Young Master Officer’s Wife Pursuit

Chapter 1576


In the final analysis, Ding Jing is not Mo Shangyun's opponent.

It is basically impossible to get some information from Mo Shangyun.

Mo Shangjun ate everything slowly, but Ding Jing didn't say a word, and finally gave up.

After washing the lunch box containing the biscuits and placing them on Ding Jing's desk, Mo Shangyun put on his military boots and prepared to go out.

"Where are you going?" Ding Jing asked Mo Shangjun while eating the biscuits in the drawer.

"Look for Team Jiang."

Mo Shangyun found the training hat and covered the hair that was messy like a bird's nest when he slept.

"Really?" Ding Jing was surprised.


Mo Shangyun asked back.

The next moment, she was out of the door.

Jiang Qiong is in the office building.

However, Mo Shangjun did not leave the dormitory directly, but wandered around the corridors, watching how the first team and the second team got along.

In the military, strength is the best way to gain recognition.

In this exercise, although the second team suffered heavy losses, they said that it would not be a hindrance at all. On the contrary, they helped a lot.

On the last day alone, the battle of Mo Shangyun and the others was enough to prove it.

If the students of the first team refused to recognize their strength, it would mean that Jiang Qiong had no way to teach them, and it was not a good thing anyway.

But obviously, Jiang Qiong taught well.

Previously, the team members were allowed to move freely and let them break in for a while—this is a necessary stage, but she and Jiang Qiong are both waiting for this exercise.

Teamwork is the best way to deepen the bond between team members.

The approach to dealing with relationships here is not that conventional.

After confirming that they were all having fun, Mo Shangjun left the dormitory building with confidence, and arrived at the office building in a few minutes. She did not go to the office immediately, but went to the workshop.

I don't know who is so diligent, she organized her workshop, all the wood debris was emptied, the woodworking tools were neatly arranged, and the model was placed on the table.

Mo Shangyun turned on the light and painted another layer of varnish on the model. Later, he checked it carefully several times to make sure that the model was still intact, and then he left with satisfaction.

Going up the corridor, Mo Shangyun's office is on the left, and Jiang Qiong's office is on the right.

The lights in Jiang Qiong's office were on, and she had to submit an exercise report in two days. She should be busy with this task, and she could hear the sound of the keyboard tapping while standing in the corridor.

She should have written quite smoothly, with few pauses.

"Knock. Knock. Knock."

Mo Shangyun stood at the door and knocked on the door with his fingers.

The door was open, and Jiang Qiong looked up and saw Mo Shangyun.

"Have you rested?" Jiang Qiong smiled at her and said, "Come in."

Mo Shangyun paced into the door.

Jiang Qiong pointed to the chair and motioned her to sit casually.

"Didn't you come to visit?" Jiang Qiong asked her with a smile.

"I want to ask about something." Mo Shangyun's eyes slanted a little smile, and those phoenix eyes were vivid and beautiful.

After being stunned for a moment, Jiang Qiong asked, "Is it related to Team Yan?"

"I'm ashamed of you being so rude."

Mo Shangyun pulled the chair across from the desk and sat down.

She looks condescending, but her waist is straight and straight, and the smile on her face is neither ostentatious nor false, which is pleasing to the eye.

"You ask." Jiang Qiong said, "I can say anything I can."

"That's right," Mo Shangyun paused for a moment, then said slowly, "I heard that the people from Team Yan's class—"

This tentative inquiry is not as refreshing as it was just now.

Jiang Qiong paused, "Are you here for this?"


Mo Shangyun nodded.

Yan Tianxing's sentence "They all sacrificed" was an understatement, but for a long time after that, it was branded in Mo Shangyun's mind.

The lack of rest during the exercise was also related to this incident.

She didn't dare to ask Yan Tianxing again.

This kind of equivalence is to expose a person's scars, and she can't do it.

However, she really wanted to know what happened to make all the members of Yan Tianxing's team sacrifice.

In the army, although they are all brothers and comrades in arms, they have deep and shallow feelings. Generally speaking, those in the same class and who have experienced it together will have deeper feelings.

Mo Shangjun will cherish every comrade-in-arms, but in terms of feelings, her feelings for Ding Jing and others are definitely different from those of Xiong Zhixin and others.

So for Yan Tianxing, maybe the current teammates are ideal, but the same teammates mean different things to him.

After thinking about it, Mo Shangyun finally decided to ask Jiang Qiong.

A team of people she is familiar with are far less qualified than Jiang Qiong, and they probably don't know about Yan Tianxing. On the contrary, Jiang Qiong and Yan Tianxing have similar qualifications. They have worked together for many years and should know more about Yan Tianxing.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Qiong asked, "What did he tell you?"


"Well then," Jiang Qiong nodded slightly, "I didn't participate in their mission, and the situation is not very clear. But I can tell you about his comrades."

His brows moved slightly, and Mo Shangyun nodded.

Jiang Qiong was not in a hurry, poured two glasses of water first, then sat back, and then slowly told Mo Shangyun.

Yan Tianxing was specially recruited and entered GS9 directly after graduation, but he also participated in the selection.

There were seven people who graduated in that year, including Yan Tianxing, and they all had a good relationship with Yan Tianxing.

Jiang Qiongdao: "At that time, Yan team was quite young, far from it... You know, it didn't feel like this now. But at that time, it was a little more elegant."

Mo Shangyun said: "It can be imagined."

Although he has experienced some things that will change his character, he can't imagine that Yan Tianxing's character was as detached as Yan Gui back then.

"There were two people later. I don't know what happened. One was transferred from a better unit, and the other took the initiative to apply for withdrawal. There were only five of them left in that session." Jiang Qiongdao, "It should have happened that they qualified for half a year. Afterwards, it was a team of eight, but I don't know what happened. Four people died, and one was seriously injured and had to be discharged from the army. The Yan team disappeared three or four months after the incident, and the specific reason has not been disclosed. I don't know either."

Jiang Qiong speaks from an outsider's point of view, trying not to let her personal emotions into it.

But in the end, depression and sadness are still on the horizon.

When you talk, you will inevitably get a little emotional.

After so many years, it is still unforgettable.

At that time, she was quite young.

Yan Tianxing's best friend at that time appeared in her life in a reckless way, and then left in an unexpected way.

You think you can see it in two days, but those are just wishful thinking.

A mission, a life and death.

She waited for a corpse beyond recognition.

Mo Shangyun is not very thoughtful, but she can observe her words and expressions, and when she sees the change in Jiang Qiong's expression, she realizes something.

His question was a little abrupt.

"Sorry." Mo Shangyun said.

"It's alright." Jiang Qiong looked at her in surprise, then continued, "It seems that the commander made a mistake in the mission. At that time, the situation was quite big, and the captain was immediately dismissed and transferred. He originally wanted to transfer other people, but Later, under the protection of the brigade, the captain was replaced by the current Yan team."


"do not take it personally."


"You can ask Team Yan for details, but some things shouldn't be said." Jiang Qiongdao, "After so many years, not many people know about it."

Rumors always glorify a person.

In the rumors, Yan Tianxing seems to have obtained all this effortlessly.

How much effort he has put in and how much he has experienced, only he knows.

His almost perverted demanding requirements were all summed up in lessons and experience.

It has been an hour since Mo Shangjun came out of Jiang Qiong's office.

Jiang Qiong told her a lot.

Yan Tianxing and his friends had a lot of trouble when they first came to GS9.

Just like she and Ding Jing, they are always restless. With the ability to fight against the instructors, they like to fight against the rules.

Capable people tend to like to challenge the rules when they are young.

At that time, GS9 had not cultivated such a tolerant atmosphere. They were disciplined and rigorous. The instructors who were in charge of training them repeatedly complained and protested that they wanted to kick them out. In the end, the loving team protected them.

The things told by Jiang Qiong have become peaceful after the precipitation of the years, but Mo Shangyun can see the vivid shadows of Yan Tianxing and his group from it.

A group of unconventional people doing unconventional things.

If Yan Tianxing's companions are still there, the current GS9 may be more lively and different.

In the office, the lights are bright.

There was the sound of closing the door next door, and soon it was the sound of footsteps in the corridor.

Jiang Qiong should have finished writing the report and left.

Mo Shangyun suddenly came back to his senses, and when he saw the blank document on the computer screen, he frowned with some headache.

I was so confused that I couldn't even write a summary report.

At this moment, the landline in the office rang suddenly—this thing rarely rings once, and Mo Shangyun waited for a while before answering the call.

"Hello." Mo Shangyun's tone was serious.

This call will be recorded, and the contact is usually on business. Mo Shangyun is the captain, so he can't be too condescending.

"it's me."

The voice of Mo Shangshuang came from the receiver.

Mo Shangyun was startled, "Brother."

"Dad said you would be back in two days." Mo Shangshuang said, "I asked if you wanted to clean your room."

"...Just for this?" Mo Shangyun was puzzled.


This is what Mo Cang specially called to explain.

Mo Shangjun's mouth twitched slightly, "I haven't been back in a few years, no one has cleaned me up?"

"...I haven't been in, I don't know." Mo Shangshuang said honestly.

Even if Mo Shangjun lives at home, he will not enter her door, let alone when he is not at home.

With a sigh, Mo Shangyun said, "I live at Si Sheng's house."

Mo Shangshuang said, "Dad meant it to be sure if you would come back."

"..." Mo Shangyun picked up the unused calendar on the table with his fingers, glanced at the time and said, "The tickets are all bought, and there is no conflict."

"Well." After a pause, Mo Shangshuang suddenly said, "Dad wants you to live at home."

"It depends."

She doesn't really want to live at home.

If her room has not been touched, it should be full of old things.


Mo Shangshuang didn't force her either.

Not much to say, before Mo Shangshuang hung up the phone, she subconsciously asked her if she would like to prepare an extra birthday present for her grandfather this year. Bye.

Really relieved.

Pulled back to reality by a phone call from Mo Shangshuang, Mo Shangyun rubbed his face to clear his mind and escape from the story told by Jiang Qiong for the time being.

She still has work to do.

In the exercise summary report, the systematic training of the second team should also be put on the agenda, and the players' detailed grasp of their chosen occupations...

One thing after another is pressed down, and it takes time to resolve.

However, there are only three days left before she leaves GS9.

Even if she can't finish everything smoothly, she has to go through all of them one by one, otherwise when she comes back, she will only have a lot of things, and she will never be finished.

Thinking of this, Mo Shangyun inevitably envied Yan Tianxing again.

Even if Yan Tianxing leaves the base for half a year, Bu Yirong, Ji Zhou, Yan Hanyu, Xiao Chuyun and others can help him solve the team's affairs, and the brothers Wen Zhigu and Wen Zhixin, even Peng Yuqiu , If you train for another year or two, you will be able to carry the backbone. In addition, Yan Jinchao, Wei Nan, and Duan Zimu are also talents...

Not to mention Ruan Yan.

Mo Shangyun blushed with jealousy.

Why didn't she keep Ruan Yan for herself, but gave it to Yan Tianxing

Mo Shangyun took out his phone, found the charger, charged it for two minutes, and then turned it on.

The base is shielded by signal, and it is shielded at a fixed time, but now is the holiday period, and Mo Shangyun can see the signal display smoothly.

She dialed Ruan Yan's phone.

The call was quickly connected, but the voice was not Ruan Yan's.

"He's taking a shower."

There are four words containing ambiguity, but the voice is very similar to Yan Tianxing's.

"… "

Mo Shangyun's brain crashed on the spot.

Maybe she hasn't woken up yet...

------off topic-----

Let me mention that the relationship between Jiang Qiong and Yan Ye's best friend sacrificed is probably that of Yan Ye and Mo Shangjun.

026. Back to the capital [02] Going home on vacation [19]