Your Highness, Please Love Me Tender

Chapter 111: Arrange for refugees


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In the early morning of the next day, Su Jie changed his appearance, changed into a soldier's clothes, and walked to Xiao Shengnian's courtyard calmly with a waist badge in his hand.

Along the way, some team leaders saw that Su Jie was very angry after the disguise, so they naturally wanted to stop and question, Su Jie replied: "His Royal Highness asked the young master from the other courtyard to go out and have a look around."

After checking Su Jie's badge, these officers and men did not suspect him, let alone thought that the plain-looking young man in front of them would be His Royal Highness after the disguise, and they all cooperated to let Su Jie lead Xiao Sheng smoothly. Year out of the City Lord's Mansion.

The number of people setting up stalls in the city has decreased a lot these days. The war in the past few days disturbed the lives of the people. Some refugees wanted to enter the city, but they were blocked by the soldiers. The refugees gathered outside the city wailed again and again. But because of Su Jie's high status, the soldiers didn't bother Su Jie, and the scythe commanded the arrangement of food and grass, but ignored it for a while.

Those under his command were not instructed by the scythe. Turn a blind eye to the refugees outside the city, so that some refugees outside the city have starved to death.

Su Jie and Xiao Shengnian walked around the city, because they didn't know the way, they came to a place near the city gate.

"There seem to be a lot of people outside the city." Su Jie wanted to go back, but looked back at the city gate in doubt, and then stopped.

Xiao Shengnian nodded, agreed, and walked to the gate of the city with Su Jie.

The soldiers guarding the city stepped forward and stopped the two of them, saying: "The city is on guard, only allowed to leave but not to enter, you want to go out?"

At this time, Su Jie was able to roughly see the scene outside the city gate. The refugees in ragged clothes were loosely blocking the road, or resting on both sides of the road. It seemed that they were planning to enter the city, but the city gate was heavily guarded. It is because they refuse to let these exiled people go in.

"Going out of the city to handle errands under the order of the prince." Su Jie took out his badge with a cold face, and anger was already welling up in his heart. What he hated most was the scene of refugees on the road, although a dead soldier was trained to be surprised by such things No wonder, but right now it is in his country, these people are his people, but they are suffering outside the city, this makes Su Jie feel very uneasy.

Sensing the change in Su Jie's mood, Xiao Shengnian patted Su Jie's shoulder reassuringly, and said, "Go out and watch first,..." Originally, he was used to mentioning the king, but because there were soldiers watching from the side, Xiao Shengnian Sheng Nian's voice paused. Then he continued: "I'm wandering around the city, and I'll go out to find you later."

Su Jie nodded, and strode out of the city gate.

Seeing someone coming out, the refugees outside the city crawled and rolled to gather in front of Su Jie. What is in the mouth is nothing more than begging for some money or food.

Su Jie frowned, perhaps because the desolate scene in front of him made him unhappy, and his aura naturally became fierce. The hostility tainted by blood on his hands for many years made these refugees feel overwhelmed. Furious, he forgot to stretch out his hand again for a moment, they all froze in place and did not dare to move, staring at Su Jie in horror.

Su Jie wanted to take out some money, but he saw these people staring like hungry wolves. Fearing that these people would suffer casualties due to the money grab, he gave up this idea.

After walking along the road for a while, Su Jie's face was tense, his body still showed a faint murderous look, and he walked with a quite capable demeanor, which made the refugees dare not do it again.

However, there were also five or six men who, relying on their strong build, saw that Su Jie was a gentleman and thin, so they surrounded him with malicious intentions.

"Brothers are very hungry. Since you came out of the city, help us by the way."

After hearing what they said, Su Jie kept a cold face without any change in expression.

see. These men planned to attack Su Jie, but just as they were about to punch Su Jie, they felt a blur in front of them.

By the time he realized it, these men had already been kicked far away by Su Jie one by one.

Su Jie ignored them. Turn around and walk towards the city.

With so many refugees, it is naturally impossible for Su Jie to order the city gate to be opened. After all, it is related to the security and stability of the city. Su Jie has never dealt with these problems before, and now he has started to think about how to arrange these refugees.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly saw Xiao Shengnian coming out. Behind Xiao Shengnian were several snack vendors pushing carts. The steaming food exuded a fragrance, attracting refugees to rush over, because just now Xiao Shengnian Together with Su Jie, the soldiers guarding the city did not stop him, they just muttered in their hearts that such a small amount of food was not enough for the refugees to grit their teeth.

"You all come here and help maintain order." Xiao Shengnian waved to the soldiers outside the city gate, his gestures were full of dignity, and the tone of this order seemed so natural from his mouth , although the soldiers don't know what Xiao Shengnian's identity is. But seeing the commander nodding aside, they all stepped forward to help.

The refugees scrambled to come over, but they were stopped by the soldiers, and they shouted at Xiao Shengnian for a while.

"Everyone be quiet." Xiao Shengnian raised his hand, quite majestic, his face was calm and indifferent, and the dark purple robe was low-key but luxurious. The refugees were awed by this man who was naturally extravagant. The soldiers were tall and burly, but they were all quiet for a while.

"If you are hungry, line up. No one is allowed to snatch food from your companions. You are also not allowed to jump in line. Whoever does not obey the order will never get food again." Xiao Shengnian said. With the smelling food, waiting in line to eat.

Xiao Shengnian lined up the hawkers, and there were dozens of soldiers next to each hawker to maintain order, and there were more soldiers outside the city. After all, there was a prince in the city, and there were more than two hundred soldiers guarding the city. There were only a few hundred refugees, so they weren't worried about making any mistakes.

There were a total of six or seven vendors pushing carts, two of which were sweet potatoes, and the rest were white steamed buns.

This amount of food was definitely not enough for the refugees to share, and it was almost consumed in a short while, and the people who received the food queued up again while eating.

Su Jie was surprised that Xiao Shengnian actually found a peddler in the city, and he had to feel that this Lord Rui was thoughtful, but this was not a long-term solution, Su Jie planned to take a look around the city, if there was space, he would It is good to arrange these people.

Before Su Jie lifted his foot, he saw several carts coming out of the city, and even a vendor carrying candied haws. Xiao Shengnian beckoned the vendor over, and asked a few soldiers to take the candied haws. When I saw children among the refugees during the inspection, I gave candied haws to the children.

Seeing Xiao Shengnian take care of everything in an orderly manner, Su Jie finally understands how the people of Yanhui country rumored that Prince Rui was approachable. Xiao Shengnian was too thoughtful, and he was able to negotiate in a short time. There is no doubt about the ability of these traders.

Su Jie called four or five soldiers and asked them to go around to see if there was any wasteland, while he walked towards Xiao Shengnian.

"I plan to find a piece of wasteland nearby and hire these middle-aged people to build houses so that they can have an income. As for women and children, I will arrange to do some light needlework or help with errands and cooking. What do you think?" Su Jie asked .

Xiao Shengnian pondered for a moment, nodded, and said: "The method is feasible, but we need to send some soldiers to supervise, and first set up some tents/tents, so that the common people can have a shelter."

"Okay." With Xiao Shengnian's affirmation, Su Jie was slightly relieved. After all, Su Jie didn't need to worry about these things before. The time is too short, even if Su Jie puts his best effort into learning, Su Jie still feels headache when dealing with many things.

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