Young Master Officer’s Wife Pursuit

Chapter 1564


It only scratched a little skin, and it was not difficult to stop the bleeding. Mo Shangyun wiped it casually, then pulled out a Band-Aid from his pocket, and wrapped the wound with familiar movements.

Yan Tianxing looked at her fingers carefully. There were only ten fingers in total. Six of them were wrapped in band-aids. There were scratches and red marks on the back of her hands. They were all scarred and exposed directly. Obviously, Mo Shangyun didn't take it seriously.

After treating the wound, Mo Shangyun walked straight over.

Yan Tianxing frowned and asked, "How are you doing?"

"See for yourself."

Mo Shangyun answered coldly.

It's okay not to mention it, I'm full of anger when I mention it.

Of course you are angry with yourself.

- It's too stupid to think about it.

What's the matter, she was so bored that she became angry with Yan Tianxing because she was ridiculed a few words

She was just crazy.

But she is Mo Shangyun, she will do what she says. If she says she wants to do it, she will definitely do it.

As expected, her heart was on fire, but Yan Tianxing didn't care about her, and asked, "Where are the drawings?"

"doing what?"

While speaking, Mo Shangyun had already walked to Yan Tianxing.

Yan Tianxing said: "Look."


Mo Shangyun glanced at the corner.

Thankfully, I have a good memory. In the past few days, Mo Shangyun has become very familiar with the drawings. In the past, he would put the drawings on the ground and compare them one by one. Occasionally, when the memory is confused or uncertain, I will take it out and study it.

Yan Tianxing raised his leg across the materials on the ground and walked towards the pile of drawings in the corner.

Not knowing what he wanted to do, Mo Shangyun was so full of assembly steps that he didn't have the time to guess what he was doing. As soon as he sat down at the table, he opened the plastic bag for supper.

The supper is a roast chicken, and it's still hot now, and as soon as the bag is loosened, the aroma hits you.

Mo Shangyun, who didn't feel hungry at first, suddenly felt very hungry.

Knowing that her hands have been touching wood and tools, she prepared gloves carefully.

Mo Shangjun put on the gloves, then pulled off his favorite chicken wings, enjoying it leisurely.

This roast chicken is tender on the outside and tender on the inside, the spices are delicious, and the taste is indescribably good. In addition, it is just right to rest for a while, so Mo Shangyun is not too eager to eat.

She occasionally glanced at Yan Tianxing who was standing in the corner looking at the drawings, but Yan Tianxing had been studying the drawings seriously, so she took the initiative to chat with Yan Tianxing without asking for fun.

After all, there is still a person who is suspected to be his current girlfriend.

Mo Shangyun took a bite of the chicken leg, suppressing the strange feeling in his heart.

However, when he heard the beating sound, Mo Shangyun could no longer remain silent any longer, "What do you want to do?"

I saw Yan Tianxing squatting down in front of the piece of wood she made, and responding to her without looking up, "Try how to assemble it."

What the hell

This calm appearance made Mo Shangyun stunned for a moment. She kicked away the wood under the table and said, "Did I agree?"

Yan Tianxing glanced at her, he hooked his lips and smiled, and then asked, "Then do you agree?"

Mo Shangjun frowned, "Take your insincere smile back to me."

Not only did he not take back his smile, but Yan Tianxing smiled more clearly. He said, "Either assemble it for me within three hours and go to bed, or you can just let me do it."

"Yo, you're pretty lenient."

"Tomorrow, you will be with me. I'm afraid you will drag me down." Yan Tianxing's eyes fell on her fingers, and he said lazily, "It's easy to be distracted."

"When did I join you?" Mo Shangjun was puzzled.

"You are full of these things in the meeting, how can you have the heart to listen to the content of the meeting?" Yan Tianxing asked back.

"… "

Depend on! She's not impressed!

Did you miss out? !

Seeing Yan Tianxing's calm and determined appearance, Mo Shangjun felt a little guilty, but he didn't want to let it go. "No matter what, what I do now will not affect tomorrow's exercise."

"Staying up late before the exercise, are you sure it won't have any effect?"

"I will sleep."

"Go to bed now if you have the patience."

"… "

She is in good spirits now.

After finally finishing those tedious steps and coming to the final assembly to ease, how could she have the mind to go to sleep

Regardless of how it is assembled, it has to be assembled first.

It is this assembly, I don't know how long it will take.

On this point, Yan Tianxing sees it quite accurately...

Shit, it's so annoying.

After thinking about it, Mo Shangyun didn't bother to argue with him, and simply said: "Okay, you play, if you play with any of my props, I will chop off your hand!"

"… "

The ability to speak harshly has not changed at all.

Yan Tianxing lowered his head and continued to do what he was doing.

Although Mo Shangyun is a novice, she doesn't have much woodworking experience at first glance, but she knows everything, and it's easy to learn things. Plus, she is careful and willing to spend time on research, so she really doesn't do well in parts. picked.

Although it can't be compared with the professional ones, at the very least, she uses the only props and time she has to try to make these assembly parts in the best condition.

The stencil is ground smoother than the other.

It's all made with effort and time.

There is no perfunctory to any part.

If she's so focused on her relationship... then I'm really thankful.

Yan Tianxing muttered to himself.

Hearing Yan Tianxing's movements, Mo Shangyun didn't have any hope for him, but he was eating roast chicken a little faster, and prayed that Yan Tianxing would not stumble.

After getting rid of a whole roast chicken, Mo Shangyun took off his gloves, sorted out the plastic bag, and went out with the garbage to throw it away.

When he entered the door again, Mo Shangjun couldn't wait to come to Yan Tianxing's side.

She thought she would see a messy scene, and she could even make a few words of ridicule, but she didn't expect... Yan Tianxing actually did a good job.

Yan Tianxing raised his eyes, he wanted to see Mo Shangyun's dazed appearance, but he saw Mo Shangyun frowning and asked, "Are you cheating?"

014. New Captain [End] Teaming Up [07 Update]