Young Master Officer’s Wife Pursuit

Chapter 1577


After a long silence, Mo Shangyun took a deep breath and asked in a rather humble tone, "Excuse me, who are you?"


Yan Tianxing's rude tone was learned by the person on the phone by 100%.

I don't believe that there are two people in the world with such a consistent voice.

Mo Shangyun scolded secretly, "Fuck."

Yan Tianxing smiled, "Be civilized."

"You share a dormitory with him?" Mo Shangjun asked.


Mo Shangjun asked directly, "Then you two are opening a room outside?"

After a pause, Yan Tianxing said seriously, "vacation."

"… "

Mo Shangyun fell back, leaned his head back on the chair, and rolled his eyes toward the ceiling.

Yan Tianxing asked, "What's the matter with him?"

Mo Shangjun said timidly: "It's nothing, I just want to ask him if he wants to hang out with me."

Yan Tianxing said with a smile: "Why, are you still digging walls in front of me?"

"In order to avoid being poached by me, didn't you give your whole body?" Mo Shangjun was convinced and did not dare to make trouble, "I can't afford it."

"I coincided with his vacation, and we went back together by the way." Yan Tianxing said.

Now I'm waiting for Ruan Yan to finish taking a shower, then tidy up and set off.

"Aren't you busy?" Mo Shangjun raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Have the report been written?"

Do you really have a leisurely "vacation"

"There are Bu Yirong and Ji Zhou..." Yan Tianxing said halfway through, and suddenly reacted, "You want Ruan Yan to help you write this?"

"… "

"My people have no doors."

Resolutely put down the words, Yan Tianxing hung up the phone decisively.

"… "Depend on!

Mo Shangjun sat up abruptly and almost dropped his phone.

This dead conscience thing, I don't even think about who dug up his people...

However, after Yan Tianxing was so angry, Mo Shangyun completely calmed down.

No matter what Yan Tianxing has experienced in the past, what she was like in the past, she only knows the current Yan Tianxing, which is an unavoidable reality.

Write the report well, so as not to be laughed at by him.

- That's the point.

Exhaling, Mo Shangyun dragged the keyboard out and began to study the exercise report seriously.

Staying up until midnight, Mo Shangyun finally finished writing the exercise report, and he was relieved after checking it again and again.

Going back to sleep for a while, Mo Shangyun started a busy life again.

The second team gradually began to go on the right track. After they stopped fighting with the first team, they focused on improving and improving themselves.

But because of this, Mo Shangyun has a lot less to worry about.

The second team is not all reckless men who can only charge into battle. Although Subei and Ding Jing have troublesome personalities and can't lead troops, it is quite reliable to train them.

Both You Nianyu and Tang Shi have experience in leading troops, and their grades are not bad. They can help Mo Shangyun in many things. Qi Qi is a smart person. She graduated from school alone to prove her strength. You can follow You Nianyu and Learn Tang poetry and cultivate some experience... In addition, Yu Yitong and Sheng Zi are also good, and they are more reliable than Subei and Ding Jing in terms of human beings.

To be honest, Mo Shangjun is very envious of Yan Tianxing's state of being able to let go and make concessions at any time to allow them to manage things. Although she has just started here and has a long way to go, it does not mean that it is impossible.

So Mo Shangyun is very willing to try.

She slowly allowed You Nianyu and Tang Shi to contact the second team about certain matters.

Three days later, Mo Shangyun got the fake slip and was finally able to leave the base full of work pressure.

"What do you want to do early in the morning?"

Before dawn, Ding Jing, who was awakened by Mo Shangyun's movement, suddenly rolled over from the bed and sat up.

Mo Shangyun, who had changed into his casual clothes, picked up the backpack he had packed last night, looked up at Ding Jing and said, "To catch the plane."

"Where are you going?" Ding Jing was puzzled.

"Please go back on vacation."

Mo Shangyun said, and raised a finger to his lips, indicating to Ding Jing not to show off.

Thanks to her hard work these days, everyone in the team has been assigned various tasks by her, whether it is mental work or physical work, all in all, none of them have fallen behind, and they are exhausted one by one. .

Now if they knew that they had asked for leave, they would have to try their best to keep her in the dormitory.


Ding Jing cursed lowly.

Then, she raised her hand and touched her throat, took a deep breath, and planned to wake up the entire dormitory with a roar.

Realizing what she wanted to do, Mo Shangyun didn't cover it either. He hooked the chair out with his feet and stepped on it with his legs. The moment the top bunk appeared, he grabbed Ding Jing's. collar.

She pulled Ding Jing forward, "Do you call and try?"

Ding Jing gritted his teeth, "...Fuck, you can buy me if you have the ability."

"Bring you something delicious." Mo Shangjun said perfunctorily without thinking.

"Why are you treating me as a child?" Ding Jing glared at her.

"Then what do you want to do?" Mo Shangyun asked back.

"Just the model you made recently—"

"Go dream!"

It is possible that she will make such a model in her life, and she will be targeted by this guy as a result

Ding Jing broke her hand apart, and then discussed with her very kindly: "You let me play for a few days."

After thinking about it, Mo Shangyun said, "I can bring you a similar one back."

"Really?" Ding Jing became interested.


"That's fine, let's go." Ding Jing waved his hand vigorously, "Close the door softly, I'm afraid you will wake me up."

Mo Shangyun walked down from the chair speechlessly.

There is no sound of the door closing.

Ding Jing snorted, murmured childishly in his heart, and then lay back on the bed and continued to sleep.

Even if you can't sleep, it's okay to daydream.

From the base to the airport, it takes several hours by car.

First drive from the base to the town, then take the bus to the town, take the bus to the airport, and finally get the plane to the capital.

Such a tossing took most of the day.

By the time Mo Shangyun came out of the airport, it was already afternoon.

Summer never favors one over the other. From south to north, the sun is still so hot that it can still scorch a layer of skin on the body.

Mo Shangjun was wearing short sleeves and jeans, with a backpack on his right shoulder. He was bathed in the hot sunshine like this, welcoming the baptism from the city.

After waiting in line to stop a taxi, Mo Shangjun gave Si Sheng's address and quickly buckled his seat belt.

He took out his mobile phone from his backpack, and Mo Shangjun called Si Sheng.

The phone rang for a long time before answering.

"Has it landed?" Si Sheng asked.

"Well, I'm going to your house."

"The password hasn't changed," Si Sheng said, "I'll go back now."

Si Sheng was originally going to pick up Mo Shangyun, but he had something to deal with temporarily, so he let Mo Shangyun go by himself.

"it is good."

After the phone call with Si Sheng, Mo Shangjun called Mo Shangshuang again, just to inform her that she will stay at Si Sheng's house tonight, and go home directly to celebrate her grandfather's birthday tomorrow.

Mo Shangshuang didn't force her to go home, and hung up the phone after a simple answer.

It took more than an hour from the airport to Si Sheng's house. Mo Shangyun was bored and fell asleep. When he opened his eyes, it was almost dark outside.

During the rush hour, as soon as I got off the expressway, the traffic jam started, making it difficult to move.

After tossing for more than half an hour, he finally moved to the vicinity of Si Sheng's residence.

Mo Shangyun sighed, "Master, let's get off here, I'll go by myself."

The driver was blocked so that he had no temper, so he nodded in agreement with her, and then showed her the way.

Mo Shangjun used his mobile phone to scan the code to check out, then opened the car door and walked down.

Fortunately, she only brought a backpack, otherwise it would be difficult to move around with the box.

Unfamiliar with the terrain, although Mo Shangyun remembered the direction the driver pointed, he still took out his mobile phone for navigation to be on the safe side, but the battery of his mobile phone was marked red after a few steps.

"… "

Forgot to charge my phone last night.

However, it should be enough.

Just in case, Mo Shangyun remembered the route map clearly before following the navigation.

After walking for less than ten minutes, Mo Shangyun heard the voice behind him—

"Mo Shangyun?"

After a pause, Mo Shangyun turned around and saw Ruan Yan's figure impressively.

He was dressed in casual clothes and had just walked out of the supermarket next door. He was obviously a little surprised when he saw Mo Shangyun on the street, but he still strode towards her.

It is rare to see Ruan Yan in casual clothes, Mo Shangyun looked at it carefully and raised his eyebrows in satisfaction.

What a handsome guy.

The temperament is high and cold, but it does not violate the harmony. When it is placed in the crowd, it is still provocative and seductive.

With so many people coming and going, Mo Shangyun could only see him at a glance.

Thinking of Yan Tianxing's previous phone call, Mo Shangjun asked suddenly, "Didn't you go on vacation with Yan Tianxing?"

027. Back to the capital [03] Friends visit [20 more]