Young Master Quan, How Have You Been?

Chapter 5: Where did you come from as a savior?


Scratch your face

No woman will be indifferent to "disfigurement", especially a beautiful woman. Shen Shenxue's eyes wandered for a moment, and then she laughed to herself.

Mo Ni has always been "thorough" in her work. She had her face disfigured and sent it to Boss Fu to punish him. It seemed like she was venting her anger on Boss Fu, but in fact, it eliminated the possibility of her coming back for revenge after using her appearance to please Boss Fu.

However, if you can get freedom just by destroying your appearance, what is there to care about

Even though the final result may not be what she expected, Boss Fu has never been cruel to women, and she is not worth remembering without her appearance. There is always a way for her to regain her freedom.

Thinking like this, and watching the so-called "staff" walking towards her, Shen Shenxue closed her eyes as calmly as possible, convincing herself not to be afraid of the shining cold blade.

"Do it!" Mo Ni ordered.


The closed door was kicked open by Xian Ran, and a group of imposing men in black quickly walked in. The man holding the knife shook his hand in shock, and drew a crescent-like mark on Shen Shenxue's face.

With a pain on his face, followed by the crisp sound of a knife falling on the ground, Shen Shenxue opened her eyes and saw a man roughly throwing Mo Ni aside.

Throwing away the eyesore, the man glanced at Shen Shenxue, with an unknown emotion flashing in his eyes, and asked in a low voice, "Are you okay?"

Shen Shenxue was silent for a moment. She knew the man in front of her, his name was Li Chuan, and he was Quan Shi's confidant.

It seemed that her fate with Quan Shi was destined not to be easily ended.

Realizing how troublesome he was, Li Chuan felt a chill in his heart and gestured to the man in black next to him, "Take it away!"

From before boarding the ship to now, Shen Shenxue has not had a drop of water, and has not even been able to sleep a wink. After experiencing such a torture in Room 419, her body was already uncomfortable, and her tense spirit finally reached its limit. In the Man in Black After picking her up, he simply closed his eyes and fainted.


What is coming is inevitable.

Winding all the way to the outer suburbs, a huge forest blocks the sky, and a majestic European-style castle stands majestically in this forest.

When he opened his eyes again, Shen Shenxue was awakened by cold water.

She lay weakly on the ground. The first thing she saw was a pair of men's high-end custom handmade leather shoes. Going up her straight and slender legs, she saw the man's handsome face and dangerous eyes.

"Are you awake?" A mellow voice sounded.

Shen Shenxue ignored him, turned sideways and tried to sit up.

Seeing her ignoring him like this, Quan Shi raised the corners of his mouth, his eyes a little cold and a little interested. He took a step forward, stepped on Shen Shenxue's hand that was resting on the ground, and crushed it with malice.

"Is this how Young Master Quan treats his savior?" Shen Shenxue gasped in pain, looked up at Quan Shi, and sneered.

"Yes, I forgot, you are still my savior..."

Quan Shi nodded, biting the words "savior" very hard. He moved his feet, squatted down, pinched Shen Shenxue's chin, and moved closer.

The two breaths intertwined with each other, and they were so close that they seemed about to kiss each other.

Shen Shenxue looked at him without blinking or flinching, trying to see something familiar in his eyes.

However, no.

The current world of Quan is arrogant and full of hostility. He is not the same person at all as the warm-hearted young man who has been with him for many years.

Shen Shenxue lowered her eyes, no one could see the dull pain in her heart.

"Tell me, which god sent you as the 'savior'?" Quan Shi's voice was low, like a dangerous temptation.