Young Master Quan, How Have You Been?

Chapter 43: The most charming one


Shen Shenxue looked up and saw the host smiling with a gentle expression, completely inconsistent with the tone just now.

But she couldn't get it wrong. She had been Lilith for so long and had heard countless different kinds of words. She had long been accustomed to being able to identify all kinds of teasing and flirting.

Could this man be interested in her? But she didn't care, there was more than one man interested in her.

"Hello everyone, my name is Shen Shenxue."

Shen Shenxue emphasized several times that she was no longer Lilith, but Shen Shenxue.

She is willing to say her name no matter how many times she wants, as long as these people remember her and she is no longer the same person she used to be.

The host took the microphone and asked her to sit in the guest seat and wait for the artist who would appear next.

But after waiting for a long time, apart from the constant screams of terror from above, no one appeared.

It seems that Da Lotte really screwed up this time.

Who among these guests is as courageous as Shen Shenxue? She has wandered on the line between life and death several times, and she always has a habit of being lonely and courageous. No matter whether she can jump out of this pit or not, she will get down.

There was a box of unopened coffee on the table at the guest table. It was cold and it seemed that it had just been taken out of the refrigerator.

She picked up the coffee, opened it, and drank it. The bitter taste spread from her throat, so bitter that she wanted to spit out the coffee.

His heart suddenly palpitated, and Shen Shenxue suddenly had a strange guess...

This coffee...couldn't it also be a product of a company under Quan Shi's name

She turned the bottom of the coffee over and took a look, and found that the label was clearly written on it.

Shen Shenxue took a deep breath and put the coffee back where it belonged. She found that no matter where she went, she could not avoid the word "Quanshi".

Sometimes she couldn't tell whether it was because there were traces of that person all over the world, or because he could never get rid of his shadow in her heart.

But it was obviously not the right time to think about this. Shen Shenxue turned to look at the host and found that he looked embarrassed and darkened.

Time is passing by minute by second. If there are no guests yet, wouldn’t this show be ruined

She remembered that the longest program was only over two hours, and even in real life the program could not exceed three hours. One-third of the time had already passed, and the day lilies were already cold.

Shen Shenxue had a smile on her lips, she was looking forward to it.

"Hahahaha, our guest may be frightened by the idea of our program team and is crying in the dressing room right now. How about I take everyone to see the other guests?"

It was also the host who was more experienced and immediately came up with a solution.

The director, who was standing in the audience holding a script, hit his head hard and looked very annoyed.

The cameraman followed the host around to the backstage area and walked directly into the dressing room.

Shen Shenxue didn't have to move at all. There was a very large screen in front of her, and she could see the other guests on the screen.

As expected, what she said was right. There were cameras in the dressing room, and people outside could see every move of everyone inside, but they didn't broadcast it.

The woman who had been ridiculing him before was now so pale that she didn't even need to put on foundation, and her clothes were a little messy. I don't know what kind of fright they encountered.

From the screen, Shen Shenxue could feel the fear of these people. The sounds outside were getting louder and louder, and there was an additional layer of footsteps.

These are naturally the hosts who brought cameras to secretly film them.

The women in the dressing room are like a group of turtles in a jar, knowing nothing about it.

One of the yellow-haired women stood up, slapped her hand heavily on the dressing table, and frowned: "No! We can't sit still and wait for death! Since the current situation is so critical, why not let us start automatic defense!"

No one spoke. They were too lazy to pay attention to her. They were all looking at their faces to see if there were any small flaws. Even the woman with messy hair just now started to comb her hair.

The yellow-haired woman sighed and sat back. She saw a sudden noise coming from outside, and a hand knocked on the door several times.

Everyone looked at each other and picked up their weapons, preparing to defend themselves against foreign enemies.

The door lock was suddenly unlocked, and the first person to enter was the host.

He was smiling like a flower just now, but unexpectedly, as soon as he showed up, he was hit by multiple cosmetics. Even the photographer behind him was not immune, and the camera in his hand was smashed.

There were bottles and cans everywhere on the ground, and no less than ten high-end lipstick sticks were broken.

The air conditioner above Shen Shenxue was turned on too high, making her shiver from the cold. She turned around, picked up the blanket on the sofa and wrapped herself into a bear.

Now that the show had just begun, she had to choose the most comfortable sitting position to take a good look at what would happen to the women who had just ridiculed her.

This was the first time such an accident had happened to the program crew, and everyone didn't know how to deal with it.

The director discussed with several intern directors for a while and decided to replace all the star actors, leaving only the rumored Lilith to support the mainstay.

After all, these female celebrities make too much fuss and are not worth seeing.

More importantly, they have wasted a lot of hard work of the program team, and no matter what, they cannot be let go.

As a result, everyone returned to the dressing room. The host deleted all the previous paragraphs and walked back to the stage.

The more than 500 viewers in the audience watched with gusto. Some even took out their mobile phones and started recording. Of course, their recordings were not as exciting as Shen Shenxue's.

The host took the microphone and coughed twice before getting to the point, when he saw Shen Shenxue slowly walking over.

Shen Shenxue's red lips were slightly open, her eyebrows were slightly raised, the lights flickered along with her footsteps, and ethereal sounds of nature came from the speakers above her head.

"The waves are long and the flowers are blooming like a dream. You say you love each other, but I say it's better to stay together..."

"Mulan boat, so gentle under the moonlight..."

She was like a cat walking in the dark, walking gracefully, twirling her dexterous ears and long tail.

Everyone had forgotten the farce just now. They only had eyes for Shen Shenxue on the stage, the most charming woman.

The host said something but forgot about it.

Shen Shenxue knew that the popularity of the Lotte show all came from this well-known host. If he didn't like it, he could instantly ban a young artist who had just emerged. Even if he is a famous artist, he has the ability to make that person's position unstable.

Song Chenchen, a person whose mind is smaller than the eye of a needle.

Shen Shenxue lowered her head and said in his ear: "You can say it now, and I will cooperate with you when the time comes."

He nodded, and the smile returned to his face: "Since our guest is in some trouble today, how about we do a different one from Lotte?"

After he said this, he felt a little trembling in his heart. After all, ratings are a very fascinating thing. If this thing is different and does not suit the audience's taste, maybe the ratings of his program will decline.

But if it meets the audience's taste, it will be very simple to become a hit.

No one was talking at this time. They were waiting for the follow-up to see what was different about this program.

"Many people say that our Lotte shows are all shows with no limits, but today I want to prove for our show that we are not only a show with no limits, but also a combination of adventure and will."

There was a glimmer of light in his eyes.