Young Master Officer’s Wife Pursuit

Chapter 1572


"Take action."

Yan Tianxing said lazily, as if he was giving an order to run two laps around the playground, calm and casual, not worthy of his attention.

There are not even thirty people in a platoon.

There is no support around.

The distance here, even if shooting, will not be transmitted to the main camp.

This round is a complete slaughter.

Massacre of a platoon by two people.

They don't even need to expend much effort.

At the moment when Yan Tianxing's last word landed, Mo Shangyun immediately raised his rifle and cleared the targets one by one.

After a round of shooting, the smoke announcing elimination rose into the air, and the sudden elimination made them unable to react at all—what, what happened suddenly

They stood blankly, looking at each other.

There are also veterans who responded quickly, and ran to the surrounding obstacles the moment they heard the gunshots, but they were the first batch of targets to be cleared by Mo Shangyun and Yan Tianxing, so they "killed Huang Quan" on the way. ".

There were also a group of people who planned to raise their guns to fight back, but they were a target when they didn't move, so before they could see the enemy's trail, smoke appeared on their foreheads.

No resistance at all.

This time, the raid ended without even a minute.

Lou Xilu was the only one who survived to the end.

Because he wanted to stay alive, Yan Tianxing didn't "kill" her immediately, but fired two shots casually to deter her, and then waited for Lou Xilu to find a suitable position to bite him tightly.

However, before she could succeed, Mo Shangjun quietly appeared behind her and aimed a gun at her head.

Mo Shangjun said, "Put down the gun and raise your hand."

I haven't heard Mo Shangyun's voice for a long time, but that doesn't mean Lou Xilu will forget Mo Shangjun's voice.

She immediately connected the person behind her with Mo Shangyun's image.

"Mo Shangyun?"

"Well, it's your senior."

While speaking, Mo Shangyun had already stabbed Lou Xilu's helmet with the muzzle and knocked.

Lou Xilu: "..."

After a few seconds of pause, although Lou Xilu was not reconciled, she put down the gun, and raised her hands in shame with her back to Mo Shangyun.

Fortunately, there is still a bit of surprise and joy in Mo Shangyun's appearance, so this humiliation did not completely occupy her heart.

Mo Shangjun quickly tied her hands and feet.

"What are you doing? You want to kill or slash casually. What does it mean to kidnap someone?"

"Bullying a woman is nothing, come and tie me up if you can!"

"Take it! Take it easy! We have thin skin and tender meat in the row!"

Those who had already lost their lives in Huangquan, when they saw Mo Shangyun's actions, all shouted in worry.

Presumably Lou Xilu got along well with them.

However, they didn't know that Mo Shangjun was a woman, but Lou Xilu knew it, so she couldn't tolerate them talking about her gender, so she shouted to them, "Be quiet!"

The sound was instantly quiet.

Mo Shangyun tied her hands and feet, stood up with a chuckle, then turned to look at the group of grievances behind, she raised her eyebrows and said with a smile, "People also care about you."

"… "

As soon as Mo Shangyun's voice came out, everyone consciously shut their mouths.

female... female.

Thinking of what they shouted just now, they all felt that their faces were shameless, and they wished to find a hole to dig in and never stick their heads out again.


Mo Shangyun patted the soil on his trouser legs, squatted down beside Lou Xilu, and looked up at Lou Xilu carefully.

There should be nothing to do on this day, the clothes are clean, the military camouflage on his face is a bit perfunctory, the thin skin and tender meat are obvious, and the female characteristics are very obvious when you look closely.

Mo Shangjun said, "Long time no see."

"Long time no see."

Lou Xilu half-drooped her eyelids, her eyes swept around, trying to find the trace of Mo Shangyun's other companion.

However, the man on the right, after the raid ended, never showed up, and now he can't even hear any movement.

Where did it go

Lou Xilu had doubts in her heart.

Mo Shangjun sneered and scoured the walkie-talkie and some small props from her.

Lou Xilu had quite a few gadgets on her body, including two daggers alone, and they were very concealed.

After she found everything on her body and threw it on the ground, Mo Shangyun didn't care anymore.

"You have been following us?" Lou Xilu asked.

"..." Mo Shangyun didn't speak.

"Why keep me alive, what do you want to do?"

"… "

"Sister Mo, why did you appear in Yuncheng's exercise?"

"… "

Mo Shangyun didn't answer her even a question.

The villain died of too much talk, and she didn't have the habit of revealing information to the enemy.

Seeing that she had been silent, Lou Xilu figured out and wanted to start with other topics, but Mo Shangyun suddenly took out a rag and stuffed it in her mouth the moment she opened her mouth.

Lou Xilu: "... "Fuck!

"Senior sister will give you a free lesson," Mo Shangjun half-squatted in front of her and said with a smile, "Silence is golden. When you are a prisoner, it's best not to look for a sense of presence."

"Well… "

Lou Xilu opened her eyes wide and wanted to speak subconsciously, but with something in her mouth, she couldn't say a word.

Mo Shangjun clapped his hands and said, "Don't worry too much, it doesn't matter whether you kill you or not, and I didn't want to ask you for any information. I didn't kill you, but captured you. For the sake of my classmate. There is still some affection for alumni, and I will definitely not be too much to you. As for me, I just came to say hello when I saw my old friend. We will meet again in the future. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Mo Shangyun stood up.

Carrying her own gun, she walked into the jungle again, united with the night, and her posture was unrestrained and calm.

Lou Xilu opened her eyes and stared angrily at Mo Shangyun away.


If you tie her up like a zongzi, you might as well just kill her!

The problem is that so many people around her are "dead souls", and not even one came to untie her!

And as a platoon leader, she had to be scrutinized by her own soldiers for this embarrassment.

How will she face this platoon of soldiers in the future? !

What "for the sake of schoolgirls, it won't be too much", what a nonsense!

Mo Shangyun definitely did it on purpose!

Deliberately embarrassing her!

When Mo Shangjun reunited with Yan Tianxing again, Yan Tianxing had already reported the exact location of the battalion to the headquarters.

The two companies were next to each other, and the other party must have been suspicious, so this time Yan Tianxing did not take the task on him, but directly asked the headquarters to send air force to solve it.

After reporting the news, Yan Tianxing left with Mo Shangyun.

Yan Tianxing asked, "Are you satisfied?"

Mo Shangyun shrugged and said, "It's okay."

It was a little out of breath.

"Rest when you arrive at the next location." Yan Tianxing said.

Mo Shangyun nodded, "Okay."

The so-called next location is also pre-arranged. If they didn't come here on a whim, they should have arrived at the designated location by now, and then took turns to rest.

Mu Cheng and Yan Gui had already arrived there and were asking when they would go.

When Mo Shangjun and Yan Tianxing walked halfway, Mo Shangjun heard the sound of a fighter jet flying overhead.

She should have found a place to hide at the first time, but the moment she was about to leave, she suddenly reacted, and then stopped.

She turned to look at where the fighter jets were heading—the direction of the camp they found.

Seeing her stop, Yan Tianxing didn't urge her to stop beside her.

The surrounding trees are lush, and their vision is limited, and they can't see where the camp is at all.

However, they can hear voices.

Not long after, they heard the sound of bombing, the ground was shaking, and soon it was the resistance of the red side, and suddenly fell into a state of war.

Mo Shangyun listened for a while, but did not wait for the end of the raid.

Mo Shangjun said, "Let's go."

She walked down the road ahead, the explosion resounding behind her, but she didn't even look back.

That's what they do.

That's why they must exist.

When using high-tech positioning to find no trace of the enemy, when attacking in a more obvious way will scare the grass and the snake... They can come in handy.

They are indispensable.

This is not blind confidence, but the fact that lies ahead.

Therefore, Mo Shangyun will not question his choice, nor will he yearn for a more destructive and thorough army.

not like them.

In the GS9 unit, she can do more things, real, useful, that's what she wants to "do".

022. Certainly [08] Yan Ye Dao [15]