Your Highness, Please Love Me Tender

Chapter 120: Assassinate the prince


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Yun Hui walked through the streets and alleys of the capital alone.

There were officers and soldiers running back and forth on the road, but none of them paid attention to Yunhui.

Yunhui has an honest face, besides, the frightened and disrupted stalls are all near the gate of the capital city, and if you walk a little further in, you will find that most of the common people's property has not been violated. in a stable state.

Therefore, Yunhui walked through the streets without hindrance.

He entered an inn, took a bundle from a sixteenth guard who was also disguised as a commoner, and carried it on his back.

Yun Hui walked out of the inn, and stopped a group of passing soldiers in a simple and honest manner.

"What's the matter?" As soon as they entered the capital, the soldiers under the scythe were all excited, and naturally they were very friendly, facing Yun Hui, who seemed to be honest and solid. These officers and soldiers are all amiable.

Yun Hui touched his head, showing an extremely simple and honest smile, he said with a smile: "I heard that His Highness has entered the capital, and I want to take a look at His Highness. I also want to be blessed by Your Highness, let me marry a virtuous wife this year ."

Hearing the sound, the soldiers all laughed. There were indeed quite a few people on the road who wanted to see His Highness the Crown Prince's celestial appearance with their own eyes. Therefore, they didn't suspect anything, and told Yunhui, "Your Highness is in the ancestral hall 200 meters to the east of the palace, but there are quite a few people rushing after hearing the news, so there may not be your place."

"Okay, thank you, big brothers." Yun Hui replied with a smile, his eyes were very calm and cold, which is not something that ordinary people have, plus years of training in martial arts, no matter how harmless he is, he will Some differences were found, but now some of the soldiers are sent to chase the escaped greedy army, some are responsible for maintaining order, and some are responsible for investigation. The greed of the people does not destroy the subordinates.

In the ancestral hall in the capital, Su Jie paid homage to the people, and when he left the ancestral hall, he saw that there were many people surrounded by darkness outside.

The iron-blooded soldiers guarded the periphery with a cold face, preventing the common people from approaching the ancestral hall.

Seeing Su Jie coming out, the people not only did not kneel down, but excitedly stared at the golden pattern on Su Jie's face, shouting words such as "man appears".

The human ancestral hall in the capital city is the largest in Yanling Kingdom. As early as more than ten years ago, Li Buhui sent troops to destroy this ancestral hall and smashed the statues of people, but the people in the capital city refused to obey and surrounded the palace. After yelling for a long time, many people were even killed by the guards of the palace. But even so, the number of people outside the palace not only did not decrease, but increased more and more, there was no way. Greedy Buhui had no choice but to send people to rebuild the altar, and even the statues were rebuilt.

The people's temple is full of incense, and the folk customs of Yanling Kingdom are pure, kind and filial. They all feel grateful for the people who saved many people hundreds of years ago, so that they can live a safe and happy life now. Over time, this kind of gratitude has transformed into a A kind of belief, a kind of conviction from the bottom of my heart.

The people believe it. People still exist, and their descendants will ascend to the realm after death to accompany them.

Now seeing with their own eyes the descendants of the people alive on the street, the common people were naturally excited, and after shouting for a while, they all knelt down towards Su Jie, and the words they said were somewhat incoherent. Many people even burst into tears, saying that His Highness has finally returned.

Xiao Shengnian who was following Su Jie was also slightly surprised. Although he had seen many people prostrating, he had never seen such a chaotic and noisy prostration scene.

The common people didn't have a unified organization, they just babbled about what they wanted to say, and they didn't care whether Su Jie could hear it or not. There are even some young people shouting at the top of their voices, asking Su Jie to bless his wife to give birth to a fat boy in the coming year...

Xiao Shengnian, who had exceptionally sensitive facial features, listened carefully to the words of the common people, and found that there were still people praying to Su Jie for his family's happiness and his children and grandchildren to be wise. Words like literary and martial arts

Xiao Shengnian's expression was a bit strange, he turned his head to look at Su Jie, and was speechless for a while.

Knowing Su Jie for so long, only to find out today that this handsome young man is actually believed by the common people as a spirit

The voices of the people praying and praying seemed to Xiao Shengnian stupid. He didn't believe in people, because he didn't live in this land. The great achievements of the people back then, this kind of belief from the bottom of the heart has been deeply rooted in this country.

Yan Lingguo even circulated "Records of People", which is said to be recorded by the son of a man. "Records of People" tells the mysterious methods of some people, and there are also quotations that people once said.

"Su Jie." Xiao Shengnian glanced at the kneeling people, only to feel that his brain was buzzing and his scalp was numb. Xiao Shengnian likes to be quiet, and this kind of noisy atmosphere is the worst thing he can see in his life. His brows were frowned, with a hint of impatience, he took a step closer to Su Jie, and called out.

Su Jie was looking at the people with a proper smile on his face, when he heard Xiao Shengnian's words, he turned his head in doubt and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Let them be quiet for a while, Wang is upset by the noise." Xiao Shengnian reached out and rubbed his temples, with a helpless expression on his face.

"Okay." Su Jie also heaved a sigh of relief. Although he could hold his breath, he didn't like the feeling of being worshiped by others. Su Jie always felt that he was just an ordinary person. He couldn't bear the pious worship of the common people, if it wasn't for Xiao Shengnian next to him, making Su Jie feel that someone was with him to bear the pressure, he might have long since been unable to bear the temptation to escape from here.

Su Jie cleared his throat, and said loudly: "Everyone, be quiet."

As soon as these words came out, the people who came to pray gradually fell silent, their attention was on Su Jie, and now when they heard Su Jie speak, everyone looked at Su Jie with bright eyes.

"The ancestors worked hard by themselves, sympathized with the people, commanded the beasts, and expanded the territory, so that the line of the Su family can be spread. The current dynasty is in decline, and a lot of waste is waiting for prosperity. As a child of the Su family, I will definitely live up to my ancestors and everyone. Hope, let Yanling Kingdom prosper!" Su Jie bit the bullet and said loudly.

Su Jie didn't read many books, but after meeting Zhou Zaiyue, he made up some knowledge of Yan Lingguo, which has come in handy now, and now he can barely come up with some elegant and generous words.

The people all listened to Su Jie's words.

Facing so many expectant eyes, Su Jie coughed, and was about to make another statement when the hairs all over his body suddenly stood on end, goosebumps scrambled to the surface of his skin, a feeling of danger made Su Jie Instant alertness.

It's like being splashed with cold water from head to toe, and it's like being stared at by a ferocious beast.

The experience of walking between life and death for many years made Su Jie extremely sensitive to danger. His gaze became sharp and sharp, like a sword drawn out of its sheath. His eyes and ears are sensitive to capture the abnormalities around him, and he doesn't let go of any suspicious things.

The sound of tearing the sky was heard, and with the sound of howling wind, a feathered arrow came through the sky!

Su Jie's gaze was slightly concentrated, and his body had flexibly taken evasive measures. Accompanied by the sound of hunting wind, the feathered arrow brushed Su Jie's left arm, and was nailed into the red pillar behind Su Jie's body.

At the same time, the second feather arrow followed.

As if predicting Su Jie's movements in advance, the angle and position of the second feathered arrow happened to hit Su Jie's heart.

The people seemed to forget to breathe for a moment.

In broad daylight, someone unexpectedly assassinated His Highness the Crown Prince!

Under the amazed eyes of everyone, Su Jie managed to dodge the second arrow.

All this happened in a blink of an eye, so fast that people forgot to think, Su Jie let out a low curse, his body was extremely flexible, but after dodging the two feathered arrows, due to the exercise of internal force, the right leg The pain in the wound gradually intensified, and Su Jie almost fell to his knees when his calf softened.

At this time, the heartbroken heartbroken poison he had suffered before became Su Jie's fatal weakness.

The third feather arrow followed one after another.

This arrow exhausted Yun Hui's last strength.

The corners of Yunhui's lips evoked an extremely cold smile. He was extremely confident in his three arrows, so he didn't pay attention to the results, but glanced at the direction of the Beijing courtyard where Libuhui lived, and silently said in his heart. Said: "Farewell, Your Majesty."

Then, Yun Hui mobilized his internal strength and ran in the opposite direction from the courtyard.

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