Young Master Quan, How Have You Been?

Chapter 30: Love, perish together


"Shen Shenxue!"

There was a faint voice in the rain. Every time Shen Shenxue called out Quan Shi's name, the voice seemed to be responding to her, and it never stopped.

That's enough, you can hear him calling your name before you die.

But somehow, Shen Shenxue felt that the voice was getting clearer and closer.

Finally, in a flash of lightning, there was a figure galloping on horseback not far away. The sound of horse hooves became louder, and Shen Shenxue felt that she must be hallucinating.

However, when the lightning lit up again, the figure was clearly a little closer.

"Quan Shi!" Shen Shenxue shouted hoarsely for the last time.

The sound of the horse's hooves stopped, but Shen Shenxue could hear the horse's neighing when the reins were pulled, and could even feel the hot breath from the horse's nose on his cheek.

Immediately afterwards, he fell into a strong and warm embrace.

Shen Shenxue looked up and saw the face that she had been thinking about a moment ago. After a while, she said softly: "You're here."

Quan Shi stretched out his hand to block the rain above her head, and his voice was gentler than ever before: "I'm coming."

The little wild cat in the storm finally showed her vulnerable side. Quan Shi hugged her tightly, just wanting to protect her in his arms and tell her that she would not be hurt again.

He carried Shen Shenxue onto the horse, sat behind and held her whole body in his arms, pressing his chest tightly against her back, trying to convey some warmth to her who was still trembling.

"Sit tight." He whispered in her ear, and then shouted: "Drive!"

Huo Feng jumped out like an arrow and found his way back to the castle by relying on his memory.

Shen Shenxue huddled in Quan Shi's arms. For the first time, she felt at ease as she had never felt before. Such a long separation made her temporarily put away the thorns on her body and simply enjoy the warmth of this embrace.

Fire Wind stopped at the gate of the castle, where the servants were already waiting.

Quan Shi helped Shen Shenxue off the horse, bent down and picked her up and carried her to the castle. Shen Shenxue struggled to get down: "I'm fine, I can walk by myself."

"do not move."

With a semi-command tone, Quan Shi increased the force on his hands, making Shen Shenxue unable to move.

For Quan Shi, this feels good. The little wild cat who was once full of danger all the time is now so weak. No matter how she shows her sharp claws, at this time, she is still the one who needs his protection.

Finally, for once, he could save her.

Quan Shi took Shen Shenxue directly back to his bedroom. After asking the servant to bring a set of dry clothes, he pushed Shen Shenxue into the bathroom.

When the warm water poured on her body, Shen Shenxue's mind finally woke up bit by bit.

From the woods to the castle, Quan Shi seemed to be a different person along the way. He was not like the person she knew, but he still felt inexplicably familiar.

She couldn't believe it, and it seemed like it was no surprise that Quan Shi came back to look for her in the heavy rain.

She had to admit that when she heard Quan Shi calling her name in the rain, she clearly heard her heartbeat.

Sure enough, once this love trap is opened, the only ending is death together.

Shen Shenxue didn't go out wearing a bathrobe until her body stopped shaking. Quan Shi had already changed his clothes and was sitting by the bed. When he saw her coming out, his eyes immediately froze.

Only now did he realize that Shen Shenxue, without her makeup, looked like a hibiscus, or jade without any carvings, simple and fatally attractive.

The dewdrops on the tips of her hair fell on her chest and flowed down. Quan Shi looked away, hiding the impulse that surged into his heart.

Shen Shenxue did not let go of the flash of look in his eyes and laughed softly.

Quan Shi was a little unconvinced, stood up and looked down at her, and said in a arrogant and unquestionable tone: "This time, I am your savior."


Shen Shenxue stepped forward and put her hands on Quan Shi's chest, feeling the hot temperature of Quan Shi's chest coming from her palms, like a burning fire.

"Then I really want to thank you for your life-saving grace." Shen Shenxue's eyes were extremely charming, but there was still a touch of pride in her charm, and her tone was soft, like a lover whispering in his ear.

Quan Shi grabbed her hand that was touching his chest and said in a low voice, "Then how do you want to thank me?"

"you guess?"

Shen Shenxue tilted her head slightly, showing a sly smile, reached out to unbutton Quan Shi's shirt, stood on tiptoes, and kissed his lips.

Quan Shi was stunned for a moment, then immediately turned his back, hugged Shen Shenxue tightly, and turned the gentle kiss into a passionate kiss.

There was reason in my mind that was clamoring to come out, but the desire erupting in my body suppressed it time and time again.

In a moment, the two people were lying on the bed. Quan Shi stretched out a hand and intertwined fingers with Shen Shenxue while kissing her greedily.

The faint bath fragrance and her unique taste on Shen Shenxue's neck were like a silk net that tightly entangled Quan Shi, making him unwilling to be separated from her at all.

Shen Shenxue tried her best to respond to him. The two entangled people were like lovers reunited after a long separation. A kiss and a caress were all full of unspeakable tacit understanding.

After a while, Shen Shenxue clearly felt the changes in Quan Shi's body. Just when he reached out to untie his bathrobe, Shen Shenxue stopped him.

Looking at his once cold eyes covered by desire and listening to his heavy breathing, she smiled with a winner and said in a mocking tone: "Now, are you still my savior?"

Quan Shi was stunned for a moment, his eyes became clear, and he knew that he had fallen into the trap of this little wild cat again, but how could he let her succeed, and hummed: "That's not necessarily true."

After saying that, she went to pull the strap again. Shen Shenxue pushed him away and shook her head, with a hint of sadness in her cold eyes.

There had indeed been a savior in her life, but he was no longer there.

"But I'm pretty sure you're not," she said.

After saying that, he was about to stand up. Quan Shi turned over and pressed her down, saying with an annoyed tone: "You seduced me first, do you want to leave so easily?"

"I seduced you, so what?" Shen Shenxue said with contempt on her lips, "Now, I'm not interested anymore."

"Not interested? It's not up to you!" Quan Shi seemed to be losing control of his emotions. His anger at being played and his body's instincts made him unable to control himself.

The strength of his hand increased, and Shen Shenxue couldn't break free, so he struggled even more violently. Quan Shi was about to hold her down when he heard her cry out in pain and quickly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Quan Shi frowned, and there was worry in his tone that he was not aware of.

"My feet hurt." Shen Shenxue looked at him with slightly tearful eyes, feeling indescribably pitiful and touching.

Quan Shi turned his head and saw that one of her ankles was indeed red and swollen. He gritted his teeth bitterly, got up and straightened his clothes, then walked to the door, opened it and said, "Li Chuan, go and call Doctor Du."

Dr. Du was full of complaints and did not dare to break out. He hurriedly came up to check the legs of this patient who had almost become his regular client.

After the treatment, he saw the messy bed. He felt a little embarrassed and said, "It's just a sprain, no bones were injured. Just have a good rest in the past two days and don't get out of bed and move around less."