Young Master Quan, How Have You Been?

Chapter 51: Lilith’s past and present lives


Shen Shenxue did not ask An Yi to pick her up, but took the bus back by herself. When she got on the bus, she lowered her head and moved the mask upward to cover most of her face.

There were very few people at night, and some people were still going crazy in nightclubs outside. There were only a few old people on the bus fanning themselves with fans.

Two young people sat in the middle and talked quietly about something. Shen Shenxue got on the bus and sat directly in the last row.

She turned her head and opened the window, letting in a strong stream of wind. The two young men sitting in front of her laughed as if they had discovered something.

They were holding mobile phones in their hands, and what came into view on the mobile phone was a familiar face.

Shen Shenxue's mind went blank for a moment. They were scratching the photos one by one with their fingers. She suddenly couldn't remember who this person was.


It was the Lilith of a year ago, the dream girl in any man's heart, the woman with a bold and wild smile who seemed to be divorced from her current self.

Shen Shenxue smiled faintly, and the light in her eyes almost went out.

She has been moving forward, and no one will stay by her side forever, not even brother Ayuan.

Is that man really her brother Ayuan, the pure young man who protects himself from the slightest bit of wind and rain, and the domineering man named Quan Shi, are they really the same person

Holding her head with one hand, her eyes were a little blurry. The wind messed up her hair and made her eyes hurt.

The weather turned cooler at night, and even the wind was freezing.

"Look at this woman who has been looking at me for so long without looking at me." The girl next to her blushed and stretched out her hand, tugging at the boy's clothes hard.

"Be good, don't think too much. How can she be as good-looking as you?" The boy quickly put down his phone and grabbed the girl's hand.

"Humph, just talk nonsense." The girl curled her lips, obviously feeling that these words were too false, "I even think she is incredibly beautiful in the world, don't you feel the same?"

"Okay, she does look pretty good." The boy scratched his head and looked at the girl sincerely, "But what's the use of just being beautiful? How can she be one-tenth as pure as you?"

Perhaps because he was eager to show his loyalty to the girl, the boy turned pale in his eagerness and reduced the goddess who often appeared in his dreams to be worthless—

"So many people have revealed who she hangs out with and has ambiguous relationships with many people. How could I like this shabby shoe!"

Shen Shenxue listened to these words word for word and couldn't help laughing to herself.

Even ordinary people express disdain for her, and how many of those seemingly fanatical fans really like her singing.

However, she is not a pure and beautiful girl, so it is normal for her to be looked down upon by others.

Shen Shenxue silently opened the window to the maximum, supported her head with one hand and looked into the distance, at the blurry light that was gradually fading away.

She lowered her eyes and gathered her thoughts.

The car drove very fast, like a gust of wind.

This is a relatively remote place. Most of the wealthy areas have cars nearby, and few people take buses. This is why the environment here is good and not disturbed by others.

Back home, Shen Shenxue looked through the address book in her hand and considered each item one by one.

She's looking for her next target.

These people have all cooperated with her before, and there are not many people who have friendship with her. But if you think about it carefully, if it is really the only person she has friendship with, it is only that person.

Shen Shenxue's expression flickered. After hesitating for a moment, she finally picked up the phone and dialed a number.

The call came through quickly, and it was the voice of a silent man. His voice was a bit old, and he sounded much older than Shen Shenxue.

Shen Shenxue coughed and raised the corners of her mouth slightly: "Long time no see."

Her voice was calm, as if reminiscing with an old friend.

The other end's breathing was obviously stagnant, and after a while, he finally made a suspicious voice: "Lilith?"

Shen Shenxue said "Yeah", stood up and leaned against the sofa and looked out through the window: "I haven't called you for a long time. Your voice is exactly the same as before."

"I never thought you would call me. I thought I had been forgotten by you a long time ago."

The other end laughed a few times, and then showed great joy: "I heard that you have made your debut again with a new name. Is that your name? It sounds really nice."

"Jace." Shen Shenxue spoke softly.

Her voice was sad and affectionate, as if she was speaking to her lover from the bottom of her heart: "I have something I want to ask you to help me with."

"Say!" As soon as he finished speaking, the other end hurriedly spoke, "No matter what you ask me to do, I'm willing to do it!"

Shen Shenxue flipped up her hair to make herself look smarter: "Why don't we continue chatting another day? I couldn't explain this matter over the phone."


Looking at the words ending the call on her phone, she smiled lightly.

In fact, there is really no need for them to keep in touch. After all, her interest in Jace is limited to the money and power in his hands. Although he is not as good as Quan Shi, this person still has some status in the entertainment industry.

She owed him a lot of love before, but she didn't want to continue to owe him this time.

But on second thought, if she gets this investment, she will become one of the investors, and she will share all the profits from the TV series.

She knew that the future of this TV series was immeasurable, so she had to use every method to get the investment rights for this TV series.

Although it was indeed a bit unscrupulous to rely on a man's help, she didn't deserve to have such a thing as integrity, so why should she pretend to be aloof.

If it is too strong, it will break; if it is too clean, it will become dirty.

She understood this truth as early as when she was living on the street, preferring to starve to death rather than begging. In the end, she was starved to the point of fainting when a beggar took away her hard-earned food.

Shen Shenxue turned around and fell into the sofa. She had already changed into clean clothes. She frowned slightly while looking through the records on her phone.

His slender fingers paused when they touched Song Chenchen's profile picture. He clicked in and found that his circle of friends could not be viewed. In other words, he had unilaterally deleted her.

So stingy

In order to verify his suspicion, Shen Shenxue sent him a message and found that it had been blocked and deleted.

She had a strange expression on her face, and slowly a smile emerged that she didn't care about. It was the first time someone deleted her without saying a word, which really made her feel fresh.

After deleting Song Chenchen, Shen Shenxue threw her phone on the coffee table, turned on the TV, and saw her name in Entertainment Weekly on the TV.

Nowadays, reports about her are overwhelming, titled: Lilith gave up her name as a porn star and entered the entertainment industry as a second person. What is the reason behind it

Why else

Shen Shenxue smiled, of course she had nothing to do.

These people have been making fun of this matter. Although it will help improve her reputation, she doesn't want to watch these people running around like monkeys next to her every day.

Holding the remote control, I originally wanted to turn off the channel, but suddenly I saw three big characters "Lilith" appearing on the TV, followed by a line of small characters "past and present life".

What kind of "past and present life"

Shen Shenxue was a little curious and put the remote control back, but now the TV had entered commercial time, which meant that she had to wait two or three minutes before she could see the main film.

Instead of waiting, search online.

She turned around, picked up her phone, and searched the Internet for the three words "Lilith". Then she was almost overwhelmed by the overwhelming messages, and finally she found the most recent message.

"Regarding Lilith's past and present life, if Lilith is a wanton mermaid, then behind the enchanting indulgence and charm, in her previous life she was an innocent girl who didn't care about the world."

This title is interesting.

Shen Shenxue curled her lips, an innocent girl who doesn't care about worldly affairs