Young Master Officer’s Wife Pursuit

Chapter 113


Mo Shangyun's every move fell into a telescope.

less than three hundred meters away.

"It seems to be the company commander of their second company."

Peng Yuqiu, who was sitting on the tree, played with the binoculars in his hand, and looked at Xiao Chuyun, who was standing under the tree maintaining his guns.

"That girl?"

A low voice, with a little contempt.

"Don't underestimate her, the captain has been keeping an eye on her." Peng Yuqiu analyzed, "I should be impatient, otherwise it would be impossible for the captain to make an exception to participate in this assessment. Tsk, I really want to know how much information she found. "

"The captain pays attention to her, that's the captain's business." Xiao Chuyun didn't care, "If you are interested in the information, just ask yourself."

He speaks ruthlessly and does not leave any face at all.

Peng Yuqiu laughed helplessly and scolded, "Zhu, you will die!"

Xiao Chuyun ignored him.

At this time, Peng Yuqiu picked up the telescope again and looked in that direction.

The place is still the same place, but it is empty, and the previous shadow has long disappeared.

"Hey, people are gone."

Peng Yuqiu looked around, the telescope swept around, but couldn't find any trace of the man.

"That is to leave." Xiao Chuyun took over.

Peng Yuqiu muttered: "This speed is too fast."

It's a bit fast, but it's not impossible. In this boundary, any tree can block the line of sight, so it's not surprising.

After a while, Xiao Chuyun said: "Tell the captain about the matter."

"Understood." Peng Yuqiu put down the telescope, "However, you said she found something strange, what action will she take?"

Peng Yuqiu was vaguely worried about this matter.

It would be fine if she wasn't suspicious, but if she was suspicious... what would she do

Three possibilities.

One, report the matter.

2. Act on your own.

3. Discuss with Lianli and draw a conclusion.

They don't know who she is, they don't know how she behaves, and they don't know how she will behave.

"Tell the captain directly and see what he does." Xiao Chuyun threw the mess back.

They are only responsible for supervising the abnormality nearby and reporting any situation to the captain. As for how things develop, it has nothing to do with them.

Just follow orders and do things, think too much is useless.


Peng Yuqiu shook his head.

Mo Shangyun walked back to Erlian's camp.

On the way, I met the company commander of the third company, Fan Hanyi, who was leading the team to "patrol".

"Yo, Vice-Lian Mo!"

After about ten meters, I heard Fan Hanyi's voice.

Mo Shangyun, who wanted to pretend he didn't see it, frowned slightly and looked in the direction he came from.

With a knife in his hand, Fan Hanyi walked over with a smile on his face as he chopped off the branches blocking the road.

The first time I met Fan Hanyi in Chen Ke's office, I usually only met at a meeting, but in Mo Shangyun's definition - this person is just like an old fox.

She came to the company and read the information of the three companies. The first company was surprisingly good, and the second company was surprisingly bad. As for his third company, it was neither good nor bad, and his sense of existence was extremely low.

It is this sense of presence and inconspicuousness that can make people ignore it, worry about it, and put competitiveness on Yilian, so that Sanlian can often take advantage of loopholes and find leaks.

"Captain Fan."

Mo Shangyun raised his eyebrows and shouted politely.

Fan Hanyi approached and smiled heartily, "Why are you alone?"

"Those guys are noisy," Mo Shangjun said, "Come out and walk around and try to be quiet."

"A person, you have to be careful."

Fan Hanyi nodded, but there was a deep meaning in his eyes.

Although this place is not full of dangers, it is definitely not safe. Who would believe it when a person ran out and said he wanted to be quiet

"Thank you for your concern," Mo Shangyun squinted and chuckled, deliberately looking at the people behind him, "Company Commander Fan, your campsite must be two miles away from here, are you here to hang out and see the scenery, or come here? Exploring the terrain, how about giving us two tricks in the evening?"

Just make it clear.

Everything was kept silent, but she wanted to talk about things in the open. Fan Hanyi, who was accustomed to talking in scenes, was a little embarrassed by her for a while.

Fan Hanyi looked at her in confusion.

It was obvious that she had an idea with them, but after she said it, she was upright and upright, and the three of them ended up in a despicable act.

"Where is it!" Fan Hanyi coughed, deliberately looked left and right, then approached Mo Shangyun and said in a low voice, "How about we form an alliance?"

"Captain Fan!"

Mo Shangyun called him slightly.

The serious tone made Fan Hanyi shiver, a bit inexplicable.

Mo Shangjun said quite seriously: "Our second company is really not good. The march during the day is enough for them, and I want them to rest well at night."

Fan Hanyi laughed dryly.

Look what this means, does she really want to come alone

After a pause, Mo Shangyun continued: "As for me, before I came, I specially communicated with Company Commander Chen..."

"What's the exchange?" Fan Hanyi was curious and wary.

"It's boring to fight and kill, except for the competitiveness of the company, everyone is a comrade-in-arms, so," Mo Shangyun raised his eyebrows and raised his tone, "We have discussed, and peace is the most valuable!"

"… "

There are secrets hidden in the words, and Fan Hanyi could not figure it out for a while.

What exactly does that mean

Fan Hanyi thought about it for a while, but figured out two meanings.

Before leaving, he also discussed with Chen Ke and wanted to form an alliance secretly, but Chen Ke expressed his neutrality and would not intervene in this operation, and the second and third companies would resolve their respective grievances.

Although Fan Hanyi had to prevent Chen Ke from taking advantage of the fisherman, that was all after Erlian was resolved.

If Chen Ke's words are true, then Mo Shangyun's words are very likely to be hidden, and his plan to deal with Erlian will be shaken for fear of intervening.


Mo Shangjun did negotiate with Chen Ke to form an alliance, let Yilian be the backer of the second company, and then deal with the third company together, and what Chen Ke said to him before leaving was also a "pit".

Although Yilian and Sanlian have a good relationship, it is not impossible to persuade Chen Ke by means of Mo Shangyun.

Fan Hanyi was suspicious by nature, and he knew the competition among the three companies and the uncertain factors of the battle, so he was not sure whether to believe Chen Ke for a while.

"Captain Fan!"

Mo Shangjun shouted, drawing Fan Hanyi's attention back.


Mo Shangjun approached, raised his hand and patted his shoulder, and said with a smile, "We won't deal with it for one company. However, if you three companies want to deal with us, we will accompany you at any time."

So clearly stated.

Fan Hanyi was even more uncertain.

A few words from Mo Shangyun made him confused, and all kinds of guesses surfaced, but he didn't know which one was true.

This girl is really capable!

"Let's go first, bye."

Mo Shangjun smiled at him, withdrew his hand, spared their large team, and left calmly in the sight of everyone.

Fan Hanyi stared at her back, frowning tightly.

This time the conversation is full of pits!

Just a little girl, why do you have so much heart? !

It's really not worth it to become an enemy with her... It's not worth it!

Half past five.

Mo Shangyun returned to the camp on time.

The soldiers of the Second Company who completed the task ahead of schedule had long been looking forward to her return, and when they saw her figure, they rushed up immediately.

"Mo Fulian, you are finally back!"

"Mr. Fulian, the tent is set up! The hot food is ready, just waiting for you!"

"Mo Fulian, we haven't seen you for three minutes. It's like every three autumns. You want to kill us!"

Hula la approached, and a group of people said all kinds of courteous words, as if they didn't want money, and the good words came over their heads.

Mo Shangyun's mouth twitched.

Knowing what they wanted, Mo Shangjun didn't delay any further because it was late, and asked them to take food and gather in an open space.

Everyone's hands and feet were extremely neat, and after a while, they all sat together with her as the center.

Mo Shangyun sat on the ground, took out the map, and told them about the plan for the evening.

Major premise: She doesn't participate in the action at night, but if anyone from three companies finds her, she will solve it all.

The entire company, working in groups.

There were more than 100 people, divided into ten groups in total. The two groups with weak comprehensive ability stayed in the camp, waiting for the attack of the three companies tonight, and the two with strong comprehensive strength were ambushing around.

Of the remaining six groups, five groups were selected to go to the third company camp in turn to "find faults".

The last group, led by Lin Qi, was responsible for ambushing in the Sanlian camp to deal with the scattered soldiers of the Sanlian, including Fan Hanyi.

Mo Shangjun arranged the tasks of each group in detail.

When and what each group does, what accidents are likely to occur, and what remedial measures are in place when accidents occur.

The meticulous planning is terrifying.

What kind of experience and logical thinking can be used to arrange the tasks of each group to the smallest detail, and even imagine the most likely situations in advance, and take corresponding countermeasures

What is even more concerning is that all these plans were thought up by Mo Shangyun alone.

With just her head, it's like a computer!

If Mo Shangyun in their previous impressions was just abnormal in terms of strength, after listening to her detailed plan at this time, they completely admired her.

This person should only exist in heaven, and it is a miracle to be born on earth.

It is truly out of reach!

"I said," Mo Shangyun, who finished talking about the plan, noticed that something was wrong with them, and frowned, "What are your eyes?"

"… "

No one said a word.

Pairs of eyes, as if they were glued to her body, explored, admired, curious, looked up... Emotions were varied, no doubt, only Mo Shangyun was in their eyes.

After a while, he stuck his head out to Yongming and reminded: "They all want to hug your thighs."

"Oh, I've lost my knowledge." Mo Shangjun said lightly.

Everyone: "… "

At that moment, all the looks and admiration turned into nothingness, and all of them were gnashing their teeth with hatred.

Sure enough, it was their Mo Fulian, whose ability to make people love and hate, became more and more capable!

"Seven o'clock action," Mo Shangjun looked down at his watch, "there are twenty minutes left, you can play for yourself."

Play for a while.

Being so careless and uneasy, even they have the illusion that "the three companies are not worth mentioning at all".

However, in Mo Shangjun's view, such a trifecta of trivial successes once made them a disastrous defeat and a disgrace.

Mo Shangyun asked them to spread out in groups, led by the group leader, to go through their plans.

After the people left, I went to Gu Jiang to get the bag, took out the compressed biscuits and water, and ate a little to replenish energy.

If she hadn't seen the bonfire, she would have spent more effort on Sanlian's side, at least by watching it by herself, she could get rid of a few fish that slipped through the net, just in case.


Now that you see it, you can't ignore it.

She wasn't sure if Yan Tianxing's people found the bonfire, took action, or sent someone to track it down.

She is also not sure whether this big or small matter is worth reporting.

Right now, Erlian wanted to deal with Sanlian in high spirits, and she couldn't use an unsure thing to spoil them.

Only to see for yourself.

On the premise of not doing anything, she has enough confidence in her personal safety.

seven o'clock.

Taking advantage of the unpreparedness, Erlian's group disappeared one by one in the camp.

At eight o'clock, Mo Shangyun was ready to act.

In the campsite, a team was specially assigned to take charge of each tent, creating a "lively" illusion. Mo Shangyun also specially "reminds" them to rest early.

Before leaving, say hello to the other team in charge of "patroling" and ask them to pay more attention.

Mo Shangyun went into battle lightly, carrying an 88 sniper, three daggers hidden on his body, a pair of night vision goggles around his neck, and a flashlight in his hand.

Other than that, there is nothing else to hide.

As soon as she left the camp, she headed towards the direction of the Third Company's camp.

The little tail behind him also followed.

"She doesn't really want to act alone, does she?"

"I heard that she can PK the entire company. She has the ability. Company Commander Fan is not worried about the others in the second company.

"If you don't choose a quiet night, she won't really ignore us, will she?"

Little Tail lowered his voice to discuss.

Just as it was rising, suddenly, I heard a strange voice.

"What about people?"

The little tails came back to their senses and subconsciously looked in the direction Mo Shangyun left.

The light of the flashlight had long since disappeared. They moved forward by the moonlight and the light of the flashlight. No one was wearing night vision goggles. As soon as the light disappeared, they instantly lost their target.

114. Why are you so vicious? ! [Second Update]