Young Master Officer’s Wife Pursuit

Chapter 1571


"Do you eat?"


Yan Tianxing picked up the binoculars and looked towards the Sanlian camp.

Mo Shangjun broke the chocolate, picked up a piece and handed it directly to Yan Tianxing's lips.

Yan Tianxing opened his mouth naturally, and Mo Shangjun stuffed the chocolate into his mouth.

Movement is natural and smooth.

When Mo Shangyun put the remaining half of the chocolate into his mouth, he realized in a trance that something seemed to be wrong.

But... Forget it, just pretend it never happened.

Mo Shangyun bit the chocolate and put the plastic packaging in his pocket.

As soon as the chocolate was finished, there was a situation in the third company camp ahead.


Yan Tianxing handed the telescope to Mo Shangjun.

Mo Shangjun raised his hand to take it, and looked at the group of people who arrived at the camp with binoculars.

"Why do I think that the one who takes the lead looks a bit like Lou Xilu?" Mo Shangjun was a little surprised.

I was just wondering if I could meet Lou Xilu, but they just waited for him


Mo Shangyun clicked his tongue, "Do you recognize this?"

Hearing the teasing in her tone, Yan Tianxing frowned and said, "She's just a woman."

She brought a platoon, and the soldiers were all sturdy, so how could she not recognize her with a prominent figure

Just as the 202 regiment that Mo Shangjun was in previously had only Lin Qi as the women's volleyball leader, so is the 602 regiment.

For a women's volleyball team leader like Lou Xilu, the company commanders are all men.

"Okay, then there are nine out of ten." Mo Shangyun said cheerfully.

Putting the telescope down, Mo Shangjun asked Yan Tianxing, "How about it, or follow?"

"Follow first and then block."

"it is good."

Mo Shangyun raised his eyebrows with joy.

Just letting Lou Xilu slip away from under her nose like this made her very upset.

If you meet in normal situations, you can say hello with kindness, but now—isn’t this an exercise

Inside the camp of the three companies.

When Lou Xilu arrived with the soldiers of her platoon, she was taken aback by the "Lonely Ghosts" present.

"What happened?"

"Is there anyone alive, come and say something?"

"Your communication has been cut off. The battalion commander asked us to ask."

The people brought by Lou Xilu stepped forward one after another and raised their voices to ask them.

However, no one stepped forward.

All of them were disheartened, and they were not in the mood to say a word to them.

After they asked for a long time, finally someone couldn't help it and said, "Don't ask, our entire army was wiped out, and the company commander was tied inside, which is also an honor."

"The whole army was wiped out?! How many people did the enemy send?"

"Why don't you report to the top and ask for support?!"

"What happened, can you tell us a little bit?"

A group of people asked in a row.

However, no one answered them.

According to the rules of the exercise, once you sacrifice, you will honestly pretend to be dead. It is taboo to reveal the news.

But there are some who can't help but complain.

"Stay dead for three minutes, and start at the company commander's camp. It's too late to report, okay?"

"I don't know where a group of monsters came from, and they are all too capable."

"Anyway, we're not on the same level as them, so be careful, run away when you see them, maybe there's a chance to escape."

Lou Xilu listened to their words and had some guesses in her heart.

Who the blue team is is not revealed to them in advance.

But battalion commander Xu said that two out of five times, they will encounter a special special force. As long as this special force is there every time, unless they are lucky and don't run into it, but as long as they do run into it, they will exercise. will be particularly difficult. There was even a time when the entire battalion was wiped out, and when they were all glorious, they didn't even see the shadow of each other.

This time, will it be... bad luck

Lou Xilu knew which special forces Battalion Commander Xu was referring to, but she didn't get any news for the time being—whether Mo Shangjun was eliminated, and where is he now.

Through many channels, she could not find the slightest information.

When she inquired with people familiar with the 202 regiment, she got the same news: Even if Mo Shangjun was not in the special forces, it was impossible to be returned to the original unit, because she was already two bars and one star, and it would be better to go if she wanted to go. place.

Frowning irritably, Lou Xilu gave up guessing.

After walking around the camp and making sure that he didn't see any openings, Lou Xilu gave up and reported directly to Commander Xu on the walkie-talkie.

There are too many people in the red team, and the equipment is far less sophisticated than that of the blue team. The communication equipment is up to the battalion commander, and not everyone in the squad leader has a walkie-talkie.

Communication is a hassle, and ordinary soldiers just follow.

Most of the time, without even figuring out what was going on, it went into battle, and then got glorified in a daze.

"I see." Xu Lishuo said after listening to Lou Xilu's report, "Come back first, be careful, you may encounter an ambush."


Lou Xilu responded decisively.

She raised her hand and pressed her chest, the heart in her chest was thumping, beating a little abnormally.

After finishing the communication, Lou Xilu exhaled slowly to calm herself down.

Soon, she gave orders to each squad, and only the soldiers in her own platoon gathered, and then quickly evacuated.

Jungle, some highland.

Mo Shangyun, who took all the actions of the platoon in his eyes, stretched out, "They're gone."

Hearing Mo Shangyun's brisk and sober voice, Yan Tianxing asked curiously, "Are you still alive?"

"On the contrary," Mo Shangyun replied with a smile, "the spirit is not bad."

Although I didn't sleep for a long time in the morning, and I didn't have much energy in the morning, the battles in the afternoon and evening were smooth. This kind of experience was rare, and Mo Shangyun was very excited.

The current state is not far from the time when the model was assembled last night.

Yan Tianxing looked at her and wanted to say that she should save some energy, and there were still a few days to endure, but when he said that, he felt that this kind of advice was meaningless, so he simply said: "Let's go then."

As soon as the words fell, Mo Shangyun quickly stood up.

It was night now, and the other party's equipment was not well-equipped, so the camouflage on his body didn't need to be so perfect, Mo Shangyun ripped off some branches from his body.

Yan Tianxing looked at her in high spirits, and when she saw her disgraced dress, she just felt a little dumbfounded.

I really don't know what to say to her.

Say she is dedicated, she just wants to find an opportunity to play and satisfy herself.

Say she's not dedicated, she doesn't care about her external image, she just thinks about how to deal with the red party.


After taking ten seconds to sort it out, Mo Shangjun and Yan Tianxing snapped their fingers, signaling him to follow.

Yan Tianxing frowned and asked, "Me and you?"


Mo Shangjun Ma Liuer took over the words.

Yan Tianxing's mouth twitched, "You're welcome."

Mo Shangyun waved his hand and walked along the road he had opened up, saying: "Be more polite, it is inevitable that you will be born."

"… "

When the words came out of her mouth, the taste changed.

Feelings, the two of them are not "divided" now

However, Mo Shangyun just said it casually, without even realizing it.

Yan Tianxing didn't hold onto her words, and even turned a blind eye.

As for Mo Shangjun leading the way, he also let her go.

If he can't do this well, Mo Shangjun will be the captain of the second women's team in vain.

The overall quality of Lou Xilu's platoon is not bad. When rushing to the night road, it is not loose. The left and right platoons are led by their own people, and they have sent people to guard the situation on both sides of the road. The last two people in the line are still squad leaders. , seems to be afraid that someone will surprise from the rear.

However, after all, there is a huge gap in experience and ability. If Mo Shangjun and Yan Tianxing can be found by them, there is no need to be the captain of GS9 in the future.

Mo Shangjun and Yan Tianxing followed for a while.

After crossing a hillside, the two glanced at the target visible in the distance, and then invariably held the gun in their hands.

Noticing their actions, they both looked at each other.

"Except for the woman, the rest is at your disposal." Mo Shangyun said first.

Yan Tianxing: "..." There are so many plays.

After a pause, Yan Tianxing said, "Go over there."


"You are going to leave the women, why don't you just walk a few more steps?" Yan Tianxing asked rhetorically.

"… "

Well, this reason... Although it is a bit far-fetched, I have to accept it.

Mo Shangjun sensiblely stayed away from Yan Tianxing and went around the opposite side.

Her speed has always been very fast, she quietly went across the road, and in a very short period of time, she reached the position alongside Yan Tianxing.


Mo Shangjun used a communicator to communicate with Yan Tianxing.

"Take action."

021. Certainly [07] is your sister [14]