Young Master Officer’s Wife Pursuit

Chapter 28


The second half has just begun, and the second consecutive trail is nearly 20 points behind, but—

As soon as the ball reaches Mo Shangjun and Yan Tianxing, it is basically only passing and pitching.

Yan Tianxing stood calmly outside the three-point line, looking at Mo Shangyun, who was moving quickly in the court, and was amused.

Mo Shangyun dared to play, which proved that her skills were good, and it turned out that her skills were not only good, but the whole second company was led by her alone, and the situation was successfully reversed.

Occasionally, Mo Shangjun would pass a ball over, and Yan Tianxing was only responsible for throwing the ball into the basket.

Easy to imagine.

Therefore, the bystanders of the two companies watched their performances silently.

In the end, I felt bored and panicked, so I gathered together to gossip.

"That officer, is the target of your Deputy Company Mo?"

"I don't know, I've never seen it before."

"If you want to talk about family members, it can be relatives or something, right?"

"His aura is simple. He just stared at him, and the labor and management are now weak... However, he is so young and has a high rank. It's a bit outrageous."

"When the time comes, I will ask you Deputy Mo Lian, what is the origin of this officer?" Someone in Lian Lian asked enthusiastically.

However, what responded to him was the bitter face of Erlian Collective, "Hehe, if you want to find death, go by yourself, don't take us with you."

When they saw Mo Shangyun, they couldn't wait to avoid it. How could they dare to ask her about "the family's situation"? !

Purely courting the rhythm of death!

A series of collective puzzled again.

Second Lian, this Mo Vice Lian, is it really so terrifying

on the field.

Mo Shangyun took the lead, Xiang Yongming and Li Liang supported and covered, and Yan Tianxing, who was a hundred shots, finally won the basketball game by more than ten points.

Lian Li bit his cheeks and looked at them angrily, but he didn't dare to yell at them.

There is a "family" with two bars and three stars for them, no matter how unconvinced they are, they will not dare to cause trouble!

Also, there is really no cheating on the pitch.

As for Erlian, although it was not very honorable to win, after all, he raised his eyebrows, and when he looked at Mo Shangyun again, he felt a lot more pleasing to the eye.

"You guys continue."

Mo Shangjun threw the basketball to Lilian, then gave Yan Tianxing a wink, and the two walked out of the court calmly.

Chain: "… "

Erlian: "..."

Really waved his hand, without taking away merit and fame.

Her casual attitude, so easy to rewrite the casual basketball scores of the first and second companies, suddenly made both companies begin to doubt their lives.


How can there be such a pervert in this world

As soon as he walked out of the basketball court, Mo Shangyun noticed Mu Cheng who was waiting not far away.

She squinted and smiled, shrugged at Yan Tianxing, "walk slowly."

After she finished speaking, she looked away, and she estimated that she went to the office for a turn. However, just two steps away, the back collar was grabbed by a hand.

As soon as she turned around, she lost her mind and looked away.


The two words that are cold are indisputable tone.

"… "

Mo Shangyun raised his eyebrows and glanced at the military watch on his wrist.

It was just past ten.

It stands to reason that the other party has done a favor, and it is reasonable to treat the guest.

"Breakfast?" Mo Shangyun shook his watch.

"Whatever." Yan Tianxing sent off her back collar, with a lazy expression and a casual attitude.

As his thoughts turned, Mo Shangyun raised his eyes slightly and looked at the gloomy sky.

After a while, she asked, "Is there a car?"

Hearing the sound, Yan Tianxing Meiyu eased slightly and glanced in the direction of Mucheng.

I don't know where the tacit understanding came from, Mu Cheng sensed what he meant, and immediately got into the jeep, and soon drove the car to their side.

Under the gaze of many eyes, Mo Shangjun and Yan Tianxing got into the car.

"Where to go?" Mu Cheng silently closed the car window, raised his eyes and looked ahead, asking without looking sideways.

"Erlian dormitory office building."

Mo Shangyun was the first to speak.

Visually measuring the distance from here to the office building, Mu Cheng twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and then drove without saying a word.

Mo Shangyun's mobile phone wallets were all left in the office. Of course, he went to get them this time.

It took Mucheng less than a minute to drive the car to the downstairs of Erlian's dormitory.

"Get down now."

When Mo Shangjun got off the car, he said to Mucheng, and then closed the door.

When he came to the office, he happened to meet Lang Yan, and Mo Shangjun reported to him about going out, and gave him the task of "Erlian Party Program Registration".

Lang Yan himself cheated on her, and of course he didn't mind such a trivial matter.

"I just heard that you play basketball with a family?" Lang Yan took the time to ask.

Mo Shangjun took out all his mobile phone wallets, "Do you believe it?"

Lang Yan: "…"

Lang Yan, who originally believed seven or eight points, was only believing three points instantly when she asked this question.

"I'm leaving."

Putting away his mobile wallet, Mo Shangyun put both hands in his trouser pockets and walked out the door.

"Pay attention to safety." Later, Lang Yan asked casually.

Mo Shangyun responded perfunctorily and went straight out the door.

Going into the office to get something, and then coming out, it only takes five minutes in total.

However, when she came downstairs, the sky was actually filled with snow.

The cold wind was blowing on the face, mixed with fine snowflakes, which instantly fascinated people's eyes. Mo Shangyun's pace was slightly paused, snowflakes fell on the skin, and a touch of coolness suddenly hit.

The sky is snowing, and the wind is blowing.

Looking at the training ground from a distance, Mo Shangyun raised his eyebrows helplessly.

The next training, these guys, can bear it.

Of course, she also suffered.

Looking back, Mo Shangyun walked towards the jeep parked on the roadside.

Opened the car door and sat in.

"Where to go?" Mu Cheng asked immediately as soon as someone came in.

"Get out of the base first."

Mo Shangyun exhaled cold air and took out the cold mobile phone.

"it is good."

Seeing that Master Yan didn't respond, Mu Cheng responded conveniently.

With his fingers resting on his chin, Mo Shangyun held a mobile phone in his right hand and used the software to check the restaurant outside the military area.

She was new to this place, and the only time she went out was with Yan Tianxing, so the location could only be solved by this kind of software.

The way she chooses is based on three points, price, taste, and evaluation.

In less than two minutes, Mo Shangyun selected three stores, and then chose the cheapest one based on the poor allowance.

"Eat mutton steamed buns?" Mo Shangjun asked Yan Tianxing for his opinion.


Yan Tianxing didn't lift his eyelids.

So, it's settled.

029. Dating