Young Master Quan, How Have You Been?

Chapter 33: You want to see people in life, you want to die


She patted Huofeng's neck and comforted it to calm down. When she tried to make it move forward, it refused, and the horse's hooves pawed uneasily on the ground.

Shen Shenxue realized that Huofeng must have sensed something bad, so she dismounted her horse, led him away from the path, and hid behind the nearby bushes.

Not long after, a whisper came from the originally silent woods.

"Are you sure Quan Shi is in the castle now?"

"You're sure, don't worry, I've found out already. Otherwise, I wouldn't dare to act rashly. The famous 'Night Owl's' lair is not one that can be entered casually."

"Old man Wang jumped over the wall in a hurry, bankrupting his fortune and spending a lot of money to seek revenge from Quan Shi. If it weren't for his high bounty, I'm afraid not many people would be willing to take this order."

"Fortunately, everyone is willing to work together. When the time comes, the bounty will be divided equally, which will be enough for us to live happily for a few years."

"Ask about the situation over there and see if they've arrived."

Shen Shenxue's heart felt cold after hearing this. It sounded like Wang Junsheng's father hired people to take revenge for his son, and there were many people coming. With Quan Shi's strength, these killers shouldn't be able to hurt him.

Shen Shenxue comforted herself in her heart, holding her breath and planning to continue on her way after these people left.

But when everything was silent again, a voice shouted in her head: Go back! go back!

You can't take this risk. Quan Shi took sleeping pills tonight and couldn't wake up for a while. If something goes wrong, you may never see each other again in this life.

You watched Quan Shi fall into pain because of Xiao Bailing's death. Do you want to experience the same thing as him for the rest of your life

But you escaped without permission. If you go back this time, according to Quan Shi's character, I'm afraid he won't let you go again, and he might even...because you took advantage of him and killed you in a rage.


However, I want him to live, and I can't take any chances.

Shen Shenxue's breathing became rapid, and Huo Feng saw that she was uneasy, and seemed to become uneasy as well. But soon, Shen Shenxue got on the horse, turned the horse's head, shouted loudly, and galloped towards the castle.

Hope it's not too late!

The sound of horse hooves startled a flock of birds in the forest. Shen Shenxue took a detour on horseback and hurried back to the castle. When she finally saw a corner of the castle spire in the moonlight peeking out of the clouds, she felt an inexplicable peace of mind.

Huofeng couldn't wait to jump into the grass around the castle, and rushed straight to the castle gate as if he had telepathy.

The door opened, and the bodyguards were alerted and rushed over from all directions with flashlights waving.

Shen Shenxue jumped off the horse and rushed into the castle, shouting: "Quan Shi, Quan Shi!"

However, as soon as she ran into the hall, she stopped hurriedly and froze on the spot.

On the sofa in the hall, Quan Shi looked gloomy, his eyes bursting with cold light as he stared at the servants kneeling on the ground.

"You will chase her to the ends of the earth and find her for me. If you want to meet someone in life, you will die..." He almost gritted his teeth as he spoke, and his words were as cold as ice.

When Shen Shenxue rushed in, the hall fell into silence for a moment. Li Chuan seemed very surprised by her appearance, but his expression soon turned to worry.

Before she could speak, Quan Shi strode over and clamped one hand on Shen Shenxue's neck.

Shen Shenxue immediately felt it was difficult to breathe. She tried to open Quan Shi's hand with both hands, but found that it was in vain. She had to open her mouth and tried to speak, but she could only make a hissing sound.

"How dare you come back! I hate others taking advantage of me. I shouldn't believe you. I believe you will..."

Quan Shi didn't say the next words again, because it would inevitably expose his vulnerability.

He was determined not to believe any of Shen Shenxue's words. This woman would do anything to achieve her goals.

Shen Shenxue's face turned red from holding back, and her head began to feel dizzy because she had difficulty breathing.

She reached out a hand and tried to touch Quan Shi's cheek, but he opened it roughly.

"There is... someone... be careful..." She tried her best to say these few words, but Quan Shi, who was in a rage, had no intention of listening.

His eyes were filled with anger, covering up the disappointment and heartache of being betrayed and deceived.

"Bang-" Suddenly there was a gunshot outside the door.

Shen Shenxue's consciousness recovered by one or two points, and Quan Shi's hand relaxed by two points because of this sound.

"Bang bang—" gunshots continued one after another, and screams came from time to time.

Li Chuan answered the phone and soon walked to Quan Shi and whispered: "There is a night attack!"

Quan Shi frowned, let go of Shen Shenxue, and said calmly: "Go out and take a look."

"Yes." Li Chuan agreed, glanced at Shen Shenxue worriedly, and hurried out.

Shen Shenxue fell to the ground, holding her neck and breathing heavily. It took a while to regain her strength, grabbed one of Quan Shi's sleeves, and said intermittently: "Someone... ahem... someone wants to kill you... be careful..."

Quan Shi was about to throw away her hand, but he was stunned when he heard these words and said: "You came back just to tell me this?"

Shen Shenxue didn't want to explain more. She raised her head and was about to tell him to be careful when she saw a figure flashing past him on the second floor behind him.

Her body acted before her consciousness, and Shen Shenxue stood up suddenly to block Quan Shi's back.


There was another gunshot, this one so loud that the maids in the castle screamed.

The sound of gunfire still echoed in the castle, and the bodyguard beside Quan Shi had already drawn his pistol and fired at the figure.

However, Quan Shi didn't care to fight back. He couldn't hear the gunshots and couldn't notice the chaos around him. He only saw a bright red on Shen Shenxue's chest. The red color was still expanding rapidly, and the smell of blood rushed straight into his nose.

"S-Shen Shenxue..." For a long time, Quan Shi knelt on the ground, held Shen Shenxue in his arms, and called out her name with uncontrollable trembling in his voice.

Bullets were still flying around, two bodyguards were protecting the two of them, and Li Chuan had already rushed in with someone.

Shen Shenxue watched Quan Shi's mouth open and close, but she couldn't hear what he said. She could only see the shock, confusion and panic in his eyes.

His face slowly blurred and gradually overlapped with another green face.

She opened her mouth, but found that her throat was dry and she couldn't say anything, so she had to raise a hand and try to touch Quan Shi's face.

Quan Shi reached out to grab it, and found that the hand was frighteningly cold, so he put his hand to his cheek, trying to warm it up.

A smile appeared on Shen Shenxue's lips, and she closed her eyes as if she sighed.

"Shen Shenxue..."

Quan Shi's nose turned sour as he shouted out these three words. In the rush, no one noticed that a drop of tear fell from his eyes and melted into the blood on Shen Shenxue's chest.

As the gunfire subsided, a person upstairs was shot in the leg and immediately rolled down the stairs. Li Chuan immediately rushed forward to subdue him, and the bodyguards also stepped forward to tie up the man.

Everyone was busy catching this alive, but they heard Quan Shi yelling urgently and angrily: "Doctor! Doctor Du!"

Xiao Wu, who was originally hiding in the corner, rushed across the corridor when he saw this, ran to Dr. Du's room and banged on the door. When Dr. Du opened the door with trembling hands, he couldn't help but ask him to lift the medicine box and pulled him to the hall.