Young Master Quan, How Have You Been?

Chapter 20: I love you, can you believe it?


Quan Shi turned his head to look at her and saw a slight smile in her eyes.

This smile was different from the previous mockery. It was soft, warm, and also revealed some inexplicable sadness, as if it was filled with the deepest affection in the world.

It makes people believe inexplicably, and makes people feel moved by it.

Quan Shi couldn't believe that such a smile would appear on this woman's face, but he felt that only this face could be worthy of such a smile.

He also raised the corners of his mouth, sparks of fire gradually burning in his eyes, and said slowly: "Since you are so obedient and feed me... such good wine, should I satisfy you?"

"It's not that the master satisfies me..." Shen Shenxue shook her head and whispered in his ear, "It was my plan that succeeded.

Her lips brushed against his cheek and pressed against his lips.

Quan Shi did not refuse, but instead held Shen Shenxue's head with one hand and entangled it more deeply.

The two ignored the many onlookers in the room, Wang Junsheng's hateful curses, the jealous looks of the maids, and the slightly surprised and embarrassed looks of Quan Shi's subordinates.

The two people on the throne were entangled with each other, their breaths were filled with each other's breath, and they were invading each other's territory.

You come and I go, it's hard to separate.

It seems that the battle has reached a stalemate, and no one wants to retreat easily, and no one wants to admit defeat easily.

To them, this is a battle, but to outsiders, it is clear that the two of them are passionate about each other, and the fire is about to burst into flames.

Wang Junsheng's mouth, nose and ears began to bleed, his ears were buzzing, and his vision was almost blurry.

Faintly seeing the entangled figures, the desire in his chest turned into hatred. He suddenly broke out, broke free from the restraints, grabbed a decorated pure gold sculpture from the table next to him and smashed it on Quan Shi's head with all his strength -

"go to hell!"

This time, before Quan Shi could react, Shen Shenxue stepped out of his way!

There was a muffled "bang" sound, and the carving hit her right forehead.

Quan Shi felt his breathing was stagnant, and his heart seemed to be grabbed by a pair of hands and pulled to both sides, causing a dull pain.

Bright red blood began to emerge from the wound on Shen Shenxue's head and flowed down his cheeks. His white porcelain skin looked even more charming against the red background.

But she didn't seem to notice, holding on to the armrest of the throne, letting the blood drip onto Quan Shi's exquisite black suit.

The sound of dripping was so clear that Quan Shi could no longer hear Wang Junsheng yelling curses over there, and his men were punching and kicking him.

He looked at Shen Shenxue, her eyes were so clear that all the emotions that had been revealed in them before disappeared.

He heard Shen Shenxue's clear but powerful voice—

"I love you, do you dare to believe it?"

Quan Shi felt a palpitation in his heart, as if something made his once-dead heart suddenly come alive, beating powerfully, melting the ice in his heart, and sending warm blood to his whole body.


The beating sound reached Quan Shi's ears, and he wasn't even sure if it was his own heartbeat.

There was a voice in my head shouting loudly: Don't believe her! What kind of trick is this woman playing? She is using a trick to make you soft-hearted!

Soft-hearted, but when will this word be used to describe him again

Seeing the fear and confusion in Quan Shi's eyes, Shen Shenxue smiled almost slyly, and finally couldn't hold on anymore and fainted.

Quan Shi hurriedly caught her and held her in his arms. The warmth from her warm body made Quan Shi's heart tremble.

He looked at Wang Junsheng, the coldness and gloom in his eyes were like Shura from hell, and his voice was cold and emotionless: "Cut his thing up and feed it to the dogs!"

"Yes, sir."

The subordinates were about to pull Wang Junsheng down, but Quan Shi stopped them, with unconcealed anger in his eyes, "Don't let him die so easily. I still have many good things for him to try." ."


The men agreed and dragged Wang Junsheng out. Wang Junsheng's horrified voice echoed in the room and corridor: "No - don't -"

"Li Chuan!" Quan Shi shouted. When he saw Li Chuan coming in, he didn't even notice it, and his voice was trembling.

"Call the doctor, quickly!"