’s Wife Pursuit

Chapter 108


In the open space outside the canteen.

Hundreds of people, standing in a square team, lined up vertically and horizontally, standing in a straddling posture.

As night fell, dim street lamps were lit in the open space. However, at first glance, the solemnity belonging to the soldiers was not lost in the slightest.

They waited for a full quarter of an hour, but they didn't say a word or complain.

With a black whistle in hand, Mo Shangyun paced to the front of the line.

"Wait a while, does anyone complain?" Mo Shangyun's expression was cold, his words were calm, and his words carried a certain strength.


The crowd did not dare to neglect and shouted in unison.

Mo Shangyun nodded with satisfaction.


"In this case, stand for another half an hour," Mo Shangjun said calmly, "How about you pay back the debt for locking the door in the morning?"

"… "

The group opened their eyes in disbelief.

Come, come, really come to collect debts.


When everyone hesitated, he shouted to Yongming.

"Speak." Mo Shangyun looked at him lazily.

Xiang Yongming's eyes were bright, and he retorted righteously: "It's your battle post. Since you can provoke Li company commander to run away, why can't we take some measures?!"

"My reasons are fair and honest, you guys..." Having said this, Mo Shangyun raised his eyebrows and glanced at them with disdain, "First, it has no practical effect; second, it doesn't respect the deputy company. Just you Are you embarrassed to use this trick?"

Everyone: "… "

They felt hit hard.

As Mo Shangyun meant, as long as they could really trap her, she wouldn't hold her accountable.

Their logic was originally: trap her and offend her. The immediate result is: not trapped her, but also offended her.

It's just a loss for the wife and a soldier!

For a while, Xiang Yongming was also choked up by Mo Shangyun, and he just couldn't find a reason to refute her delusions.

"Report!" It was Li Liang who shouted this time.

Mo Shangyun looked at him, "Speak."

"We are willing to stand for another half an hour!" Li Liang shouted on behalf of most of the soldiers.

"Half an hour is the previous debt, now..." Mo Shangyun narrowed his eyes slightly, smiling like a sly fox, "It's changed, one hour."

"..." Everyone paused, and finally shouted through gritted teeth, "Yes!"

The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie. Right now, if they continue to argue with Mo Shangyun, they may be able to stand there for a whole night.

Mo Shangyun has a way to deal with them.

Seeing them respond, Mo Shangyun nodded slightly and said leisurely, "I'll go for a walk and come back in an hour."

"… "

Everyone almost vomited blood from her anger.

Punishment is also punished, but also deliberately angry with them, face? !

However, even though everyone was surging with blood, no one dared to make a sound.

After clapping his hands, Mo Shangyun really walked away, as if he was walking. That leisurely appearance really made him popular.

Forty minutes later.

Lang Yan, who came back from the cafeteria, found Mo Shangyun at the training ground.

There is no training, she is sitting on the level ladder of the 400-meter obstacle, her legs are hanging down, and she is swaying leisurely, holding a 95-type automatic rifle in her hand - all parts, she is slowly assembling, moving Not in a hurry, but very fast.

Lang Yan didn't have much time to look at it, but she had already assembled the rifle.

Immediately after, she held the gun in both hands, and the dark muzzle was just aimed at this side.

was discovered.

Being aimed at by the muzzle made Lang Yan feel a sense of crisis.

No longer stomping, Lang Yan walked straight towards her.

"Mo Fulian," approached, Lang Yan raised his head, looked at Mo Shangyun sitting on top, and asked with a smile, "Why are you here?"

"I'm bored, help Lianli maintain the gun." Mo Shangyun lowered his eyes and said sincere.

If she maintains the gun, she will maintain this gun

Lang Yan didn't smile, but said politely, "It's hard work."

"It's not hard." Mo Shangjun replied to him without any guilt.

Lang Yan: "…"

If he was so shameless, he really couldn't take it.

"Come on, then."

Hearing Mo Shangyun's voice suddenly, Lang Yan raised his eyes, only to feel that the shadow of the figure flashed by in his field of vision, and a dark shadow suddenly pressed down - it was the gun.

His scalp was numb, and Lang Yan subconsciously reached out and grabbed the gun, narrowly avoiding the consequences of being hit in the face by the gun. Almost at the same time, he heard the movement on his side and tilted his head to look, only to find that Mo Shangyun had already jumped down.

Lang Yan couldn't help but looked at her with a strange look.

He didn't understand it either. He was obviously a woman, so why did he always feel "so handsome"? !

It's deadly.

"Isn't it here to intercede for them?" Mo Shangyun turned to look at him.

That squinting and chuckling look fell into Lang Yan's eyes, and it was really creepy.

"No! Absolutely not!" Lang Yan took a decisive stand and said firmly, "Those little bastards... should be punished! should be punished!"

"That's good." Mo Shangyun took two steps forward, raised his hand and patted his shoulder, saying calmly, "I will trouble you to send the gun back."

"… it is good."

Lang Yan felt that he was running errands in seconds.

"By the way," withdrew his hand, Mo Shangjun looked up at him, "Start training tomorrow, is it alright?"


It stands to reason that the holiday is put on the seventh day of the first day. In Mo Shangyun's previous training plan, the training intensity of these days has also been reduced, but with Erlian's current state, the holiday has been reduced by half, so they should have no problem.

"That's fine." Mo Shangyun nodded.

After a pause, Lang Yan pondered for a while, and said, "The instructor asks and asks him to come to me."

Mo Shangjun looked at him with a smile, this company commander was getting better and better.

"Also," Lang Yan coughed lightly, "I met Company Commander Chen on the way. It's a new year, and for some reason, he doesn't look very happy..."

Touching his nose, Mo Shangyun withdrew the smile on his face, turned around and left, "If there's nothing else, I'll go first."

"Hey, hey," Lang Yan stopped her with a funny look, "the next time you go, tell me in advance and let me be mentally prepared."


Mo Shangyun agreed as if to deal with it, and waved at him.

Watching her leave, Lang Yan shrugged.

I wanted to talk to her about Erlian's emotions, but now it seems... I'm afraid it's unnecessary.

Leave it to her.

With such a dedicated deputy company commander, God knows how much work pressure has been relieved for him.

Mo Shangjun returned to the cafeteria ten minutes early.

In the open space at the entrance, Erlian was still standing there honestly, neat and tidy.

As soon as I saw her, the expressions on each and every one of them were all about to move.

Mo Shangjun gave them an understanding look, then turned around and went directly into the cafeteria.

In less than two minutes, he held a bowl of soup noodles in one hand and a stool in the other. The stool was placed at the door, and he sat down. Then, under those greedy eyes, he finished the bowl of soup gracefully.

Everyone was almost mad at her.

Damn, I'm trying to piss them off.

After eating the soup noodles, Mo Shangyun put away the bowl and stool, and it was almost time.

Walking out of the cafeteria again, Mo Shangyun was carrying a whistle in his hand, and he had returned to his usual indifferent and idle appearance.

"Exactly an hour." Walking in front of them, Mo Shangjun glanced at his watch and said to them, "Take a rest, it's hard work."

"Report, it's not hard!"

The soldiers of the Second Company, who were full of fire, immediately raised their voices and roared at her in unison.

That roar, the air rushed into the sky, sonorous and powerful, deafening.

Mo Shangjun raised his hand and touched his left ear, showing them an extremely sinister smile.

A bunch of idiots, being laughed at by her like this, suddenly got goosebumps, they bowed their heads to the evil forces very wisely, and they all kept their mouths shut and dared not speak any more.

"Li-Zheng, take a break!" Mo Shangyun simply issued the password.

Noticing their neat and consistent movements, Mo Shangyun couldn't help raising his eyebrows, finally being called "well-trained".

"Tell me something." Taking a step forward, Mo Shangyun glanced at them and said lazily, "In March, the military region plans to conduct an assessment for the elites, and also gives a certain quota to the reconnaissance battalion. Although you..."

Speaking of this, after a pause, Mo Shangjun saw that they were gradually regaining their spirits, so he poured a pot of cold water, "The ability is the same, but the camp will give you a chance to compete fairly."


As soon as she finished speaking, she heard an impatient voice from the crowd.

Xiang Yongming still talks a lot.

Mo Shangyun raised his eyebrows impatiently, staring at him with a cold gaze.

"... When I didn't say it." Xiang Yongming felt a chill and compromised.

"Push-ups, fifty."

Too lazy to talk nonsense with him, Mo Shangyun directly issued the password.


The answer to Yongming's fate.

This time, Mo Shangjun didn't wait for him, and while he was doing push-ups, he told them the "opportunity" succinctly.

Time: Three days from the eighth to the tenth day.

Location: A mountain range in Anseong.

The rule: three companies, three routes, but the routes are close. In other words, there are often opportunities for contact between companies. During the day, the army is left to march in the field, and it is not allowed to attack each other. At night, when camping, from 18:00 to 6:00, the companies are enemies of each other and can open fire.


1. Once sacrificed, immediately eliminated.

2. Launch an attack during the day and eliminate it.

3. There are very few places, and there is competition in the competition, but it is absolutely not allowed to attack each other. Once found to start with the companion, or intentional, all eliminated.

3. Those who successfully survive may not necessarily be selected for the quota, but those who cannot survive are definitely not eligible to be selected.

"that's it."

Mo Shangyun finished the whole process in a casual tone.

However, no matter how calm her tone was, it did not prevent the whole Erlian from being excited.

can attack each other!

Meaning, they can go head-to-head with the triple bar!

The anger they took in Sanlian in the morning, they will have a chance to vent right away!

A group of people were eager to try, such good news even made them forget the gloomy atmosphere of Quanlian.


At this time, Xiang Yongming, who had finished his push-ups, shouted loudly to Mo Shangyun.

"Return to the team." Mo Shangjun gave him a light look.

Xiang Yongming got up immediately and returned to the team honestly.

"Any more questions?" Mo Shangjun asked in a timely manner.




For a time, many people came out to shout.

Mo Shangyun frowned in pain.

Soon, she ordered several people to ask them one by one.

"Will you participate in this operation?"


"I have a personal question!" someone asked eagerly.


"Then will you also compete for the spot?!" The man continued to ask.

As soon as this question came out, everyone's focus was on Mo Shangyun. Obviously, they also wanted to know that Mo Shangyun participated in the competition.

It's not that I'm afraid that Mo Shangyun will rob them of their places, but—

They really want to see Mo Shangyun's true strength!

"No." said leisurely, Mo Shangyun said, "Next."


A clear voice came from the team. Because the female voice was too unique, the company quieted down and looked at it curiously.

This time, it was Lin Qi who asked the question.

It seems that Lin Qi is very concerned about this issue.

He stared at Mo Shangyun sharply, coldly, with a bit of persistence and persistence, afraid that he wanted to get to the bottom of the question and ask for the most detailed answer.

However, Mo Shangjun is the best at dealing with this kind of scene, and is also happy to throw cold water on people.

"refuse to answer."

She looked indifferent and gave the most bloody answer.

Lin Qi seemed to be very angry.

The corners of his eyes and brows were full of icy anger, staring at her stubbornly.

In the entire company, only Lin Qi knew of Mo Shangyun's "unfathomable" ability, and the ability shown in the company was definitely not her true strength. With Mo Shangyun's ability, it is not a problem at all to PK out other people and get a place smoothly.

However, Mo Shangjun rejected this opportunity so lightly.

Lin Qi was very angry, but even she couldn't tell why she was so angry.

Maybe it's because I just don't like Mo Shangyun's disinterested temperament, or maybe it's because I lost an opportunity to explore Mo Shangyun's true strength...

Avoiding Lin Qi's sight, Mo Shangjun continued to say, "Next."

"Report, we want to know your reason too!"

"Report, why don't you compete for this assessment!"

"Report,… "

One question after another, all with the same meaning.

Mo Shangyun frowned irritably.

Damn, is it over yet? !

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Continue to recommend A Jin's new article [The Mistress of a Rich Family], please search for [Fuguangjin] or [The Mistress of a Rich Family], poke poke!

109, understand, can understand! [Second Update]