Young Master Officer’s Wife Pursuit

Chapter 1558


Eight people, one step forward.

Everyone didn't bow their heads and didn't mean to admit their mistakes.

A rare understanding.

Mo Shangyun was angrily laughed at by them, and there was a penetrating smile on the corner of her mouth. She frowned and said, "Okay, you all want to be in the limelight, right?"

"… "

None of the eight said a word.

Whether the relationship is good or not in private is a private matter.

Now it's not about personal matters, they know what identity they are now, and what identity Mo Shangyun is, so they didn't argue with Mo Shangyun, and just waited for Mo Shangyun's punishment.

But at the same time, they do not feel they are wrong.

They even felt that Mo Shangyun didn't think they were wrong.

The reason why Mo Shangjun looked for them was because they made the scene very stiff, and even made it out of control for a while. If it wasn't for the sudden appearance of Squad Leader Zhang, they might have been standing on the training ground with the first team members, and they would have started to fight for the outcome with their fists.

But in that case, the scene is too ugly.

After all, we still have to get along.


Tang Shi shouted loudly.

Mo Shangyun squinted at her, "Speak!"

Tang Shi said: "The way to deal with this matter is indeed inappropriate. We will pay attention to the method in the future."

Mo Shangjun asked, "What does it have to do with you?"

You are the best performer in the game, what the hell are you doing with this group of negative scorers

Tang Shi said: "Report, we are all on the same team, but I haven't come up with a good solution!"

Mo Shangjun looked at her, and then released his taunting skills to the other eight people, "Drag a teammate who did nothing, and this teammate still speaks for you and shares your responsibilities. Are you embarrassed?"

"… "

Sorry, they have no face to meet.

"Except for Tang Shi, everyone else, plus twenty laps." Mo Shangyun said, "I usually look very clever, but it even makes it difficult to ride a tiger. If you want to do something in the future, give me a little more cleverness. Son, don't make trouble for me so ugly."


The eight people were happy.

Tang Shi looked at Mo Shangyun who was "inciting the team members to make trouble" incredulously, blinking, not knowing what to do for a while.

After clapping his hands, Mo Shangyun took a step forward and said lazily: "Usually, you don't have to think about everything, and you don't have to dodge the troubles that come to you. GS9 put so much effort into We stay here, not for us to be shrewd turtles. As long as you have the ability to handle things well, it doesn't matter if you move around and have some fun. But one thing, if anyone gets me involved, in other words, lose Don't blame me for being rude!"

Having said that, when Mo Shangyun turned right, he stepped back half a step, stood in front of Ding Jing, and patted Ding Jing's shoulder with a smile.

"Do you understand?" Mo Shangjun asked with special care.

As soon as Ding Jing gritted his teeth, he forced a smile on his face, "Trouble you, my IQ is still online."

"Since Comrade Ding Jing has understood, the others will have no problem." Mo Shangjun stepped back towards them, and then shouted, "Disband!"


Except for Comrade Ding Jing, who had a stern face and frustrated self-esteem, everyone else shouted very aggressively.

Mo Shangyun turned around and left.

Seeing that the women's first team had also come over, the pedestrian Ding Jing glanced at each other, and consciously ran to the track.

Tang Shi felt that Ding Jing and Subei's eyes were not good - they must be harboring some careful thoughts.

However, Mo Shangyun has spoken, allowing them to make some troubles. If Ding Jing and the others don't make a toss, they will not fit their personality.

Tang Shi sighed and found that he accepted it easily.

Inside, very peaceful.

In fact, if it wouldn't make the scene so ugly, Tang Shi would also like to see the members of the second team stand out in front of the first team.

Being in a team, especially such a cohesive team, can easily be infected by collective emotions.

Collective honor as the first!

When Mo Shangjun went to the office building, he met Jiang Qiong.

Jiang Qiong was standing next to an off-road vehicle. Mo Shangyun glanced at it and felt familiar. Before she could think about it, she heard Jiang Qiong's voice.

"Team Ink!"

In desperation, Mo Shangyun had to walk towards her.

"Team Jiang."

When approached, Mo Shangyun nodded to Jiang Qiong.

Mu Cheng stuck his head out of the driver's seat and silently greeted Mo Shangyun.

Mo Shangjun took a look at the back seat, and sure enough, he saw Yan Tianxing sitting in the back.

Yan Tianxing sat upright and didn't even look outside.

"Go out for a two-day meeting, and the team's affairs will be left to you."

Jiang Qiong said calmly, as if the incident of being slapped by Mo Shangyun in the cafeteria had never happened.

"Okay." Mo Shangyun shrugged.

Jiang Qiongdao: "Please also be merciful to my team members."

"What did the Jiang team say?" Mo Shangyun smiled, "I have to thank them for helping the second team. But I've been too busy recently, so I can't find time. I'll definitely find an opportunity to thank them another day."

"… "

Mu Cheng turned his head slightly and listened to the conversation between the two of them. One was more polite than the other. Why did it sound so wrong

There is a faint smell of gunpowder in the air...

Mu Cheng subconsciously looked at Yan Tianxing who was sitting behind him, but saw that Yan Tianxing had begun to close his eyes and rest, and he had no intention of interfering in the topic of the two female team captains.

Mu Cheng unconsciously reached out and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

I hadn't noticed it before, I just thought it would be easier for the two women's teams to get along with each other, but if you think about it carefully, even if they are one team, both recruits and veterans need a period of time to get along. The ground collided, and the base was filled with the smell of gunpowder.

Now it seems…

No matter if you are male or female, as long as you are in the army, this kind of thing cannot be avoided.

Mo Shangyun and Jiang Qiong didn't chat, Jiang Qiong opened the car door and got into the off-road vehicle, Mo Shangjun didn't stop, the noon sun exposure made her dizzy, turned around and walked towards the office building.

"Mo Mo!" Mu Cheng suddenly remembered something, suddenly shouted, and asked Mo Shangyun's back, "Yan Ergui asked me to ask how your injury is?"

"All right."

Mo Shangyun waved his hand and answered without looking back.

Soon, Mo Shangyun walked into the stairs and disappeared from sight.

Mu Cheng retracted his head with confidence, and as soon as he sat firmly, he felt four lines of sight behind him. He was so frightened that he didn't dare to say a word, and he quickly started the car.

Lunch was nothing but the beginning of the war between the first and second teams.

As Mo Shangyun expected, the lunch break at noon was not over yet, and the two teams fought directly on the playground.

The reason is that Ding Jing and Subei sang together and sang double reeds in front of a team.

One said that it was easy for thirty laps, and it didn't matter if it was another twenty laps. Then the two of them got angry and satirized a group of rubbish openly and secretly. They were more energetic than the first team after running fifty laps, and then they asked others, "Would you like to add twenty laps together and show them to some people?" see?"

The team members who were about to run 50 laps with a penalty, of course, agreed without any objection.

This play is well-acted.

But the problem is, the people in the first team didn't know what they were going to add to the circle. Seeing their momentum, they thought they were crazy, so they first suppressed and took a bystander attitude.

The result was good, after thirty laps, except for the Tang poems that did not echo their Tang poems, everyone else continued to run without stopping. There was really a posture of "running another twenty laps".

Is the first team the one who can admit defeat? !

Must not!

Immediately, the ones from the first team who ran for free did not rest, and continued to run with them.

In such a high temperature state, you have to be more energetic. When you run, you don’t care about any rules. Just think about not falling behind. You can’t fall behind no matter what, so apart from some physical fitness deviations, you really can’t hold on to it. , the speed slowed down in the later stage, those individuals who could be better, all sprinted ahead, and the gap became wider and wider.

Under normal circumstances, after running forty-five laps, both the first team and the second team are exhausted.

However, they encountered two perverts, Ding Jing and Subei.

Ding Jing and Subei both started to lay the foundation since childhood. Although they are not as physically fit as Mo Shangyun, they are not far from Mo Shangyun. Even if it is You Nianyu, in terms of physical fitness, it is still the best.

So, when others were exhausted and out of breath, Ding Jing and Subei accelerated in tacit understanding, not only did not slow down for the last five laps, but ran quickly.

At such a time, there is nothing to do. Just standing in front of the first team and saying "Tsk, that's enough ability" is enough to break out a war.

008, the new captain [08] Yan Ye's girlfriend [01 more]