Younger Martial Sister of the Sword Sect Holds a Magic Wand

Chapter 80: You asked for the immortal!


The sky that used to be so thick that you couldn't see the top now seemed like a thin eggshell that was lightly knocked by a stone.

A very faint golden light leaked out from the dark sky that looked like splashed ink.

Mo You had taken over a new body at some point. He was a handsome young man with red lips and white teeth. His eyes and eyebrows were vaguely similar to Xie Mi'an. He was probably some unlucky member of the Xie family.

He stood on the towering ladder, teetering. The violent crowd blew his thin body like a piece of white paper and scraped off the rubble on the stone ladder under his feet. However, he was completely unaware of it and all that was left in his eyes was the increasingly bright beam of light.

“I finally found the true path to ascension.”

"Eternal life, eternal life..."

Mo You muttered to himself, his face showing a mixture of joy and sorrow, as if he had entered a dreamland, his eyes becoming more and more confused.

It is unknown when the devil cultivators were called devils, and the devil cultivators' heritage became increasingly decadent.

They are clearly in the same world of cultivation. The righteous cultivators on the four continents can seek mercy from the immortals and ascend to the upper realms to cultivate the path to immortality.

However, the demon cultivators who had made their way to the other side of the open sea could only watch young men grow into old men and beautiful women turn into withered bones.

This ladder was built thousands of years ago by a demon lord who, when he could no longer make breakthroughs, begged immortals to send down a path to immortality, but to no avail. So he gathered the strength of his entire clan and built it in an attempt to climb to the upper realm with mortal strength.

However, this ladder was built for a hundred years, and until the Lord of the Demon Realm's lifespan ran out and his body turned into nothingness, he still could not break through the boundary between mortals and immortals. At that time, the immortal fortunes of the four continents were flourishing, and someone would ascend to heaven every hundred years. There was even an incident where three people ascended to heaven in the same year.

When he was dying, he struggled to climb the ladder to heaven, tears falling into the sky, and angrily asked the heavens on behalf of all the demon cultivators: "Why?"


If there really is a heavenly law, how unfair is that law that refuses to grant them even a single delusion

If there is no heavenly way, then what's wrong with going against heaven in order to achieve immortality

Mo You stood at the top of the ladder, watching the golden light grow brighter and brighter, with great ambition and light burning in his eyes.

He gathered up the hem of his clothes, bowed respectfully towards the sky, and said loudly: "Black Snake Tribe Mo You, welcome the Immortal!"

The sound was like the sound of bells and chimes, lingering between heaven and earth, and the golden light seemed to turn into golden drizzle, making the entire night as bright as day.

The moment these words were spoken, the black-clad guards who had just been oppressed by the soul laws and screamed miserably were able to relax. They all looked up at the sky in a daze, and subconsciously followed Mo You in shouting in a trembling voice, "Welcome the Immortal." After repeating it once, they realized the weight of these four words, bowed their heads and kowtowed, repeating the words over and over again, each time more pious and crazy than the last.

The wind became particularly bleak and cold, the waves in the open sea rolled and surged, the fog on the Misty Island began to dissipate, and the ladder to heaven also began to become shaky, as if it could not withstand such pressure.

This is the power of immortals!

Mo You was in high spirits, and he stood solemnly at the top of the ladder, and shouted again: "Mo You, welcome the immortal!"

He was responded with a low laugh of unknown emotion.

The golden pillar of light turned into a road to immortality, connecting heaven and earth. A tall and majestic figure stepped down from the top of the sky, his face was obscured by the light, and only the hand of this immortal seemed to be missing a finger.

He stepped towards Mo You out of thin air, and the golden light under his feet seemed to be psychic, constantly spreading towards Mo You. The terrifying pressure emanating from him made the latter's breathing increasingly difficult, and it was almost impossible for him to stand.

Mo You didn't dare to look directly at it and took a step back. However, the ladder was narrow and if he stepped back any further, he would fall from the height.

The deep voice seemed a little surprised, then said with joy: "You have indeed comprehended the laws of heaven and earth, and have cultivated them to perfection. Not bad."

Mo You understood that this was a compliment to him, and tried his best to keep his body straight: "Thank you for the compliment, Immortal Venerable..."

However, the immortal was not as kind and upright as Mo You imagined.

"But a mere pariah from the lower realm actually dares to stand and talk to me, haha."

After the last sneer came out, he lightly snapped his fingers, and the ladder under Mo You's feet was shattered into pieces in an instant. In just a moment, these hard black stones collected by countless magic cultivators turned into rubble and powder, falling down heavily or flutteringly.

The demon cultivators kneeling below had no time to dodge and were caught off guard and smashed into a bloody mess. The magnificent palace that Xie Mi'an had built for the Xie family when he had previously controlled his body was also turned into ruins by the rain of stones.

The worst one is Mo You.

The talent he cultivated was not stronger than his physical body, but in his soul. The body he took over was chosen because of its high degree of compatibility with his soul, plus its beautiful appearance. In fact, his cultivation was not very high, but only in the foundation-building stage. A body that was not sufficiently tempered with spiritual energy could not be called powerful.

Mo You suddenly fell from a high altitude into the ruins of the palace. His head was shaking when he landed. Only the golden light remained in front of his eyes, and he could not hear any sound in his ears. It took him a long time to slowly come back to his senses.

He blinked and raised his hand with difficulty to brush away the dust on his face.

Is this the legendary immortal with a sage-like demeanor and upright character

The immortal seemed to have done only a trivial thing. He stood in the air and looked at the world from afar, with a bit of contempt in his eyes.

"Heh, it really is a netherworld that is about to dry up. No wonder it has been abandoned."

Mo You didn't understand what he meant, he only vaguely realized that the lower world he was talking about was the world of cultivation where he was.

He pressed his hand on the dregs, which hurt his palm. He wanted to struggle to get up, but he had no strength under the pressure from the other party.

It was at this moment that he saw the face of this immortal clearly.

Unlike the dignified and imposing figure he had imagined, nor the peerless beauty that was difficult to describe in words and passed down from ancient times, the person standing in front of him was a haggard middle-aged man with high brows and a very long scar on his face that ran diagonally from left to right, almost cutting the entire face in half.

This... is an immortal living in the upper realm

If it weren't for the terrifying aura emanating from him that was so strong that it made people unable to move, Mo You would rather believe that the man in front of him was just a lowly desperado.

"Didn't you beg me to come? You are a lowly person whose heritage has been cut off, but you can still comprehend the laws of heaven and earth. You are truly a genius."

The moment he spoke, an extremely indifferent smile appeared on the man's face. With a flick of his hand, Mo You floated in front of him like a piece of driftwood.

The man put his hand on Mo You's head, and his voice was filled with joy: "Since you are a genius, I shouldn't waste your talent."

Mo You could not move or speak, and could only struggle desperately to escape the other party's restraints.

He sensed murderous intent, a murderous intent coming from this "immortal".

Mo You finally realized that something was wrong, but no matter how hard he struggled, it was like a pile of dry bones, and it was of no use.

"You... who are you?" After pushing the soul law to the extreme, Mo You was finally able to ask such a question.

"Who am I? Am I not the immortal you have been kneeling before for thousands of years in search of?"

As the scarred middle-aged man finished his words, a golden light appeared in his palm and slapped Mo You's head domineeringly.

A translucent figure was pulled out of the body, and the scarred man's eyes suddenly lit up after seeing the faint blue light hidden in it, and he reached out and grabbed it.

"It is indeed the law of the soul! Hahahaha!"

The translucent figure seemed unable to bear such torture, like bubbles in the wind, gradually becoming twisted and broken.

One after another, wails that seemed to come from the soul resounded throughout the entire Misty Island, becoming extremely mournful in the howling of the sea breeze, as if a demon from the abyss was roaring in the ears.

The face of the body that Mo You had just found became increasingly pale, and after losing its soul, a deathly aura quickly spread throughout the body.

Only his soul reacted, and regardless of the pain at the moment, he tried desperately to take the thing back.

"That is the power of the law that I comprehended! How dare you take it away? How dare you!"

However, the more he struggled, the faster his soul dimmed, shrinking at a speed almost visible to the naked eye.

The scarred man turned a blind eye to all this. He just stared at the faint blue light in front of him, observing this half-real and half-virtual light almost obsessively. It half floated on the top of his palm and seemed about to dissipate with the biting sea breeze at any time.

The corner of his mouth formed a very faint smile, and he touched the light spot obsessively and carefully, and began to try to merge it with the golden light in his hand.

However, the moment the two touched, the scarred man's face changed drastically, and he quickly threw the thing back at Mo You: "Such a strong resentment! Such a deep cause and effect connection! How much sin did you commit to cultivate this power of law!"

The scarred man had an extremely ugly expression on his face. He originally thought that he was lucky as he had picked up the power of the laws of heaven and earth for nothing in the many wastelands. However, he didn't know that this thing came from an irregular source. It was not cultivated by awakening his own talents, but was forcibly cultivated by means of demonic possession. It was entangled with countless resentful evil spirits. Who dared to touch it

If he truly integrates this soul law, it is not certain whether he will succeed, but the cause and effect and evil energy contained therein will all implicate him, and he will definitely develop inner demons and it will be difficult to improve his cultivation!

The power of laws returned to his body, and Mo You's soul, which was about to break, finally stabilized, and he couldn't wait to drill back into the body of the young man from the Xie family.

But now he was so weak that he didn't have any strength at all. He could only stare at the immortal in front of him with lifeless eyes. His whole body and soul were shaking, and he couldn't utter a word.

Is this the immortal he sought after he spent a hundred years slaughtering nearly half of the tribes in the demon world

Is he praying for an immortal or a demon

At this moment, the scarred man seemed to realize something, and then he pushed Mo You who was lying on the ground and exclaimed: "It's still two souls."

Attracted by this golden light, the soul of Xie Mi'an, which had been suppressed by Mo You, slowly emerged, while Mo You remained silent unwillingly.

The two cannot be separated, yet it is obvious that they are two completely different people.

Xie Mi'an already knew what Mo You was planning. He was born in the Four Continents since he was a child, and his ancestors in the Xie family had also had great abilities who had ascended to heaven. He also realized that the "immortal" in front of him seemed to be different from the ones passed down by his ancestors.

It seems that the purpose of this person's coming to the world is not to guide Mo You to embark on the immortal road to the upper realm, but for his power of laws

Without waiting for the other party to make a move to kill him, Xie Mi'an had already spoken up: "Master Immortal, are you here to seek the power of the law?"

He was so weak that he was about to fall asleep at any time, but if he fell asleep now, he would probably never have a chance of reviving in this life.

Xie Mi'an tried his best to stay awake, and said with extreme humility: "I am not talented, but I am commanded by the Immortal."

The scarred man smiled contemptuously, unmoved, and tapped Xie Mi'an's chest, almost crushing his body.

"How dare you, a mere lowly person, speak so arrogantly? You are nothing but an ant, are you worthy enough?"

He raised his hand again towards Xie Mi'an, and a strong murderous intent almost condensed into substance and attacked the latter.

Xie Mi'an's hair stood on end, and his heartbeat suddenly stopped. At this critical moment, he hurriedly said, "Master! I know who else has comprehended the power of the laws of heaven and earth!"

The scarred man stopped his index finger in front of his eyes, his expression indifferent and disdainful: "Huh? A wasteland has produced some geniuses? You say."

He neither said he believed it nor he said he didn't believe it. His attitude at the moment was as if he was watching a drowned rat struggling to its death, with a condescending and cruel sneer.

Xie Mi'an took a deep breath, his voice became trembling and erratic under this supreme oppression, and every word seemed to be shaking when blown by the cold wind.

"There is a sect in the Four Continents, called the Qingliu Sword Sect. There is a genius in the sword art. At the age of fifteen, he cultivated the golden elixir, and at the age of sixteen, he formed the Nascent Soul. He is proficient in sword spirit and shapeshifting..."

The scarred man was indifferent when he heard this. He just asked impatiently, "So what laws of heaven and earth does she understand?"

“This… I don’t know either.” Xie Mi’an’s voice trembled. Seeing the man’s cold gaze falling on him, he hurriedly added: “I am not talented enough to see it, but the Immortal Master will know it at a glance!”

"That person is Wen Yun from the Qingliu Sword Sect!"


Wen Yun, who was called out, cursed in her heart. If she hadn't tried her best to use the golden energy to hide herself and Ye Shubai, she would definitely go up and tear this cheap man to pieces!

The moment her soul was pulled out, she smelled the familiar scent of a scumbag and recognized the presence of Xie Mi'an.

But he never expected that this guy would remain a despicable person and would always try to divert the blame. Or maybe he simply felt that he could not live any longer and wanted to die together with Wen Yun!

In this world, apart from Ye Shubai, no one knew that she had comprehended the laws of time and space. Xie Mi'an was just making it up, but he was actually right!

The matter of ascension is now roughly clear. The so-called ascension is probably just a scam to plunder the laws of heaven and earth!

The exact situation in the upper realm is still unknown, but what is clear at this moment is that those of them in the "lower realm" are far less powerful than those from above.

"Hard-headed, run away quickly."

Wen Yun quickly told Ye Shubai in his sea of consciousness.

She was sure that even if she and Ye Shubai were combined, they could not defeat the scarred man who fell from the sky in front of her.

If we really have to calculate by realm, this person's cultivation is probably above the legendary ascension. She and Ye Shubai are both half a step away from ascension, so it would be wiser for them to escape early now.

At this moment, Wen Yun did not dare to use the teleportation scroll. After all, this person came here by smelling Mo You's soul law. If a bit of the power of the law of time and space leaked out at this moment, the scroll might not be activated yet, and that person would follow this breath to chase him!

She and Ye Shubai pressed tightly together, their fingers tightly clasped together. The golden power drawn from Wen Yun's dantian concealed their aura completely.

If you look closely, the golden color surrounding the two people is extremely similar to the power driven by the scarred man, except that the color of Wen Yun's power is purer.

The wind grew stronger and stronger, and the waves beat against the rocks at the narrow shore.

Wen Yun pulled Ye Shubai back little by little.

However, the scarred man, whose attention had been diverted from Mo You, finally looked up at this moment, as if he had noticed something, and glanced coldly in this direction!

Wen Yun's breathing stagnated, he was still discovered!

Without giving it any time to think, she took out a random teleportation scroll and prepared to start escaping. However, at this moment, another golden light suddenly ignited in the sky!

The dark clouds that had gathered together in the sky at some point and the inky black palace were cut open by a long and narrow crack, which was larger than the crack that was created when the scarred man landed earlier. A surging golden light poured out from the crack.

The sound of breaking wind and the clear sound of swords.

Ye Shubai paused, raised his head and looked at the night sky, his eyes blank.

At this moment, there was only this beam of light in the dim sky and earth. At first, it was just a narrow line, but as it fell down, he could see clearly that it was a sword.

A sword that can cut through the sky formed by golden light!

A wild and unruly male voice yelled, "Dao Jie! How dare you do such a thing again!"

The contempt and disdain on the face of the scarred man named Daojie had long since disappeared.

He quickly formed a barrier to protect his body and said angrily, "I just picked up a few useless things in the wasteland! You don't want it but I want it. Why can others take it but I can't!"

However, the golden lightsaber's force did not diminish, and it continued to slash down.

Leisurely and freehand, floating like clouds.

This is…

Qingyun sword technique!

Dao Jie flew up in anger and confronted the man who came later.

"You bastard Su Yuan! If you continue to meddle in other people's business, the Daoists in the Wasteland will not tolerate you!"