Young Master Officer’s Wife Pursuit

Chapter 1584


As soon as Mo Shangjun and Si Sheng returned, Mo Shangjun received a call from Yan Gui.

"Momo! Big news!"

Yan Gui's voice was very soft, but his tone was very excited. At first glance, he was calling Mo Shangyun secretly.

Mo Shangjun sat on the sofa and asked, "What?"

"Do you remember the last time Yan Tianxing took a selfie with that woman?!" Yan Gui asked excitedly.

I don't remember seeing the ghost!

Probably guessing what Yan Gui wanted to say, Mo Shangyun said, "Remember."

"The news I just asked, it was a fake woman, a man disguised as a woman!"

"Oh." Mo Shangyun replied calmly.


Yan Gui was shocked by her calm reaction.

Mo Shangjun said, "I just saw him."

"Really a man?"

Mo Shangjun said lightly: "Physical characteristics are male, so I don't know psychologically."

"...So, no matter how distorted this person is, Master Yan will not like a man who likes women's clothes, right?" Yan Gui said, "Even if that man may have mental problems."

Mo Shangjun sneered: "That's not certain."

Yan Gui resolutely said: "Anyway, I have inquired about it, there should be no problem with that human sexual orientation."

When he saw the photo, because it was too shocking, he was very euphemistic when he asked the friend. The friend was too busy at the time, so he simply replied a few words without making it clear.

Later, he was going to participate in the exercise, and it was delayed. His friend replied a few words to him, and he asked a few more questions, but the time was never able to make an appointment together. It was not until this morning that the two of them had a chance to talk on the phone for a few minutes. To completely understand.

After listening to him asking about the woman, his friend laughed and thought he had a crush on her, so he joked a few words, and finally revealed that the other party was a man.

The friend said, "This is my friend's friend. I usually do things out of tune. Isn't this time a man disguised as a woman, and he is still dressed like a man, and there is such a handsome man to cooperate with him, we think it is very interesting. Yes, send it out to play."

"Aren't you still saying in the group that she has a bad reputation and is hooked?"

"Isn't this going into her character state and saying a few words together. Are you serious?"

"… "

Yan Gui, who claims to be the best fool in the world, lost in this game and feels that he will never be able to hold his head up again in the future.

After Yan Gui finished telling what happened, she cried and complained to Mo Shangyun over the phone.

"You said, why did Yan Tianxing cooperate with him?" Mo Shangjun asked abruptly.

"Ah?" Yan Gui stopped immediately, and then became stunned, "Yeah, why did Master Yan cooperate with him?"

Yan Tianxing is so good, why would he cooperate with a women's clothing boss to take some inexplicable photos

After a while, Yan Gui said in shock, "Does he have a special hobby?"


"Then, I can't think of a reason..." Yan Gui said wrongly.

Even if it is Truth or Dare, no one dares to play on Yan Tianxing's head...

Mo Shangyun hung up the phone.

I don't know why, but I feel better.

Suddenly a new text message came to the phone, a string of unfamiliar numbers.

Content: Sister Mo, I am your brother Jian, can you pass WeChat

The content caused serious discomfort, and the corner of Mo Shangyun's mouth twitched slightly.

She clicked on WeChat, and sure enough, she saw a series of friend requests from Lin Jian.

After hesitating for a while, Mo Shangyun finally clicked through.

- She wanted to see how he acted as a demon.

After passing it, Mo Shangyun didn't quit directly, but changed him a remark: Women's clothing boss.

When he exited again, he was surprised to find that Lin Jian had sent him more than a dozen messages.

Click to see, basically all pictures.

All of them are self-portraits taken by him in women's clothing, not Yan Tianxing's, but his own self-portraits.

Finally, he asked earnestly.

Women's clothing boss: Sister Mo, do you think I'm good-looking

Si Sheng, who was passing by with an ice drink, accidentally caught a glimpse of this question, and immediately leaned over from behind the sofa, took a closer look and twitched the corners of his mouth, "Does he still have this special hobby?"

I should have known more kicks.


The corners of Mo Shangyun's lips rose.

Women's clothing boss: Sister Mo, I have more exciting things, don't you think

Women's clothing boss: Sister Mo...

Mo Shangyun: Sister, you are beautiful.

Seeing Mo Shangyun's reply, Si Sheng chuckled lightly and went around to the single sofa next to him and sat down.

the other side.

Seeing Mo Shangyun's reply, Lin Jian sat on the sofa and bit the handkerchief depressedly.

"Yan Ye! What's the matter, she actually called me beautiful! I feel insulted!" Lin Jian clutched his heart, feeling that he could die at any time.

This operation is simply too traumatic.

Yan Tianxing, who was sitting by the side and flipping through the magazine, gave him a cold look, "Do you still need her to insult you?"

"… "

Lin Jian aggrieved and continued to communicate with Mo Shangjun.

His task was to convince Mo Shangyun that he was a pervert in women's clothing.

Otherwise, he would either wear women's clothes to another party last night, or wait to be tortured to death by his boss.

What is fame

Survival is the most important thing!

Lin Jian sighed, and resignedly continued to communicate with Mo Shangyun.

However, just after he sent out a sentence [not as beautiful as Sister Mo], he found that he had been blocked.

"She blocked me!" Lin Jian said to Yan Tianxing in shock.


"... I beg her to come back." Lin Jian collapsed.

Ruan Yan took out the computer from the study, and when he saw Lin Jian shouting, as if he was talking about Mo Shangyun, he couldn't help but ask aloud, "What did you do?"

Although Lin Jian was very dissatisfied with Ruan Yan's appearance as a master without a master, Yan Tianxing ignored him at this time, so he could only cry to Ruan Yan.

So he turned out the photo with Yan Tianxing, handed it to Ruan Yan, and said, "This picture was seen by Sister Mo."

Ruan Yan raised his brows.

Then, I don't know if it was Lin Jian's nervousness or something, and found that the words "you are already dead" were written in Ruan Yan's eyes.

Capital despair.

Ruan Yan tilted his head and said to Yan Tianxing, "Do you still have this hobby?"

Yan Tianxing immediately frowned.

Lin Jian hurriedly said: "Don't sully my Lord Yan! Can my Lord Yan be such a person?! We do this for a reason!"

Ruan Yan said indifferently: "Men who cheat usually use this kind of rhetoric."

Taking a deep breath, Lin Jian felt that he was on the verge of collapse. He patiently explained, "I really have no special hobbies, thank you."

Ruan Yan said: "No normal man I know would do such a thing."

"Yan Ye, tell me about him—" Lin Jian really had no choice.

However, before he could finish speaking, Ruan Yan said, "It's more like it."

"… "

Lin Jian, died.

Yan Tianxing took out his mobile phone, glanced at the latest news, then put away the magazine and said, "Tell Ruan Yan about what to do."

"What about you?" Lin Jian asked curiously.

"I am busy."

Yan Tianxing stood up.

Lin Jian said in horror: "Aren't you the foreign aid we invited?"

"As far as your information is concerned, there is only one foreign aid." Yan Tianxing said coldly, then glanced at Ruan Yan.

Ruan Yan said: "Increase salary."

Yan Tianxing said: "Ji Zhou's collection, you can choose."

Ruan Yan thought about it for a while, and felt that it was a good deal.

Lin Jian: "..."

The three views are broken.

After enlisting in the army, I also had contact with the team led by Yan Tianxing several times, but this was the first time that Yan Tianxing's subordinates dared to make conditions with Yan Tianxing, and Yan Tianxing was so condoning.

No, just asking Yan Tianxing to make breakfast for him...

Well, it's no wonder that Ruan Yan, the host, has such an attitude towards his guests, it's simply lawless.

I heard that people with ability will get special favors. I hope that Ruan Yan will get special favors from Yan Tianxing because he is really "capable".

Under Lin Jian's repeated entanglement, and finally Ruan Yan said to Lin Jian, "Add him, the floor will be cleaned by him", Mo Shangyun finally agreed to release Lin Jian from the blacklist .

Lin Jian is nothing more than making some more disgusting remarks to convince Mo Shangyun that he is a complete pervert, and Yan Tianxing is purely innocent.

Mo Shangjun followed his words and said a few words, Lin Jian was lying on the floor of Ruan Yan's house and burst into tears, sadly realizing that his image had completely collapsed because of a circle of friends.

After chatting with Mo Shangyun for a while, Lin Jian felt disgusting even himself, and finally he endured the physiological reaction of vomiting and sent the chat record to Yan Tianxing.

It wasn't until Yan Tianxing said "yes" that Lin Jian breathed a sigh of relief.

It can finally be slowed down.

However, what he never expected was that because he had not had time to delete the circle of friends, he actually saw Mo Shangyun's likes and comments.

Mo Shangyun: We live together for a hundred years, and we grow old together forever.

"… "

Lin Jian felt that he was really going to die.

------off topic-----

Do this tonight, then update a few chapters during the day.

Ask for a ticket.

034. Back to the capital [10] Bracelet hidden weapon [27 more]